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16 May 2024, 11:42
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Drake Mazelow
School Year or Adult Level: First Year
Link to the character page: here
Character Statistics:
(Stamina - 5 | Evasion - 5 | Strength - 5 | Wisdom - 7 | ArcP - 6 | Accuracy - 7) total: 35
Character Special Race/Talent: Applying for charmer here, not sure if I need to supply this info here too but thought I would to cover all my bases.

Character Backstory:

Drake Mazelow, a boy of 12 with blonde hair, striking grey eyes, and lightly tanned skin. 4ft 10. Slim build. He’s described as clever, somewhat stoic, but fiercely ambitious. Sarcastic replies are not uncommon from, Mazelow, though he is not deliberately unkind. He is closed off to those he doesn't yet trust, but to those he does, there is an underlying warmth to him. Loyalty is a the core of his nature.

Born into a long line of pure bloods, to Rune and Odette Mazelow, he was brought up to respect his heritage and those belonging to others. He had a relatively stable home life and had a home tutor. through her he learned basic skills such as reading and math. His parents didn't have the adequate time to home school him and he was glad for it. He wasn't sure, he'd have enjoyed his mothers style of teaching. She was a very impatient woman by nature.

Things remained stable until the passing of his father due to contracting Dragon Pox when he was eight. His father worked away from home throughout most of his childhood and when he had contracted the disease he was in Switzerland collecting herbs - Never the one to stop working his father had insisted it would go away of it's own accord and sadly, this was not the case. His mother had ranted angrily about it in the weeks following. Drake felt it was like losing a limb. His father had been such an integral part of his life, imaginably so. However, he and his mother stumbled on using each other as support and Drake learned how to deal with his emotions, even if sometimes it was just easier to ignore them completely.

Ignoring them would have proved useful when he was 10 years old, at his family manor in London. A flurry of papers surrounded him during a particularly heated argument with his cousin about a book. He never did manage to prove his point that his character wasn’t evil just misunderstood.

He was taught not to judge a book by it's cover and to always question things that are not as they appear. He is constantly worried about his mother being at home alone but is thankful his aunt, uncle and younger cousins have joined her there and is learning to remember that it is not always his job to look after her and sometimes, he is the one that needs looking after.

First Instance of Magic:
as above:

Drake learned how to deal with his emotions, even if sometimes it was just easier to ignore them completely.

Ignoring them would have proved useful when he was 10 years old, at his family manor in London. A flurry of papers surrounded him during a particularly heated argument with his cousin about a book. He never did manage to prove his point that his character wasn’t evil just misunderstood.
Pending: 21st May, 2024 - Lamb
  • Trunk has too many overlaying quote boxes
  • wrong age, he would be 12 now
  • there are no prep schools, wizards are typically home schooled by parents or parents hire a private tutor to teach them
  • unclear on how the father died
Approved: 23rd of May, 2024 - Lamb
Last edited by Drake Mazelow on 21 May 2024, 14:45, edited 1 time in total.

In order to build the ship, you must first have longing for the sea.
(Stamina - 5 | Evasion - 5 | Strength - 5 | Wisdom - 7 | ArcP - 6 | Accuracy - 7)

16 May 2024, 18:56
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Margaret Lucy Adamson
School Year or Adult Level: 1st Year
Link to the character page: Encyclopedia
Character Statistics: stamina: 3|evasion: 6|strength: 6|wisdom: 9| arcane power: 3|accuracy: 8
Character Special Race/Talent: None
Character Backstory:
Margaret was born on the 11th of June in London, to Cecilia and Simon Adamson. Both her parents were lawyers, and their busy lifestyles didn't seem to align with parenthood at first. So, Margaret and her sister Agnes grew up in Portscatho, with her Nana and Papa. Although she missed them quite a lot, her fondest memories were in that house by the beach. In the summer, they'd wake up right as the sun rose to dip their toes in the fresh waters. She remembered the distinct smell of the harbor, and the waves rhythmically crashing onto the shore. With her sister she'd build the most magnificent of castle, ruling the beach for just an instant. When Papa died, Agnes and her went back to Knightsbridge in London and for a while all she wanted was to go back to the sea.
The apartment was nice, smaller than she remembered. Now that she was older, she could start to truly appreciate the city. Sure, it would never equal the tranquility of the waves, but the sounds of cars and the gentle glow of the street lights soon became familiar to her. You could be anyone and no one here, the opportunities seemed endless and at arms reach. She spent a lot of time with her sister and mother, wandering in the parks, enjoying the bustling streets, discovering the most unique shops to buy trinkets from.

Their parents would take them back to the coast during the summers, and Margaret couldn't help but feel more at home there. All summer long her sister and her would run to the beach as soon as they woke up, racing into the waves. Nana would make lunch and they'd eat in the shade, their hair still wet and salty, dripping onto their shoulders. They'd ride their bikes all afternoon, stopping to pick up rocks or flowers. The days there seemed eternal, the sun never setting. Agnes and her would dread the day they'd see their mother's car parked in front of the house, meaning school was about to start again, the days would get shorter and the air colder.
First Instance of Magic:
Margaret had woken up to the soft light cast indirectly into her room, quite soft since it had rained all night. There was something she loved about the rain in the city, perhaps the smell of the wet asphalt or the calming fog settling itself onto the buildings. But that also meant she wasn't going to witness the richness of nature under a golden ray of sun. Before going to bed, she had placed all her watercolor equipment neatly on her desk. Her little wooden easel, the tiny canvas that fit onto it, three brushes, and her special watercolor box, so small it could fit into her pockets. Her mother had agreed to take her to the park without her sister for her to paint calmly, but she wouldn't take her in this weather. She closed her eyes as hard as she could, perhaps it would stop raining then, in vain. She let out short sigh of frustration and sat at her desk. She opened the box, dipped her brush in water and started to paint what she wished to see. A beautiful countryside, shy clouds in the distance, and umbrella stuck in a tree. Perhaps the rain and the wind brought it here. Before she could continue, she had to change her water, she'd hate for the sky to take on a greenish tint. As she came back, she noticed the strangest thing, the umbrella had disappeared. She stared at her painting for a few seconds, wondering if she was going mad. No, there had been an umbrella, right there. Her eyes scanned every corner of the canvas. Wait. There it is. On the ground. Is it... moving?. Yes, yes it is. It seems like the wind is rolling it further and further. Margaret watched as the umbrella slowly rolled out of frame, as is she had never painted it in the first place. Her painting came to life, the wind rustling in the leaves, the grass dancing in the breeze.
Declined: 21st May, 2024 - Lamb
please only apply after you created your ency

17 May 2024, 04:43
Index Registration
Character name: Nico Romano
School Year: First Year
Link to the character page: Here
Character Statistics: Stamina: 4 Evasion: 7 Strength: 1 Wisdom: 8 ArcPower: 7 Accuracy: 8
Character Special Race/Talent: None
Character Backstory:
Nico is an Italian pure-blood, and the first generation in his family born in London, England. His father Vito Romano, mother Chiara Romano, and grandfather and grandmother; Lorenzo and Aurora respectfully. Had moved together as a family to London in pursuit of a new home, new opportunities, and new beginnings. Nico was born on August 24th, 2012, two years apart from his older brother Luca. Who, always the problem child, was sent to live with their uncle and aunt back in Verona, Italy. Homeschooled his entire life, as his mother and father worked through the days he was taught by his grandfather and grandmother. His grandmother took on more basic education lessons like mathematics, reading, and science, teaching Nico English. When speaking to Nico she only ever spoke in the lingua franca. Whilst his grandfather taught him their family's history, the history of the wizarding world, and anything magical you could think of, along with teaching Nico Italian. Much like how his grandmother only ever spoke English to him, his grandfather only ever spoke Italian to the growing boy. He grew up the closest to his grandfather. He turned to the strict but surprisingly kind man whenever he had nightmares or needed guidance. His grandfather never truly judged him, he may not have provided words of comfort but he was always there for Nico. Some of his most comforting memories are the nights he spent in his room after a nightmare, his grandfather sitting in a chair promising not to leave him alone only until after Nico had fallen asleep.

First Instance of Magic:
Growing up in a magical household and knowing magic existed, Nico expected his first incident of accidental magic to be much sooner in his life than when it was. Hearing the tales from his grandparents and parents of their own incidents when they were around 5 and six. Nico wasn't expecting his own to happen two years after he had turned six years old. The eight-year-old in a fit of rage had unknowingly made half the plates in the cupboards shatter without ever laying a finger on them. Since then he had purposefully tried to make something magical happen, even if he knew it was to no avail. He was always unsuccessful and never did seem to make anything magical happen again after that.
Status: Approved, Dusana, 22 May

18 May 2024, 12:52
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Jane Audley
School Year or Adult Level: Adult I
Link to the character page: plop
Character Statistics: STA: 10 | EVA: 15 | STR: 7 | WIS: 15 | ArcP: 8 | ACC: 15 (65 by 7th year, +5 from adult advancement= 70)
Character Special Race/Talent: /
Character Backstory:
Jane Rosalind Audley was born in Svolvær, Norway on the first of August in 1998 to Astrid and William Audley. Both of whom are Halfbloods. Astrid Audley (former Johansen) was born in Norway, while William was born in England. After their school years, they met one another due to their jobs as Aurors. Astrid had decided to move to London once she had finished her training and worked alongside William there. Their love story was a quite cute one, William sending the foreign girl flowers and love letters in secret. It took quite some time until the two of them actually went out. Not so long until they were married. The two were a perfect match for one another. In December 1997 Astrid found out she was pregnant with Jane.

Since Astrid was missing her family and home, the two decided to move back to Norway before Jane would be born. During the time the second wizarding war was still in full blown action and the small family had to be incredibly careful, as both parents were at risk of being murdered, not just because of their blood status but because of their job too. The journey to Norway was long due to William and Astrid having to go into hiding several times. When they arrived in Norway, they discovered that even here the war had left it's traces.

Despite all, they started building up their live, with Family close and in nature. They build their own cottage, further out from the town of Svolvær. Of course a cottage included animals for them, which meant sheep, goats, cows, chickens, horses and even some bunnies. The gardens became filled with Vegetables and fruit and any stray cat or dog coming along, was adopted. No matter the day, the kitchens always smelled of freshly baked goods and Astrid took special care of teaching her little Angle how to bake and cook. A perfect little home for the family and a perfect place to grow up for Jane.

And indeed she did grow up appreciating nature and any animal, no matter how small or big. Before going to Durmstrang, Jane attended Kindergarten and Muggle school in the town close to them. She never had any problems making friends and would always bring home classmates and their families, or injured animals she found anywhere outside. Sometimes they were not injured but just needed some food, or a home. Jane's days were spent outside in nature, swimming, horse riding, climbing and more. Of course her parents taught her all about magic, the wizarding war that had just happened and anything she may want to know too. She grew up knowing all about ethnicities, cultures and religions.

When Jane attended Durmstrang, she found her love for Ancient Runes and how to read and understand them. She developed skills and knowledge, always getting nothing less than outstanding marks. Her potion and spell knowledge was nothing less than incredibly. She had no difficulties learning about plants and creatures either, no matter if evil or good. Jane felt right at home at her school, a big part of that was because of the large grounds they had. In summer they would fly over the lakes and the mountains every day, enjoying the warm weather, while in winter they would hover together inside or enjoy some snowball fights.

In Jane’s third year, she met Håkon Nilsen, a fourth year student. His keen dark eyes caught her gaze during a quidditch game, that her team later won. For years their relationship consisted of quidditch matches against one another, rivalry playing in between them. Until he asked her to come visit him over the summer before his sixth year and her fifth. Jane's heart had always been beating faster when she caught his gaze but that summer changed everything. Their relationship no longer consisted of rivalry and laying next to each other in the hospital wing, no it developed into love. They were head over heels for one another. Håkon and Jane were the couple at Durmstrang.

Even after Håkon’s graduation he still sent letters almost daily from Romania, where he worked with dragons. When Jane graduated, they moved in together. She first started working in Herbology, before deciding to train in a magical creature department that conveniently led her back to the Study of Ancient runes and History, working for an old wizard that focused on translating ancient books, especially history, in June 2019. That year on her birthday, Håkon proposed. Of course she said yes. Nothing would have stopped her from doing so, they were one another's soulmate. To give her some time and save some money for the wedding, they put the marriage off until after her training. Marriage was not running away from them, they would get married eventually… right? Oh if they had only known that it would not work that way. The morning of April 20th 2023, Jane hugged her fiance one last time, giving him a quick kiss and telling him to be careful before he took off. Their wedding was less than a week away. Due to Jane's training, she always had to travel to recover books from all over the world and Håkon being in Romania had not made it easier, but now they could finally become one legally. She would take his last name.

The next night she got a letter that the catching of an injured dragon had not gone as planned. Håkon had carried away severe injuries and lost a lot of blood, barely hanging on. Jane immediately made her way to Romania, but when she got there, it was too late. Håkon had not only suffered severe burns but scratches and several broken bones. His internal bleeding had not been able to be attended to until it could not be stopped. He died. It broke Jane's heart. He and her had been one and it felt like that piece had just been ripped away from her.

She spent months at her parents house, sulking in her old bedroom and spending most of her time going on horse rides or hours and hours of sitting in the fields. She was broken and there was nothing that could put her back together. She saw him in everything and everywhere. It was not until March 2024 that she decided that she would have to leave this place, that she would have to heal, that she would have to dedicate her being to something. And since she wanted a fresh start, she started applying to schools as a Study of Ancient Runes Professor. She had studied it all her years in school, continuing to read books afterward and her training had of course included this more than enough too.

Jane had hesitated applying to Hogwarts, did she really want to work at a school that brought trouble with it’s name and History? In the end she was unsure what had driven her to send the application in. Perhaps it had been the need to understand her fiance's passion for Dragons or the beauty he saw within them from somewhere far away that had nothing to do with dragons, but perhaps it was also just because it was far away and without any reminders of Håkon.
The pain was still sitting deep within her.

When she got accepted, her parents helped her find a small cute house in Adare (County Limerick), Ireland. They made it pretty, moved all the things she loved there and packed reminders of Håkon deep in the back of a closet for her to have, once she was ready. It did not take long for Jane to acclimate to Ireland and then it was time to start teaching.

First Instance of Magic:
Jane's first instance of accidental Magic occured when she was 3. Like always, she was running around outside and decided to play in her mothers vegetable garden. Looking back at this decision, it was a rather bad one but to little Jane, it sounded like the perfect idea. She had a lot of fun running between the beets and potatoes, until she fell and smashed right into a tomato plant. Safe to say the small red fruits smashed beneath the weight and the plant bowed down to the floor. As shook as Jane was, she started crying and sat up immediately, trying to fix the plant. When her hands touched it, it regrew to the perfect state it had been in. Like magic.
Status: Approved, Dusana 22 May

Professor of Ancient Runes | Mentor Co-Lead | Student Account; Beatrice A. Dupont

…“The ones who love us never really leave us, you can always find them in here.”…

20 May 2024, 15:48
Index Registration
Character name : Elizabeth Miller

School Year or Adult Level : First year

Link to the character page :

Character Statistics :

Stamina : 6
Evasion : 6
Strength : 5
Wisdom : 7
Arcane Power : 5
Accuracy : 6

Character Special Race/Talent :
None / Human

Character Backstory :
England has been known for some rainy,windy and overall sad days,even in the summer.
Even on her birth,it was one if those sad days,even windier than normally.Her birth brought joy even to her bedsick grandfather,but that is not the point.The point is that on that particular day,her birth bought light into that sad,rainy day in the city of Lambeth.
Her parents were over the moon and they named this beautiful baby girl Elizabeth in the memorial of the father' great grandmother.
Growing up in such a city was easier said than done.
Every corner could have had a dangerous man and not many children were friendly with her,but still!She lived through the hardest times of her childhood with ease.
Sometimes she went to help her mother in her work as zhe loved it!Her mother was actually a musician and she liked if her mother teaches her the arts of some incredible instruments father. And as well with her mother,she went to his father to help with his job too. He hopes Elizabeth will take his job over as a inheritance, but she doesnt really approve the idea.
Her mind sets more on the beauty of art, but now I am getting off topic! !
Today she does not fear the maze-like structure of Lambeth anymore and she goes for some walks on sunny and beautiful sunny days (that are rare).
So there she lives to this day,in a wealthy family in Lambeth..

First Instances of magic :
Around when she was about 6 and a half years old when this incident happened.So it was an sunny summrr day,but for some unknown reason Elizabeth was grumpy and sad.She wqs in yard and decided it whould be the best to go jump on the trampoline!Like always she placed some pillows around the trampoline edges,(except the entry)for safety because she could fall off.Then she started playing on the teampoline!yay!!
But really, not so yay...the next moment she fell off the trampoline just over the entry to the trampoline,she just at that moment remembered that she did not place a pillow in that place.But the next moment she still fell on a pillow on the ground,What happened?When she looked around she noticed one of the pillows missing,that was probably the one that she landed on right now..She went to her mother to tell about it

Please forgive me if I have broken some of the spelling rules and have made a few mistakes.

Status: Pending, Dusana, 22 May

A few things before I can add you onto the Index:
- You will need to create a trunk post which has your stats and portions for spells and potions (which you can gain later)
-Your backstory must be the same on your encyclopedia and your application. Please copy them over so they are the same.
-Your first instance of magic must be on this application. Please copy it over.
Status: Approved, Dusana, 26 May
Last edited by Elizabeth Miller on 22 May 2024, 18:14, edited 1 time in total.

}~I asire to inspire before I expire~{

21 May 2024, 08:11
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Giselle Lam

School Year or Adult Level: First year

Age: 12

Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=32172

Character Statistics:
Stamina: 7
Evasion: 4
Strength: 4
Wisdom: 7
ArcPower: 6
Accuracy: 7

Special Talent/race: Human

Character Backstory: I am a very eager girl who is interested at almost anything, and keen to learn. I am an extremely chatty girl and an extrovert. I am always eager to meet new people, and like to go on adventures. However, as my family always say, I have the exact makings of a just and loyal Hufflepuff, because I trust my friends very deeply and I am carefree and social, usually enjoying a lay-in. Some people say that I am too trusting, and sometimes I am, I don’t deny that.

Sometimes as I am kind and chatty, I do have a negative side. I am very emotional and might be angry if one torments her friend and acts before thinking, as I pull out my wand and throw all the spells I knew at the person. Surprisingly, when I calms down, I will apologise for doing that to him/ her and get embarrassed. Well, it was only because my reckless personality had got the better of me.

I had a loving family. I am a halfblood, pure blooded father and muggle born mother, along with an active sister, name Evanna Lam. The family played many wizard games together, such as wizard chess and exploding snap. They were my favourite games, especially exploding snap. Usually, my grandparents played it, too! They were the best players of wizard games in the whole Lam’s family. When we played together, I usually lost, but I carried a very positive attitude, and when anyone was upset about losing, I insisted on another game and comforted them.

First Instance of Magic: When I was a child, I had muggle children that always bully me. They thought that I was too strange, as I always got into places that I shan’t be in at muggle school. They always thought that ‘strange’ people like me are useless. Therefore, I wanted to impress them by doing a muggle trick my grandparents taught me-cartwheels. As I am a witch, which they did not know, I could not do it perfectly, having some bumps when doing it. They then laughed at me saying, Oh you good for nothing brute, and after them putting an ‘L’ above my head, which stands for ‘loser’, I had enough. I ran towards them, charging straight at them. Then something happened. Quite suddenly. A long stick flew out of the big oak tree nearby, throwing themselves onto my neighbours’ heads. Them, feeling quite surprised, ran away quite quickly, as though scared that there was a ghost. Running back home, my parents were shocked, then happy for me.

Education before Hogwarts:

My parents, which my mum insisted on, sentme in a muggle school to learn some basic English first, as it is the language that I will be able to use in Wizarding life. That school was called St Cathy’s school for girls, which my sister, Evanna, went in with me. However, after my first instance of magic, all the other muggle kids thought I was too strange, so they started to dislike me. Some of them had called me the way my neighbours do ever since. That have proven me wrong that the kids at my muggle school were better than my neighbours. Nevertheless, I still had a couple of friends there that didn’t mind me being a little strange. This day, I still thank them for standing up to the other kids.

Apart from that, I had a few muggle interests, for example, playing the piano. It had a lively tune that I adored. Often when I was unhappy, with all those muggle kids, I would play the piano, bringing me back to life, and not lost in the depressed world of mine. Luckily, that world came to an end when I got my hogwarts letter. I was overjoyed when two owls flew to my house, one for me and my sister Evanna! Sadly we did not get to be in the same school, and you know, I miss my family dearly.
Status: Pending, Dusana, 22 May

You mention in your education prior to Hogwarts (which I am counting as part of your backstory) that children did not like you because you were a witch. Giselle would not be able to tell people she was a witch. This would have to be kept secret.

Your trunk also has special cursive font. That is not allowed per the trunk rules. Please change this to the standard font. Inline code is also not allowed. Please edit this.
Status: Approved, Dusana, 26 May
Last edited by Giselle Lam on 24 May 2024, 11:53, edited 1 time in total.

22 May 2024, 12:53
Index Registration
Character name: Rowena Blackwood
School Year or Adult Level:First Year
Link to the character page: Here!
Character Statistics:
|Stamina: 5 | Evasion: 5 | Strength: 4 | Wisdom: 5 | Arcane Power: 5 | Accuracy: 6
Character Special Race/Talent: Part Goblin
Rowena grew up believing that she was born in one of the purest bloodlines in the wizarding world. Her parents, Thaddeus and Seraphine Blackwood found it really important to keep their lineage and heritage “pure”. Their house, the Blackwood manor, had for her always been a reminder of her ancestry, and how important their ancestry was to her parents. However, a deep family secret layed buried within her family's proud history, one which Rowena only recently discovered.
Thaddeus Blackwood, her father, was very strict and demanding, very proud of his lineage, but even he had secrets, one only a few knew of: Thaddeus was part goblin. His mother, Rowena’s grandmother, in her early years of adulthood, fell in love with a goblin during her time at Gringotts Wizarding Bank. This had been kept hidden from the public eyes, but hiding it, did not make the truth disappear.
Her father had always been a bit sharp, angular in features and had slightly pointed ears. Which could have given away his half breed being. Magically, her father had been formidable, and being able to speak the Goblin language, and a few other goblin traits, were to him, for sure a plus side of being half goblin.
Thaddeus was extremely disciplined, a great noble wizard, but somewhere slightly ashamed of his goblin being.

Rowena discovered her father's secret one stormy evening, much like the one that had sparked her own first burst of magic. Thaddeus, in a rare moment of being extremely emotional, he revealed the truth to his daughter, explaining the legacy of strength that she inherited. This revelation reshaped Rowena's understanding of her heritage, instilling in her a deeper sense of pride and complexity in her identity. For Rowena it was a bit of a shock, since, for all her life, she had thought her family were just pureblood, human wizards, but now, in this moment, she thought that her family might not be as pure as they pretended to be. Knowing now that she was part goblin, felt extremely surreal to her. What would be different? Would people notice it about her? Just like her father, she also had slightly pointed ears, but only now to her it felt like a concern? After discussing this with both her mother and her father, she realised that not being "pure" human, was not really a bad thing, and it shouldn't be either.
From that day forward, Rowena embraced not only her pureblood wizarding legacy but also the goblin blood that made her family unique. This dual heritage fueled her determination to excel, knowing she carried the strengths of both worlds within her.

Pre-Hogwarts History
Rowena Blackwood was born in a lineage of pureblood wizards on a cold dark night on the 4th of June. She grew up in the Blackwood manor, in a small village close to edinburgh. Her parents Thaddeus and Seraphine Blackwood, were both two great wizards who were nestled deep into the wizarding community, who only wanted the best and the greatest for their little girl.
Early on, Rowena was thought to be great and prosperous, so she could keep up the great name of her family legacy. Her days were filled with tutorings in magical theory, potion making and the history of wizarding bloodlines. The Blackwoods helt great value to their purity in their bloodline, and found it very important for Rowena to honour her family’s traditions.

Physical Description
Rowena was a striking figure even at a young age. At eleven, she stood tall for her age with a slender yet athletic build, hinting at her love for outdoor activities like Quidditch. Her long brown hair fell in cascading waves down her back, often kept in elegant braids, with a nod in her family's colors. Her eyes were a piercing hazel brown, framed by long, dark lashes, and seemed to shimmer with an intensity that belied her years. These eyes were windows to her sharp intellect and fierce determination, often observing and analyzing the world around her with a maturity beyond her age. Her skin was fair and unblemished, a testament to her careful upbringing and the meticulous attention to detail instilled by her mother.

Rowena has always been tall for her age. She was build rather athletic, which hinted to her love for activities and sports, like Quidditch. Her long brown, wavy hair was mostly put in an elegant braid, with a nod that signified her Family’s colors. Her eyes were hazel brown, framed with long, dark lashes. Rowena was filled with intellect and determination, she loved to observe and analyze the world around her, signifying the fact that she was more mature than most of her age. Her skin was rather pail and fair. It was very important to her mother that Rowena helt attention and detail to her looks.

Mental Description
Rowena had always been very confident and curious. She was raised very strictly under the guidance of her parents. From a young age she had been strong disciplined and was committed to preforming the most excellent things. She was very aware of the expectations her parents put upon her. But despire the pressure, Rowena was naturally very curious, and always wanted to gian more knowledge, so often she would sneak out into the library, or into the Edinburgh village to learn more about the muggle world, and their lifestyle.

Rowena ofton lay in conflict with herself, since she was very pressured by her parents to preform their will, but never pushed to do what she really wanted to do. She wanted to gian knowledge for herself, and not just for the Blackwoods name. Rowena had a strong sense of justice, and wasnt planned on letting that down, just because of what her parents thought was right for her.

First Instance of Magic
When Rowena was six years old, she had her first instance of magic. It was a very stormy evening, just like the one the night she was born. Her father had been very harsh that day, when Rowena had made a mistake during on of her study lessons. Rowena herself had been very emotional, angry, scared, frustrated, and so decided to spend time in the library.
Rowena’s emotions started to blend in with the stormy weather outside, the heavier the storm went, the heavier Rowena’s feelings started to show. In frustration, she started crying, and suddenly she let out a loud cry of anger, and once she opened her eyes, she saw that all the candles in the library, including the one’s in the hallway, had lid up. Her father who was just on his way to the library to talk to his daughter, ran inside to see what had happened.
Right after her father had entered, her mother entered the library as well. Soon they realised what had happened. Their eyes were filled with pride, because this meant that Rowena, could one day maybe become a great wizard. From that day on, her parents were very determined to prepare Rowena as good as possible for her upcoming journey. At 11 she would be attending Hogwarts, which could lead to her becoming a potential excellent witch.

Status: In Review (Meenauh 24.05.2024)
Status: Approved (Meenauh, 25.05.2024)
STATUS: Pending, Opeila 25/05
User misunderstood how to apply for race- reopened
Status: Pending, 26 May, Dusana
I have copied over your race application from your newer application and I will close the other application. Since you are now applying for part-goblin, please fix your stats both in this application and in your trunk to equal 30. Items are also not required in the trunk as of October 2022. Please remove them as well.
Status: Approved, Dusana, 1st June
Last edited by Rowena Blackwood on 26 May 2024, 14:06, edited 2 times in total.

22 May 2024, 22:51
Index Registration
Character name: Cass Ito
School Year or Adult Level: First year
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?t=32595
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 4
Evasion: 5
Strength: 4
Wisdom: 6
Arcpower: 5
Accuracy: 6

Character Special Race/Talent:




One thing that many pureblood families have in common is their love of being able to trace back their ancestors for generations. Cass's Pa would always say that family is the roots from which the tree grows, the strength behind a person that was there for them through journeys rough and smooth. Through these roots, unknown to Cass the ancient ability to speak in another tongue was passed down. Parseltounge. When they were younger, no amount of expensive magical toys could keep Cass inside and entertained for very long. To the great annoyance of their nanny's and parents, Cass had ridiculous amounts of energy and a constant need for entertainment that often lead to them roaming the trails in the woods behind the estate. Young Cass would always speak of animals in the woods telling them great tales of things that happened long ago, or the location of streams perfect for swimming. Their father put it down to a child's overactive imagination, until the fateful day not long after their tenth birthday. While roaming the grounds with their father, they made the decision to take a stroll down one of Cass's favourite (though less well maintained than others) trails. The leaf litter held many hiding places for the hunting reptile, though for one snake their hiding place worked a little to well that day. The boot of Cass's father stomped down on a soft body, causing the snake to lash out in fear and pain and sink its teeth into the leg of its assailant. The man cursed and pulled out his wand, the snake clung on for dear life, and the child opened their mouth. "STOP" to the average wizard, the hissing noises that emerged from Cass's mouth were impossible to understand, but to the terrified snake their meaning was crystal clear. "Accident. No harm" they hissed "Let go. We do no harm". The snake seemed as shocked as their father upon finding out that the child could speak its language, and quickly slithered away from the trail and into the woods. "Cass.." their father shook his head, seeming to be at a loss for words. "Pa? Are you okay? He didn't mean to hurt you he just got a shock.." they trailed off into silence at the look on their fathers face. He picked up the young kid and hugged them. "Darling.. what you can do isn't normal, even among wizards" he said "some might think you different, even strange for it". He ruffled their hair with one hand "It may be better to keep it.. not secret necessarily but.. not a common conversation topic". They nodded, their green eyes wide with confusion and though they would never admit it, the tiniest bit of fear. "Now come on, we should get this bite checked out" he laughs "healing spells were never my forte". The rest of the day was filled with snake related questions and an impromptu rendition of parselmouth happy birthday (spoiler alert-
think nails on a blackboard crossed with your one neighbour who has no instrument but insists on playing at 2am so you never get any sleep).

Character Backstory:

Cass is a London-born pureblood who grew up in and on the grounds (and also in the woods. and down the street. and anywhere they probably shouldn't have been) of the Ito manor in a small wizarding community on the outskirts of London. Cass was raised by their Pa and step-mother, Anise due to their birth mother dying when they were very young due to illness. The loss of Cass's Mother affected their father a lot, and while Cass was growing up he spent a lot of time on business trips meaning they weren't around to see their child. When Cass turned four he met their future step-mother on his travels, and they ended up going on a trip together. This turned into two, then three, then them deciding they wanted to spend their lives together. They returned to the manor, and though Cass and their stepmother initially didn't get along well over time they got closer and she ended up helped them understand why their father had been away for so long. Their pre-hogwarts education was handled by a combination of tutoring groups with other wizarding children and trips with their father and step-mother, meaning that Cass got to see a lot of the world at a very early age. Their talent for getting into trouble somehow seemed to equate to an ability to get along with people (once you run screaming from a bear with someone you tend to get along better. this is a scientifically proven fact). Their childhood was filled with a large number of misadventures, including eating an entire sheath of paper on a dare, sabotaging a bridge so that one of their friends would fall into the water when crossing it (an unfortunate Gardner was the next to use it) and more forts than houses in a small village built in the woods.

First Instance of Magic:

Copy pasted from validation (the thing says you only need a copy so I hope that this is okay :)

Cass was four and filled with restless energy, always running circles around their parents and finding new and inventive ways of getting into trouble. The manors grounds where large and as an attempt to calm the restless child whenever their father could take a break from working they would take a walk through the autumn leaves together and feed the ducks. They where running ahead of their father, picking up sticks and pretending they where wands then throwing them "like a bird! Coming down to attack you!", jumping in piles of leaves, scrambling up and down trees and getting into to whatever trouble they could while their father watched in shock and amusement. They ran ahead and bellyflopped in another pile of leaves before running back to their father and proclaiming that they where the fastest kid on the planet. Their father shook his head and smiled, and they took it as a challenge to take off with speed down the path ahead as fast as their short little legs would allow. Laughing uncontrollably, they jumped into the air... And landed 3 meters high in a tree.

Approved: May 27th, 2024 - Lamb

--To the ends of the earth, would you follow me?
There's a world that was meant for our eyes to see--

22 May 2024, 23:56
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Promise Gardener
School Year or Adult Level: First
Link to the character page: Boop
Character Statistics: Stamina: 6| Evasion: 7 | Strength: 6 | Wisdom: 6 | ArcPower: 5 | Accuracy: 5 |
Character Special Race/Talent: None
Character Backstory:

Born to Andrew and Lyra Gardener, Promise lived a life of solitude. Being born the middle child she never connected or communicated much with her other sibling's. She lived in an average house, in an average neighborhood in Galway, she was never tutored, nor did she go to muggle school. She was left to study all her subjects on her own, and regular lessons from her parents when they had the time, or the nerve. she learned through books, reading and writing mostly. As she aged, she grew a closed off personality and became very independent. She adapted hobbies such as writing, drawing and other activities that included the arts. At the age of seven, her parents explained magic, and it's meaning to her. She was intrigued and dived into studying the subject. She studied amazing wizards and witches, and magic itself. She never tried to cast spells or brew potions, though her family was very cautious about magical accidents. But nothing was stopping her from learning all there was to know about the subject. She learned lot's about the subject, and as well about Hogwarts, She never imagined to ever be accepted into the school.

Andrew Gardener worked with brooms to make a living. He made and sold brooms for shops, his brooms were never famous ones, nor were they used for anything very special. He has lots of free time, which he used to teach his children magic himself. Being born pureblooded, he knew much more about magic then his wife, Lyra. Lyra had no magic decent, but, had magic herself. Her family did not approve of magic, Lyra suspected that they were merrily scared of it. She went to Hogwarts, but did not do very well in academics. She failed her O.W.L.S and her N.E.W.T.S. She was discouraged, but did find a job in a small shop selling muggle artifacts in diagon alley, were she was very useful, being from a muggle family. She job didn't pay very well, and she did hate that her husband was the one making money for the family. Lyra could perform magic, simple things, she doesn't usually use magic, and perfers to do things herself. She teaches her children muggle things, such as math, writing, art. She has lots more free time then Andrew does, but only Promise was intrested to learn the things she had to teach. Her other children only wanted to learn how to do things she easy way, to magic things to do there work.

First Instance of Magic:
At the age of nine, she was siting in the yard on a sunny summer afternoon, as she worked on some activities, and read an interesting novel. She was reading intently, suddenly, her sister showed up, being young and careless about others feeling, she snatched the book from her grasped and opened it. Promise was angry, but concerned at her sisters look of confusions. Her sister violently turned the pages, as if she was looking for something. Her sister could read perfectly well, so why was she not taking a moment to read a page if she'd grabbed it from her? Promise watched her younger sister intently, until she grabbed the book back. She sighed and told her sister to go away, thankfully she did without a fuss. Promise looked back as the page, grateful for the peace she now had to continue the book, just to find that every page was blank. There had clearly been words on the book previous to her sister taking it, where had all the words went? Promise realized that this was no prank pulled by her sister, nor was it a misunderstanding, this was her first instance of magic.
Pending: May 27th, 2024 - Lamb
  • Tables in Trunk Code need to be removed
  • Backstory is too short (220+ word minimum)
  • Lacking information on parents (who is the wizard, how did the blood status happen to be half blood?)
  • Educational Neglect (she would have to get some sort of education either through her parents, private tutors or public school)
Follow-up June 5 (Lear)
This is a follow-up, please make the requested edits. I did not see a table in your trunk, so thank you for that edit but we need you to also completed the other requested edits. A reminder, July 1 is graduation so if you have not made the requested edits by this time you will not be able to graduate with your peers. When you makes these edits, please owl Alan with these changes so that we can approprove or follow-up on your registration as soon as possible so you meet these deadlines.
Last edited by Promise Gardener on 6 Jun 2024, 02:24, edited 1 time in total.

Don’t follow your dreams, chase them

24 May 2024, 12:21
Index Registration
Character name: Shubhangi Kanjilal
School Year : First year
Link to the character page: Mystery
Character Statistics:
stamina: 6|evasion: 5|strength: 5|wisdom: 8| arcane power: 5|accuracy: 6
Character Backstory:

Shubhangi Kanjilal comes from a family of wizards. Her parents are pioneers in potions and the family have as well been in the line of potion making through three generations. Her father is well renowned for his effective potions and their credibility is till date in high demand. She grew up watching the magic brewed through potions and wishes to follow the family tradition and be a professional potion concocter.

She lived her early childhood years in the muggle world as her parents were researching upon how the scientific community of muggle world was progressing and were hoping to infuse some muggle technologies and materials into their potions and see their effects. However, not all such research turned to be fruitful and they thus return to the magical world once again, right a year before Shubhangi has to enter Hogwarts.

Shubhangi learnt the muggle ways more than that of the wizarding ones. Her parents kept the magic alive within their home, but they didn’t have the leisure of time to help her expand her boundaries and knowledge when it comes to the wizarding world. While both her parents passed out from Hogwarts, all she knew was that both of them were from Ravenclaw. Her grand-mother, however, was a Slytherin and used to say with all might that Shubhangi would be one too. While she was quite surprised upon hearing her to turn out as a Gryffindor, she still sent her a scarf with Slytherin colours, because she already knit it.


Around the age of 6 , Shubhangi was playing with her friends and her younger brother, when suddenly, one of the kids pushed her brother a little too hard, causing him to fall and hurt his hand. This angered Shubhangi and she immediately pushed the kid away with force. The kid was older and stronger, so he immediately had his fists up again and hit her with force, but for odd reasons, the kid's sleeves caught fire while Shubhangi remained unscathed. This was seen by her father who passed by just then and immediately stopped the fight, brought down the fire and took the siblings back home. The parents were both thrilled and proud of Shubhangi and could hardy wait for her to learn more about the wizarding world.

STATUS: Pending - Koko, 27.05.2024
- Please extend your backstory to be at least 220 words long.
- Additionally, please ensure your backstory here is also in your encyclopedia.
- Why do Shubhangi's parents socialise in the Muggle world? Why would they be researching there if they are potioneers?
Follow-up June 5 (Lear)
Stat total is 34, please edit this.
WC has been met.
When you make your edits, please make sure you message Koko directly via owl to expedite your registration with Index. We are close to the end of the year and would like you registered before July 1 so that you can graduate with your peers.
STATUS: Pending - Koko, 08.06.2024
- Please ensure your backstory here matches the one in your encyclopedia.
Last edited by Shubhangi Kanjilal on 7 Jun 2024, 15:15, edited 4 times in total.