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2 Apr 2023, 21:31
Sónia Alejandra Veritas Duorado  Castelobruxo 
Name: Sónia Alejandra Veritas Duorado
Age: 63 (Born January 15th, 1959)
Nationality: Colombian
Blood Status: Half-Blood


History: Born the youngest and only daughter of a family of six half-blooded siblings, Sónia was raised in the metropolis of Bogotá. Her father was a small-time file clerk inside the Colombian Ministry of Magic, while her mother was a local baker. As a child, Sónia had a natural affinity with the natural arts of magizoology, and as a student of Castelobruxo excelled in her studies of the subject of the same name.

At the age of eleven, Sónia’s invitation to Castelobruxo arrived via beautiful Scarlet Macaw, a letter clutched in between its claws. Even as a child, Sónia held herself with grace and poise, however even with the grace, she was terribly shy compared to her more outspoken brothers. Throughout her several years at Castelobruxo, she excelled in her studies but yet she couldn’t help but find that her love of magizoology was still the most prevalent in her heart. This love stayed with her all the way through graduation and into her adult life.

As an adult, Sónia felt that it was her place to become a wizarding naturalist. While she never participated in the sanctioned breeding of magical creatures, she spent the majority of her professional career tracking and saving desperate magical creatures from the likes of poachers and those of less-principled parties. Throughout her tenure as a Magizoologist, she was lauded for her observational aptitude and natural empathy that was involved in studying these creatures from afar and taking care of those who could not take care of themselves.

Some might say that Sónia was a black sheep of her family, as her brothers had found their callings in more labor-intensive or bureaucratic careers. She had found that the muggle naturalist societies and the local cryptid hunters were a bountiful source of information, even if these muggle parties were very ill-informed nine out of ten times. So as she traveled the world, and tracked the movements of endangered magical creatures, the woman often had many contacts within the muggle realm of cryptid and non-magical creature advocates. Only in her recent years had she come in contact with what Dourado would call a lifelong friend, and what a creature resembling an overgrown ferret would vehemently deny. The creatures known as Jarveys were foul-mouthed little things that were verbally aggressive and equally physical had caught the intrigue of the Wizarding naturalist. After saving the creature from a group of rowdy huntsmen, who had found that Jarvey’s words were not to their liking, she kept the overgrown ferret with her. The creature was dangerous for non-competent wizards and witches, but Sónia had little trouble keeping it in line. Sónia mostly kept it around because she loved the thrill of their verbal sparring matches, slinging insults back and forth at one another. Sadly the Jarvey was always the clear winner.

After years in the service of magical creature advocation and protection, Sónia had found a new passion in tutoring the young minds of the future wizards and witches of the world. For several more years, she had found herself independently teaching young students in the ways of magizoology. That was until the end of 2020. Only a year after the former Headmaster of Castelobruxo, Gideon Guerra, was ousted from his position for gross negligence and failure to uphold the standards set forth by the Colégio de Castelobruxo. However, Guerra’s incompetence paved a path to headmistress status for Dourado.

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.