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25 Jan 2019, 03:32
Fake permission form
Is there a way for a student to get caught in hogsmead with a fake permission form, and if so, what would the punishment be for getting caught with such fake?
Thanks, Bane

Often lying, but not to you.

9 Feb 2019, 07:51
Fake permission form
No matter whether you have the ability to go to hogsmeade or not through the permission slip item, in Rp no student is allowed to go to hogsmeade until their third year, so you would likely get a detention for just being there. 

Delilah S.
Stamina: 9 | Evasion: 11 | Strength: 5 | Wisdom: 15 | ArcPower: 13 | Accuracy: 14
It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live.