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18 Apr 2024, 15:43
Elizabeth Stonewall | First Year | Ravenclaw
Full Name: Elizabeth Mary Stonewall
House: Ravenclaw
Age: 11
Wand: 32,5 cm sycamore wood and dragon heartstring
School Year: First
Patronus: N/A
Species: Human

Character Race/Special Talent: N/A

History/Background Story

On May 1st, 2012 at exactly 1pm, Elizabeth was born to Rachel and Thomas Stonewall in London. Unfortunately, her twin died a few minutes after, a fact that she has never told anyone for fear of being pitied, which she hates. A few minutes after she was born and her twin had died, her father wrote a letter to his Muggle parents, telling them that they now had two grandchildren. After her mother was well enough, she wrote to her Wizard parents, telling them the wonderful news.

As soon as she was old enough to travel, she was taken twice a year out of the country. During the summer, they would go to Ireland to visit her Irish muggle grandparents where she would ride around the farm on her grandfather's tractor and play with the kitties in the barn. During the school year however, they would take her to France to visit her French magical grandparents where she would go to school.

On one occasion where she was visiting France during school, the school visited another school and she started talking with a little girl named Zabe. A few minutes later, a fight broke out and Elizabeth yelled at the boys to stop. Zabe raised her eyebrows at her and then marched over there. Without doing anything to them, the boys immediately stopped and shook hands reluctantly. Amazed, Elizabeth asked Zabe how she had done it after she walked towards her.

Her brother Demetrios who was 5 years older than her loved her from the start and did all he could to protect her. As the years slowly passed by, the love and affection between the siblings grew and grew. Because of the love Demetrios had for her, her friends were the friends that Demetrios had.

By the time she was five, her parents had reluctantly allowed her to play with her brother and his friends on the rooftop of the apartment they lived in. Full of joy, Elizabeth bounded up the stairs to play Tag with the others. That was the day she accidentally did magic.

As she was racing around and around, she slipped on the roof and fell over the side. Demetrios dashed downstairs as fast as he could with their parents right behind him. By the time they got outside, she was standing upright and unscathed. Sighing with joy and relief, her parents slowly walked up the stairs and Demetrios politely asked his friends to leave.

Once they got back into the apartment, their parents revealed to her that they were in fact Wizards and that she had a good chance of going to Hogwarts, a magic school. At the news, Elizabeth gasped in surprise and clapped her hands with joy. So they weren't Muggle magicians! They were real magicians! It was the best day of her life!

After that day, in order for the Muggle children at her old school to not know that Elizabeth could do magic, their parents arranged for Demetrios' private tutor that just so happened to be a Wizard to also teach Elizabeth. Up until she turned 11, she thought that there was nothing in the world that she lacked, she had everything she ever wanted. That all changed when she received her letter from Hogwarts.

As soon as she had read it, she tore from the bedroom that she shared with her brother into the living room where their parents were. She bounced up and down excitedly, waving the letter all about. When she had calmed down a bit, she told them that she was going to Hogwarts just like them. They smiled and as it was a special day, they all had ice cream.
Last edited by Elizabeth Stonewall on 7 Jun 2024, 02:30, edited 7 times in total.

18 Apr 2024, 15:49
Elizabeth Stonewall | First Year | Ravenclaw
Character Stats:

Spells: N/A
Potions: N/A
Abilities: N/A

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

10 Jun 2024, 23:56
Elizabeth Stonewall | First Year | Ravenclaw
My Friends!


Brookline Quinn: Started off at the Great Feast, became fast friends!
Volaril Korore: Found my lost book and have been friends.

Ehsilat Wilst: Met during an argument, became friends.
Prat Pass: Met during an argument, acquaintances since, avoiding each other.

Malin Penns: Met during an argument, acquaintances since.
Idea from Brookline Quinn

11 Jun 2024, 00:51
Elizabeth Stonewall | First Year | Ravenclaw
My Family

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Image Name: Theodore Stonewall||Status: Wizard||Relation: Dad
Image Name: Jasmine Stonewall||Status: Witch||Relation: Mom
Image Name: Demetrios Stonewall||Status: Underage Wizard||Relation: Older brother
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Own Childhood Friend

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Image Name: Zabe Monet||Status: Underage Wizard||School: Beauxbaton
Idea from Brookline Quinn