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16 May 2024, 11:41
Ability Applications
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here - have submitted for reg here
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Charmer
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it): wc: 421

It's all in the eyes, his mother used to say. The striking grey eyes full of mischief and charm. She said he'd gotten it from his father, the ability to charm those around him. And perhaps he had.

He'd heard it since he had the ability to form memories, "He'll be a heart stealer one day, Odette!" his uncle had joked, and he hadn't understood it then - didn't know what the words had meant. Various phrases like this had littered his childhood, and he'd just followed them up with smiles and nods. It should have been his first indication that he had something special. It would take a few more years though, for Drake to realise the extent of it.

The first time he'd realised he had the ability to use his charm to his advantage was when he has turned six and wanted a slice of sweet bread his mother had already forbidden him from. All it had taken as a soft look and little pout and his aunt had caved, ruffling his hair and handing it off with a "Little charmer, you." and he'd clutched the bread with a sense of victory. He'd done it! He'd gotten the reward he'd so longed for. It was every six year olds dream. Being given the sweet thing you'd once been forbidden.

As he grew, he realised that he saw it less of an ability and more of an ingrain part of who he was. He realised that making friends seemed easier for him than his peers, even if he remained cautious in trusting them, they seemed to have little trouble in trusting him. People gravitated toward him, wanted to say hello, some just stared at him for a long time - it was those moments, realised, that perhaps it was just part of who he was. Even the adults around him seemed to listen to his meaning and not just his words. Though, it made it difficult to know where to draw the line.

At what point did charm turn to accidental manipulation? He was never sure and still isn't but he does know that he reaps rewards where sometimes, he does not mean to. A little discount here, a little smile there, it's all as easy as breathing. He's not sure how far it extends and he's not sure how far he'll carry it with him but it's always there. Around him and those that are in his vicinity. His inane ability to distract, to drawn in and charm.
STATUS: Approved - Koko, 24.05.2024

In order to build the ship, you must first have longing for the sea.
(Stamina - 5 | Evasion - 5 | Strength - 5 | Wisdom - 7 | ArcP - 6 | Accuracy - 7)

17 May 2024, 19:47
Ability Applications
Link to Ency thread: Here you go!
Name of ability that you are applying for: Prodigal Potions Learner

Description of why this fits your character: 428 words
Rowan Lyla has always had an intense interest in plants. The ones which fascinated her the most were the ones that could hurt, and even kill– the plants with sharp thorns, poisonous leaves, and misleading flowers. She admired their ability to deceive with their beauty whilst a deadly being lay beneath. Poison ivy, sumac, hemlock, stinging nettle: Rowan memorized the names of her favorites. As a little girl, Rowan’s favorite means of securing revenge was to slip one of her collected leaves into a drink or meal, and watch through the crack of a doorway as the recipient doubled over in pain. During her last year of primary school, Rowan even tried to sell some of these plants to other children wishing to inflict harm on their enemies, though her practice was shut down within two days with a sharp slap to the hand. When Rowan was ten, a few months before she received her Hogwarts letter, her father was on an angry rampage– anything she did would set him off and earn her more pain. Rowan, knowing that she had done nothing wrong, felt anger bubbling in her stomach and dropped a stem of hemlock into her father’s drink. He had to be taken to the emergency room, and Rowan, struck with immense guilt, never felt quite the same around the plant.
Despite her newfound disturbance with hemlock, Rowan didn’t give up her passion. On the train to Hogwarts, ambitious to learn as much as she could from her books so that she wouldn’t be a muggle-born laughing stock, Rowan found herself especially interested in Arsenius Jigger’s works. She was discovering how to use the plants she loved with other ingredients to create strange magical liquids; potions. Upon arriving at Hogwarts, Rowan dove into stuffing her mind with as much knowledge on potions as she possibly could, intent on proving herself. She refused to be overlooked. During her first Potions class, Rowan memorized the labels and descriptions of as many potions ingredients as she could, hoping to find them on her own terms and eventually make her own brews outside of the classroom.
Rowan spent hours upon hours in her dormitory, often under her bed (as historically, the space under her bed has been a safe place at home), studying the art of potions. Rowan gained a year’s headway in the subject, leaving her feeling proud of herself and above her peers. She had at least one aspect of magic in which she didn’t feel ashamed of not having the prior experience of being born into a wizarding family.
STATUS: Pending - Koko, 27.05.2024
- Please edit out mentions of your character stealing ingredients as that suggests incompetency of our potions professor, Méabh Regan, and assuming she didn't notice would be godmodding. For further reference, you will generally be noticed if you are stealing things.
STATUS: Approved - Koko, 28.05.2024
Last edited by Rowan Sallow on 28 May 2024, 04:22, edited 1 time in total.

“Weeds — Is there really evil in their hearts, or are they simply feisty seeds—ambitious verdant darts, proliferous garden art?”
~Terri Guillemets

21 May 2024, 07:39
Ability Applications
Link to Ency thread: viewtopic.php?t=32172
Name of ability that you are applying for: Fearless

Description of why this fits your character:

Back in Giselle’s nice and cosy house in Bishops Waltham, England, sitting on the dining table while drinking a cup of tea. Giselle was bored at that time, and looking around the living room, casting for something to do. She spotted a large hole on one of the walls, which held a beautiful sight from the back garden underneath.

As most children would have been scared that they would hurt themselves if they came near this hole, Giselle was not. When she spotted the hole, her reaction was different from others. Instead of thinking, Well, I shan’t go near it again, it’ll be dangerous, Giselle thought that it was an amazing thing. In fact, unknown to Giselle, this hole was always there, it’s just that she had never saw it before, as her house had a lot of interesting parts, being a wizarding house. She had never seen anything like that - yet!

Giselle loved trying dangerous things, and the risk in the life is the same as excitement. Her fearless personality had made her walk closer and closer to the hole, thinking, I shall certainly try to jump down!

As her curious self walked towards the hole, which was on the wall, Giselle asked, Evanna, dare me to jump down there? It’ll be so much fun![/color]Her sister, Evanna was not completely fearless. Giselle could tell that she’s wondering, like the other children do, Is that dangerous? Shall I warn her not to go?Judging by the look on little Evanna’s face, she was doing some serious thinking. Instead of the determined look she always wore at the thought of doing something that would break rules, Evanna looked serious, scared that she would lose her sister.

Giselle, maybe not,Evanna seemed to say, but Giselle was not listening. She climbed into the hole which had a beautiful sight of the outdoors. In fact, when she climbed into the window, as it seemed to be, Giselle could see total darkness… and all of a sudden, light. It was the sunshine from the sun, which was shining brightly at the darkness below it, making the darkness disappear. There was no need to be scared of it at all! It just turned out to be a window! Giselle then laughed silently. At that time, she felt happy that she had discovered this hole, which turned out to be a window! If she had not been bored, she would have not noticed it at all, which would mean that this moment of excitement would have never happened.

Evanna, it’s completely safe! No more sign of darkness here! Only light!Of course,she thought to herself, Evanna couldn’t see the light of the back garden, the light that she was seeing.Hey, Evanna! It’s just the sunshine form the meadows! It’s bewitchedto look like darkness! I’ll just jump down here, shall I?

Evanna looked as if she wanted to say no. However, Giselle did not care. See you at the back door! Giselle said, jumping down into the grassy garden. As soon as she reached the grass, Giselle ran back to the house and banged open the back door, grinning. She thought, What fun! Wanting to say it to Evanna, but looking at the horrified look on her sisters face, she stopped. Evanna might not be happy to know that, but she certainly was. Hoping to give her sister some rest about the whole incident, Giselle ran to her parent’s room, grinning from ear to ear, eager to share what had just happened with them.

Note: 584/400

STATUS: Pending - Jake, 29.05.2024
- Hi Giselle, I will follow up over owl - I like what you've written about your characters curiosity in the face of uncertain situations showing her fearlessness, but I was a bit confused about the circumstances of the story itself. If you could explain to make it more clear on what is going on with the 'hole' on the wall, that would help!
STATUS: Pending - Jake, 11.06.2024
- Hi Giselle, I'm still a bit confused as to the description of the hole - and if it was in the living room wouldn't Giselle have seen it before? But I'm just having a bit of trouble picturing what exactly the hole is, and what you mean about the darkness/light, and climbing down it. Could you explain still a bit more in the description? I've sent some suggestions via owl!
Last edited by Giselle Lam on 6 Jun 2024, 12:48, edited 8 times in total.

24 May 2024, 00:08
Ability Applications
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here ya go
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Prodigal DADA Learner
Describe why this fits your character:
Nico has always had a close relationship with his grandparents. They practically raised him in the absence of the boy’s parents who worked long hours. He and his grandfather had a particularly close bond, one he has always been more than grateful for. Maybe it was due to the fact that Nico was so willing to learn, and Lorenzo content to teach. Or just the obvious favoritism the elder man had for his youngest grandson. Whatever the case, all of Nico’s knowledge of the wizarding world before he went to Hogwarts came from his grandfather.

Like any child some of the habitats and interests of the ones that raised them are likely to rub off, Nico was no exception to this. Growing up being taught everything and anything about magic by his grandfather, there was one thing Nico always looked forward to; stories. Lorenzo was never a storyteller nor would he ever be one, but from time to time near the end of their lessons he’d use his own life as an example to help Nico understand. His favorite stories to hear from his grandfather were always when the lesson was taking a turn to the defense against the dark arts. Before he had quit and began to focus on his duties as head of the Romano household, Nico’s grandfather Lorenzo used to be an auror.

Hearing the stories of his grandfather being a man who upheld justice in the magical world, a powerful man who kept dark magic and criminals from ravaging their world. Nico was fascinated by the stories, but they only ever increased his admiration for his grandfather. Nico wanted to be like him, a just man, a powerful man that used his power to protect not just his family, but the wizarding society as a whole. Nico wanted to protect people, he wanted to be a fair man, and he wanted to help catch the bad guys. Nico wanted to be like his grandfather when he was in his prime and still young.

Even after lessons Nico began to bother his grandfather for more information, for more stories. He wanted to learn more, he needed to if he wanted to imitate his grandfather.

“Nonno, nonno, nonno, per favore. Just one more story.” His pleas were almost daily if he noticed the elder man had the patience for them. “Nonno, per favore, another lesson. Defense against the dark arts, I want to know more, per favore Nonno.”

Nico’s grandfather was far from a kind man, yet both favoring his grandson and wanting the best education for him possible. He relented, in a way. He strayed further and further away from stories as his own experiences as an auror got too dark in his opinion to share the tale with Nico. Instead, he began to find and buy books about defense against the dark arts. Giving them to the boy to study in his fervent need to be like his grandfather. Nico was quick to thank him every time, expressing his gratitude with hugs, and putting more and more effort into his other studies as his grandfather taught him.

In his free time, when he wasn’t being taught by either his grandfather or grandmother he was usually reading. The books his grandfather gave him about the subject became his biggest interest, even as he grew older in the years and lost more and more interest in becoming an auror; he never did lose interest in the subject itself. Anything related to defense against the dark arts, and Nico wanted to study it to its full extent. He found it interesting to no end, never-ending curiosity spiking for the subject itself. Any material he could get his hand on he wanted to read immediately

Some nights he would sneak the books into his room at night, dimming the light to his room as best as he possibly could. Disregarding any potential harm to his vision to try and get to know more material. Especially the parts he didn’t understand or had yet to see in any other book he’s read. He was caught, more than just a few times by his grandfather on most occasions, but by his grandmother as well. Those nights he had his books taken from him, and in the morning a lecture beyond belief from his grandmother while his grandfather read the daily paper. He usually wouldn’t get them back until a day or two later. His health being prioritised over his own reading pleasure and inability to understand when it was an appropriate time to read or rest.

When he got his letter to attend Hogwarts he was more than excited to finally be able to attend an official class for the subject that’s kept his attention and company for so many years of his life. Taking the class, some subjects he already knew from his own studies, others he found himself being able to understand at a faster rate. He cherished both his successes and failures in the class, wanting to ace it to the best of his ability. To prove to his grandparents they raised him correctly, and to prove to himself that he wasn’t a fraud when it came to one of his biggest interests second only to collecting cards from chocolate frogs.

Whenever he visited the library to find reading material to help with his current assignments in the class, he would always ask around for books that students would usually read in their second year during the class. Coming to his own conclusion to be successful in Defense against the Dark Arts, he needed to not only study what was current but his future in the class as well.
Word Count: 950 Words
STATUS: Approved - Jake, May 29, 2024

27 May 2024, 19:38
Ability Applications
Link to your encyclopedia thread: viewtopic.php?t=32648
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Perfectionist
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Nat may have been homeschooled prior to attending Hogwarts, but not having external pressure from peers for competition never stopped her from constantly working toward top marks. Every single piece of homework and test would be done thoroughly and carefully, oftentimes taking far longer than they would for others (as in, hours longer). She wanted to shape her future, remaining fully in control of it, and upkeep a good image of being the intelligent student with top marks; hence, she had this obsession. As it would turn out, this piece of her character didn't just apply to her schooling; it applied to the way she went about every aspect of her life.

Obsessive about "getting it right" and not appearing like a loser, Nat spent many late nights (she didn't like getting to sleep early) perfecting her pronunciation of each new spell she would learn during her first year. She was terrified of losing control and hurting herself or others; she wasn't so naturally brave and, rather, extremely cautious about doing things properly in every action she made.

Normally bashful in her movement rather than having any sort of grace, she was, alternatively, very careful with her wand in order to put up that appearance and to feel in-control of her spellcasting. Because she was clumsy, she spent those many late nights working to ensure that she could move her wand properly. When she wasn't over-the-top in movement and clumsy, she was rather rigid; with practice, she broke out of her natural inclinations toward movement and was able to be more fluid with her wand movements, even if the rest of her body remained a bit rigid. Every wand movement was now made with intention, toward whichever spell she wanted to cast. Similarly, in potions and herbology, she would double, triple-check her mixtures, and use a similar mindset in each class, how it would work for it.

Nat may not have been very good at foresight, but she was still often on-edge, which produced a similar ending effect. Despite delayed instinctual reactions, she made up for it in simply being a control freak who paid attention to what others were doing prior to events rather than in the heat of the moment.

An example of this was when she was eight years old. At home, her father accidentally pointed his wand and pronounced "Accio!" in her direction. He worked from home, and she at times (when she wasn't stomping from being clumsy) was quiet on her feet and had managed to sneak into the room with his back turned. When he turned around to summon his work papers, he had not expected nor registered her presence there. As she would be pulled in from this spell and potentially become injured in the process, Nat stepped far out of range before he had finished uttering the spell. Obviously if she hadn't been paying attention at all this wouldn't have worked, but, since Nat noticed, she was quicker to act and ensure she remained in control...rather than on the floor, hurt. Because she had snuck in there, quietly and carefully, it was as though the world had slowed down around her, and she was fully aware of her father's actions. She was also far more likely to maintain awareness and get that "world-slowed" effect when she was potentially in danger, like just then. It came with being a very naturally cautious person who basically never took risks, and who preferred to live comfortably and upkeep security over most other ways to live life.

Where did she learn to think like this? Her mother never took risks, such as exploring outside beyond boundaries, so she likely became very similar by watching and copying her mother's way of going about life. Nat was also terrified of getting in trouble and messing up her future because of it, so she was hyper-vigilant about rules and following them. As how this part of her personality tied into schooling, Nat's mother had high expectations for her for getting top marks, which she applied to herself, her dream being always getting top marks; it turned into an obsession and needing to always have perfect or near-perfect marks. Additionally, Nat was just always like this, even as far back as in toddlerhood. She would become upset if things didn't go her way, right away; to course-correct for getting distressed whenever things didn't go her way, she would work to always be in control of her life and feeling secure in her surroundings. Again, she cared about security and comfort above most other ways of living life, motivations, and ambitions one could have.

Nat continued to exemplify this mindset by living her life cautiously. Additionally, into her first year, she continued to care more about perfecting the crafts she learned in school than making and maintaining friendships, exploring, practicing hobbies, or working toward any sort of ambitions. She continued always being on-edge, burnt-out, hyper-vigilant, and prepared ahead of time to protect herself or others, perhaps, in part, to make up for a delayed instinctual response time and clumsiness. Her desire to perfectly shape her future meant she had no time for getting hurt, falling behind in any class, or petty friendship drama, so she would remain a control freak, prioritizing the magical crafts, by her very nature. It was guaranteed that she would remain this way into the future, because she didn't have natural ambition to work to change herself. Besides, people don't jut change; if she suddenly took more risks, it would be against her nature, and would take a lot of practice for her to be comfortable with it, like what she did with perfecting her spellcasting with her wand as well as many other important skills like potionmaking. She didn't have the same motivation to practice when it came to becoming more of a risk-taker than she did toward schooling, protection, and a stable image and future, but if she did, she would still have these perfectionistic tendencies at her core.

STATUS: Approved - Jake, May 29, 2024

Perfectionist | Accuracy: 4 | Arcane Power: 8 | Evasion: 8 | Stamina: 8 | Strength: 3 | Wisdom: 4

28 May 2024, 15:19
Ability Applications
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Ruby Night
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Healing sage
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Ruby's journey towards becoming a healer is an inspiring tale of passion, heritage, and innate talent. At just 11 years old and a first-year student in Hufflepuff at Hogwarts, Ruby’s path is already brightly illuminated with the potential to follow in her father's footsteps as a healer.

Ruby’s father, a seasoned healer at St. Mungo’s, has been an instrumental figure in her life. His deep knowledge of magical medicine and healing spells has provided Ruby with an early and solid foundation in the healing arts. From a young age, Ruby has been exposed to the complexities of magical maladies and the intricate spells required to mend them. This early education has not only given her a head start in the world of healing but has also fostered a deep love and respect for the profession. Her father’s teachings have imbued her with a sense of responsibility and a desire to help others, which is a hallmark of any great healer.

In addition to her magical upbringing, Ruby’s mother, a Muggle with a profound interest in herbs and herbal medicine, has significantly influenced her daughter's aspirations. Despite her lack of magical abilities, Ruby’s mother has an extensive knowledge of the healing properties of various plants. This unique combination of magical and non-magical healing techniques has given Ruby a holistic perspective on medicine. She appreciates the subtle yet potent effects of natural remedies, understanding that sometimes the simplest solution can be the most effective. This dual influence from both parents has made Ruby exceptionally well-rounded in her approach to healing.

Ruby’s placement in Hufflepuff further supports her healing ambitions. Known for their traits of dedication, patience, and loyalty, Hufflepuffs make excellent healers. Ruby’s inherent kindness and empathetic nature align perfectly with the Hufflepuff ethos. Her willingness to work hard and her unwavering determination ensure that she will persevere through the rigorous training required to become a healer. The house's emphasis on fair play and teamwork also means that Ruby is likely to be a compassionate and cooperative colleague, essential qualities for anyone in the healing profession.

At Hogwarts, Ruby’s favourite subjects are Herbology and Potions, both of which are critical for a future healer. Her passion for Herbology, undoubtedly influenced by her mother, allows her to excel in identifying and utilizing various magical plants and herbs. This knowledge is crucial for preparing healing potions and remedies. Meanwhile, Potions class provides Ruby with the technical skills needed to concoct complex brews that can heal wounds, cure ailments, and provide comfort to those in need. Her enthusiasm and aptitude in these subjects are clear indicators of her potential to become a skilled healer.

In conclusion, Ruby’s background, personal qualities, and academic interests make her exceptionally well-suited to pursue a career as a healer. Her father’s magical expertise, her mother’s herbal wisdom, and her own dedication and passion form a strong foundation for her future endeavours. As she progresses through her education at Hogwarts, there is no doubt that Ruby will continue to develop her skills and knowledge, eventually becoming a compassionate and capable healer, ready to make a significant impact in the magical world.

Word count: 520

STATUS: Approved - Jake, May 29, 2024

Until you spread your wings,
you will have no idea how far you can fly
━━━━━━━━━ ⋆ ‧ ❀ ‧ ⋆ ━━━━━━━━━

28 May 2024, 23:31
Ability Applications
Link: viewtopic.php?p=987828#p987828

Ability: Charmer


Alya has always loved meeting new people and one of her favorite things to do was and is listen to them talk about themselves. Growing up, she never made a difference between muggle friends and magic ones, and doing that gave her a very mixed view of people and the different ways people thought and behaved. In her mind, there is a mechanism to all people; what makes them tick, what makes them work. She often looks at interacting with people as a puzzle to solve. and delights in finding out how to maneuver through conversations and interactions, dancing through steps and waltzing around them. Whoever dances better, whoever works through interactions better, wins. They get what they want and Alya has always liked winning

Over time, she's taught herself to mold herself to others so much that by now it's almost imperceptible how quickly she switches and shifts her way of speaking, her mannerisms, her very personality. Doing this, she has found very little difficulty in making friends or convincing people that she's just like them.

Using her quick wit and quicker words, Alya has managed to talk her way out of several situations, almost exclusively resorting to her charisma when in trouble.

Once she performed magic for the first time, her parents had impressed the idea of not performing magic around others on her, even by accident. In addition to this, Alya had never been the physically strongest. Tall and gangly, she was good at running away from people and things, a skill that would serve her well playing football, but given that she liked to adopt a kind of mother-bear role in her friend group and that meant having to stick her neck out for others. Throughout her life, she's been in a position where running just wasn't an option for her. In addition to that, she was never the best at brawling and she had been forbidden from using magic. Given all of this she was often left with no choice but to talk herself and her friends out of the situations they got into.

In Ipswich, there was a group of children that went around and often picked on some of her schoolmates. Decidedly against this Alya went and tried to get help via teachers. When her concerns were dismissed as being nothing more than "children being children", Alya decided to take matters into her own hands. Going to the group of bullies, she befriended them and ran with their group for a while before starting to lead some of them on, implying that she would be interested in dating them. Despite this, she never outright went for any one of the boys but rather flirted with all of them, leading to all of them thinking she was interested in them. This ultimately culminated in their group tearing itself apart from the inside as they all started to fight over who would get to "have" her.
Her work done, Alya left them in shambles and made friends with the children who had originally been the victims of the bullying campaign.

Despite not having to do things as dramatic as this again, Alya frequently used her words and charisma to her advantage and has become quite adept at making herself more appealing and sympathetic to people. Most people naturally form a good opinion of her, a fact that she uses to her advantage.


STATUS: Pending - Jake, 29.05.2024
- Hi Alya, I see you are in the middle of a registration. The application for Charmer on its own is good, but in the backstory it mentions attending a muggle school and having muggle friends. Your profile mentions that you are wizard-born which would mean that you were raised in the magical world without much interaction with muggles. See viewtopic.php?t=30375 for explanation about the different blood statuses.

Before accepting the app, you will have to sort out the blood status information with your registration app - as listed as wizard-born, your character should not have attended muggle school

If you re-write this application to not mention muggle school/friends then I can accept but for now I've set to pending to wait to see the results of your conversation with registration!

(As mentioned in my owl, if your blood status is incorrect and should say half-blood, please make a note in your registration app about this so we can try to help you out)

29 May 2024, 11:01
Ability Applications
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Tickle me pink
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Lovely Creature (2nd year)
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Pretty and not so petite, a young Dusana pursed her lips and surveyed the Great Hall. It was a Saturday, the weekend just after coming back from Spring Break. Her new dress shimmered in the hazy light filtering through the windows. Surely someone would notice her new outfit. She painstakingly chosen it for today. It was the first day of no classes since the break and Dusana had wanted to show it off. Put her mothers lessons into practice so to speak.

When Dusana had arrived home from Hogwarts three weeks ago, her mother had griped and groaned at the state of her only child. That she was too big. Her hair too long. Her just...not right. And so she had poked and prodded Dusana into her image of what she should be. Mother and child had spent countless afternoons in Diagon Alley, and whilst her classmates were eating ice-cream and sweets, the young Dusana was being manhandled and stuck with sewing pins.

She learned how to curl her hair just so and style it without so much effort put in. Her mother had decided in the middle of the holidays that Dusana's growing hair length just wouldn't do. She'd taken the young girl to the hairdressers and requested that her daughter be given a shoulder bob. To have it styled so she would be a dazzling prize. Dusana had silently cried as the snipped locks feel to the floor that day. And even now, weeks later back at Hogwarts, Dusana kept catching herself reaching for the non-existent strands. It didn't matter that she'd received compliments on her new hairdo. Many of them in fact. She hated it. But what was she to do. She was twelve. Living with her mother who wanted her to be someone she was not. She was sure that somehow her mother would hear about anything and everything if Dusana so much as pinned her hair the wrong way.

Dusana sighed as she sat , catching the stares of a few fellow classmates. For her mother and all her criticisms, Dusana still remembered the fun, loving woman who had played dress ups with her as a child. Before her own life was ruined by her husband leaving. What was it that people said? Forcing your dreams onto your child? That was it. Her mother was projecting herself onto her daughter. The constant reminders of her person would ring in Dusana's ears now and into the future. She needed to be on her best behaviour. He'll see how good you are. How good we are. Why he should never have left us.

Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Healing Sage (4th year)
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Dusana eyed the brewing potion sceptically. This was the third time she'd brewed this potion just this month. One of fellow potion enthusiates had burnt themselves in class, again. She huffed. The idiot just couldn't keep himself from the flames it seemed. She had been empathetic to his cause the first time. And the second. But now. He was using up her potion ingredients. And time. Which was even more valuable. She could have been using it to study. Or brew somethihng a little better than burn paste. As she stirred the concoction, Dusana wondered if the boy was just giving the stuff away. Surely he hadn't burnt himself that much that he needed it thrice in a 30 day period. He really was an idiot.

When she had previously asked the first time, the boy had sheepishly replied that he didn't want to go to the Nurse. He'd apparently gotten a reputation for setting himself on fire. Dusana understood that. Not wanting to see the Nurse and have questions asked. She looked at her scar on the top of her left hand. Two pin pricks, the size and shape of a small snakes bite. It had happened over the holidays when she had stayed for Spring break. She'd been on the grounds in the bushes gathering potions ingredients. Low and behold a small snake would also be found. She'd cried out when she had first met the friend that she would call Asclepius. He had been a shock to say the least. She'd covered up the bloody wound from her friends and done the best she could without magic that day. She hadn't wanted to see the Nurse and have questions asked. Or even worse, those answers sent back to her Mother.

Setting the thick paste into a tin container, she let it cool. This would be the last time she did this favour for her classmate. Next time she would ask for something in return before offering her skills up. Which, looking at the thought a few weeks later, was exactly what happened. The boy wasn't the only one to ask for her skills. A calming draught for a Hufflepuff with anxiety. A bruise removal paste for a clumsy Ravenclaw. The list went on and on. And so did an identical list. For the growing trove of items and galleons that would be exchanged into her hands upon the potion being delivered. Her skills around Hogwarts were becoming infamous. Now the important thing was to just not get caught.

Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Restricted DADA (6th year)
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
(Godmodded the unnamed DADA Prof with Orion's permission. This happened 15 years ago before Orion was Professor.)

Dusana tucked the strands of her long blonde hair behind her ears. She'd grown it out over the Summer months, the warmth and sunshine doing her mind and body wonders. Now that she was back at school, she knew the stress and all consuming rivalry with Regan would begin once more. She didn't have potions today, the only reason why she had let her hair flow down her back and not be tied up into a ponytail or bun. Regan seemed obessed with potions. Maybe it was because of the break or Asclepius becoming stronger over the past year, but her all consuming potions mania was lessening. She wanted to be better in all subjects. Someday she'd be able to show her father that she was the best. It was the reason she'd pushed herself during OWL's. Not that he'd cared. He hadn't answered any of her letters. He was off somewhere in Europe, non the wiser to her struggles of gaining his attention.

Taking the steps up to the first floor, Dusana wondered what this meeting was about. She was sure she had handed in the first weeks homework for DADA. What did the Professor want her for? She paused just outside of the door, scanning her thoughts for what she could have done wrong. The sixth year came up with nothing. Absolutely nothing. She sighed. It would be worse if she didn't meet with the Professor. She knocked once and stepped into the room and the faint answering call from the Professor. They were situated at their desk, and Dusana gulped, her hands tapping a crescendo on her palm. As Dusana sat down at the desk facing the Professor, she listened as they spoke. Spoke about how her grades were immaculate and her passion exuberant. Just the thing the Professor was looking for in a student. And that Dusana would be rewarded for that. If she chose. She would gain access to the restricted section and new learning. New spells and knowledge.

When the Professor finished, Dusana sat stunned. It hadn't been what she was expecting walking into the room. Thinking about the offer was like standing at the edge of a chasm. She could fall back into old habits with Meabh by following her into potions. Down, down, down into the ever darkening rivalry. Or she could build a bridge. Gain something that Meabh couldn't. Rise above the other girl.

Another voice, a darker , almost syllabant voice filled her head, whispering of the great and wonderful things she could learn. And as she listened to it, Dusana smiled. DADA might not have been her first choice, but it was the better choice. She thanked the Professor for the offer, agreeing that she would visit the restricted section when she could. She would learn. Be better. Be great.

STATUS: Approved (x3) - Jake, May 29, 2024

STATUS: Approved (x2) - Jake, May 30, 2024
STATUS: Pending (x1) - Jake, May 30, 2024
The Restricted DADA ability will be accepted once you have your DADA OWL!

STATUS: Approved (x1) - Jake, June 3, 2024


30 May 2024, 07:26
Ability Applications
Link to your encyclopedia thread: here
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Lovely Creature
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Ever since Alexandria was young she has always received compliments on her looks. As a baby, people would say things like, "Oh, she's so precious," "Look at those beautiful eyes," "It's so hard not to love her." When she got a little bit older, they would say, "Oh my Lord, she's so dainty and cute," and "she'll make such a beautiful lady someday." Even when she found a pair of scissors at six and used them on her hair, nobody ever said anything other than how cute she was. Alex's family prided themselves on being the image of perfection, physically and achievement-wise. She was always pretty, but never perfect. So even when people would say nothing but compliments about her, her parents would always see her flaws, particularly her mother, Reyna. She would always pick on something she knew Alex was feeling insecure about at the time. Always telling her to look her best and that she has to be immaculate. Alex's mother was constantly picking on her and pointing out her flaws, yet it made no sense. Alex looks almost the exact same as her mother did when she was a child.
As Alexandria grew older, she started to feel the weight of these expectations even more. There was a sense within her that she always had to live up to this expectation of physical beauty that had been imposed upon her or else she wouldn't be worthy enough to carry the name of her family. It was suffocating. She longed for freedom and to be accepted for who she was, for all her imperfections.
She has gorgeous caramel color hair with sandy blonde highlights that goes just down to the small of her back and her mother always seems to have a hard time styling. She has dark brown eyes with flecks of different shades of brown, a dark oak color that gives them a deep and mysterious appearance. Her flawless skin is tanned to the color of sand in a desert and she has freckles dotted over her cheeks and nose. The gentle features of her face, such as her high cheekbones and the soft curve of her lips, give her a graceful and elegant charm. Alexandria has a warm and inviting smile that lights up her entire face, with perfectly aligned pearly white teeth. A lady of grace and confidence, she commands attention with her presence without even making an effort to do so. The beauty that Alexandria has is more than just skin deep; it comes from within, reflecting the kind and compassionate soul that she has.
Approved: May 30th, 2024 - Lamb

“If you don't believe in any kind of magic, or mystery, basically, (you're) as good as dead.”

3 Jun 2024, 01:39
Ability Applications
Link to your encyclopedia thread: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=32180
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Healing Sage
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

While most people notice Cornelius’ imagination first. It is an imagination driven by his natural tendencies towards curiosity and observation. He is the type to observe everything in his surroundings and be curious about how it all works. That is especially true of living things such as creatures, plants and fellow humans. Furthermore, Cornelius is definitely his mothers son and his mother is a healer who works at St. Mungos. Which has this tendency towards curiosity and observation often drive actions where he tries to help people feel better and will later extend into his interest in healing.

There are multiple childhood stories of him finding small creatures that were injured and bringing them home to heal them back to health - with mostly his mother doing the healing. The most notable was a small bird when he was nine. A small bird that still tended to fly around his families back yard to this day. Thankfully, for him the birds only problem was it was a baby that fell out of its nest and just needed bugs crushed up and fed to it. A task his mother let be a learning moment for him as the first of the creatures he found that he was mostly responsible for taking care of.

Then comes the large amount of inspiration he’s taken from his mother in his actions. His mother is a healer at St. Mungos so was very prone to explain to him as a kid what signs to look for of people who were hurting or in trouble. Such as a limp or favoring one arm often could mean that they were injured. He is very sympathetic to those things and has a tendency to offer to help people out carrying things - or if they are smaller and limping offering piggy back rides.

On an emotional level he is very good at observing people and politely not being a show-off or just helping out with things. When people get a scrape he is more than willing to get something to wrap it in having no issues with seeing blood. With the fact he has no issues seeing blood making his mother think he has a good shot at being a healer. As far as jobs while he loves the stories that come from jobs that are more adventurous in nature, the reality is he prefers a more peaceful environment. At the end of the day Cornelius wants the best for everyone and to help them all out.

STATUS: Approved - Maya, 2 June

Stats: Stamina: 6, Evasion: 6, Strength: 3, Wisdom: 10, ArcPower: 3, Accuracy: 7
Just Human, Healing Sage...