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22 May 2024, 01:07
- 🍂 Cass Ito | First year | Slytherin🍂 -
─ Oh, there's a river that winds on forever ─

Cass Ito
─ I'm gonna see where it leads ─
Name: Cass Ito
Age: 12 [Oct 12, 2o11]
Species: Human parseltounge
Blood status: Pureblood
Boggart: Their mothers disapproval
Thestrals: Yes
Erised: Making their family proud
Patronus: N/A

𝑬 𝑨 𝑹 𝑳 𝒀 ● 𝑳 𝑰 𝑭 𝑬 | Cass is a London-born pureblood who grew up in and on the grounds (and also in the woods. and down the street. and anywhere they probably shouldn't have been) of the Ito manor in a small wizarding community on the outskirts of London. Cass was raised by their Pa and step-mother Anise, due to their birth mother dying when they were very young due to illness.

The loss of Cass's Mother affected their father a lot, and while Cass was growing up he spent a lot of time on business trips meaning he wasn't around to see their child. When Cass turned four he met their future step-mother on his travels, and they ended up going on a trip together. This turned into two, then three, then them deciding they wanted to spend their lives together. She helped show him that Cass's mother would have wanted him to keep living. They returned to the manor, and though Cass and their stepmother initially didn't get along well over time they got closer and she ended up helped them understand why their father had been away for so long.
~ Pre-hogwarts education ~

Their pre-hogwarts education was handled by a combination of tutoring groups with other wizarding children and trips with their father and step-mother, meaning that Cass got to see a lot of the world at a very early age. Their talent for getting into trouble somehow seemed to equate to an ability to get along with people (once you run screaming from a bear with someone you tend to get along better. this is a scientifically proven fact). Their childhood was filled with a large number of misadventures, including eating an entire sheath of paper on a dare, sabotaging a bridge so that one of their friends would fall into the water when crossing it (an unfortunate Gardner was the next to use it) and more forts than houses in a small village built in the woods.


~First instance of magic~

Cass was four and filled with restless energy, always running circles around their parents and finding new and inventive ways of getting into trouble. The manors grounds where large and as an attempt to calm the restless child whenever their father could take a break from working they would take a walk through the autumn leaves together and feed the ducks. They where running ahead of their father, picking up sticks and pretending they where wands then throwing them "like a bird! Coming down to attack you!", jumping in piles of leaves, scrambling up and down trees and getting into to whatever trouble they could while their father watched in shock and amusement. They ran ahead and bellyflopped in another pile of leaves before running back to their father and proclaiming that they where the fastest kid on the planet. Their father shook his head and smiled, and they took it as a challenge to take off with speed down the path ahead as fast as their short little legs would allow. Laughing uncontrollably, they jumped into the air... And landed 3 meters high in a tree.



One thing that many pureblood families have in common is their love of being able to trace back their ancestors for generations. Cass's Pa would always say that family is the roots from which the tree grows, the strength behind a person that was there for them through journeys rough and smooth. Through these roots, unknown to Cass the ancient ability to speak in another tongue was passed down. Parseltounge. When they were younger, no amount of expensive magical toys could keep Cass inside and entertained for very long.

To the great annoyance of their nanny's and parents, Cass had ridiculous amounts of energy and a constant need for entertainment that often lead to them roaming the trails in the woods behind the estate. Young Cass would always speak of animals in the woods telling them great tales of things that happened long ago, or the location of streams perfect for swimming. Their father put it down to a child's overactive imagination, until the fateful day not long after their tenth birthday. While roaming the grounds with their father, they made the decision to take a stroll down one of Cass's favourite (though less well maintained than others) trails.

The leaf litter held many hiding places for the hunting reptile, though for one snake their hiding place worked a little too well that day. The boot of Cass's father stomped down on a soft body, causing the snake to lash out in fear and pain and sink its teeth into the leg of its assailant. The man cursed and pulled out his wand, the snake clung on for dear life, and the child opened their mouth. "STOP" to the average wizard, the hissing noises that emerged from Cass's mouth were impossible to understand, but to the terrified snake their meaning was crystal clear. "Accident. No harm" they hissed "Let go. We do no harm".

The snake seemed as shocked as their father upon finding out that the child could speak its language, and quickly slithered away from the trail and into the woods. "Cass.." their father shook his head, seeming to be at a loss for words. "Pa? Are you okay? He didn't mean to hurt you he just got a shock.." they trailed off into silence at the look on their fathers face. He picked up the young kid and hugged them. "Darling.. what you can do isn't normal, even among wizards" he said "some might think you different, even strange for it". He ruffled their hair with one hand "It may be better to keep it.. not secret necessarily but.. not a common conversation topic". They nodded, their green eyes wide with confusion and though they would never admit it, the tiniest bit of fear. "Now come on, we should get this bite checked out" he laughs "healing spells were never my forte". The rest of the day was filled with snake related questions and an impromptu rendition of parselmouth happy birthday (spoiler alert-think nails on a blackboard crossed with your one trumpet-playing-neighbour who has no skill but insists on playing at 2am so you never get any sleep).

𝑺 𝑪 𝑯 𝑶 𝑶 𝑳 ● 𝑳 𝑰 𝑭 𝑬 | Cass arrived at Hogwarts anticipating to see the wondrous place from all of their fathers stories. Their father had attended Hogwarts and so did their paternal grandparents, all of them in Slytherin. There was a lot of unintentional family pressure for them to also be sorted into the same house, though their worries were soon to be proved unnecessary after their sorting named them a snake like their family.

Hogwarts was a very new experience for them for a number of reasons, one of them being that growing up the only other children they had been exposed to were other purebloods. They had been raised to believe their fathers views that all purebloods were naturally superior, but the more muggleborns and half-bloods they meet the more they start to quietly question that theory. They still stay silent whenever other purebloods make comments, because how could everything they knew be wrong?

Cass is currently in first year and this section+the ones below will continue to be updated as time goes on
~ First year ~

Coming soon!


Dark brown
𝑨 𝑷 𝑷 𝑬 𝑨 𝑹 𝑨 𝑵 𝑪 𝑬 ── Cass is a short non-binary kid with forever messy short dark brown hair and deep green eyes full of mischief. They have olive skin and an easy smile, and are very rarely seen frowning or taking anything at all seriously. They wouldn't stand out in a crowd if you didn't know them, but their constant movement and inability to stay still make them recognisable from afar with ease.
𝑺 𝑻 𝒀 𝑳 𝑬 ── For around school and on casual occasions at home, Cass values practicality and comfort over fancy garments. They have a rather large closet and a trunk full of clothes at school, their families wealth meaning that a lot of its tailored or well made. For every piece of elegant wear there's a funny sweater that Cass liked, and a lot of their clothes have stories. For formal occasions they prefer suits and cloaks or robes, liking gold and black colour schemes the most.
Code by: Winnie Harper

Coding credits

heading:Lucia Fox
Boxes+apperance: Winnie harper

Last edited by Cass Ito on 11 Jun 2024, 23:36, edited 4 times in total.

--To the ends of the earth, would you follow me?
There's a world that was meant for our eyes to see--

23 May 2024, 07:39
- 🍂 Cass Ito | First year | Slytherin🍂 -

Stamina: 4 | Evasion: 5 | Strength: 4 | Wisdom: 6 | Arcpower: 5 | Accuracy: 6

Four-Point Spell • Point Me - Flying 3
Green Sparks Charm • Verdimillious - DADA 1
Red Spark Charm • Periculum - DADA 1
Curse of the Bogies • Mucus ad Nauseam - DADA 2
Untransfiguration • Reparifarge - Transfiguration 5
Whistle to Watch • Tunc Sibilus - Transfiguration 1


ABILITIES: Parselmouth

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