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21 May 2024, 23:12
Promise Gardener| Ravenclaw| First Year
Promise Grace Gardener
Wand: 27,7 cm walnut wood and
troll whisker

Born to Andrew and Lyra Gardener, Promise lived a life of solitude. Being born the middle child she never connected or communicated much with her other sibling's. She lived in an average house, in an average neighborhood in Galway, she was never tutored, nor did she go to muggle school. She was left to study all her subjects on her own, and regular lessons from her parents when they had the time, or the nerve. she learned through books, reading and writing mostly. As she aged, she grew a closed off personality and became very independent. She adapted hobbies such as writing, drawing and other activities that included the arts. At the age of seven, her parents explained magic, and it's meaning to her. She was intrigued and dived into studying the subject. She studied amazing wizards and witches, and magic itself. She never tried to cast spells or brew potions, though her family was very cautious about magical accidents. But nothing was stopping her from learning all there was to know about the subject. She learned lot's about the subject, and as well about Hogwarts, She never imagined to ever be accepted into the school.

Andrew Gardener worked with brooms to make a living. He made and sold brooms for shops, his brooms were never famous ones, nor were they used for anything very special. He has lots of free time, which he used to teach his children magic himself. Being born pureblooded, he knew much more about magic then his wife, Lyra. Lyra had no magic decent, but, had magic herself. Her family did not approve of magic, Lyra suspected that they were merrily scared of it. She went to Hogwarts, but did not do very well in academics. She failed her O.W.L.S and her N.E.W.T.S. She was discouraged, but did find a job in a small shop selling muggle artifacts in diagon alley, were she was very useful, being from a muggle family. She job didn't pay very well, and she did hate that her husband was the one making money for the family. Lyra could perform magic, simple things, she doesn't usually use magic, and perfers to do things herself. She teaches her children muggle things, such as math, writing, art. She has lots more free time then Andrew does, but only Promise was intrested to learn the things she had to teach. Her other children only wanted to learn how to do things she easy way, to magic things to do there work.

At the age of nine, she was siting in the yard on a sunny summer afternoon, as she worked on some activities, and read an interesting novel. She was reading intently, suddenly, her sister showed up, being young and careless about others feeling, she snatched the book from her grasped and opened it. Promise was angry, but concerned at her sisters look of confusions. Her sister violently turned the pages, as if she was looking for something. Her sister could read perfectly well, so why was she not taking a moment to read a page if she'd grabbed it from her? Promise watched her younger sister intently, until she grabbed the book back. She sighed and told her sister to go away, thankfully she did without a fuss. Promise looked back as the page, grateful for the peace she now had to continue the book, just to find that every page was blank. There had clearly been words on the book previous to her sister taking it, where had all the words went? Promise realized that this was no prank pulled by her sister, nor was it a misunderstanding, this was her first instance of magic.
Last edited by Promise Gardener on 28 May 2024, 03:43, edited 1 time in total.

Don’t follow your dreams, chase them

22 May 2024, 23:52
Promise Gardener| Ravenclaw| First Year
Stamina: 6| Evasion: 7 | Strength: 6 | Wisdom: 6 | ArcPower: 5 | Accuracy: 5 |


Don’t follow your dreams, chase them