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7 May 2024, 13:53
Tommy Patterson |First Year| |Slytherin|
Full Name: Tommy Patterson
House: Slytherin
Age: 12
School Year: First
Species: Human Seer

History/Background Story


Tommy grew up in a family that was by wizarding standards of high achievers for non-purebloods. The family would often claim that they deserved to be at the pure bloods, but could never prove this claim. Given their high pressure, they would often prod Tommy, trying to force his first instance of magic. All this did was put strain and stress on Tommy as he wondered prior to the even if he was even capable of magic and what would happen if he was not. Social life was not much better as Tommy marched to the beat of his own drum. He had issues fitting in with other children. Often being picked last in games and mocked for his "odd" behaviour (which he still does not understand as odd) by other children in his neighbourhood.

Tommy's hobbies growing up were not like other children. He would sometimes pretend to be a muggle born. He knew very little of muggle born in general and thought that they spoke with what he considered an accent that he would often mimic to the children in the neighbourhood. This caused the children to laugh at what he thought was a joke, but was really at him. The extent to which Tommy overused this joke has caused him to develop a strange way of talking that to this day he wonders if it is a habit or just the nature in which he speaks.

Although there hasn't been one in many generations, Tommy's mother claims that there is seer blood within the family line. Tommy thinks these claims are foolish, but growing up made a habit of lying to have these abilities to mess with his mother and peers in the neighbourhood. This gave the children on his block yet another reason to bully him. Aside from these lies, Tommy would have some inclines for the future. Sometimes he would have a feeling and state what he thought would happen, thinking it was a lie and be just as surprised as those around him when the prediction came to fruition.

The first instance of Tommy making a correct prediction of the future was one he will never forget, although he is still unsure if it was a fluke or not. His mother was baking one of his favourite treats, a homemade pie. Tommy felt distraught and a sinking feeling in his gut, but he should have been happy to soon taste one of his favourite desserts, he thought. He could not possibly ignore this feeling of dread within him and told his mother that she should not cool the homemade pie using her normal methods. His mother had explained to him that she always cools the pie by an open window because the cool breeze helps with the flavour when it is done cooling. Tommy couldn't disagree with this logic, as he knew near nothing about baking then or now. What Tommy did have was a strong feeling this time that it would end as a very unfortunate event. Tommy pleaded and begged his mother not to put it by the open window. Tommy still remembers the words he dreaded having come true "Mommy please, I am telling you something bad is going to happen to the pie". His mother refused, stating that the nothing had ever happened or would ever happen to the in the window and not to be so foolish he was just a child and his imagination was getting the best of him. After placing the pie by the window, Tommy's mother turned around triumphantly. She exclaimed that everything was fine and he should not worry so much. Tommy's jaw dropped as behind her a Great Dane stood on their hind legs, head barely able to reach the window, nudging the pie over into the yard and eating it in a swift ten or fewer bites.

Following this event, Tommy and his mother both cried, but for different reasons. Tommy at the loss of his sweet, succulent dessert that he would never taste, he was always one for dramatics, and his mother for claiming the seer capabilities in the bloodline to finally have formed in a generation after so long. Tommy still thinks this claim is foolish, but this moment would be the start of his lying about the future and teasing his mother with events he claimed would happen, but most never did occur. Tommy still loved the thrill he would feel when the occasional prediction came true. He would often lie to people saying he was a seer and extremely gifted and had been making predictions since he was a mere babe, although his mother would back this claim Tommy felt most of his predictions were just for fun and to mess with others.

First Instance of Magic


Tommy's first instance of magic occurred during a round-robin selection for a ball game at the local park. After having been picked last every game for the entire year. When one of his bullies (which he prefers not to name or talk about) argued, the team that has Tommy should get two extra players since he is so bad. Tommy lost his temper and forced the ball the bully was holding to explode in his hands. While this did little more than scare the boy (and other kids) Tommy received some satisfaction as it meant he 1) scared the bully and more importantly 2) could use magic and could worry a little less about his family's pressures
Last edited by Tommy Patterson on 21 May 2024, 18:33, edited 6 times in total.

7 May 2024, 16:04
Tommy Patterson |First Year| |Slytherin|
Talent: Seer

Y1: Intuition (Seer)

Character Statistics:


Dancing-Feet Spell • Tarantallegra - Charms 1
Mending Charm • Reparo - Charms 1

Green Sparks Charm • Verdimillious - DADA 1
Red Spark Charm • Periculum - DADA 1
Curse of the Bogies • Mucus ad Nauseam - DADA 2

Opening Charm • Aberto - Astronomy 1

Fire-Making Spell • Incendio - Herbology 2
Extinguishing Charm • Extinguo - Herbology 3


Cure for Boils (First Lesson)
Herbicide Potion (First Lesson)
Forgetfulness Potion (First Lesson)

Pompion Potion (Herbology Second Lesson)

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