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20 Jun 2023, 21:08
Einin Volkov  Koldovstoretz 
einin volkov
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Einin has long blonde hair, the type that can look white on some days and dirty blonde on others. Most days, however, it's somewhere in the middle, falling almost to her elbows. She is colourblind, and her eyes almost reflect this, being a flat grey. Her height is five feet one, complimenting her average build.
A thoughtful and attentive young girl, Einin feels all of her emotions very strongly, and can easily read the ones of others. She notices things, such as people's tells when they are lying or if the mood of the room is off. She's also very vocal about what she stands by, and defending people. When he was alive, her twin was always the one goofing off, leaving her to act as the more mature one.
Born June 13th, 2011 in Murmansk, Russia.

Einin's parents, Fyodor and Nikita Volkov, were always very private people. Having a child was not a surprise to them, but having two of them was. The pair wilted at the task of raising twins, and took the first opportunity that they could to ship Einin and Felix off to Koldovstoretz. They continued to stay there for the rest of their childhood, rarely ever seeing their parents. Over time, the pair began to disconnect from them, seeing each other as their only family. This caused an extreme emotional bond to form between them, one stronger than most siblings.

However, at the age of 10, disaster struck. It was a normal summer break, the one right before their official time at Koldovstoretz began, and Felix was wandering off. This wasn't something unusual, as he was a naturally curious boy. On his walk through the streets, he spotted a candy shop with yellow and blue curtains. Being a child, he ran back to his parents, and they (distracted as ever) just handed over some money before shooing him off. Einin watched him leave, but when several minutes passed by without his return, she started to become worried. Her parents hadn't even noticed, so she had to shake them to get their attention. After an exasperated glance at each other, Nikita agreed to come with Einin to look for Felix. While Nikita kept a slow pace, Einin raced ahead until she got to the block he'd headed towards. And there he was: lying face down on the pavement, blood dripping out of the of his head. Finally coming to focus when she saw the body, Nikita immediately called for an ambulance, but Einin couldn't move. It was like a piece of her was missing or something, and she couldn't bring it back.

Not long after, it was confirmed to have been a hit and run, the driver and car unidentified. This somehow made it worse, not knowing who had pulled the life from her brother. Grief can have a weird effect on some people, but for Einin, the feeling never let her go. She constantly heard his voice in her head, saw his face in crowds, or when it got bad, she actually talked to him. He appeared in her dreams the most, acting as if he was perfectly healthy, not lying six feet underground.

felix, age 11
While at home in Murmansk, Einin was racing her brother. He was winning, and she wanted desperately to beat him. Just as he approached the finish line, she felt a burst of speed carry her over. So fast that she barely touched her legs to the ground, so it couldn't be anything else other than magic..
Last edited by Jaime Doon on 29 Jun 2023, 23:13, edited 3 times in total.

don't pretend it's such a mystery
wis: 5 sta: 7 eva: 6 acc: 6 arc: 5 str: 6

20 Jun 2023, 21:08
Einin Volkov  Koldovstoretz 
Is your character a Broom Racer? no
Is your character a Quidditch Player? no
Is your character a Duelist? no
Stamina: 7
Evasion: 7
Strength: 3
Wisdom: 8
Arcane Power: 7
Accuracy: 8
abilities: n/a for now