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2 Apr 2023, 20:59
Stella Williams  Beauxbatons 
Name: Stella Williams
School: Beauxbatons
Year: Sixth
Status: Pureblood
Appearance: Stella is a slender girl, with long dirty blonde hair that reaches her waist, a bow is usually placed in it, keeping her hair out of her eyes. She has bright green eyes, which are usually narrowed in a cold glare. She is pale, with freckles dotting her cheeks and nose to give her appearance a more youthful first glance. She has a perfect posture, not once will you see her slouch. From seeing her from a distance, you can tell she was raised to give off a graceful appearance.

Personality: The young pureblood is not nice by any means. With a permanent scowl on her face, her attitude matches her face. She is able to be fake in the sense of keeping things civil, but Stella is cold with mostly everyone. Trust, she fears, makes her weak. Especially when her family is just as paranoid with people as she is. She has a few friends, who she is softer with. But at her core, Stella is spiteful, cruel, and impatient. She does, however, have morals, and a good sense of kindness for those who can’t look after themselves.

History: Stella was born into a life of magic, lies, and pureblood chaos. The Williams family, even before Stella’s birth, had it’s fair share of problems. She was born into a then family of three; her mother, Elise(NPC) . Her father, Olivier(NPC). And her older brother, Sam(NPC). Elise married into a long lineage of purebloods, but what the family did not know, was that Elise had a muggle sister; Angela. Who at that point, had gone off to marry a different man and have children of her own. But Olivier’s family was enraged at the idea of having someone with mortal connections married into their tree. Elise decided to break off from her maiden family, not knowing that Angela (NPC, also Rosie's mother) would go on to have wizard children.

Her and Olivier moved to France with their son Sam, and would finally go on to have Stella. With a new child, Olivier and Elise’s family were treated much better, now that they were away from Elise’s muggle family. Pureblood delegations resumed, and Olivier and Elise regularly met with other families. Including ones from London. A few years later, Stella’s little sister, Eloise (NPC), was born. The three children had a happy childhood, anything that Olivier or Elise did that would be considered unethical was done behind the scenes, and away from their children. Luckily due to Elise’s connection with muggles, they were not raised to be discriminatory against muggles. For the sake of being easy to do business with, and to confide in, their parents encouraged Stella to hate people based on their qualities as a person, and not their bloodline. In fact, they encouraged their children to be wary of everyone. You could never know what someone was truly up to, as purebloods betrayed each other all the time. Thus, Stella was raised to be paranoid. However, not to her knowledge, her older brother Sam had taken a more sinister approach to meet the pureblood standards. Thus was the life when you were surrounded by the wrong purebloods. But more on that another time.

When she was eleven, Stella discovered her magical prowess. She had been trying to copy something she had seen her mother doing, and ended up making a mess in the kitchen as a result. She had used Leviosa to clang a pot against the one her mom was moving, thus triggering a domino effect of fallen kitchenware. Frustrated as she was for her poor kitchen tools, Elise was excited to know that her daughter was capable of magic the same as them. Wanting her to be exposed to the same proper prestige that she was at home, Stella was sent to Beauxbatons to learn how to utilize her magic to the fullest. Little did she know, this would open more learning for her than being stuck at home ever did.

Tl;dr: The only playable character within Stella's family is Stella, though she is related to Rosie via cousins.


2 Apr 2023, 20:59
Stella Williams  Beauxbatons 
Is your character a Broom Racer? No.
Is your character a Quidditch Player? No.
Is your character a Duelist? No.
Stamina: 12
Evasion: 6
Strength: 8
Wisdom: 12
ArcPower: 14
Accuracy: 8

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.