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9 Apr 2023, 23:02
Yevgeny Isaevich Ogarev  Durmstrang 
Name: Yevgeny Isaevich Ogarev
School: Durmstrang
Year: 3rd
Status: Pureblood
Appearance: Yevgeny has a round face with a prominent forehead, and his hair is light brown and combed back. His eyes are light blue, and he has long eyelashes. He has a straight nose and a small, well-defined mouth. Overall, it is possible to claim that Yengeny has a very spectacular appearance, with a youthful charm and bright eyes that somehow suggest an inquisitive personality. His facial features are well-defined but still soft and round, consistent with the appearance of many young children.
─Through the Years─
Age 11
Age 12
Age 13
Age 14
Age 15
Age 16
Age 17
Age 18
Code by Winnie Harper
Personality: Yevgeny's primary goal is to achieve glory and fame, which he believes can only be attained by realising his full potential through acquiring wisdom, demonstrating bravery, and taking risks. He believes that achieving one's full potential through various means is the only worthwhile pursuit in life. Although still a child, he is acutely aware of the importance of these ideals and is rarely satisfied with his present state or current circumstances. While some may accuse him of exaggerating his skills and capabilities, Yevgeny regards himself as someone destined to fulfil his cause. Despite his obvious interest in power, he has a strong sense of chivalry and believes that those who are more fortunate should look after those who are less so. Yevgeny is eager to grow up quickly so that he can accomplish this self-imposed mission. The Russian boy has an undeniable thirst for knowledge, and when this feature combines with his inherent impatience, he craves to acquire all of the theoretical and practical knowledge that would be beneficial to him. He is skilled with words and enjoys impressing others with his elegant speaking style. Yevgeny also enjoys being flattered, although this can be considered a flaw in his character. Yevgeny is good at socialising, but only if he deems the other person worthy of his time and attention.


Laurel wood with a White River Monster Spine
31,7 cm and brittle


This wand thrives on the passion of its owner; without it, its performance may falter and seem indifferent. It is worth noting that Laurel wands staunchly to avoid any dishonourable acts. However, those who seek glory, a common aspiration for those attuned to these wands, have witnessed the impressive and occasionally deadly magic that Laurel wands can produce.

White River Monster Spine
Thiago Quintana, an American wandmaker, utilised a core crafted from the White River Monster in some of his wands. These wands have a tendency to favour purebloods or wizards hailing from affluent backgrounds. They are renowned for conjuring spells that exude both power and grace.

Zakhariy Ruslanovich Ogarev held a prominent position as a senior bureaucrat within the Russian Ministry of Magic. During the 1930s, while in the midst of his career, he embarked on an official mission to America. It was during this time, in the year 1934, that he found himself involved in a significant duel, resulting in severe damage to his wand crafted by Gregorovitch. With an urgent need for a replacement wand, he sought out the renowned American wandmaker, Thiago Quintana, and purchased a wand from his esteemed shop. As a result, Zakhariy became the sole member of the Ogarev family to possess a wand crafted outside of Russia. Quintana's exceptional craftsmanship served Zakhariy dutifully for many decades. Unfortunately, Zakhariy tragically passed away from a sudden heart attack last summer. Upon examining his will, it was discovered that Zakhariy had chosen to bequeath his wand to his sole grandson, thus passing down the treasured heirloom within the family.
• +1 accuracy with charms.
• -2 wisdom DC (WDC) requirement for all wisdom checks when casting a charm.
History: Yevgeny Isaevich Ogarev was born on the 7th of August 2010 in St. Petersburg, Russia, into one of the oldest pureblood wizard families in the country. His father, Pyotr Nikolayevich Ogarev, is a highly respected and wealthy wizard who specialised in cursed objects. He had written several theoretical books on the subject, making him a well-known magical theoretician across the Russian-speaking world. His mother, Katerina Sergeevna Ogareva, belonged to another prominent pureblood family from Crimea and was considered a magizoologist due to her extensive knowledge of magical creatures during her pre-marriage life as she spent a considerable time taming Grindylows.

Growing up in the Ogarev household, Yevgeny was given a serious and stern education by his father and private tutors. He was taught Russian and South Slavic languages, as well as French, and given long courses on the history of pureblood wizard families in Russia. His mother, on the other hand, provided him with ample knowledge about magical creatures, having spent much of her life taming them.

Yevgeny was raised in the company of an army of tutors and nannies, with a strict emphasis on respectful behaviour and propriety. These virtues were highly valued in his family home, and Yevgeny was expected to act accordingly. Despite the relative rigidity of his upbringing, Yevgeny developed a keen sense of ambition, driven by his family's reputation and the legacy the previous Ogarev generations had built. At the age of ten, Yevgeny was enrolled in Durmstrang, just like his parents before him. It was seen as an important step for the family, a way to bring even more glory and fame to their already esteemed name. His parents were determined to prove that he was a rightful heir to their legacy, and thus, they spared no expense in his education.

As he settled into life at Durmstrang, Yevgeny found that his upbringing had prepared him well for the rigorous academic and social environment. He quickly gained a reputation as a brilliant and ambitious student, admired by some and envied by others. Despite his young age, Yevgeny was already well on his way to fulfilling his family's expectations of him. He was determined to make a name for himself in the wizarding world and to bring even more honour to the Ogarev name. With the wealth of knowledge and training he had received from his family, he is well-equipped to do so.
First Instance of Magic: Yevgeny was an eight-year-old boy who took his studies seriously, especially when it came to learning South Slavic languages. Croatian was the latest addition to his linguistic repertoire, upon the request of his father, and as always, Yevgeny approached it with diligence and commitment. However, one day, he found himself facing an unfamiliar foe - boredom. The task before him was simple enough - memorising fifty Croatian vocabulary words. But as Yevgeny stared at the page, his mind wandered, and he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of dissatisfaction. He had spent countless hours studying languages, and he was tired of it all. As the minutes ticked by, Yevgeny grew increasingly restless. He couldn't focus on the task at hand, and he felt his frustration building with each passing second. And then, something strange happened.

In a quick instant, the words on the page disappeared. Yevgeny was stunned, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Had he somehow destroyed the book? How would he ever be able to learn the words now? Terrified and confused, Yevgeny sat there for what felt like an eternity. He didn't know what to do, and he felt helpless. But then, slowly but surely, the ink began to reappear on the surface of the page. The words that had disappeared almost an hour ago were now visible once again. Yevgeny was relieved, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at what had just occurred. He had never experienced anything like this before. Had he performed some kind of magic, at last?
Last edited by Alexander Harland on 25 Jul 2023, 20:46, edited 10 times in total.

9 Apr 2023, 23:02
Yevgeny Isaevich Ogarev  Durmstrang 
Is your character a Broom Racer? Yes.
Is your character a Quidditch Player? No.
Is your character a Duelist? No.
Stats: Stamina: 7, Evasion: 6, Strength: 10, Wisdom: 10, Arcane Power: 2, Accuracy: 7
Abilities: Statistically Relevant (+1 Wisdom, +1 Evasion).
Yevgeny was a diligent student who always took his studies seriously, and learning French dative grammar was no exception. His father, a well-known wizard and author, had set a strict deadline for him to master the subject within a week. Yevgeny was determined to succeed and put all of his efforts into it. He spent hours each day studying and practising the rules of the dative case, slowly but surely absorbing the complex concepts. At first, it was a challenging task that required immense concentration, but over time, it almost became second nature to him. He could identify the dative case in sentences and conjugate verbs without even thinking.

As he practised more and more, he found himself learning automatically, without feeling any joy or sorrow. He had put so much effort into learning the grammar that it had become a mechanical process, one that he could do without even thinking. Despite the lack of emotion, he felt while learning, Yevgeny remained committed to his goal. He knew that he had to master this subject to please his father and prove his worth as a student. So, he continued to practice until he was confident that he had mastered the French dative grammar.

When the deadline arrived, Yevgeny had indeed succeeded. His father was impressed with his selfless effort, and Yevgeny felt a sense of pride and satisfaction. He had achieved his goal, but he also knew that his hard work and dedication had taught him an important lesson. He learned that sometimes, learning can be a mechanical process that requires discipline and perseverance. But even when the joy of learning fades, the satisfaction of achieving a goal remains. Yevgeny understood that hard work and dedication were the keys to success, and he vowed to apply this lesson to all aspects of his life.

Acquirement 234/100.
Yevgeny's grandfather, Zakhariy Ruslanovich Ogarev, was a senior bureaucrat in the Russian Ministry of Magic. While in the middle of his career in the 1930s, he embarked on an official mission to America. It was during this time that he engaged in a serious duel there, and his Gregorovitch-crafted wand was seriously broken. In need of a replacement wand, he visited the shop of the renowned American wandmaker: Thiago Quintana. From there he bought a wand, thus becoming the first and only member of the Ogarev family to have a wand made outside of Russia. Quintana's craftsmanship served him very well for decades. Last summer, Yevgeny's grandpa passed away from a sudden heart attack. In his will, it was found out that Zakhariy had chosen to leave his wand to his only grandson, considering that his son was already dedicated to his own. "If it chooses you as it once chose me, use it to exhibit your talents," he wrote, "and if it doesn't work for you, I'd like you to keep it as a cherished memento of your grandpa." Following that, Yevgeny, in the presence of his parents and various wand-making expert, tested the wand left to him by his grandfather. As it was understood that the wand was even more effective than the one he currently held, it was decided that Yevgeny should continue his life and magical journey Zakhariy's old wand.

Wand wood: Laurel. 98/50.
Yevgeny, as a family tradition, inherited the idea and belief that the main purpose of a wizard must be to achieve the greatest glory that his potential will allow. However, he was never armed with an understanding that even dishonourable acts for the sake of glory were permissible. He always believed that chasing after glory and looking after one's own interests are two dramatically different concepts, and he valued the former while despising the latter. Laurel, therefore, can be regarded as a considerably good match for his character. That's why, Yevgeny believed, the wand decided to choose him.

Wand core: White River Monster Spine. 147/50.
This core, obtained by Thiago Quintana from a magical fish endemic to White River in Arkansas, is known for favouring pureblood and often wealthy families. Ogarevs is a family that meets these two conditions, maybe more than enough. Valuing his family and their traditions highly, Yevgeny tends to describe himself not just as an individual, but as a member of the distinguished and respected Ogarev family. At the same time, he has always had an interest in elegance. Considering that the brutal and graphic displays of spells represented a serious lack of understanding regarding the nature of magic, Yevgeny has always been prone to prioritise the elegant and stylish appearance of his incantations. As he was always eager to be different from the ordinary, it could be argued that this attitude mirrors this unignorable part of his nature in the field of outward manifestations of his spells.

Altered Appearances of Yevgeny's Spells

Reparo - Originally has no light, once cast with this wand, however, it emanates a subtle, ash-coloured light.
Reparifarge - Instead of a white light, it releases a dark green one.
Green Sparks Charm - This charm cast by this wand exhibits a more shimmering greenness than the standard one.
Red Spark Charm - This charm cast by this wand exhibits a more shimmering greenness than the standard one.
Steleus - Its light is brown, instead of green.
Fire-Making Spell - This spell reaches its target with spiralling movements.
Wand-Lighting Charm - Rather than emitting a while glow, it radiates a luminous turquoise light.
Knockback Jinx - Upon emerging from the wand, the light of this spell takes on a purple hue, gradually transitioning to a vibrant red as it traverses halfway towards its intended target.
Bubble-Producing Charm - The conjured bubbles are in diverse colours.
Umbrella Spell - It produces a purple umbrella, rather than the standard bluish one.
Smokescreen Spell - It creates a cloud of black smoke and not a grey one.
Tickling Charm - Instead of producing a silver light, it generates a radiant golden glow.

Wand length: 31.7cm. 74/50.
Yevgeny has always felt a natural urge to act dramatically. Not only the appearance of his spells but also his gestures and facial expressions are largely flamboyant, even somewhat theatrical. Even if he is far from acting pretentiously, his character is sometimes misinterpreted by others as being marked by snobbery. Due to his nature that likes to shine in the public eye and be noticed, Yevgeny is apt to be considered a colourful character.

Wand flexibility: Brittle. 125/50.
Yevgeny firmly holds a belief in the correctness of his own ideas, because he puts a strain on his mind to acquire them. It is very difficult to persuade him that his thoughts could be wrong. In fact, it can be argued that the notion that his thoughts can be subject to falsification is something that he dramatically lacks, and this constitutes one of the weakest facets of his character. His deep-seated sense of pride oftentimes leads him to staunchly defend almost every single thought with a rigid seriousness worthy of a principle, thus preventing him from displaying flexibility. It should also be stressed, however, that he acknowledges the fact that his thoughts and acts can be challenged, even though his acceptance is rather limited.

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.