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3 Apr 2024, 02:51
Mateo Yamamoto  Mahoutokoro 
Name: Mateo Yamamoto
School: Mahoutokoro
Year: first
Status: Pureblood
Appearance: Image
Mateo has short straight black hair, paleish fair skin, and black eyes. He looks mostly Japanese, but he also has some features that tend to make him look Spanish, but can't be clearly seen.
At first, Mateo is pretty shy and quiet, but when he warms up to someone, he can actually be very energetic. He tends to not get mad easily, and has a passion for Quidditch. Besides having a passion for Quidditch, he's also open to making new friends that doesn't have a passion for Quidditch. He can also have a double personality at times, depends on how he's feeling. And even tho he's a pureblood, he'll be open to getting to know half-blood's, wizard borns, and muggle-born's. He can also be helpful as well and would love to help anyone with anything. It's also very easy for Mateo to warm up to someone, and he'll trust anyone and everyone.

Mateo Yamamoto is the son of Shota Yamamoto and Esmeralda Yamamoto (ne Soto). Mateo is a pureblood born on February 5, 2012, in Yokohama. Mateo is an only child and doesn't have any cousins since both of his parents are only childs as well. While growing up, Mateo was always a fan of Quidditch and also loved Magical Creatures, since his parents are both famous Quidditch players, they taught him how to fly at such a young age.

While being raised in Yokohama, Mateo was educated in the wizarding world of Japan and Spain and was also educated about all the wizarding schools that existed in the world. Mateo was fascinated by all the different types of magic in the world.

At age 5, Mateo received his first instance of magic. He was happily riding on the broom that his parents had bought for him, and he accidentally went too high. He tried to stop and go back to the ground, but while he was doing that, he bumped into a tree. From the impact of bumping into a tree at full speed, Mateo was sent flying. He was afraid that he was gonna fall so he closed his eyes tight and waited to hit the ground, but he didn't. He slowly opened his eyes and noticed that he was standing on his feet and safely on the ground. Mateo then looked at his broken broom and frowned since he had broken his very first broom. Mateo then went inside of the house and told his parents about what had happened. His parents were happy that he had received his first instance of magic, but they weren't happy about him breaking his broom.

When he turned 7, he received an invitation to the Day Program that Mahoutokoro for Mateo to attend, and he really wanted to go, but his parents decided to homeschool him instead, which he was fine with and didn't argue about it either. But, there was another reason why, his parents, at the time, weren't sure which school they'll be sending him to, and if they decided not to have him attend Mahoutokoro, they were worried he wouldn't want to leave the school.

When Mateo turned 11, he still wasn't sure what school he'd be going to since his parents didn't tell him, but if Mateo was able to choose, he'd want to stay in Japan and go to Mahoutokoro even tho he could speak Spanish, but he didn't want to go too far away from home. On Mateo's 11th birthday, his mother told him that he'd be going to Mahoutokoro which made Mateo very happy.



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ℜ𝔓 ℭ𝔬𝔡𝔢

Mateo Yamamoto ✩ First Year ✩ Mahoutokoro




Word Count: ---/---

made by Topaz November
Roleplaying as Mateo Yamamoto from Mahoutokoro
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
date: xx/xx/xxxx
word count: xxx/200
made by Estelle Nyx
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made by Topaz November
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-I can't believe we haven't met until now-
Tracey Bailey and Mateo Yamamoto
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made by Minnie Duke


made by Estelle Nyx

made by Topaz November

made by Topaz November for mine and Rowan's iNPC

both made by Genieve Delacourt

made by Beatrice Woods

made by me

made by Inara Yang

made by Rowan Bellegno

made by me

made by Brookline Quinn
NAME OF PERSON | first meeting | short description
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NAME OF PERSON | first meeting | short description
NAME OF PERSON | first meeting | short description
Devon Wallen | first meeting | I met her while I was at Hogwarts, and I found out that we have a lot in common. She's really nice ans I'm glad she's my friend
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Tracey Bailey | first meeting | Tracey is my childhood friend, but we never met in person, so when we did, I had fun hanging out with her.
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Last edited by Tracey Bailey on 1 May 2024, 01:58, edited 23 times in total.

𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕖𝕪 𝔹𝕒𝕚𝕝𝕖𝕪 | 𝔐𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔬 𝔜𝔞𝔪𝔞𝔪𝔬𝔱𝔬
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Don't you know I'm a savage?

3 Apr 2024, 02:51
Mateo Yamamoto  Mahoutokoro 
Is your character a Broom Racer?NO
Is your character a Quidditch Player? YES (Chaser)
Is your character a Duelist? NO
Stats: Stamina 8 | Evasion 7 | Strength 7 | Wisdom 4 | ArcPower 7 | Accuracy 7
Abilities: Sixth Sense (450 words):
Before Mateo had received his first instance of magic, the young Japanese boy was somewhat able to sense, or see things, that other's couldn't, but he never noticed this at first. The only time he did notice was while he was flying one day. He was 6 at the time, so a year after he had received his first instance of magic, and well, while he was flying, on a spare broom that he had at home, he heard some people shouting, probably from playing Quidditch, and before one of them told him to look out, he had successfully avoided getting hit.

It shocked him quite a bit, so after he went home from his little flying adventure, he told his parents, who were as shocked as he was, but told him that there was nothing he needed to worry about, because, well, he was kind of worrying that there was something happening with him, even though he's a pureblood.

At the time, Mateo also had a few friends who had also all gotten their first instances of magic, around the same time as he did, so he decided to tell them about it, but like his parents, they were also shocked, but told him that it'll be a good thing.

Another time when this sensing thingy happened, was when he was walking home from hanging out with his friends one day. They had decided to go look at the Cherry Blossom trees, since they had just blossomed, and Mateo was 9 at this time.

While he was walking home, Mateo wasn't exactly checking his surroundings, since he thought it was a quite street that he was walking along, but sadly, someone had seen him, and they decided to follow him, so he started running, as fast as he could, before the person was even close enough to make their presence known, but Mateo didn't think that this one was weird, he just thought he was lucky enough not to get kidnapped and was also lucky with what his parents had taught him to do if he were walking home alone, so he decided it'd be best to fly home from now on.

Lucky for him, whenever he flew home, nothing happened, but one day he was playing in his backyard, and well, he had threw a ball too high and it had went over the fence, so he went to go get it by climbing over the fence, and after he had gotten the ball, as he was about to climb over the fence again, he felt a strange feeling, like as if someone was watching him, but decided to shrug it off, but someone indeed was watching him.

Chasers Interception (444 words):
Mateo always had a passion for Quidditch, and as he'll be starting his second year at Mahoutokoro, he still has a huge passion for the sport. Most people think it's because his parents are professional Quidditch players, but Mateo's passion isn't from the fact that his parents are professional Quidditch players, it's because, ever since he saw a game live, he's loved it ever since.

Mateo was around the age of four when he had seen his first game, at the London Quidditch Stadium. Ever since then, he knew he wanted to become a professional Quidditch player, and he wanted to be a chaser.

The game that he watched was the best quidditch game he had ever watched in his life before. He, noticing the chasers’ moves the most, found out that they were all using Firebolts, a well-known broom that is known for its speed. Knowing a little about quidditch himself from the endless talking about it from his parents, he was thrilled when he saw it and asked his parents whether they could teach him quidditch and how to fly. His parents, seeing how much their son had longed for that, promised that they could. Ever since then, his parents taught him Quidditch, and how to fly.

One day, when his parents were lazing around a park near their home, Mateo suddenly said something that his parents had almost forgotten - the promise of teaching him how to play chaser in quidditch! Apologising quickly to their son, they took out a few brooms and taught their son, step by step, how to play chaser. Quite soon, their talented son had gotten the hang of it, and was able to score a few goals, with his parents doing their part as keeper. "Well done!" his parents told him as the sun had started to set. "Let’s get back into the house. We sure are proud of you to be able to play quidditch at such an early stage of learning!"

Patting his son on his head, the Mateo’s parents looked at him. "Looks like there’s something good here!" they said happily, with a light of triumph on their eyes, which were twinkling merrily. “Look, our Mateo’s getting really good at quidditch!” Mateo’s parents smiled, looking at their son proudly.

After this event of quidditch, Mateo started to adore this sport, and as a result, ended up practicing much more than he normally would. Who knows, by the end of his tremendously hard work, what would pay off? Therefore, Mateo decided to work harder on his quidditch skills, as he has a desire to become a professional Quidditch player in the position of Chaser.