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25 Feb 2018, 16:52
Ashton Irving Cole, 1st Year Ravenclaw
History - Prior to Hogwarts

Being sent to apprentice with the Wandkeeper at the age of seven wasn't his choice, but it was better than living with his parents. Mom is British, dad is American, and neither were all that interested in raising a child.

Ashton Irving Cole, born January 11th, is his parent's first and only child. Ash, as he prefers, longed for a sibling. Given how he knew his parents felt about children, it was probably better they didn't have another. Both wizards, Ash's parents just assumed he would receive his letter to Hogwarts; unfortunately, they saw Ash a nuisance and convinced the Wandkeeper in Hogsmeade to look after Ash as their apprentice until such time he would be accepted into wizardry school. The feeling that his parents didn't want him were tampered by the excitement coming from his new found access to the finest resources on wandlore.

Ash loved learning. Ash loved writing about what he was learning, synthesizing sources and first hand accounts of wand use into treatises that we'd hope someone just like him would read one day. A content day involved Ash scribbling notes in his journal about the adventures of a new wizard who was passing through Hogsmeade. His journal was the one thing above all others that he cherished; the pages were filled with his thoughts, i.e. the ideas he hoped would inspire others.

He'd dream about adventures of his own, but something inside would pull him back to reality: the stories he'd write about were the life of others and out of reach for him. Maybe that would all change. For now, a book on magic, his journal, a cup of hot fudge cocoa, and plate of strawberries were all he'd need to find a joyful peace in life.

Preferred name: Ash
Birthday: January 11th (Wizard born)
Hometown: Hogsmeade, Scotland (place Ash lived before starting at Hogwarts)

History - At Hogwarts

House: Ravenclaw
Dormitory: Dormitory of Filius Flitwick
Last edited by Steve Windsor on 25 Feb 2018, 17:05, edited 2 times in total.

Ashton "Ash" Irving Cole - 1st year Ravenclaw

25 Feb 2018, 16:53
Ashton Irving Cole, 1st Year Ravenclaw

Henry Colour - Ravenclaw

Ashton "Ash" Irving Cole - 1st year Ravenclaw

25 Feb 2018, 16:55
Ashton Irving Cole, 1st Year Ravenclaw

Journal: Dear Wandkeeper... [Solo] [Journal]

First Day:
The Sorting Ceremony: link
Settling into the Dorms: link

Late night chat with Ashton... [PV Henry Colour] (done)
Lakeside meeting [PV Venice Smith] (in progress)
A Quest for Knowledge [PV Ashton Cole] (in progress)
Oh dear stars, Dearest stars (in progress)

Ashton "Ash" Irving Cole - 1st year Ravenclaw