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30 Aug 2020, 19:39
Broom Racing System
Simply put, broom racing is a competition between witches and wizards that can involve many competitors or just two. Major broom races become events with hundreds if not more spectators. It involves a start-point, an end-point and a broomstick. However there is so much more to broom racing than start, go, reach the finish line first. The racetrack is often tricky if not treacherous, some racers play dirty and sometimes it truly is slow and steady that wins (or is the only one to finish) the race. Please refer to the Sports in thread for an overview on playing a sport.

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

30 Aug 2020, 22:13
Broom Racing System
Broom Racing Championship
Each house has a team of six racers who compete in a race to the finish line of a map. There are three races in a school year - one in fall, one in winter and one in spring.

A racer who crosses the finish line first wins that race for their house, however, points go towards determining the overall year-long championship. The house with the most points at the end of the year wins the championship. This does mean that, hypothetically, a house can win the championship without winning a single race.

This was implemented to make a broom racing match feel more like teamwork than individual play, and to help every racer have a role of importance (as well as to avoid situations in which three houses can finish in equal first at the end of the season).

The points your team get depends on each racer's end position at the end of the race, which is taken to be the end of the round in which one person from either team crosses the finish line. Points are based upon your position, with the following caveats and exceptions:
  1. Knocked Off Broom
    This would apply to a racer if they fell from their broom and did not get back to their broom by the end of the race, including those who are unconscious. Like what happens in real life motorsport, this would qualify as a DNF (did not finish) and you will automatically be placed in the 10th position. Should multiple racers end the race off of the broom, the racer who got further into the course will be taken to have finished ahead of the other.
  2. Shared Placements
    If two racers are in the same place, their points will be averaged and they will receive the same amount. For example, both Tatsu and Fred are in unit 6, and based on their position in the race, they are both in fifth place. The calculation will be the point you will get in fifth place plus the sixth place then divide by two: ( 10 + 8 ) / 2 = 9.
When racers from two teams cross the finish line in the same round, a contested stamina roll will be used to determine the winner. The winner of the roll will win the race for their team and get the first-place points, and the loser(s) of the roll will get second place.

2 Sep 2020, 04:11
Broom Racing System
Broom Racing Mechanics
The track is divided into units for the sake of understanding distance. A speed of 1 for instance covers 1 unit of space. A map may be represented like this:
Starting Line
Unit 1. -
Unit 2. Hard Winds
Unit 3. Easy Winds
Unit 4. -
Unit 5. Moderate Vines
Finish Line
There will be perils as well as opponents to contend with throughout the course. The perils would be clearly defined and they utilize a variety of player statistics.

The following is an example of how a race plays out, including the order of operations that actions are taken into account:
  1. Start of the Race - the track is described. The units are defined with obstacles known. The racers are listed. The setting is written with a narrative post.
  2. Racers enter the thread - the racers playing enter the thread and all start at the starting line. They will be given a predetermined amount of time to post and submit actions - 120 hours from the time of the moderation post. Any posts or strategies made after this time will not count towards the round.
  3. First round is moderated - the moderator will do rolls and take into account the actions submitted, player stats, and the correct order of operations.
    1. Counter-charms and defensive spells are taken to fire instantly and are therefore moderated first.
    2. Support and healing spells take place next.
    3. Spells against the environment are moderated next. This would be spells to damage the ground. To soften the ground. To make the woods more dense, etc.
    4. Spells, and other hostile actions, against one another are next. Please note that there is a range on these spells. This range is determined from the player's starting point for this first round. This would include blatching.
    5. Secondary effects (such as slowness, reduced accuracy or evasion) are applied.
    6. Attacks that require melee range would still occur even if the player is knocked back by another concurrent spell. These are guaranteed actions that occur simultaneously.
    7. Damage from these spells are taken and calculated.
    8. If a wand is taken or they fall off their broom, due to spell effects, this is applied now.
    9. Movement is moderated following the casting of spells. So if a player states that they are moving 3 units, that racer is moved 3 units. Any obstacles in the setting are rolled.
  4. Racers will post - the racers playing post again in the thread. They will be given a predetermined amount of time to post and submit actions - 120 hours from the time of the moderation post. Any posts or strategies made after this time will not count towards the round.
  5. The next round starts.
    1. A falling player skips the movement stage, they are moving vertically. They can immediately cast a reactionary to prepare themselves for impact. This spell counts as their action for this round.
    2. Other counter-charms and defensive spells take place next.
    3. Support and healing spells take place next.
    4. Spells against the environment are moderated next. This would be spells to damage the ground. To soften the ground. To make the woods more dense, etc.
    5. Spells against one another, and other hostile acts, are next. Please note that there is a range on these spells. This range is determined from the player's stop point for this first round. This includes casting a spell against a grounded target. An opponent might be out of range and unable to cast anymore.
    6. Damage is taken and calculated.
    7. Damage from these spells are taken and calculated.
    8. If a wand is taken or they fall off their broom, due to spell effects, this is applied now.
    9. Movement is moderated following the casting of spells. So if a player states that they are moving 3 units, that racer is moved 3 units. Any obstacles in the setting are rolled.
    10. Spells that specifically target a specific unit (such as when they pass the Whomping Willow they cast a fire-spell) occur as they reach the range of the unit.
This will repeat as many rounds as needed until a player reaches the finish line, at which point the race ends in favor of the first-place player's house, and points are calculated for all players towards the championship.
Sharing A Broom
When two players are sharing a broom, they are considered to be a "Two-Headed Dragon." The pair would share stats and only get 1 action per round (that they must agree on and both must post for). This makes them significantly more powerful due to teamwork, but also dependent on one another and their moves are limited to one move that they must agree on. When attacks/moves are made, the stats of the players sharing the broom are averaged. So, if one user has a 7 and the other has an 11 in evasion for a total of 18, then while sharing the broom, they have an evasion of 9. The riders abilities are shared - so if one of them has fearless, the duo while they are on the shared broom have fearless. Stamina is not being averaged - each player maintains their own health pool and is taking half damage from obstacles and attacks as they race together. Each player will fall off the broom individually once they hit 0. If the driver falls, both fall.

There is a risk, IF one of the players fails to post then the action cannot go off. We try to be kind regarding this but please have a back-up plan in mind.
Broom Racing Actions
The below are actions that can be taken in a round of broom racing. When movement is halved from an action, it is rounded down and you still suffer the effects of the full speed you chose. For example if you are flying a speed of 5 but take an action that halves your movement, you would move only 2 units and you would suffer the side-effects of flying speed 5.

When someone falls from their broom they will take fall damage that scales with the speed that they are traveling [25 * current speed]. The damage from the fall can be prevented with the spell spongify being cast on the ground to make your landing softer if you think this is coming as a prepared action.
  1. Fly: The most obvious of moves. Your character flies. However you need to declare your speed. Brooms have a maximum speed (measures in units). For speeds over 1, your character suffers a -1 accuracy and evasion that stacks with each additional speed. For instance, if your speed is 3 then your character suffers a -2 to their accuracy and evasion. When only using the action Fly, a spell action may also be taken by the player.
    • Can still Fly when using the move (if the one being thrown) Alley-Oop. The thrower would remain in their unit, where the one thrown would be launched forward.
  2. Save: This is where the racer foregoes their track progress and elects to save a falling ally instead. When a player is successfully saved, they would retrieve their broom in the same round and hold onto it for the rest of the race until they return to broom.
    • The player being saved must be within 3 units of your character. This can be at the beginning or the end of the round.
    • This move would be considered a conditional, "If Sara is knocked from her broom Save her." Meaning, if this user is NOT knocked from their broom your character would simply fly the number of units they intended to fly that round. [What is a "conditional"? A conditional is a limited set of moves that can be performed on a "if-then" basis.] This move cannot be used as a conditional in conjunction with any other move. For instance the conditional cannot read "If Sara is knocked from her broom Save her. Otherwise, attack Tom."
    • If you "Saved" them, your position at the start of the next round will be the unit in which you saved them rather than the distance that you intended to fly. That would be the speed you were moving. You might have to avoid some obstacles still.
  3. Return to Broom: [Multi-player Move] If two players are sharing a broom (such as after a save) to get both users back to their own broom this action can be used.
    • The Math: There is no math for this. However, there is a broom [Cleansweep 11] that allows this action to be done without using the player's action.
  4. Alley Oop: [Multi-player Move] This is a play where two racers make a wild and dangerous bid for victory. This requires the action of both racers. One user uses their strength to spin their ally around and then fling them with all their might and the centrifugal force ahead of them. This takes up the thrower's action except with a certain broom [Starsweeper XXI] where this action (done by the one doing the throwing) does not take up the user's full action. The one being thrown still gets to use the Fly action and needs to declare a speed. Must be within 3 units of the intended player to throw.
    • The Math: The spinner would remain on the unit that they flung their alley forward. Their strength being used to determine the number of units they hurl their ally forward in addition to the speed of their broom. For every 5 strength, the racer flies an additional 1 unit. For every additional unit flung, in addition to the normal accuracy and evasion debuffs they might experience, the flier that is flung forward experiences a stacking 5% auto-fail against getting through obstacles that require an accuracy roll, and stacking 5% auto-fail against anything that requires an evasion roll.
  5. Blatching: This is a move where the racer attempts to collide with an opponent. Anyone who you share a unit with or pass during this turn is considered a valid target, be it before or after movement.
    • The Math: Accuracy of the blatcher versus Evasion of the target. On a success, the target takes damage (Current Speed x 25). If the blatcher passes a strength roll of 30, then the target takes double fall damage (Current Speed x 50).
    - Broom of the blatcher only flies half the distance.
    - Blatching is rolled by the moderator with other attacks before movement is rolled, but the blatch attempt is considered to be in the farthest unit both parties share during the round (Where the blatch occurs is to consider where players would be at the end of the round if the blatch had not occurred. The farthest unit that both parties reach is the unit of the blatch.).
  6. Parkin’s Pincer: [Multi-Player Move] Stolen from Quidditch, this move is named after the original members of the Wigtown Wanderers, who are reputed to have invented it. Two racers close in on an opposing racer, while the third flies headlong towards him or her. This is treated as a normal Blatching except the opponent has disadvantage on their roll to evade the attempt. Anyone who you share a unit with or pass during this turn is considered a valid target, be it before or after movement. The primary blatcher needs to be declared because their stats are still necessary for determining the rolls used. Two other racers must assist to use this move. [Accuracy] [Strength]
    • The Math: This is similar to in quidditch when a player Bludgers an opponent, except you do not need to have your opponent reduced to 0 (or less) health to knock them from their broom. There is no damage done. The attack itself would be accuracy (on the blatcher which is determined at the time of the move) versus evasion (on the target). If hit, the target is knocked from the broom regardless of the amount of health remaining. Unlike Quidditch, this is not considered to be a foul but it is considered to not be very sportsman-like. Note: Broom only flies half the distance. The blatch attempt is considered to be the furthest unit both parties are in during the round.
  7. Improvised Projectile: This is the practice of throwing something at an opponent racer. Movement is reduced in half when throwing a projectile. So if moving at a speed of 6 when a throwing something, you only move as many units as you would if you were moving at 3 and you still suffer the side-effects of moving at a speed of 6.
    • Range: The range of the improvised projectile is 3+(1 for each 5 points of strength.) For example, a racer with a strength of 11 will have a range of 5.
    • The Math: A contested accuracy (of attacker) against evasion (of target). On hit 25 * strength in damage.
  8. Terrain Damage: This is the practice of damaging the environment for the purpose of making the race more difficult for the racers behind you. This is done by casting certain spells. Must be in the unit that that this spell was cast in during the round it was cast. Movement is reduced in half when casting a spell on your broom. So if moving at a speed of 6 when a spell was cast, you only move as many units as you would if you were moving at 3 and you still suffer the side-effects of moving at a speed of 6.
  9. Casting Spells: Similar to terrain damage, only the target is other players. Some spells are considered to be legal but many spells are considered to be illegal and very dangerous. Wisdom Checks are performed to determine if the cast is seen (using the cheating system and all applicable abilities). The Wisdom Check is the average Wisdom DC of every racer + 10. Some spells make it easier to cheat. Movement is reduced in half when casting a spell on your broom. So if moving at a speed of 6 when a spell was cast, you only move as many units as you would if you were moving at 3 and you still suffer the side-effects of moving at a speed of 6.
  10. Using Potions: Users can consume/apply a potion during the race. Movement is reduced in half when consuming a potion on your broom. So if moving at a speed of 6 when using a potion, you only move as many units as you would if you were moving at 3 and you still suffer the side-effects of moving at a speed of 6. Note: The user must send the potion item from their inventory to the moderator of the race as it is being "consumed" in this moderated event. The moderator will then send the potion to the Game Master account.
  11. Help Ally with Obstacle: If you and an ally occupy the same space at some point during a round, you can use your action that round to aid your ally with one obstacle, or to help free them from an obstacle they are stuck in. This obstacle must be clearly stated (eg “Help Player x with the Thorns Obstacle”). Movement is reduced in half when helping an ally. So if moving at a speed of 6 when performing this action, you only move as many units as you would if you were moving at 3 and you still suffer the side-effects of moving at a speed of 6.
    • This move can only be used in three situations:
      1. An ally is passing through a unit with an obstacle in the same round that you are passing through that obstacle. This action will grant them advantage on their check.
      2. An ally is stuck in an obstacle while you pass through the unit with the obstacle. This will allow them to escape ONLY IF you pass the check yourself. (For example, if an ally is stuck in the maze and trying to escape, you must pass through the maze with a successful DC check in order for your ally to have an auto-success on getting through. However, if you get stuck in the maze during this round, no benefit will be given to the ally you tried to help.)
      3. If you and an ally are both stuck in the same obstacle, you can both use this move to help each other auto-escape. This only applies to obstacles you can get stuck in (eg vines and maze)
  12. There are a few actions that can be taken in response to being targeted by a spell, being caught by an obstacle, or attacked. Some of these actions cannot be done while flying at the same time.
    • Remount: Retrieve and remount your broom if you have been knocked off [KOB]. You cannot also fly in the same round, it takes your whole round to find and remount the broom.
    • Remove blindfold: Automatic success. You can fly half movement at the same time.
    • Retrieve wand: Must be done within 3 units of where you dropped your wand. Automatic success. You cannot fly at the same time as it takes your whole round to find and grab the wand, as opposed to using accio which allows you to fly half movement at the same time.
    • Escape maze: Attempt to escape the maze after getting stuck. This requires a successful wisdom check against the maze's DC. If successful, you can fly at half movement in the same round.
    • Escape vines: Attempt to break free from vines after getting stuck. This requires a successful strength check against the vine's DC. If successful, you can fly at half movement in the same round.
    • Escape Devil's Snare: Attempt to identify Devil’s Snare and break free after getting stuck. First, a wisdom check will be made against the Devil's Snare challenge DC to see if you are able to identify that the vines are in fact Devil’s Snare. If successful, you will know to stay still, and the Devil’s Snare will release you unharmed. If the wisdom check is failed, a strength check will be made against the vine's DC. Whether successful or not, you will take damage from a strength check as outlined in the Devil’s Snare description. If you are able to free yourself through either the wisdom or the strength check, you can fly at half movement in the same round.
    • Escape attacker: Attempt to break free from an attacker if it has grabbed you. This requires a successful check defined in the attacker-specific section. If successful, you can fly at half movement in the same round.
Tied Rolls
In the event of tied rolls after player stats are added, a reroll of the actions will be performed, using the new numbers to determine the winner and discarding the tied rolls.
Cheating System
While most moves are allowed in a race, making racing arguably one of the most dangerous sports, some take it a step further. There are several illegal moves that have been deemed too dangerous to use in a race either due to the property damage it may cause or the physical harm that might result from the reckless use or in this case misuse of the spell. That does not mean that cheating does not happen.

Spectators and race officials are scattered throughout the track, monitoring progress. If cheating is noted during a round, the rider's broom would be forced to a halt during the next round for a penalty of 1 round. During this time they cannot take any actions.

Cheating is done off a player's Wisdom, their wisdom plus a roll of 1d20 is required. The DC is the average wisdom score of all of the opponent racers +10.
Last edited by River Jemari on 14 Sep 2021, 16:59, edited 1 time in total.

3 Sep 2020, 01:52
Broom Racing System
The Track
The endlessly changing landscape causes every broom race to have a unique track. Each track is filled with a mix of 3 types of challenges, Obstacles, Weather, and Environmental Attackers.
The following are the possible perils one might encounter on a track from the environment. From waterfalls to mazes, forests to Devil's Snare, the landscape doesn't make racing an easy feat. Challenge calculations are under a reducio.
  1. Narrow passageways: [Accuracy] The track becomes narrow. Perhaps the cause of an alleyway, a natural stone formation, a covered bridge, etc. A failed accuracy roll will result in damage.
    - Damage Equation: Broom Speed x 10
    • Easy challenge: Average racer accuracy +5
    • Moderate challenge: Average racer accuracy +10
    • Hard challenge: Average racer accuracy +15
    • Near-Impossible challenge: Average racer accuracy +20
  2. Trees: [Accuracy] A thick clumping of trees. 3 accuracy rolls are made for this wooded obstacle. Each failed roll results in damage.
    - Damage Equation: # of trees failed x (Broom Speed x 10)
    • Easy challenge: Average racer accuracy +1
    • Moderate challenge: Average racer accuracy +6
    • Hard challenge: Average racer accuracy +11
    • Near-Impossible challenge: Average racer accuracy +16
  3. Thorns: [Accuracy] Prickly pokey thorns threaten to scrape racers who fly by. On a failed accuracy roll, the racer will take damage as well as bleed (HP lost each round, equal to the damage done by the thorns).
    - Damage Equation: (Broom Speed / 100) x Max Health.
    Example: A racer has 1000 health and they were moving at a speed of 3. (3/100) x 1000 = 30 damage
    - Bleed Equation: Racers lose the same amount calculated by the damage equation every round
    • Easy challenge: Average racer accuracy +3
    • Moderate challenge: Average racer accuracy +6
    • Hard challenge: Average racer accuracy +9
    • Near-Impossible challenge: Average racer accuracy +12
  4. Vines: [Accuracy] [Strength] A web of vines tries to entangle the racers. On a failed accuracy roll, the vines halt further movement. Racers can free themselves by taking the Escape vines action the following round, or by having an ally use the Help Ally with Obstacle action in the following round. You cannot take actions other than escaping or helping an ally while snared by vines.
    - Escape DC on a failed Roll: Average strength of the players + Challenge modifier (see reducio)
    Example: A moderately difficult vine would be the average strength (rather than accuracy) of the players +5.
    • Easy challenge: Average racer accuracy +0
    • Moderate challenge: Average racer accuracy +5
    • Hard challenge: Average racer accuracy + 10
    • Near-Impossible challenge: Average racer accuracy +15
  5. Devil's Snare: [Accuracy] [Wisdom] [Strength] The Devil's Snare is a special type of vine which will tighten and cause damage to the racer if they try to escape using a strength check. Like vines, Devil’s Snare halt further movement on a failed accuracy roll. Racers can free themselves by taking the Escape Devil's Snare action, or by an ally using the Help Ally with Obstacle the following round. You cannot take actions other than escaping, casting Lumos or helping an ally while snared by Devil’s Snare.
    Any light-producing spell will cause the devil's snare to relinquish its grip. In addition, if the racer already has a light-producing spell maintained, the devil's snare would never snare/grip the racer in the first place.
    When using the Escape Devil's Snare action, a wisdom roll is done first to see if the user recognizes the non-damaging way to escape. If it succeeds, the user breaks free with no damage. If the wisdom check is failed, roll using strength as you do for the vines obstacle. Damage is taken when using strength to escape.
    - Damage Equation: (Player's Strength Stat +Their strength roll) x 10
    • Easy challenge: Average racer accuracy/wisdom/strength (depending on the roll) +0
    • Moderate challenge: Average racer accuracy/wisdom/strength (depending on the roll) +5
    • Hard challenge: Average racer accuracy/wisdom/strength (depending on the roll) + 10
    • Near-Impossible challenge: Average racer accuracy/wisdom/strength (depending on the roll) +15
  6. Waterfall: [Strength] A waterfall attempts to push racers off their broom. On a failed strength roll, racers are knocked off their broom (KOB), and must take an action to retrieve their broom. There is no damage, they landed in the water.
    • Easy challenge: Average racer strength + 5
    • Moderate challenge: Average racer strength +10
    • Hard challenge: Average racer strength + 15
    • Near-Impossible challenge: Average racer strength +20
  7. High Winds: [Strength] Winds blow without ceasing, requiring a tight grip on a broom to stay flying. On a failed strength roll, racers are knocked off their broom (KOB), and must take an action to retrieve their broom, as well as taking damage.
    - Damage Equation: Broom Speed x 10
    • Easy challenge: Average racer strength +0
    • Moderate challenge: Average racer strength +5
    • Hard challenge: Average racer strength +10
    • Near-Impossible challenge: Average racer strength +15
  8. Fog: [Accuracy] The racers enter a foggy area in the track, disorienting them. On a failed accuracy roll, the player’s evasion and accuracy are halved for the next (1d3) rounds.
    • Easy challenge: Average racer accuracy +5.
    • Moderate challenge: Average racer accuracy +10.
    • Hard challenge: Average racer accuracy +15.
  9. Maze: [Wisdom] Whether made of stone, hedges, or whatever else is out there, the racers must navigate their way through a maze. Players must pass a wisdom check to see if they get through the maze. On a failed roll, the racer is lost in the maze (remaining in the same unit) until they find their way out, done by a successful wisdom check done the following round. One wisdom roll is made each round until the racer passes the wisdom check. You cannot take actions other than escaping, casting the four-point spell, or helping an ally while lost in the maze.
    • Easy challenge : Average wisdom of players +5.
    • Moderate challenge: Average wisdom of players +10.
    • Hard challenge: Average wisdom of players +15.
    • Near-Impossible challenge: Average wisdom of players +20.
Weather can be paired with obstacles, or be standalone in units themselves. These usually make the race more difficult for racers in terms of stats due to overheating, being disoriented, etc.
  1. Snowfall: [Stamina] Snow or hail falls in the specified units, usually in open terrain not covered by trees or buildings. On a failed stamina roll, the player takes damage, and their top speed for the next round is halved.
    - Damage Equation: (DC - their check result) x 10.
    • Easy challenge: Average racer stamina +3
    • Moderate challenge: Average racer stamina +8
    • Hard challenge: Average racer stamina +13
    • Near-Impossible challenge: Average racer stamina +18
  2. Bright light: [Stamina] The sun hits the players' eyes just right to become a bother. On a failed stamina roll, all wisdom and accuracy rolls have a 10% chance of automatically failing for (DC - their check result) rounds.
    • Easy challenge: Average racer stamina +4
    • Moderate challenge: Average racer stamina +8
    • Hard challenge: Average racer stamina +12
    • Near-Impossible challenge: Average racer stamina +16
  3. Heat: [Stamina] The area the racers are passing through is incredibly hot. On a failed stamina roll the player takes damage, and all DCs for the player would increase by 3 for the remainder of the race.
    - Damage Equation: Player's Samina Stat x 5
    • Easy challenge : Average stamina of players +4.
    • Moderate challenge: Average stamina of players +9.
    • Hard challenge: Average stamina of players +14.
    • Near-Impossible challenge: Average stamina of players +19.
Environmental Attackers
Flora and fauna lurk along the track, and don’t take too kindly to children flying through their homes at high speeds. These animals or plants sometimes be avoided, but once agitated, they can be very dangerous.
  1. Whomping Willow [Strength]
    The infamous Whomping Willow stands tall and strong, a formidable opponent for any racer. Its spindly branches and thick trunk allow for easy pickings of athletes, and make it an enduring challenge for races.

    Stats: EVA 7
    - Bludgeon
    The Whomping Willow will attempt to attack every racer that passes it (with exceptions mentioned in NOTES). Racers must succeed an a DC 25 evasion roll to avoid the willow. On a failed roll, the racer takes 100 damage, and has a 25% chance of triggering the Grab attack.
    - Grab
    A racer can only be grabbed by the Whomping Willow if the Bludgeon attack triggers it. When grabbed, the tree will bash the racer against the ground for 100 damage until the racer can free themselves. Racers can escape the clutches of the willow once they succeed a strength check of 25.
    - Racing past the Whomping Willow at a Speed of 4 or more as well as not starting or ending your turn in the unit with the Whomping Willow and the Whomping Willow will not attack.
    - If set on fire, the tree will frenzy, doing double damage and attacking those passing twice with its Bludgeon attack.
  2. Boggart [Wisdom]
    These shape-shifting creatures take on the form of a racer's worst nightmare. A racer with a calm mind will prove unappealing to the amortal boggart, but if you find yourself panicking, watch out. you might find your worst fear feeding on your terror.

    Stats: N/A
    - Frozen in Fear
    The Boggart will attempt to attack each racer that passes it until the Worst Nightmare attack is triggered. Racers must succeed a wisdom roll of 25 to avoid this attack. If failed, the racer is under the FEAR effect, suffers a -2 to both wisdom and accuracy until the effect is lifted, and any additional movement is halted for the rest of the round.
    The following round, the Worst Nightmare attack is triggered.
    - Worst Nightmare
    This attack is only triggered once a racer has already experienced the attack Frozen in Fear. The racer under the FEAR effect flies backward 2 units. The Boggart chases the racer, moving through the same units as them at the same speed.
    The racer may take other actions while under the FEAR effect, but can not cast spells other than Riddikulus. Taking additional actions will not half the racer's speed while under the FEAR effect, they will always fly backwards 2 units. Obstacles, weather, and environmental attackers are not rolled when flying backwards.
    The FEAR effect is ended when one of the following criteria is met:
    - The racer succeeds a wisdom roll of 25, rolled at the end of the round
    - A successful cast of the Riddikulus spell
    - 3 rounds have passed where the user has been under the FEAR effect
    No matter how the FEAR effect ends, the Boggart will remain in whatever unit it is in, and racers are once again vulnerable to the Frozen in Fear attack.
    - The Boggart's location is not made public until triggered, but its presence must be clearly stated at the beginning of a race. The location of the Boggart differs from race to race, even in the same season. For transparency, the location of the Boggart is shared by each moderator to either a Head of House or the Flying Professor.
    - If multiple racers enter the unit with the Boggart at the same time and both fail the wisdom roll for Worst Nightmare, the target is determined at random between them.
    - The Riddikulus spell serves as a counter for the FEAR effect. Casting it will end whatever attack the Boggart is making to the current target. At the beginning of the next round, all other racers are once again vulnerable to the Frozen in Fear attack.
    - A racer can not be targeted by the Boggart twice in a row.
    - Those with the ability fearless are immune to all Boggart attacks.
  3. Vampyr Mosp [Evasion]
    Vampyr Mosps, large insects with incredible speed, inhabit open fields and wooded areas. The nasty buggers are agitated by the presence of lights, flowers, and disturbances in their habitat.

    Stats: STA 5 | ACC 10
    - Sting
    This attack is triggered if a racer does any of the following within 8 units of the Vampyr Mosp:
    - Is caught in the Vines obstacle
    - Is KOB in a unit with Trees
    - Casts the Herbivicus or Orchideous charm
    - Casts Lumos
    Once triggered, the Vampyr Mosp flies toward the unit where the trigger occurred.
    The Vampyr Mosp will attempt to sting every racer it passes as it flies to the unit where the attack was triggered. Racers must succeed on a DC 25 evasion roll to avoid the attack. On a failed roll, the racer takes 100 damage.
    If the Vampyr Mosp reaches the unit where the trigger occurred, it will automatically attack the racer who triggered the attack, no roll required.
    Once the Vampyr Mosp successfully Stings a racer, it remains in its current unit until the Sting attack is triggered again.
    - If two racers in the same unit fail against the Sting attack, the target is chosen at random. All racers in a unit must be rolled for before determining the target of the attack.
    - If the Vampyr Mosp reaches the unit where the trigger occurred, it will not attack anyone other than the racer who triggered the Stingattack.
  4. Bundimun [Wisdom] [Evasion]
    Bundimun blend in with their surroundings, resembling harmless green fungus or moss more than a dangerous plant. The secretions of the Bundimun are extremely acidic and can rot building structures, and a large enough infestation could cause a building to collapse. Perfectly safe for racing!

    Stats: N/A
    - Spit
    The Bundimun will attempt to attack every racer that passes it. Racers must succeed a DC 20 Wisdom roll to notice the Bundimun. On a success, the racer rolls with advantage (rolling twice and taking the higher roll) on the following Evasion roll.
    Racers must also succeed on a DC 25 Evasion roll to avoid the attack. On a failed roll, the racer takes 50 damage. They also suffer from the corrosive effect, and will take 50 damage per round for the following 6 rounds. The corrosive effect can be ended early with a successful cast of Scourgify, Aguamenti, or Tergeo, or by passing through a Waterfall obstacle.
    - Casting Scourgify on the Bundimun will remove it for the remainder of the race.
  5. Chizpurfle Colony [Arcane Power]
    These small parasites pass as simple crabs on first glance. But beware, these fanged creatures are attracted to magic, cauldrons and spells, and would like to eat your wand for lunch. Chizpurfle Colonies take up 2 adjoining units.

    Stats: EVA 7
    - Eat
    Chizpurfle Colonies will attempt to attack every racer that casts a spell in one of their units. If a racer casts a spell in a Chizpurfle Colony unit, no matter the outcome of the spell, they must make an Arcane Power roll. If the result is higher than 25, the Chizpurfle Colony will attack the racer's wand, gnawing away at the wood. As a result, the affected racer is unable to cast spells for the following 2 rounds as they remove the parasites from their wand.
    - The Chizpurfle Colony attacker takes up 2 adjoining units.
    - Racers with auto-evasion will roll their auto-evasion chance against the Eat attack.
    - Casting Scourgify or Tergeo on the colony can remove 1 unit of the Chizpurfle Colony.
  6. Cockatrice [Wisdom] [Evasion]
    A serpentine creature with the wings of a dragon and the head of a rooster. With a chilling gaze and a fiery breath weapon, this funny looking creature is no laughing matter.

    Stats: STA 12
    - Stare Down
    The Cockatrice will attempt to Stare Down every racer that passes it. Racers roll Wisdom.
    On a roll over 25, the racer is not targeted by the Stare Down attack, however, they trigger the Fire Breath attack.
    On a roll under 25, the racer looks into the eyes of the Cockatrice. The paralyzing gaze of the creature causes the racer to automatically fail the next obstacle. The racer also suffers the SLOWNESS effect, giving them -2 Accuracy, -2 Evasion, and -4 strength for the remainder of the current round, as well as the following 2 rounds. The effect can be ended early with a successful casting of Reparifors.
    - Fire Breath
    This attack is triggered by a Wisdom roll of 25 or greater in the Stare Down attack. Racers must succeed an a DC 25 evasion roll to avoid the fire. On a failed roll, the racer takes 125 damage, and suffers the SEAR effect for the remainder of the race. The SEAR effect causes the racer to take 10% more damage from any attack, obstacle, etc. This stacks with any other damage debuff the racer is under. The effect can be ended with a successful casting of Reparifors.
    - Racers already affected by the Obscuro Charm are immune to the attacks of the Cockatrice.
    - Both the SLOWNESS and SEAR effects can be ended early with a successful cast of Reparifors.
  7. Doxies [Wisdom] [Evasion]
    Often mistaken for fairies, these pests are a menace to wizards everywhere. They travel in swarms of 3. With sharp teeth, bulging eyes and a layer of black hair, the nicknamed "Biting Fairy" thinks you look like a tasty snack.

    Stats: STA 1 | EVA 9
    - Bite
    Doxies will attempt to attack every racer that passes them. Racers must succeed a DC 20 Evasion roll per Doxy. On each failed roll, the racer takes 25 damage and suffers a stacking -1 Stamina. This requires a re-calculation of the racer's maximum health. If a racer's stamina equals 0, or the new maximum health is lower than the racer's remaining health, they are rendered unconscious.
    - If multiple racers enter a unit with Doxies at the same time, and both fail the roll for the Bite attack, the target is determined at random between them.
    - The effects of Bite can be removed with a successful cast of Episkey.
    - 1 Doxy can be removed from the race with a successful cast of the Knockback Jinx. Racers have advantage on the Accuracy roll to attack a Doxy with this spell.
    - Racers can only target one Doxy at a time unless they have the Spell Spread ability.
    - Removing or immobilizing a Doxy will lower all Doxy DCs by 3 per Doxy taken out.
  8. Fire-Breathing Chicken [Evasion]
    Fire-breathing chickens are a magical breed of chicken that possess the ability to breathe fire, very similar to dragons. Maybe not ideal for nuggets.

    Stats: N/A
    - Fire Breath
    The Fire-Breathing Chicken will attempt to attack every racer that casts a spell in its unit. Racers must succeed a DC 20 Evasion roll to avoid the attack. On a failed roll, racers take 200 damage, and have a 30% chance of being set on fire. If caught on fire, racers take 100 damage every round until they are extinguished with Extinguo, Aguamenti or pass through a Waterfall.
  9. Glow Bugs
    These small, luminescent, magical worms are sometimes found in lightbulbs. They are not harmful. They can occasionally be found in wooded areas, and make their surroundings a bit brighter.

    Stats: N/A
    - Light Support
    In units where Glow Bugs are present, the DC check for that obstacle are bumped down a challenge level. For example, a medium challenge obstacle will now have a DC check of an easy challenge. This only works for medium, hard, and near-impossible challenges.
    - If a spell is cast in that unit, the Glow Bugs will die, and the DC will no longer be lowered.
  10. Swooping Evil [Evasion]
    Living in wooded areas, the Swooping Evil appears to be an extremely large butterfly with a wolf-like skull instead of an ordinary head. It shrinks into a green, spiny cocoon but hides spiked wings in this form. It is lethal in both forms and it is an encephalophage — it feeds on people's brains.

    Stats: STA 8 | EVA 10 | ACC 10
    - Spiky Wings
    If the racer fails at least 1 tree, the Swooping Evil uses its Spiky Wings to cause the racer to bleed, causing the racer to lose the same amount of damage taken by the tree obstacle at the beginning of every round. Bleeding can be nullified with the Ferula charm. If the racer fails more than one tree, they also trigger the Bite attack.
    - Bite
    For each additional tree (above 1) that a racer fails, the Swooping Evil will attempt to bite (ACC vs EVA) when provoked, and the venom from the bite leaves the racer foggy-headed. The bite does 25 HP damage, and gives the racer 10% chance to fly in the wrong direction for the duration of the race. This can stack. There is also a 50% non-stackable damage reduction on spells. Damage from physical attacks (such as projectiles) are not reduced.
    - If there is any damage reduction due to abilities or other effects (e.g. Terrible Presence), the higher reduction overrides all the others; only one percentage used for reduction.
  11. Wrackspurts [Wisdom]
    Wrackspurts are invisible creatures that float in through your ears and make your brain go fuzzy. If caught by these creatures, you are likely to experience some mild forgetfulness the next day.

    Stats: N/A
    - Fuzzy Brained
    Wrackspurts will attempt to attack every racer that passes through their unit. Racers must succeed a DC 20 Wisdom roll to notice these creatures. On a success, racers are able to [passively] swat away the Wrackspurts, suffering no effect. On a failed roll, the Wrackspurts are not noticed, and the racer suffers a 10% chance to auto-fail all spell Wisdom rolls for the duration of the race. This does not stack.
  12. Giant Squid [Evasion] [Strength]
    A large Herman creature that lurks beneath the surface of the Great Lake. While it is often described as one of the most dangerous creatures on Hogwarts grounds, it's actually partially domesticated. And so, of course, we enrage it for broom racing purposes.

    Stats STA 20 | EVA 10 | STR 15 | ACC 10
    - Grab
    The Giant Squid will attempt to attack the first four racers that pass either of its units every round. , grabbing them with its tentacles and attempting to pull them into the water. Racers must succeed an a DC 25 evasion roll to avoid the squid. On a failed roll, the racer is grabbed by the squid and triggers the Sucker Punch attack the following round.
    - Sucker Punch
    This attack is only triggered if a racer has experienced the attack Grab the previous round. The racer may not take any actions other than the Escape Attacker action. When taking this action, racers must succeed a Strength roll of 15 to escape the slippery grasp of the tentacles. On a success, they have escaped, and are able to fly at half speed if one was declared in their action. On a failed roll, the racer is dragged into the water and has to spend the rest of the round swimming back to shore with their broom.
    - The Giant Squid can not actively attack more than 4 racers at a time. Once the squid is occupied with 4 players, any new racer entering its units can pass by undisturbed.
    - The Squid can be immobilized, frozen, or attacked with the following spells. However, once the spell's effects are over, the Giant Squid becomes aggravated and is able to attack 8 racers instead of 4.
    Shrinking Charm DC 12, Range: 3 units
    Caster ACC (+2) vs. Squid EVA
    If hit, the squid gains +2 Evasion, and the Sucker Punch Strength DC is reduced by 2. The squid can be hit with this spell or the engorgement charm a maximum of eight times (one per tentacle).
    Engorgement Charm DC 15, Range: 3 units
    Caster ACC (+2) vs. Squid EVA
    If hit, the squid gains +2 Strength, and the Grab Evasion DC is reduced by 2. The squid can be hit with this spell or the engorgement charm a maximum of eight times (one per tentacle).
    Slowing Charm WDC 15, Range: 4 units
    Caster ACC vs. Squid EVA
    If hit, the the Grab Evasion DC is reduced by 2.
    Freezing Spell WDC 15, Range: 3 units
    Caster ACC vs. Squid EVA
    If hit, the squid suffers damage (10*ARC) for the following three rounds. It also has a 10% chance of failing all Grab attacks for the following three rounds.
    Wind Jinx WDC 13, Range: 5 units
    Caster ARC vs. Squid STR
    If hit, all the squid's tentacles are pushed into the water for that round. Any player can fly through safely without an evasion check. However, any players currently caught in those tentacles will fall into the water and must spend the next round swimming to shore to return to their broom.
  13. Pixies [Evasion] [Strength]
    Pixies are similar to Doxies but revel in mischief instead of pain. They tend to travel in groups of five to ten. For every 5 pixies, 1 racer is targeted. Unless you've got some mighty grip, you're going to lose something against these pests.

    Stats: STA 5 | EVA 15
    - Pesky
    Pixies will attempt to attack every racer that passes them. For each racer that passes through a unit with Pixies, they will either attempt the Wand Grab or Broom Grab attack, decided at random.
    - Wand Grab
    Triggered when rolled by the Pesky attack. The swarm of Pixies will attempt to snatch your wand from your grip. Racers must succeed a DC 15 Evasion roll. On a failed roll, their wand is taken, and they are unable to cast spells (with the exception of racers with Wandless Magic). To get it back, racers must take the action Retrieve wand.
    - Broom Grab
    Triggered when rolled by the Pesky attack. The swarm of pixies will attempt to snatch your broom from under you. Racers must succeed a DC 15 Strength roll. On a failed roll, the racer's broom has been taken, and they are KOB. To continue flying, racers must take the action Remount.
    - 1 Pixie can be immobilized for two rounds with a successful cast of the Freezing Charm.
    - 1 Pixie can be removed from the race with a successful cast of the Knockback Jinx.
    - Racers can only target one Pixie at a time unless they have the Spell Spread ability.
    - Removing or immobilizing a Pixie will lower all Pixie DCs by 3 per pixie taken out.
  14. Mackled Malaclaw [Wisdom] [Evasion]
    Generally found along the coastlines in Europe, Mackled Malaclaws resemble lobsters. They have light grey skin with green spots, are about a foot in length, and are generally non-violent. However, Malaclaws will bite any intruders that disturb their habitat, and their bite makes their victims incredibly unlucky.

    Stats: N/A
    - Malaluck Bite
    The Mackled Malacla will attempt to attack every racer that passes it. Racers must succeed a DC 15 Wisdom roll. On a failure, the Malaclaw is disturbed, and will attempt to bite. Racers must then succeed a DC 20 Evasion roll. On a failure, the player is bitten, and has a non-stacking 25% auto-fail chance for every roll for the remainder of the race.
  15. Ashwinder Eggs [Wisdom] [Evasion]
    Ashwinders are snake-like creatures that lay dangerous eggs. These eggs resemble large embers, and will burst into flame at the slightest breeze if not frozen. A slight breeze caused by a zooming racer, one might day.

    Stats: N/A
    - Burn
    This attack is triggered the first time a racer enters a unit with Ashwinder Eggs. Racers must succeed a DC 20 Wisdom roll. On a success, the racer is able to nullify the effect of the eggs. If the racer has the Snowflake-Creating Spell in their trunk and is able to cast spells, they passively and automatically successfully cast the spell. On a failed roll, the unit is set on fire, and every racer who passes through this unit (including the racer who triggered the attack) takes 200 damage.
    - If the racer is unable to cast the Snowflake-Creating Spellspell, their roll is automatically a failure.
    - A unit on fire can be put out with a successful cast of Aguamenti or Extinguo.
  16. Swarm of Pigeons [Evasion]
    Although more commonly found in big cities, a flock of pigeons has taken up residence at Hogwarts. Hopefully what they say about being pooped on by a bird is good luck is true.

    Stats: N/A
    - Pooped
    The Swarm of Pigeons will attempt to attack every player that passes through their unit. The Swarm of Pigeons can successfully attack no more than two players per round. Racers must succeed on a DC 18 Evasion roll. On a failure, the pidgeons become distressed, and will poop on the racer. One of the two effects will be chosen at random:
    - Eyes: The poop gets into the racer's eyes, giving them disadvantage on all accuracy, evasion, and wisdom rolls until it is removed.
    - Body: The racer's body is splattered with poop, and they take 50 damage. Additionally, their teammates are so grossed out, that they are not able to help this player through any actions, and will not receive help from this player through actions (Help Ally With Obstacle, Alley-Oop, Support spells, etc), until the poop is removed.
    - The poop can be removed by a successful cast of Scourgify, Aguamenti, or by flying through a waterfall.
    - If more than 2 racers enter the unit with the Swarm of Pigeons at the same time and all fail the Evasion roll for Poopy, the target is determined at random between them.

3 Sep 2020, 02:33
Broom Racing System
Spells in Broom Racing
There are four categories of spells in Broom Racing: Defense, Support, Environment, and Attack. The following spells are organized by their category. If a spell can fall into multiple categories, it is listed multiple times (in each category it applies to) with identical descriptions. Each spell is [Tagged] with the category, year and class it is taught, and if it is legal or illegal in broom racing. If a spell is not in this post, it currently has no effect in broom racing. Some of the spells in this list may not yet be available to learn.

Some of the spells below can be maintained which means a user successfully cast it during a previous round, and is now maintaining its cast through multiple rounds. Some spells can be maintained while another spell is cast. This would result in two wisdom rolls - one to see if the original spell is maintained, and one to see if the new spell is successfully cast. Maintained spells can be turned off as a free action but it should be clearly stated. In some cases, casting a new spell will automatically end the maintenance of the previous spell - this happens if the maintained spell is not listed to allow casting at the same time.
  • Umbrella Spell [Defense] [Year 1 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Pluvia Velo
      Range: Caster only
      Wisdom DC: 12 to cast, 10 to maintain (other spells may be cast while this spell is being maintained)
      Effect: Serves as a counter for animal attacks that would be wet. Those would be defined by the moderator. Serves as a counter for passing under a waterfall, the strength DC required becomes half.
      Critical Success: your movement is not slowed the usual 50%.
      Critical Failure: you did not move that round.
  • Four-Point Spell [Defense] [Year 1 Flying] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Point Me
      Range: Caster only.
      Wisdom DC: 12 to cast, 12 to maintain (other spells may be cast while this spell is being maintained)
      Effect: Prevents a player from being lost. There are some effects in moderated events that may cause a player to become lost as their status effect. This can happen in the maze obstacle if a racer fails the wisdom DC check. The Point Me Spell is how the caster can regain their bearings (they no longer need to roll to see if they are lost which would be a Wisdom Check). Successfully casting/maintaining this spell before going through the maze allows automatic success. Successfully casting it while lost in the maze allows for an automatic escape.
      Critical Success: the DC to maintain is reduced to 10.
      Critical Failure: you are shown the wrong direction and become lost. You would have to recast this spell to gain any benefit.
  • Hot-Air Charm [Defense] [Year 2 Astronomy] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Aer Calidus
      Range: 4 units
      Wisdom DC: 15 to cast, 10 to maintain (other spells can be cast while this is maintained)
      Effect: A personal counter to the Nix Facitur creating spell for those that do not want to remove the spell but wish to avoid the effect. This spell is also a counter for the Glacius. This spell can be turned off at any time for no DC but the caster must declare this in their actions (it is a free action to end a spell that is maintained).
      Critical Success: the caster's broom is not slowed the round that this is cast.
      Critical Failure: this still avoids the effect of the Nix Facitur spell however the winds are scalding. The caster would suffer a burn injury from the heat and take 25 * their arcane power in damage each round this is maintained.
  • General Counter-Spell [Defense] [Year 2 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Finite Incantatem
      Range: Cast on self
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: This would be a contested arcane power check between the caster of the spell this charm is being cast upon and the caster of this counter spell. On success, the spell is negated.
      Critical Success: the spell cast cannot be cast again by the caster for the duration of the race. Critical Failure: the spell that the user attempted to counter has become stronger as if it was critically successful when it was originally cast.
  • Shield Charm [Defense] [Year 4 DADA] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Protego
      Range: Cast on self
      Wisdom DC: 20 to cast, 17 to maintain
      Effect: Reduces the damage taken by 20%.
      Critical Success: this increased to 25%.
      Critical Failure: they take 20% more damage for the next 3 rounds.
  • Untransfiguration [Defense] [Year 1 Transfiguration] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Reparifarge
      Range: Self cast, can also be cast on an ally within the same unit
      Wisdom DC: Nil
      Effect: Serves as a counter for Smoke to Daggers using a contested wisdom check. There is no critical success or failure chance.
  • Healing Charm [Defense] [Year 3 Transfiguration] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Reparifors
      Range: self cast most commonly, however can be cast on a chosen ally up to 6 units away.
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Heals certain effects caused by the Full Body-Bind Curse, Immobulus, Slugulus Eructo, Cockatrice's slowness effect, Steleus and Mucus ad Naseum. See the individual spells for more details on these effects.
  • Extinguishing Charm [Support/Environment] [Year 1 Herbology] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Extinguo
      Range: Within 3 units of cast.
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Counter to Incendio and Incendio Duo. The fire would be extinguished, including the fire status effect.
      Critical Success: That unit (or player) cannot be set on fire again the duration of the race. The racer can still be damaged by fire-based damage, however they cannot suffer the fire status effect for the duration of the race.
      Critical Failure: the fire becomes worse and does 50% more damage (rounded down in the case of decimals).
  • Scouring Charm [Support] [Year 1 History] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Scourgify
      Range: Performed on self or on an allied target within 1 unit of caster.
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Considered to be a counter for Bundimun's corrosive effect as well Chizpurfle infestation.
      Note: There is no critical success or failure chance.
  • Wand-Lighting Charm [Support] [Year 1 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Lumos
      Range: Caster only.
      Wisdom DC: 12 to cast, 10 to maintain
      Effect: When flying through the woods, this grants the user a +1 accuracy and evasion in wooded units.
      Critical Success: caster gains a +2 to their accuracy and evasion.
      Critical Failure: the charm fails to go off. In cases where there is a shadow monster, the shadow monster might become empowered. In addition, the caster cannot attempt to recast this charm for 3 rounds.
      Note: The caster can end this charm by stating they end this charm. The caster can also override this charm by casting a new charm which will automatically cancel out this charm. Certain shadow monsters appear to be weakened or damaged by the Lumos Charm. Countered with Nox charm using a contested arcane power check with +2 in favor of the caster of Nox. This can also be countered by the charm Finite Incantatem using a contested arcane power roll with no bonus in favor of the caster of this spell.
  • Mending Charm [Support] [Year 1 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Reparo
      Range: Caster only
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Can be used to repair a broken broom if the rider is conscious (perhaps saved or the ground was spongified) and returns to their broom. They can spend the next round performing this action. There is no critical success or failure for this spell.
      Note: This is a counter to the ability [Broken Broomshaft] as this skill can break a racing broom when casting spells that cause damage as a secondary effect. This is a smaller chance (10%) of happening than when a quaffle hits and takes a player off their broom (25%), however over the course of a race someone has a high probability of destroying a broomstick overall.
  • Wand-Extinguishing Spell (Charms) [Support/Attack] [Year 1 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Nox
      Range: Caster only for automatic success; up to 3 units way when cast against another target.
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Contested Arcane Power roll for effect. On success, the Lumos is turned off. This can be done by the caster of the Lumos to their own Lumos for flavor at no cost. This can be used to force another user's wand to be turned off.
      Critical Success: the user cannot recast Lumos for 3 rounds.
      Critical Failure: the Lumos became brighter on the targeted wand (and would have the effect of a critically successful Lumos). Also works on Lumos Duo and Lumos Maxima, however the caster of those spells (Lumos Duo and Maxima) have a +2 to their contested arcane power roll.
      Note: A critical failure or success cannot happen when casting Nox on your own wand because it requires no roll. The wand will remain lit when not in its owner's possession with Lumos and Nox can be cast without the wand in hand, it is one of the few spells that can be cast wandlessly without the ability [Wandless Magic].
  • Engorgement Charm [Support/Environment/Attack] [Year 2 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Engorgio
      Range: 3 units
      Wisdom DC: 15
      Effect: When cast on a player, this is an accuracy of the caster (with a +2 advantage) versus evasion of the target. The target may choose not to evade. On hit, the target suffers a -2 to their evasion for the duration of the race but they also gain +1 strength. When cast on the environment, this increases the DC of woods, narrow passageways, anything that requires accuracy by +3 of that unit for the duration of the race.
      Critical Success: this becomes a a -3 to their evasion if a player target or a +4 DC if an environmental target.
      Critical Failure: the spell rebounds onto the caster and they suffer the -2 to their evasion and a +1 strength for the duration of the race.
      Note: May be countered by Finite Incantatem.
  • Shrinking Charm [Support/Environment/Attack] [Year 2 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Reducio
      Range: 3 units
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: When cast on a player, this is an accuracy of the caster (with a +2 advantage) versus evasion of the target. The target may choose not to evade. On hit, the user gains a +1 to their evasion for the duration of the race but they also lose -2 strength. When cast on the environment, this decreases the DC of woods, narrow passageways, anything that requires accuracy by -3 of that unit for the duration of the race.
      Critical Success: this becomes a a -3 to their strength if a player target or a -4 DC if an environmental target.
      Critical Failure: the spell rebounds onto the caster and they suffer the +1 to their evasion and a -2 strength for the duration of the race.
      Note: May be countered by Finite Incantatem.
  • Ascension Spell [Support/Attack] [Year 3] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Alarte Ascendare
      Range: 4 units
      Wisdom DC: 15
      Effect: Caster accuracy versus target evasion. Target may choose not to evade. Launches the opponent into the sky, outside of the track. This prevents them from making any progress the round they are hit, however they are now above the track for the next 10 units as they make their way back onto the track. They would not have to avoid or contend with any environmental challenges (except High Wind, Snowfall, and Bright Light) and automatically dodge any physical contact attack such as Blatching and Parkin's Pitcher. While ascended, the races is unable to perform the actions Blatching, Parkin's Pitcher, Save, Alley-Oop, Helping Ally with Obstacle, Retrieve Wand and Using Potions on another player unless both players are ascended. However, they can still be targeted by other players with other actions. Other players have a +1 accuracy against them until they return to the track. This can be cast on oneself but with a +2 critical failure chance. If the ascended player falls off their broom, they will take [40 * broom speed] fall damage.
      Critical Success: This launches a user skyward where they do not make any progress laterally for 2 rounds rather than 1.
      Critical Failure: This attack sends the caster to the ground and takes 25 * the caster's Arcane Power in damage, and need to spend the next round recovering their broom
      Note: Also considered to be an auto-dodge, meaning any other attacks made on this racer (this move takes priority) would not hit the racer as they have automatically dodged those attacks as they were being shot into the sky. Can also be countered with Descendo.[/b]
  • Gluing Spell [Support] [Year 2 Transfiguration] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Epoximise
      Range: within 4 units
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Can be used to make it harder to be knocked off a broom. Negates up to a 10% chance to being knocked off a broom caused by any spells or effects. In cases where a user is knocked off the broom directly, such as the effect of a spell or blatching, there is a 10% chance that the user will hold on. This does not stack.
      Critical Success: this is increased to 15%.
      Critical Failure: this becomes the Lubricus effect (10% chance to fall off the broom).
      Notes: This can be negated with the Lubricus spell.
  • Bandaging Charm [Support] [Year 3 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Ferula
      Range: self cast, can be cast on a chosen ally up to 6 units away.
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Can be cast on self or an ally. Ends all bleeding effects (even if there is a stacked bleed). Bleed can be the result of Thorns, Sagitta and Smoke to Daggers.
  • Water Repelling Charm [Support] [Year 3 History of Magic] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Impervius
      Range: up to 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 17 to cast, 15 to maintain
      Effect: Provides a user with a non-stackable 5% auto-dodge chance.
      Critical Success: this is increased to a 7% chance.
      Critical Failure: the caster suffers a 5% auto-hit (as in they get automatically hit by attacks or obstacles) for the duration of the race. Can be canceled with Finite Incantatum.
      Note: Remember we have a 20% cap on auto-hit and auto-dodge regardless of spells and special abilities that have been used.
  • Summoning Charm [Support/Attack] [Year 3 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Accio
      Range: Up to 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 17
      Effect: Can be used to retrieve your ally's wand instead of spending a round retrieving it if somehow lost. [Passing it back to an ally in the earliest shared unit would be considered a free action]. However, movement is halved, and the rider holding 2 wands has a 50% chance of simply falling off their broom (no hands) each unit they pass through with two wands in their possession to hand off the wand. Can be used with Wandless Magic to retrieve one's own wand. Can be used to place an enemy/opponent's broom or wand in your possession, but it will simply fall to the ground; they cannot pocket it and not suffer the debuff regarding falling off their broom. Stealing a wand from the possession of an opponent uses Arcane Power vs. Strength + 3 (negated by Epoximise used on the broom and Inhaeresco used on the broom or wand). On success, the wand would fall to the ground. Can also pull a broom out from under an opponent, however, it is much harder. Arcane Power of the caster vs.Strength of the target + 5. This can also be negated by Epoximise and Inhaeresco.
      Critical Success: There is no movement loss when casting the spell.
      Critical Failure: You stopped moving on your broom.
      Note: Cannot be used on living objects. Can be prevented with Epoximise and Inhaeresco. May be countered by Finite Incantatem. This attack can only be cast at a target once per race. This attack can only be cast by a single player three times a race.
  • Wand-Lighting Charm Duo [Support] [Year 3 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Lumos Duo
      Range: the caster
      Wisdom DC: 17 to cast, 12 to maintain (other spells may be cast while this spell is being maintained)
      Effect: When flying through the woods, this grants the user a +1 accuracy and evasion in wooded units and does not cause speed loss to cast. Maintenance has no speed deficit. Certain shadow monsters appear to be weakened or damaged by this.
      Critical Success: the caster gains a +2 accuracy and evasion
      Critical Failure: The caster cannot attempt to recast this charm for 3 rounds.
      Note: Countered with Nox.
  • Radiant Wand-Lighting Charm [Support] [Year 3 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Lumos Maxima
      Range: the caster
      Wisdom DC: 17 to cast, 12 to maintain (other spells may be cast while this spell is being maintained for no speed deficit)
      Effect: When flying through the woods, this grants the user a +2 accuracy and evasion in wooded units. Maintain has no speed deficit. Certain shadow monsters appear to be weakened or damaged by this.
      Critical Success: user gains a +3 accuracy and evasion
      Critical Failure: caster cannot attempt to recast this charm for 3 rounds.
      Note: Countered with Nox.
  • Gripping Charm [Support] [Year 3 Flying] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Inhaeresco
      Range: the caster
      Wisdom DC: 15
      Effect: Can be used to make it harder to be knocked off a broom or have their wand taken from them. Considered a counter for Accio on the broom or wand. Negates up to a 15% chance to being knocked off a broom or have your wand be taken away. In cases where a user is knocked off the broom directly, such as the effect of a spell or blatching, there is a 15% chance that the user will hold on.
      Critical Success: this is increased to 20%.
      Critical Failure: this becomes a critically successful Lubricus effect (15% chance to fall off the broom).
      Note: This does not stack. This can be partially negated with the Lubricus spell, reducing the effect to 5%. If cast effectively twice, the Lubricus spell entirely counters the gripping charm.
  • Minor Healing Charm [Support] [Year 4 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Episkey
      Range: 3 units
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Heals for 15 * arcane power a chosen target. +1 critical success chance.
      Critical Success: the healing is doubled.
      Critical Failure: There is no critical failure chance.
      Note:If a player is rendered unconscious, this can bring a player back to consciousness if their health surpasses 1 upon the completion of this spell.
  • Cushioning Charm [Support] [Year 7 Flying]** Legal
    • Incantation: Molliare
      Range: Self Cast
      Wisdom DC: Nil
      Effect: Reduces the DC required for the Gripping Charm (to hold onto the broom) or the Epoximise Spell so that there is no longer a DC to be rolled. This spell has no DC, will be successful on cast. There is no critical success or failure chance.
  • Siphoning Spell [Support] [Year 4 Divination] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Tergeo
      Range: Self cast, can be cast on an ally in a shared unit
      Wisdom DC: 20
      Effect: Can counter both Epoximise and Lubricus. Must be within 3 units of the target. There is no critical success of failure for this spell.
  • Flower-Conjuring Spell [Support] [Year 2 Herbology] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Orchideous
      Range: 6 units
      Wisdom DC: Nil
      Effect: Can be used to lure Mosps away from other players. There is no critical success or failure chance.
  • Fire-Making Spell [Environment] [Year 1 Herbology] [Illegal]
    • Incantation: Incendio
      Range: Within 3 units of cast.
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: The unit is set on fire. Does not work on stone buildings or on water. Those passing through this unit suffer 5 * Arcane Power and have a 30% chance of being set on fire where they take half this total damage (rounded down) each round until they are extinguished with the Extinguo, Aguamenti or pass through a waterfall.
      Critical Success: this damage is doubled.
      Critical Failure: you have set yourself on fire for double damage and you will continue to take this damage every round until you have extinguished the fire or pass under a waterfall.
      Notes: This cannot be used on other players, you are moving too fast. An attempt to ignore this warning will result in an automatic critical failure. This is considered to be a fire status effect. This spell can also be ended with the Charm Finite Incantatem using a contested arcane power roll with no bonus in favor of the caster, however this does not have any effect on the fire status effect.
  • Softening Charm [Environment] [Year 2] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Spongify
      Range: Within 6 units of cast.
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Cannot be cast at players, it does not have an appreciable statistical effect that will effect the race. However, when cast on the ground, it makes the ground of a chosen area squishy and bouncy. A racer that was knocked off the broom who performed this action on the ground or if an ally did so (rather than save them) the player would not be damaged by the fall. They can spend their next round action retrieving their broom alone.
      Critical Success: the ground is so bouncy that the falling target and broom would bounce and be airborne. With an athletics check [Strength DC 15] they can get on their broom immediately without an additional action next round.
      Critical Failure: if there is an obstacle in that unit, for the duration of the race that obstacle does double damage if it caused damage.
      Note: This spell can also be ended with the Charm Finite Incantatem using a contested arcane power roll with no bonus in favor of the caster of this spell.
  • Severing Charm [Environment] [Year 2] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Diffindo
      Range: Within 3 units of cast.
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Cuts through thin barriers such as thorns or vines. On success, this grants the racer a +5 on their checks to avoid vines and thorns.
      Critical Success: The DC becomes a -10.
      Critical Failure: You automatically hit the obstacle of the unit you were attempting to cut through. In addition, the DC for any racers behind you has increased by +2.
      Note: Those that come from behind the racer will have a clearer path (-5 to the avoidance DC) for the duration of the race. This can be reversed with the Herbivicus Charm. This cannot be used on other players, you are moving too fast. This cannot be reversed with Finite Incantatem, what is cut is cut.
  • Extinguishing Charm [Support/Environment] [Year 1 Herbology] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Extinguo
      Range: Within 3 units of cast.
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Counter to Incendio and Incendio Duo. The fire would be extinguished, including the fire status effect.
      Critical Success: That unit (or player) cannot be set on fire again the duration of the race. The racer can still be damaged by fire-based damage, however they cannot suffer the fire status effect for the duration of the race.
      Critical Failure: the fire becomes worse and does 50% more damage (rounded down in the case of decimals).
  • Snowflake-Creating Spell [Environment] [Year 1 Astronomy] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Nix Facitur
      Range: Cast in the unit that the caster is in.
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: The unit cast in as well as one unit in front of and behind become frigid. While flying through the units effected with this charm, racers suffer the frigid effect. When suffering from the frigid effect, the racer rolls a stamina check to determine they hold onto their broom against the caster's arcane power. This is rolled each unit under the effect of this spell. On a failure, the racer suffers 10 * arcane power in damage.
      Critical Success: The damage is doubled.
      Critical Failure: The spell still goes off, however the caster is not immune to this charm and they automatically fail the stamina check for the unit they cast as well as the next unit they enter.
      Note: The caster is immune to the effect of their own cast of this spell. This spell can be reversed with the Meteolojinx Recanto charm. This spell can also be ended with the charm Finite Incantatem using a contested arcane power roll with no bonus in favor of the caster of this spell.
  • Weather-Modifying Countercharm [Environment] [Year 2 Astronomy] [Legal]
    • Incantation Meteolojinx Recanto
      Range: Within 3 units of cast.
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Serves as a counter to the Nix Facitur Charm. This would be a contested arcane power check between the caster of this counter spell and the caster of the Nix Facitur Charm with a +2 in favor of the caster of this charm (Meteolojinx Recanto).
      Critical Success: Nix Facitur Charm would be countered and the caster of this charm (Nix Facitur) would not be able to cast it again for the duration of the race.
      Critical Failure: Nix Facitur would become stronger as if it was critically successful (20 * arcane power in damage).
  • Bubble-Producing Charm [Environment] [Year 1 History of Magic] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Bullarum Immortalem
      Range: Within 3 units of cast.
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Reduces the accuracy and evasion of all those who enter the unit after this spell by 1. This effect only persists in that unit but this effect lasts the duration of the battle.
      Critical Success: this spell effects 2 units adjacent. The second unit picked randomly by the moderator unless specifically stated.
      Critical Failure: this spell goes off in the unit the caster is in and effects the caster. These bubbles will remain the duration of race.
      Note: There is no accuracy or evasion roll for this effect, a successful DC means those in those units will suffer this effect. This can stack in a single unit up to three times. May be countered by Finite Incantatem.
  • Smokescreen Spell [Environment] [Year 1 DADA] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Fumos
      Range: Within 6 units of cast.
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Fills a single unit with smoke. This only lasts for 3 rounds, however while inside this unit, illegal/cheat moves cannot be seen.
      Critical Success: The Fumos spell lasts the duration of the race.
      Critical Failure: There is no critical failure effect.
      Note: There is no accuracy or evasion roll for this effect, a successful DC means those in those units will suffer this effect. This spell be ended with the charm Finite Incantatem using a contested arcane power roll with no bonus in favor of the caster of this spell. May be countered by Finite Incantatem.
  • Engorgement Charm [Support/Environment/Attack] [Year 2 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Engorgio
      Range: 3 units
      Wisdom DC: 15
      Effect: When cast on a player, this is an accuracy of the caster (with a +2 advantage) versus evasion of the target. The target may choose not to evade. On hit, the target suffers a -2 to their evasion for the duration of the race but they also gain +1 strength. When cast on the environment, this increases the DC of woods, narrow passageways, anything that requires accuracy by +3 of that unit for the duration of the race.
      Critical Success: this becomes a a -3 to their evasion if a player target or a +4 DC if an environmental target.
      Critical Failure: the spell rebounds onto the caster and they suffer the -2 to their evasion and a +1 strength for the duration of the race.
      Note: May be countered by Finite Incantatem.
  • Shrinking Charm [Support/Environment/Attack] [Year 2 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Reducio
      Range: 3 units
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: When cast on a player, this is an accuracy of the caster (with a +2 advantage) versus evasion of the target. The target may choose not to evade. On hit, the user gains a +1 to their evasion for the duration of the race but they also lose -2 strength. When cast on the environment, this decreases the DC of woods, narrow passageways, anything that requires accuracy by -3 of that unit for the duration of the race.
      Critical Success: this becomes a a -3 to their strength if a player target or a -4 DC if an environmental target.
      Critical Failure: the spell rebounds onto the caster and they suffer the +1 to their evasion and a -2 strength for the duration of the race.
      Note: May be countered by Finite Incantatem.
  • Bluebell Flames [Environment] [Year 2 DADA] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Caeruleus Inflamarae
      Range: self cast
      Wisdom DC: 15 to cast, 12 to maintain (other spells may be cast while this spell is being maintained)
      Effect: Illuminates an area making it easier to see in darkened and wooded areas. +2 accuracy and evasion in said areas. The blue flame follows the caster if this spell is being maintained.
      Critical Success: Does not slow the broom casting.
      Critical Failure: The flames are hot, they set the unit you are in on fire. Suffer 20 * arcane Power in damage. Anyone else passing through the unit must pass an evasion DC of 15 or suffer the same damage. The fire lasts the duration of the race.
      Note:A fire caused by a critically failed Caeruleus Inflamarae can be extinguished with the following spells: Extinguo, Aguamenti and Finite Incantatem using a contested arcane power roll with no bonus in favor of the caster. The fire would otherwise remain for the duration of the race. This remains in the unit it was cast as a hazard.
  • Fire-Making Spell Duo [Environment] [Year 2 Herbology] [Illegal]
    • Incantation: Incendio Duo
      Range: Within 4 units of cast.
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: The unit is set on fire. Does not work on stone buildings or on water. Those passing through this unit suffer 7 * Arcane Power and have a 30% chance of being set on fire where they take half this total damage (rounded down) each round until they are extinguished with the extinguishing charm or pass through a waterfall.
      Critical Success: this damage is doubled.
      Critical Failure: you have set yourself on fire for double damage and you will continue to take this damage every round until you have extinguished the fire with the extinguishing spell or passed under a waterfall.
      Notes:This cannot be used on other players, you are moving too fast. An attempt to ignore this warning will result in an automatic critical failure. This is considered to be a fire status effect. This spell can also be ended with the Charm Finite Incantatem using a contested arcane power roll with no bonus in favor of the caster, however this does not have any effect on the fire status effect.
  • Smoke to Daggers [Environment] [Year 5 Transfiguration] [Illegal]
    • Incantation: Pluviae Acuta
      Range: within 4 units
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Used in conjunction with the Fumos spell, this requires the Fumos spell to already be in place. In addition to the effects of the Fumos spell on that unit (and all units adjacent if covered in fumos), there will be daggers hidden within the smoke. Racers passing through these units would be effected by the fumos spell effect as well as be targeted by a trio of daggers each. 3 daggers are launched at the riders per unit and do 3 attacks per passing target at -1 accuracy that do 10 * arcane power in damage and cause the riders to bleed for 1 * arcane power in damage per round for the duration of the match. This would be accuracy of the caster versus wisdom of the targets.
      Critical Success: The daggers that roll a critical success (as each attack is rolled) do double damage.
      Critical Failure: The daggers that roll a critical failure (as each attack is rolled) are caught by the broom rider. They are able to throw the knife at a chosen target using their accuracy versus a target's evasion. On hit the target suffers 10*strength in damage and bleeds for the thrower's strength score for the duration of the race.
      Note: This is a transfiguration spell, you would need to use untransfiguration to counter this. The bleed effect can be ended with Ferula.
  • Boggart-Banishing Spell [Environment] [Year 3 DADA] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Riddikulus
      Range: up to 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 17
      Effect: Can be used against Boggart environmental threats, has a +1 critical failure range.
      Critical Failure: the Boggart becomes stronger. Future attempts to use this spell on the Boggart require a +1 (stackable) DC. The Boggart also causes a longer fear effect, the fear effect has a higher DC by +1 (also stackable).
      Critical Success: the hilarious creature inspires you and those that pass through that unit. For the next round those that pass through that unit have a +1 to all checks.
  • Drought Charm [Environment] [Year 4 Herbology]** [Legal]
    • Incantation: Siccum lacus
      Range: 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 20
      Effect: Temporarily dries up a waterfall when passing under, eliminating the strength DC to safely pass through.
      Critical Success: the waterfall remains dried up for 3 rounds.
      Critical Failure the water rushes heavier, the DC to pass through is increased by 3.
      Note: can be canceled by Finite Incantatem.
  • Herbivicus Charm [Environment] [Year 4 Herbology] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Herbivicus
      Range: 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 20
      Effect: When cast in woods, at thorns or at vines, it increased the DC to pass through this area by +5. This lasts for the next 3 rounds.
      Critical Failure: the plants would wither and the DC would be reduced by 2.
      Critical Success: the duration of this spell is for the remainder of the race.
      Note: can be canceled by Finite Incantatem.
  • Water-Making Spell [Environment] [Year 4 Herbology] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Aguamenti
      Range: 2 units
      Wisdom DC: Nil
      Effect: No DC to cast. No accuracy check. +2 to end Incendio using a contested arcane power. Has no critical failure or critical success effect.
  • Fog-Conjuring Charm [Environment] [Year 4 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Nebulus
      Range: 3 units
      Wisdom DC: 20
      Effect: Reduces all who enter the unit after this spell has been cast accuracy and evasion in that unit by 2. This effect only persists in that unit but this effect lasts the duration of the battle.
      Critical Success: this spell effects 2 units adjacent. The units would be the units on either side of the initial unit this was cast on.
      Critical Failure: this spell goes off in the unit the caster is in and effects the caster. This spell does not slow down the caster to cast.
      Note: can be canceled by Finite Incantatem.
  • Spider Conjuration Spell [Environment/Attack] [Year 3 COMC] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Arachnos
      Range: 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 17
      Effect: Conjure a spider towards the target. When cast on the environment, will choose a random target excluding the caster. A spider bite will cause 6% damage to your total health until it is removed
      Critical Success: Conjure 2 spiders instead of 1, when cast on the environment will choose 2 random targets
      Critical Failure: this spell goes off in the unit the caster is in and affects the caster.
      Note: Finite Incantatem, Arania Exumai, Wind and Waterfall can get rid of the spiders
  • Green Sparks Charm [Attack] [Year 1 DADA] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Verdimillious
      Range: 1 unit on either side of the caster.
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Cast at an intended target, this spell temporarily blinds a single chosen target. Accuracy of caster versus evasion of target. On hit, 20% chance to auto-fail their rolls for the next 2 rounds. This is countered by Blindvision.
      Note: No DC required, this is just an accuracy versus evasion roll.
  • Red Sparks Charm [Attack] [Year 1 DADA] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Periculum
      Range: 1 unit on either side of the caster.
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Cast at an intended target, this spell temporarily blinds a target. Accuracy of caster versus evasion of target. On hit, +3 critical fail for the next 2 rounds. This is countered by Perfectionist.
      Note: No DC required, this is just an accuracy versus evasion roll.
  • Wand-Extinguishing Spell (Charms) [Support/Attack] [Year 1 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Nox
      Range: Caster only for automatic success; up to 3 units way when cast against another target.
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Contested Arcane Power roll for effect. On success, the Lumos is turned off. This can be done by the caster of the Lumos to their own Lumos for flavor at no cost. This can be used to force another user's wand to be turned off.
      Critical Success: the user cannot recast Lumos for 3 rounds.
      Critical Failure: the Lumos became brighter on the targeted wand (and would have the effect of a critically successful Lumos). Also works on Lumos Duo and Lumos Maxima, however the caster of those spells (Lumos Duo and Maxima) have a +2 to their contested arcane power roll.
      Note: A critical failure or success cannot happen when casting Nox on your own wand because it requires no roll. The wand will remain lit when not in its owner's possession with Lumos and Nox can be cast without the wand in hand, it is one of the few spells that can be cast wandlessly without the ability [Wandless Magic].
  • Tickling Charm [Attack] [Year 2] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Rictusempra
      Range: 3 units
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Accuracy of the caster versus target evasion of a single target. On hit, the target would suffer a -1 to their accuracy and evasion for the next 3 rounds and a +1 critical failure range. This +1 critical failure is countered by Perfectionist.
      Critical Success: this spell cannot be countered by Finite Incantatem.
      Critical Failure: Rictusempura rebounds on the caster.
      Note: May be countered by Finite Incantatem unless the spell was critically successful.
  • Dancing-Feet Spell [Attack] [Year 1 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Tarantellagra
      Range: 3 units
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Accuracy of the caster versus target evasion of a single target. On a full hit there is a 20% chance that you will kick yourself off of your broom. This lasts for 2 rounds.
      Critical Success: the duration of this spell is now 3 rounds.
      Critical Failure: this spell rebounds back at the caster. This does not count as the one time a racer can be targeted with this spell. This does count as one of the caster's three times they can cast the spell.
      Note: May be countered by Finite Incantatem. This attack can only be cast at a target once per race. This attack can only be cast by a single player three times a race.
  • Knockback Jinx [Attack] [Year 1 DADA] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Flipendo
      Range: 3 units
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Accuracy of the caster versus target evasion of a single target. On a full hit, the target is knocked back to the previous unit and has to re-roll any terrain obstacles that may be possessed within that unit at disadvantage. Disadvantage is where 2 rolls are made and the user gets to use the lower of the two.
      Critical Success: In addition, there is a 10% chance that the target will be kicked off of their broom.
      Critical Failure: this spell rebounds back at the caster and knocked them off the broom. They are not knocked back a unit, just knocked off their broom.
      Note: This attack can only be cast at a target once per race. This attack can only be cast by a single player in total three times per race.
  • Sneezing Hex [Attack] [Year 1 History of Magic] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Steleus
      Range: 3 units
      Wisdom DC: 9
      Effect: Accuracy of the caster versus target evasion of a single target. On a full hit, the target has a 5% auto-failure chance (meaning rolls by the victim that require accuracy would auto-fail) for the duration of the race.
      Critical Success: The auto-failure chance is increased to 10%
      Critical Failure: The spell rebounds onto the caster.
      Note: can stack up to 2 times. This can be countered with Finite Incantatem with a contested Arcane Power Roll, +2 in favor of the caster of Steleus. This can also be countered with Reparifors with a DC of 20 Wisdom by the caster. On a critical success with Reparifors, the caster of Reparifors cannot be afflicted with Steleus again for the duration of the race.
  • Curse of the Bogies [Attack] [Year 1 DADA] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Mucus ad Nauseam
      Range: 3 units
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Accuracy of the caster versus target evasion of a single target. On a full hit, those targeting the victim of this spell gain a 5% auto-hit chance when making attacks on this racer. (Meaning rolls that require accuracy against the victim of this spell on a full hit have a 5% chance of just being hit regardless of their evasion roll) for the duration of the race.
      Critical Success: This chance increases to 10% auto-hit.
      Critical Failure: This target cannot be targeted by this curse for the duration of the race. If they were already afflicted by this spell, then a critical failure would remove the initial effect as well.
      Note: can stack up to 2 times. This can be countered with Finite Incantatem with a contested Arcane Power Roll, +2 in favor of the caster of Mucus ad Nauseam. This can also be countered with Reparifors with a DC of 20 Wisdom by the caster. On a critical success with Reparifors, the caster of Reparifors cannot be afflicted with Muscus ad Nauseam again for the duration of the race.
  • Disarming Charm [Attack] [Year 2 DADA] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Expelliarmus
      Range: 2 units
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: A contested Arcane Power of the caster versus Strength of the target. On a successful cast the wand would be disarmed, meaning it was removed from the caster's grip and has fallen to the ground. A full action would have to be taken to retrieve the wand the next round. There is no critical failure or critical success for this spell.
  • Engorgement Charm [Support/Environment/Attack] [Year 2 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Engorgio
      Range: 3 units
      Wisdom DC: 15
      Effect: When cast on a player, this is an accuracy of the caster (with a +2 advantage) versus evasion of the target. The target may choose not to evade. On hit, the target suffers a -2 to their evasion for the duration of the race but they also gain +1 strength. When cast on the environment, this increases the DC of woods, narrow passageways, anything that requires accuracy by +3 of that unit for the duration of the race.
      Critical Success: this becomes a a -3 to their evasion if a player target or a +4 DC if an environmental target.
      Critical Failure: the spell rebounds onto the caster and they suffer the -2 to their evasion and a +1 strength for the duration of the race.
      Note: May be countered by Finite Incantatem.
  • Shrinking Charm [Support/Environment/Attack] [Year 2 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Reducio
      Range: 3 units
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: When cast on a player, this is an accuracy of the caster (with a +2 advantage) versus evasion of the target. The target may choose not to evade. On hit, the user gains a +1 to their evasion for the duration of the race but they also lose -2 strength. When cast on the environment, this decreases the DC of woods, narrow passageways, anything that requires accuracy by -3 of that unit for the duration of the race.
      Critical Success: this becomes a a -3 to their strength if a player target or a -4 DC if an environmental target.
      Critical Failure: the spell rebounds onto the caster and they suffer the +1 to their evasion and a -2 strength for the duration of the race.
      Note: May be countered by Finite Incantatem.
  • Freezing Charm [Attack] [Year 2 Charms] [Illegal]
    • Incantation: Immobulus
      Range: 4 units
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Contested accuracy against a player's evasion. On a full hit, this render's the rider immobile. They would run into the next obstacle or be hit by the next attack. Considered illegal for this very reason. Upon being hit or running into the next obstacle, this charm would break. The user would resume flight unless their health was reduced to 0 and/or they were knocked off their broom.
      Critical Success: The target would run into the next 2 barriers/obstacles or be auto-hit by attacked made by other players against them before the charm breaks.
      Critical Failure: If the caster critically fails casting this, they will freeze themselves. This does not count as their once per race to be effected by this charm but this does count as one of the caster's three casts of this spell.
      Note: It is important to note, the target if afflicted will continue to fly until they hit or are hit. Then this charm will break. A player can only be afflicted by this once per race. A player can only cast this charm 3 times per race.
  • Slowing Charm [Attack] [Year 2 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Arresto Momentum
      Range: 4 units
      Wisdom DC: 15
      Effect: Caster accuracy versus target evasion. Reduces the maximum speed of a user's broom by 1 for the next 3 rounds.
      Critical Success: the broom's maximum speed is reduced by 2 for the next 3 rounds.
      Critical Failure: this rebounds on the caster and they are slowed for the next 3 rounds.
      Note: This cannot stack.
  • Ascension Spell [Support/Attack] [Year 3] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Alarte Ascendare
      Range: 4 units
      Wisdom DC: 15
      Effect: Caster accuracy versus target evasion. Target may choose not to evade. Launches the opponent into the sky, outside of the track. This prevents them from making any progress the round they are hit, however they are now above the track for the next 10 units as they make their way back onto the track. They would not have to avoid or contend with any environmental challenges. however they can be targeted by other players. Other players have a +1 accuracy against them until they return to the track. This can be cast on oneself but with a +2 critical failure chance.
      Critical Success: this launches a user skyward where they do not make any progress laterally for 2 rounds rather than 1.
      Critical Failure: this attack sends your opponent and yourself to the ground and take 25 * the caster's Arcane Power in damage and need to spend the next round recovering their broom (as does their opponent if it was targeted at an opponent).
      Note: Also considered to be an auto-dodge, meaning any other attacks made on this racer (this move takes priority) would not hit the racer as they have automatically dodged those attacks as they were being shot into the sky. Can also be countered with Descendo.
  • Descension Spell [Attack] [Year 3] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Descendo
      Range: 4 units
      Wisdom DC: 15
      Effect: Caster accuracy versus target evasion. Launches the opponent towards the ground. The target takes 25 * Arcane Accuracy in damage but would be considered still on their broom.
      Critical Success: they take the same damage but they are considered grounded and would have to spend a round recovering their broom.
      Critical Failure: both the target and the caster are launched skyward and the effect is treated as if Alarte Ascendare has been cast.
      Note: Can also be countered with Alarte Ascendare. This is not considered to be an auto-dodge, in fact in the case of the critical failure any other attacks done on the caster or the target would automatically hit.
  • Bewitched Snowballs [Attack] [Year 1 Astronomy] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Nive Percutio
      Range: 4 units
      Wisdom DC: 15 to cast, 10 to maintain
      Effect: This only works if the environment is considered to be snowy. This would be clearly stated by your moderator if it is the case. Alternatively, if the charm Nix Facitur is effecting a unit, then this spell can apply there also. A chosen snowy unit (defined by the caster, otherwise randomly defined by the moderator) would pelt passing targets with snowballs. 3 attacks per passing target at -2 accuracy that do 10 * arcane power in damage. Each snowball would use the accuracy of the caster versus the evasion of the target(s). Critical hits would be rolled on an individual basis with each snowball.
      Critical Success: that snowball does double damage to the target that it hit.
      Critical Failure: the target would catch the snowball and as a free action the target that caught the snowball could throw that snowball (they can catch more than one) at a target of their choice. Range is their strength divided by 2. The attack would be accuracy versus evasion using normal accuracy. A hit does 10 * strength in damage.
  • Blindfolding Spell [Attack] [Year 2 DADA] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Obscuro
      Range: 3 units
      Wisdom DC: 15
      Effect: Caster's attack versus opponent's evasion. On hit, the opponent is blinded and must use 1 action to remove the blindfold. While blindfolded their accuracy and evasion are reduced to 0.
      Critical Success: The target suffers -4 accuracy and evasion.
      Critical Failure: the caster is blindfolded instead.
      Note: No DC to maintain. Remains in place until the blindfold is removed. This is countered by the ability Blindvision.
  • Slippery Jinx [Attack] [Year 2 Flying] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Lubricus
      Range: within 4 units
      Wisdom DC: 15
      Effect: Cast on the broom shaft of an opponent. Accuracy of caster versus evasion of the target. This makes it harder for the target to hold onto the broom. Accuracy versus evasion. On hit, the user has a 10% chance to fall off their broom every round for the duration of the race until this spell is negated.
      Critical Success: This chance to fall off the broom is increased to 15%.
      Critical Failure: rather than make things slippery, this spells works as if the gluing spell, Inhaeresco has been cast on the broom.
      Notes: This can be prevented by using the Inhaeresco. This effect will remain in place until the broom is cleaned off with Tergeo as a normal cast (see spell). Finite Incantatem does not work in removing this spell effect.
  • Tongue-Tying Spell [Attack] [Year 2 DADA] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Mimblewimble
      Range: within 4 units
      Wisdom DC: 15
      Effect: Caster arcane power versus opponent wisdom. A spell is chosen by the caster (if one is not declared then one is chosen at random from the spells the player has). On success, that spell cannot be cast by the target. Lasts for the duration of the race.
      Critical Success: two spells are chosen, neither can be cast for the duration of the race. If a second is not announced by the caster, then the spell is randomly determined from the spells the player has by the moderator.
      Critical Failure: the spell backfires and the caster cannot cast the spell(s) that they had tried to block their target from casting. If no spells were chosen, these spells are chosen at random from the caster's list of spells.
      Notes: This is countered by the ability Non-verbal Magic. In addition, unless Finite Incantatem was the spell that this charm was preventing the victim from speaking, this counter-spell can be used to end this effect using a contested wisdom roll.
  • Slug-Vomiting Charm [Attack] [Year 2 Herbology] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Slugulus Eructo
      Range: within 4 units
      Wisdom DC: 15
      Effect: Caster accuracy versus target evasion. On hit, the target starts vomiting slugs. This causes them to suffer -1 accuracy and evasion as well as suffer 4 * arcane power in damage per round for 3 rounds.
      Critical Success: the damages are doubled.
      Critical Failure: this spell rebounds on the caster.
      Note: Can be countered with Reparifors for a DC of 20. On a critical success using Reparifors the healed victim cannot be effected by Slugulus Eructo for the duration of the race. Finite Incantatem can be used to end this effect using a contested wisdom roll.
  • Summoning Charm [Support/Attack] [Year 3 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Accio
      Range: Up to 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 17
      Effect: Can be used to retrieve your ally's wand instead of spending a round retrieving it if somehow lost. [Passing it back to an ally in the earliest shared unit would be considered a free action]. However, movement is halved, and the rider holding 2 wands has a 50% chance of simply falling off their broom (no hands) each unit they pass through with two wands in their possession to hand off the wand. Can be used with Wandless Magic to retrieve one's own wand. Can be used to place an enemy/opponent's broom or wand in your possession, but it will simply fall to the ground; they cannot pocket it and not suffer the debuff regarding falling off their broom. Stealing a wand from the possession of an opponent uses Arcane Power vs. Strength + 3 (negated by Epoximise used on the broom and Inhaeresco used on the broom or wand). On success, the wand would fall to the ground. Can also pull a broom out from under an opponent, however, it is much harder. Arcane Power of the caster vs.Strength of the target + 5. This can also be negated by Epoximise and Inhaeresco.
      Critical Success: There is no movement loss when casting the spell.
      Critical Failure: You stopped moving on your broom.
      Note: Cannot be used on living objects. Can be prevented with Epoximise and Inhaeresco. May be countered by Finite Incantatem. This attack can only be cast at a target once per race. This attack can only be cast by a single player three times a race.
  • Freezing Spell [Attack] [Year 3 Astronomy] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Glacius
      Range: 3 units
      Wisdom DC: 15
      Effect: can have a numbing effect when directed at an opponent. Accuracy v evasion. On hit, the target suffers 10 * arcane power in damage that round and for the next 3 rounds and a 10% chance to fail on spells cast for the next 3 rounds.
      Critical Success: the damage is doubled.
      Critical Failure: the caster is subject to a severe numbing effect and suffers a 20% chance to fail at casting spells for the next 3 rounds.
      Note: The continued numbing effect and damages can be prevented with Aer Calidus being cast on oneself.
  • Wind Jinx [Attack] [Year 3 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Ventus
      Range: 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 13
      Effect: Arcane Power of the caster v strength to all those sharing a unit besides the caster. On hit, a gust of wind knocks the targets into a barrier/obstacle in the unit.
      Critical Success: in addition, those effected are pushed back a single unit.
      Critical Failure: the caster is effected by this spell instead.
  • Cracker Jinx [Attack] [Year 3 Divination] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Nec Divinos Crepitus
      Range: 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 15
      Effect: Can be thrown at other racers, causing some damage and possibly forcing racers back. 40 * arcane power in damage to a single target. Force of the blast knocks the caster (not target) back a single unit, they have to re-roll against any obstacles in the previous unit if there were any.
      Critical Success: the blast will not force the caster back a unit.
      Critical failure: the caster suffers the knock back automatically and takes the full damage of the attack.
  • Revulsion Jinx [Attack] [Year 3 DADA] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Relashio
      Range: 3 units
      Wisdom DC: 20
      Effect: Counter to the Gripping Charm. Ends the gripping charm with a contested arcane power check, +2 in favor of the caster of Relashio. Can also be used to make an opponent drop their wand or release themselves from their broom if Epoximise is not being used to hold the wand/broom in place. Disarming an opponent using this spell requires a roll of Arcane Power vs. Strength check, -1 for the target. Releasing an opponent's broom from them using this spell is Arcane Power vs. Strength check, -3 for the target.
      Critical Success: There is no critical success effect for this spell.
      Critical Failure: The caster drops their wand.
      Note: Can only be used on a target once per race. Can be cast by the same racer up to three times a race.
  • Jelly-Legs Hex [Attack] [Year 6 Transfiguration] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Locomotor Wibbly
      Range: 3 units
      Wisdom DC: 15
      Effect: Counter to the Gripping Charm as it applied to holding onto a broom. Ends the gripping charm with an arcane power v strength check,+2 in favor of the caster of Locomotor Wibbly. Can be used to give the rider a 15% chance to fall off the broom each round until this spell is canceled.
      Critical Success: Expoximise is no longer considered to be a sufficient counter, only an effective Counter Spell can be used to end this effect.
      Critical Failure: the target's leg's are fortified and they have a better grip on the broom. All attempts to knock the player off their broom (short of a KO) have a 20% failure chance for the next 5 rounds.
      Notes: Counter Spell has a 20% chance to simply fail at canceling the spell before any other rolls are made.The spell Epoximise is used to adhere the rider to their broom and would be considered a sufficient counter.
  • Hurling Hex [Attack] [Year 3 Flying] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Iacta
      Range: 3 units
      Wisdom DC: 20
      Effect: Accuracy v Evasion to take effect. On a full hit, a strength check v arcane power to see if the rider is thrown off. The broom will buck 1d6 rounds. The Gripping Charm and Epoximise give the rider a +2 to their attempt each. Where the Lubricus charm gives the rider a -2.
      Critical Success: the duration is always 6 rounds.
      Critical Failure: the caster's own broom is effected.
  • Full Body-Bind Curse [Attack] [Year 3 DADA] [Illegal]
    • Incantation: Petrificus Totalus
      Range: Same unit
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Must be in the same unit to cast. Contested accuracy against a player's evasion. On a full hit, there is a stamina roll of the target against the caster's arcane power rolled which renders the rider immobile. They would run into the next obstacle or be hit by the next attack. Upon being hit or running into the next obstacle, this charm would break. Unlike the Freezing Spell where they would only be knocked off their broom if their health reaches 0, in this instance a strength check of the target is rolled against the caster's wisdom and on success for the caster the rider is knocked off their broom. The target will have time to respond before hitting the ground the next round with Spongify to prevent themselves from taking fall damage.
      Critical Success: the rider would run into the next 2 barriers/obstacles or be auto-hit by attacked made by other players against them.
      Critical Failure: the caster will paralyze themselves.
      Note: The target if afflicted will continue to fly until they hit or are hit. Then this charm will break. A player can only be afflicted by this once per race. A player can only cast this charm 3 times per race.
  • Babbling Curse [Attack] [Year 6 Runes] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Confusio Linguarum
      Range: Same unit
      Wisdom DC: 15
      Effect: Caster accuracy versus opponent evasion. On hit, for the next 1d6 rounds the target cannot cast spells.
      Critical Success: the duration is automatically 6 rounds.
      Critical Failure: this rebounds on the caster.
      Note: This is countered by the ability Non-verbal Magic.
  • Arrow Shooting Spell [Attack] [Year 5 Transfiguration] [Illegal]
    • Incantation: Sagitta
      Range: 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Caster shoots an arrow at a single target. The target takes 30 * arcane power in damage. In addition, the rider suffers bleed at 7 * arcane power per round until healed.
      Critical Success: the damage is doubled.
      Critical Failure: the arrow is shot at another creature (if any) that is roaming the race area as a potential threat (range is doubled for this).
  • Minor Explosion Charm [Attack] [Year 4 Charms] [Illegal]
    • Incantation: Bombarda
      Range: 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 20
      Effect: Creates an explosion in a chosen unit. Those in the unit must surpass with their evasion roll a DC of caster's arcane power + 10 to avoid taking damage. Failure results in 30 * arcane power in damage for all those hit in the shared unit.
      Critical Hit: this damage doubles.
      Critical Failure: the unit the caster is within would explode, damaging the caster as well as anyone else in the unit. Nobody gets an evasion roll for this.
  • Banishing Charm [Attack] [Year 3 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Depulso
      Range: 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 20
      Effect: Accuracy versus evasion. On hit, the target is moved back 3 units, they must avoid any obstacles in those three units by rerolling for these obstacles.
      Critical Effect: The obstacles for the 3 units that the target is knocked back need to be avoided at a -2 debuff to all stats (besides stamina) of the target.
      Critical Failure: The target is pushed forward 3 units, they must avoid all obstacles they would have encountered.
  • Impediment Hex [Attack] [Year 4 DADA] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Impedimenta
      Range: 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 20
      Effect: Accuracy versus Evasion of a single target. Reduces the broom's top speed by 1 progressively for the next 4 rounds. Meaning if you have a broom that has a speed of 5, round 1 you will have a top speed of 4; round 2 a top speed of 3; round 3 a top speed of 2 and round 4 a top speed of 1. If you have a slower broom, your top speed can be 0. It cannot go lower than 0. The slowed player only suffers the deficits for the speed they are actively moving.
      Critical Success: this lasts for an additional round.
      Critical Failure: the target is sped up and their top speed increases progressively by 1 each round. They only suffer the debuffs of the top speed of their broom (so a broom with a top speed of 3 can move at a speed of 5 and not suffer the speed debuff).
      Note: can be canceled by Finite Incantatem.
  • Langlock [Attack] [Year 6 Charms] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Langlock
      Range: 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 20
      Effect: Caster accuracy versus opponent evasion. On hit, for the next 5 rounds the target cannot cast spells. This is countered by the ability Non-verbal Magic.
      Critical Success: the duration is automatically 6 rounds.
      Critical Failure: this rebounds on the caster and lasts automatically for 6 rounds.
      Note: can be canceled by Finite Incantatem.
  • Orbis [Attack] [Year 6 Herbology]** [Legal]
    • Incantation: Orbis
      Range: 3 units
      Wisdom DC: 20
      Effect: Can only be used on a target that has been grounded but conscious to have an appreciable effect. Accuracy of caster versus target evasion. On hit, the ground sucks the target into the earth. They must achieve a strength check versus caster arcane power to break free.
      Critical Success: the arcane power for the strength check is given a +2.
      Critical Failure: the target is pushed upward with their broom and is able to make progress for the round. If they had no prepared action in case this was cast and failed (as most won't) they would automatically move forward in the race at their mid-level (rounded up) speed.
  • Jelly Fingers Curse [4. Attack] [Year 6 Flying] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Digiti Wibbli
      Range: 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 15
      Effect: Makes holding a broom and a wand more difficult. Accuracy of caster versus evasion of target. On hit, there is a 5% chance of spell failure (on each spell cast), 5% chance that they will release the broom (rolled at the end of the round) and a 5% chance that they will drop their wand (rolled at the end of the round) for the next 4 rounds.
      Critical Success: 10% chance of spell failure (on each spell cast), 10% chance that they will release the broom (rolled at the end of the round) and a 10% chance that they will drop their wand (rolled at the end of the round) for the next 4 rounds.
      Critical Failure: This spell backfires on the caster.
      Note: can be canceled by Finite Incantatem.
  • Broom Jinx [Attack] [Year 4 Flying] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Indomitus
      Range: 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 20
      Effect: Accuracy v Evasion to take effect. On a full hit, a strength check v arcane power to see if the rider is thrown off. The broom will buck 5 rounds. The Gripping Charm and Epoximise give the rider a +1 to their attempt each. Where the Lubricus charm gives the rider a -2.
      Critical Success: the duration is 7 rounds.
      Critical Failure: the caster's own broom is effected.
      Note: can be canceled by Finite Incantatem.
  • Antler Growth Hex [Attack] [Year 5 Runes] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Anteoculatia
      Range: 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 15
      Effect: Accuracy of the caster versus evasion of target. On hit, makes attempts through narrow passageways, woods, thorns and vines more difficult. -3 on all checks against environmental hazards for the duration of the race.
      Critical Success: the debuff is increased to a -4.
      Critical Failure: the user's own hair is affected.
      Note: can be canceled by Finite Incantatem.
  • Stinging Jinx [Attack] [Year 7 CoMC] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Carnem Pungere
      Range: 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 15
      Effect: Accuracy of the caster versus the target's evasion. On hit causes -1 to accuracy, evasion and strength for the next 4 rounds. Does 10 * arcane power damage for the next for rounds.
      Critical Hit: the damages are doubled.
      Critical Failure: the user is buffed with +1 accuracy, evasion and strength for the next 4 rounds and gains 10 * arcane power in health for the next 4 rounds.
      Note: can be canceled by Finite Incantatem.
  • Knee-Reversal Hex [Attack] [Year 3 Astronomy] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Retro Genibus
      Range: 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 12
      Effect: Caster accuracy v target evasion. It is much harder to remain on the broom with the legs reversed in this manner. They suffer a 10% chance of falling off their broom each round for the duration of the race. In addition, they have a harder time controlling the broom and suffer a -1 accuracy and evasion for the duration of the race. Finally, if they are knocked off their broom, it takes 1 additional round to get back to their broom. A player can only be effected by this once per race.
      Critical Success: this is increased to a 15% chance to fall off the broom and a -2 accuracy and evasion.
      Critical Failure: the caster of this spell cannot cast this spell again for the duration of the race and if this spell is cast on them it is done with a +3 accuracy.
      note: Can be canceled by Finite Incantatem.
  • Leg-Locker Curse [Attack] [Year 4 DADA] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Locomotor Mortis
      Range: 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 20
      Effect: Makes a player immune to being knocked off their broom unless they are rendered unconscious or caught be a waterfall. However, if they are caught in vines or descendo is used successfully on them they would be considered grounded and they would not be able to get back on their broom until they have removed this spell from themselves. There is no critical success or failure effect for this spell.
      Note: can be canceled by Finite Incantatem.
  • Spider Conjuration Spell [Environment/Attack] [Year 3 COMC] [Legal]
    • Incantation: Arachnos
      Range: 5 units
      Wisdom DC: 17
      Effect: Conjure a spider towards the target. When cast on the environment, will choose a random target excluding the caster. A spider bite will cause 6% damage to your total health until it is removed
      Critical Success: Conjure 2 spiders instead of 1, when cast on the environment will choose 2 random targets
      Critical Failure: this spell goes off in the unit the caster is in and affects the caster.
      Note: Finite Incantatem, Arania Exumai, Wind and Waterfall can get rid of the spiders
Potions in Broom Racing
In addition to spell-casting, broom racers are also able make use of potions in order to hinder their opponents and assist their allies. At this stage, only healing potions have been approved for official use, but further potions will be added with future patches. If a potion is not in this post, it has no current effect in broom racing.
  1. Blood Replenishing Potion
    Causes the drinker's body to replenish lost blood
    • Legal Move
      Application: Ingestion
      Range: 1 Unit
      Effect: Bleeding is stopped. Heals the same amount that was lost each round since the bleeding occurred. Can heal over max health.
  2. Bruise Removal Paste
    Heals and soothes damage caused by blunt impact.
    • Legal Move
      Application: Contact
      Range: 3 Units
      Effect: Heals damage for 300 HP. Cannot bypass full health.
  3. Burn Healing Paste
    Heals and soothes damage caused by burns.
    • Legal Move
      Application: Contact
      Range: 3 Units
      Effect: Removes the effect of fire on the user. Heals for 200 HP. Cannot bypass full health.
  4. Essence of Dittany
    Speeds up the healing process of severe open wounds, slows down bleeding and closes wounds.
    • Legal Move
      Application: Contact
      Range: 3 Units
      Effect: Reduces all stat debuffs by 2 and stops bleeding
  5. Pepperup Potion
    Upon consuming this potion, the user is cured of most minor non-magical illnesses such as the common cold or influenza. Steam will emit from the drinker's ears.
    • Legal Move
      Application: Ingestion
      Range: 1 Unit
      Effect: Cures the effects of Steleus, Mucus ad Nauseam, and Slugulus Eructo. Heals for 200 HP. Cannot bypass full health.
  6. Murtlap Essence
    A basic healing potion that is used to treat minor cuts and abrasions. There is an analgesic effect as well as a healing effect. It will not prevent scarring but it will reduce the appearance of scars
    • Legal Move
      Application: Contact
      Range: 3 Units
      Effect: Reduces all stat debuffs by 1 caused by spells, environmental attackers and obstacles. Heals for (15 * stamina) HP each round for up to 3 rounds.
      Note: Abilities that cause stat debuffs (ex. Charmer) are not nullified.
  7. Reorganizer
    A potion that heals ruptured and damaged organ tissue.
    • Legal Move
      Application: Ingestion
      Range: 1 Unit
      Effect: Fully heals health. Removes all status ailments. Removes all stat debuffs caused by spells, environmental attackers and obstacles. Buffs all stats by 1 for the rest of the race.
      Note: Abilities that cause stat debuffs (ex. Charmer) are not nullified.
  8. Revive Potion
    This potion brings an unconscious player back to consciousness.
    • Legal Move
      Application: Ingestion
      Range: 1 Unit
      Effect: Brings someone back to consciousness. Revives them on 1 HP.
  9. Skele-Gro
    After ingestion the person will be bedridden for quite a while, depending on how severe their condition is, as the potion causes their bones to heal or regrow. The process of this is described as painful.
    • Legal Move
      Application: Ingestion
      Range: 1 Unit
      Effect: Heals broken bones. Heals for 400 HP. Cannot bypass full health.
  10. Star Grass Salve
    Soothes sores and wounds heals and counters lingering pain effects.
    • Legal Move
      Application: Ingestion
      Range: 1 Unit
      Effect: Heals all status ailments and debuffs experienced by spells, environmental attackers, and obstacles (ex. Malaclaw's bite, Steleus, fog, Cockatrice's slowness, etc.)
      Note: Abilities that cause stat debuffs (ex. Charmer) are not nullified.
  11. Wound Cleaning Potion
    Pouring this potion over a wound will clean out the wound.
    • Legal Move
      Application: Contact
      Range: 3 Units
      Effect: Removes topical (contact) poisons and its effects. Can remove the effects of Bundimun, Chizpurfles, and Swarm of Pigeons' poop. Prevents future effects for the rest of the race. Heals 300 HP.
  12. Antidote to Common Poisons
    Cures the drinker from the effects of all poisons except those specified as 'uncommon'.
    • Legal Move
      Application: Ingestion
      Range: 1 Unit
      Effect: Cures Chizpurfles, Mackled Malaclaw's bites and its effects. Prevents future effects for the rest of the race. Heals for 200 HP.
  13. Antidote to Uncommon Poisons
    Cures the drinker from the effects of all poisons specified as 'uncommon'.
    • Legal Move
      Application: Ingestion
      Range: 1 Unit
      Effect: Cures Doxy bites/stings and its effects, Swooping Evil's venom and its effects. Prevents future effects for the rest of the race. Heals for 200 HP.
Note: Anything that has the phrase "for the next X rounds" includes the current round. If a spell is cast in Round 2 and affects the target for 3 rounds, it affects the target for Rounds 2, 3, and 4.

8 Oct 2022, 03:07
Broom Racing System
Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities in Broom Racing
This post explains which magical races/talents and special abilities have effects in Broom Racing and how their mechanics would work with the Broom Racing Mechanics.
Magical Races/Talents
    • [Year 1] Sunlight Sensitivity - They have a -1 evasion against any light-based spells or attacks. Included Spells:
      - Verdimillious
      - Periculum
      - Lumos
      - Nox
      - Caeruleus Inflamarae
      - Incendio
      - Incendio Duo
      - Lumos Duo
      - Lumos Maxima
    • [Year 1] Dhampir actions -
      • Bite - A bite attack is basically an attack with their mouth where the Dhampir sinks their teeth into their opponent. This does not have to be the neck, despite the fact that this is a common depiction of this act. This is an ILLEGAL move in the race. [Accuracy] [Strength]
        1. The Math: A bite requires an accuracy roll against an opponent's evasion. The damage done by the bite is equal to their strength score. The Dhampir also gains 25% (rounded down) health back from their bite. They cannot exceed their maximum health via bite. The bite does 50 + (strength score * 10) damage.
      • Claw - The fingernails of a dhampir reflect the claws of a vampire and the rounded fingernails of a human. They grow faster than the average human and are more pointed. They are not sharp, coming to dull points. They are also far more deeply rooted than a normal fingernail, and far stronger. [Accuracy] [Strength]
        1. The Math:The dhampir digs their claws into a target using their accuracy against their opponent's evasion. The target will continue to bleed from the deep wounds the dhampir inflicts with their dull claws, losing an additional 5% of the total damage done by the attack each round for 4 rounds. The claw does 60 + (strength score * 10) damage.
    • [Year 1] Magical Menace - This affects only spells being cast by the dhampir, so the user has -1 accuracy and +1 critical fail chance when casting spells.
    • [Year 3] Unsettling Aura - Unsettling Aura affects everyone on the track with the dhampir during the game (friend or foe) unless the user has the Fearless ability or is a fellow Dhampir or the user itself. It is notable that a Dhampir can turn off Dhampir's Unsettling Aura but they must state they are, otherwise, this ability would be considered "on".
    • [Year 5] Heightened Sense of Smell - Can see through a metamorph's mimic appearance if you are familiar with the user or the target of the transformation.
    • [Year 7] Blood Resurrection - N/A
    • [Year 1] Werewolf Form: Bite and Rend - N/A
    • [Year 1] Heightened Sense of Smell - You are able to see through a metamorph's mimic appearance or the target of a transformation.
      Note: This can be used as a counter against users of the polyjuice potion, metamorphmagi that appear to be someone else, and charms that can be used to change one's appearance.
    • [Year 3] Tracking - The werewolf can track its prey. At the start of a race, the werewolf can declare an opponent racer to track in their first post. When tracked, the werewolf has an accuracy increase of +2 against the opponent they have listed. If the werewolf wishes to change their tracked opponent, they may use an action to change their target.
    • [Year 5] Wolf's Cry - N/A
    • [Year 5] Wolf's Grace -As a human, a werewolf's predatory abilities become stronger. Opponents are more noticeable to a werewolf, and they find it easier to prepare for the upcoming danger. Werewolves have a +2 evasion against environmental attackers.
    • [Year 7] Intimidation - Intimidation affects everyone on track, regardless of range. When in effect, there is a -1 accuracy and a +1 critical failure chance for all those on track (friend or foe).
    • [Year 1] Minor Appearance Shift -N/A
    • [Year 1] Skilled Transfigurer - If a metamorph chooses to cast a Transfiguration spell, the DC of that spell will be lowered by 5. Included Spells:
      - Bullarum Immortalem
      - Incendio
      - Fumos
      - Obscuro
      - Incendio Duo
      - Ferula
      - Nec Divinos Crepitus
      - Nebulus
      - Aguamenti
      - Aqua Eructo
      - Bat Bogey Hex
    • [Year 3] Mimic Appearance. -
      As an action, a metamorphmagus may take on the appearance of another student in the race, and then attempt to fly in patterns to confuse the other players as to which is which. Racers will suffer a -1 accuracy while they are using this ability.
      There is a 50% chance that the opposing racers will become confused and target the wrong racer. For instance, if Tom changes himself to look like Sally, then enemy attacks aimed at Sally have a 50% chance of targeting Tom instead. This only applies to actions done by the opposing team. Certain races with keen senses of smell might be able to see through this duplicity.
      Racers may choose to revert back to their original form as a free action. Otherwise, this change will last until the metamorph is hit by an enemy spell or attack.
    • [Year 7] Major Appearance Shift. - A master of disguise and stealth, metamorphmagi are able to change their appearance to stand out less in their surroundings.
      Metamorphmagi gain a new action; camouflage.
      As an action, metamorphmagi can alter their appearance to be less noticeable in their surroundings (growing bumps to resemble rocky surfaces, changing hair color to match the hue of the forest, etc). Metamorphs gain a 50% auto-dodge against any attacks, spells (including ally spells), and environmental attackers for 2 rounds, or until they are hit successfully with an attack.
    • [Year 1] Unskilled Caster - As Part-Giants are not skilled spellcasters, the chance to critically fail any check for a spell will be increased to a 15% chance.
    • [Year 1] Physical Damage: +30%. Damage Reduction: 20%. - Part-giants perform an additional +30% damage with their physical attacks (anything that requires strength). Damage reduction basically means that giants take less damage from magical and physical sources. (So if they are attacked and damaged for 100, they only take 80 damage.)
    • [Year 3] Part-Giant Actions. -
      • Grapple - Sacrifice your own movement to prevent someone else from getting ahead. If successful, the target is considered "bound". A bound person cannot move their limbs, so they cannot make physical actions nor can they cast magic that requires movement. While you are grappling someone, you also cannot move because you need to maintain your hold over them. At the start of each round the grappled player performs a grapple check (this is just a contested strength roll), this does not count as their action, and if they are successful then they are free from the bind. If they are unsuccessful, then they remain trapped. IF the player is free, they can still perform an action for the round as can you. If they are not free, they remain trapped and perform no action and you are busy holding so also perform no action. You may only target a racer you share a unit with. This is an ILLEGAL move. [Accuracy] [Strength]
        1. The Math: This requires an opposed accuracy check to hit, and then an opposed strength check to succeed. If the grappled opponent is targeted with an attack, the grappled opponent (as well as you) cannot evade the attack, it would automatically hit the BOTH of you even if the attack was a single target attack.
      • Grab - This is where the part giant attempts to grab an opponent's wand with their bare hands. You may only target a racer you share a unit with. [Accuracy] [Strength]
        1. The Math: This would be an accuracy (part giant) versus evasion (target) roll and then a contested strength check (of both) to see if the part giant gains the wand. However, it is very hard to fly with two wands in hand. Much like the Summoning Charm (Accio), the rider holding 2 wands has a 50% chance of simply falling off their broom (no hands) each unit they pass through with two wands in their possession to hand off the wand. The wand would need to be snatched back, requiring either a contested accuracy check followed by a contested strength check to regain the wand, or a use of the summoning charm if the now wand-less rider is able to cast without a wand.
      • Break Limbs - Aim for the bones. You may only target a racer you share a unit with. This is an ILLEGAL move. [Accuracy] [Strength]
        1. The Math: This move requires an accuracy check (part-giant) vs. evasion check (victim). If successful, a contested strength check will occur between the part-giant and victim. If the part-giant exceeds the victim, the limb is broken. A user only has two of each limb, so that is the maximum that each of these effects can be inflicted on a user. The head can also only be debuffed twice. The part-giant can choose which limb/head to target, but if none are chosen, it gets randomly rolled for. Possible limbs:
          • Legs (-1 evasion per leg broken)
          • Arms (-1 accuracy per arm broken)
          • Hands (10% chance to drop wand per hand broken, also 50% auto-fail chance for snapping fingers)
          • Foot (10% chance to stumble, losing the intended action they were about to perform per foot).
          • Head (-1 wisdom per attack on the head)
    • [Year 5] Physical Damage: +50%. Damage Reduction: 50%. Part-giants perform an additional +50% damage with their physical attacks (anything that requires strength). Damage reduction basically means that giants take less damage from magical and physical sources. (So if they are attacked and damaged for 100, they only take 50 damage.)
    • [Year 7] Berserk - An action that can be done. The giant is not in their right sense of mind as they make the final stance to take down their target. For the five rounds after declaring this action, they do 80% more physical damage to surrounding racers (including their own team). On a critical fail, they risk hurting themselves instead. During their berserk, their max speed and accuracy are halved.
    • [Year 7] Unbound. - Immunity to Vines, Full Body-Bind Curse, Immobulus, and Cockatrice's slowness effect.
    • [Year 3] Wandless Magic - The natural ability allows them not to hold a wand when casting a spell (can't be Disarmed) or will be able to continue casting when Disarmed. For such spells, the spell is much harder to cast (due to increased Wisdom DC) and the chance to critically fail a Wisdom Check will be increased. The casting debuffs (from the ability) stack with the same debuffs from Non-Verbal Magic.
    • [Year 5] Armour. - A part-goblin's armor can be worn in a broom race, but the adjustment slots must be declared to the moderator before the race starts.
    • [Year 7] Gold. Goblin-Made Items - N/A
    • [Year 7] Armour: +2 Slots. - A part-goblins armor can be worn in a broom race, but the adjustment slots must be declared to the moderator before the race starts.
  • SEER
    • [Year 1] Intuition. - The seer has a 10% auto-evasion & 10% auto-hit when in combat.
    • [Year 3] Prophecy. - The future shares many secrets, secrets you are privy to. Select 1 obstacle of hard difficulty or lower to auto-succeed at. These must be clearly declared in your first post of the race, and are not able to be changed at any time.
    • [Year 5] Indiscriminate Knowledge - Spells cast by Seers cannot critically fail and their spells have a +1 chance of critically succeeding.
    • [Year 7] Fate Spinning - This can be used up to three times in a broom race. Note, the use of Fate Spinning must be stated by the player when they send their actions. For example: "If I get hit caught by the vines, use one instance of fate spinning to reroll my evasion." Fate spinning is difficult for a seer. Each fate spin causes an immediate decrease in wisdom that will last throughout the duration of the race by -2, and a wisdom DC of 15 must be passed for each fate spin.
    • [Year 1] Alluring. - Effects those targeting the Veela only. There is a 10% chance that the attacker will attack another target instead of the Veela.
    • [Year 3] Scream. Part-Veelas are not nearly as attractive when they are angry, even more so when soaring through the air. Their scream can be disorienting (-1 accuracy and -1 evasion), requiring a full action to perform but does not require a wand. This can stack indefinitely and persist until the end of the encounter. This scream can target a single user or it can target up to five users. The scream has a range of 6 units. [Wisdom]
      • The Math: A contested wisdom check is done for each target. If targeting multiple racers, the part-veela will suffer -1 wisdom for each additional target.
    • [Year 7] Temperamental - +3 to their critical range (and a +1 chance to critically fail) an attack.
    • [Year 3]Pet Snake: Spy - Your snake spent time searching the track before the race, reporting back to you and giving insight into what obstacles and challenges lie ahead. Select 1 obstacle of hard difficulty or lower to auto-succeed at. These must be clearly declared in your first post of the race, and are not able to be changed at any time.
    • [Year 5] Pet Snake: Attacks - N/A
    • [Year 7] Dark Heritage - The Parselmouth gains +1 accuracy, +1 critical success range and +10% damage done with any curses they cast.
      Included Spells:
      - Mucus ad Nauseam
      - Slugulus Eructo
      - Mimblewimble
      - Petrificus Totalus
      - Confusio Linguarum
      - Digiti Wibbli
      - Locomotor Mortis
Special Abilities
  1. Advanced Apparition - N/A
  2. Advanced Casting - +1 to Critical Success range. Most spells have a chance to critically succeed. The default range is 20 (out of 1d20 roll), but with this ability, the Critical Success range on spells will be expanded (to 19 and 20).
  3. Apparition - N/A
  4. Animagus - N/A
  5. Attacker Awareness - When facing an environmental attacker on a broom racing course, you have a 10% chance to go unnoticed by the attacker and not have to roll against them. This stacks throughout the race, adding 10% for each attacker you encounter. Example: If you go past an attacker in round 2 and face another attacker in round 4, you have 10% chance to make it past the first attacker and a 20% chance to make it past the second attacker. This stacking chance caps at 50%. This stacking chance resets to 10% when the ability is successful. This roll is performed before any other rolls that might impact success against an attacker (eg Evasive Maneuvers).
  6. Avada Kedavra - N/A
  7. Beast Master - N/A
  8. Binding Mark - N/A
  9. Blindvision - If a player with Blindvision is affected by any spell or obstacle reducing their sight, that effect is not active or instantly nullified. Immune to the following: Fumos, Obscuro, Verdimillious, Nebulus, and the Fog obstacle.
  10. Broken Broomshaft - Successful hits on improvised projectiles and critical hits on [Attack] spells made by racers with this ability have a 25% chance to also break a rider's broom.
  11. Cat's Grace - N/A
  12. Calming Presence - Allies gain a 10% chance to auto-hit their chosen target on all spells and any actions needed an accuracy roll. This does not apply for obstacles and does not stack.
  13. Charmer - All players that play against a player with Charmer will suffer -1 Accuracy in all of their Accuracy rolls. If there is more than one Charmer on the team, the effect is not stacked (Max: -1).
  14. Chaser's Interception - N/A
  15. Components - N/A
  16. Comprehend Languages - Players with this ability gain +10% Wisdom for the entire duration of the race.
  17. Corporeal Patronus Messenger - N/A
  18. Crucio - N/A
  19. Death Defiance - If a user drops below 0 health in a round, they instead withstand all the attacks that round, surviving the round with 1hp. This only effects the user that one round.
  20. Evasive Maneuvers - 10% auto-evasion chance that anything targets this player automatically misses. Spells, actions, and obstacles that require the racer to make an evasion roll apply.
  21. Fearless - Players with this ability are immune to a dhampir's aura, terrible presence, a werewolf's intimidation, a Boggart's fear effect, and any future fear effects from potions and spells.
  22. Foulplay - When preforming an Illegal move, this player has a 25% chance the foul goes unnoticed by the referee causing the player to not have to take a penalty.
  23. Healing Sage - +30% healing done with potions and spells by this user. When a player with this ability casts Ferula, the subject of the spell (whether self or ally) has bleed immunity for the duration of the race.
  24. Impartial - Immune to lovely creature and a Veela's alluring.
  25. Imperio - N/A
  26. Keen Eye - N/A
  27. Keeper's Catch - N/A
  28. Legilimency - N/A
  29. Lovely Creature - Increases wisdom DC’s for spells by +2. This only affects opponents.
  30. Non-Human Enthusiast - +1 to all wisdom checks, accuracy and evasion rolls against a non-human opponent.
  31. Nonverbal Magic - Increases critical failure chance +1 and wisdom DC +5 when casting nonverbally. Allows players to continue casting spells when unable to speak.
  32. Obnoxiously Strong - Players with this ability gain +15% strength for the duration of the race.
  33. Paragon of Health - Two allies of players with this ability (which must be defined at the start of the thread/upon entry) gain +10% temporary health points calculated from their stamina. This cannot stack or be healed.
  34. Occlumency - N/A
  35. Perfectionist - All critical failure ranges are reduced by 1.
  36. Poison Resistance - Players with this ability get advantage on their Resistance Check when attacked with a potion, which means that the check is performed twice and the better result is chosen.
  37. Potion Mastery - When attacking another player with a potion, that other player has a disadvantage on their Resistance Check, meaning the lower of two rolls is taken.
  38. Prodigal Charms Learner - Spells learned with this ability can be used in the race if they are defined in the spells section.
  39. Prodigal Potions Learner - Potions learned with this ability can be used in the race if they are defined in the potions section.
  40. Prodigal Transfiguration Learner - Spells learned with this ability can be used in the race if they are defined in the spells section.
  41. Prodigal Defense Against the Dark Arts Learner - Spells learned with this ability can be used in the race if they are defined in the spells section.
  42. Rapid Reviver - If a user passes over the unit of a fallen player and the conscious player has this ability, they can perform an action to revive a fallen character, bringing them back to 1 HP. This can only be used on a player once per game.
  43. Rebound - If the user is attacked with a improvised projectile and is missed there is a 10% chance that the improvised projectile will be automatically rerouted to attack an opponent of the user's choice. If no user is chosen, then the opponent is decided at random. This would be a normal attack roll using the user's accuracy and strength modifiers. This does not require an additional action and would occur automatically on the same round.
  44. Restricted Charms Section - Spells learned with this ability can be used in the race if they are defined in the spells section.
  45. Restricted Defense Against the Dark Arts Section - Spells learned with this ability can be used in the race if they are defined in the spells section.
  46. Restricted Potions Section - Potions learned with this ability can be used in the race if they are defined in the potions section.
  47. Restricted Transfiguration Section - Spells learned with this ability can be used in the race if they are defined in the spells section.
  48. Savior - If a player with this ability uses the action save, they can save two allies rather than one, and they have the option to use "return to broom" in the same round as the save. The player with this ability must be within 3 units of their ally to use this ability.
  49. Sixth Sense - Immune to charmer ability. The cheating DC for opponents is raised +2. This cannot stack.
  50. Spell Spread - Can cast the same spell on two opponents if the second target is within 1 unit of the first. Accuracy is decreased by -2, wisdom DC is increased by +2, and the critical failure range is increased by +1.
  51. Statistically Relevant - The stats gained in this ability are used in Broom Racing.
  52. Steady Flyer - When facing an obstacle on a broom racing course that is of easy or moderate challenge rating, you have a 10% chance to automatically make it past without having to roll against the obstacle's DCs. If you go through multiple obstacles in one round, your chance to make it past stacks for that round. Example: If you go through an easy obstacle and a moderate obstacle in one round, you have 10% chance to make it past the first obstacle, and a 20% chance to make it past the second obstacle. This stacking chance resets to 10% when the ability is successful and between rounds. This roll is performed before any other rolls that might impact success against an obstacle (eg Evasive Maneuvers). Taking this ability twice will allow this effect to happen with hard and near-impossible challenge rating obstacles too.
  53. Terrible Presence - All other players receive a +1 critical failure chance on spells, 10% auto-miss chance on anything where they target another player (not including the Wisdom rolls for casting spells), and a -10% reduction on damage dealt.
  54. The Martial Artist - The four martial artist moves are able to be used in broom racing, however, they are all considered illegal moves. The cheating wisdom DC is decreased by -2 for these actions.
  55. The Muggle Condition - Rolls through obstacles that require accuracy get a +3, non spell actions requiring an accuracy roll (like blatching) get a +3 accuracy.
  56. Wandless Magic - There is a higher chance of failure for preforming wandless magic, +1 critical chance and the DC of casting the spell is increased by +5.
  57. Unfettered Flight - This would allow a player to avoid the debuffs of moving at a faster speed than their broom is actually going when taking extra actions. To explain -- when a racer is taking another action while flying, their move speed is reduced by 50% rounded down; however, they still suffer all of the side effects of moving at the faster speed. This ability makes it so the racer is only suffering the debuffs of the halved speed. So if a user is casting a spell and flying speed 6, they will only suffer the debuffs of speed 3 since that is their actual speed that round.
  58. Wandmaker - The wand only has an effect when it is being used. This means it will not go into effect if the caster is either disarmed or using Wandless Magic. The specific effects depend on the wand's core:
    1. Dragon Heartstring: +3 AP, 5% Rebound Chance
    • Wand owner receives +3 on AP. This buff is applied before other possible buffs or debuffs.
    • When casting a targeted spell (see Targeting and Accuracy), after a successful Wisdom Check and potential Auto-Fail Checks, another d20 is rolled. If the result is 20, the spell rebounds on the caster, who then takes the full effect.
    • This rebound chance cannot be prevented by the Perfectionist ability.
    • In case of Spell Spread being used with this wand, the entire spell would rebound before it spreads. In case of Auto-split spells, the Rebound roll occurs before the Auto-Split roll.
    2. Phoenix Feather: +2 Acc on spells, 10% chance of casting a random additional spell at your target
    • Wand owner receives +2 Accuracy on spells
    • After a successful Wisdom Check and potential Auto-Fail Checks, an additional d20 is rolled. If the result is 19 or 20, a random Duelling spell is selected from the caster's Trunk. This spell will target the same player who the caster was aiming at with their first spell (even if either of the two are spells that do not require Acc/Eva rolls).
    • The second spell is an auto-success (does not require a Wisdom or Auto-Fail Check), but will have to go through the Targeting and Accuracy phase independent of the first spell.
    • In case the caster is affected by Alluring, the second spell is also redirected towards the new target.
    • In case the first spell does not have a target (or more than one target), the second spell targets a random player apart from the caster (in addition to the original target, if applicable).
    • If the caster uses Spell Spread, only the primary cast (not the spread) has the chance of an additional spell being cast.
    3. Unicorn Tail Hair: -2 crit fail range, 30% chance that dark spells rebound on the caster.
    • The caster's crit fail range is reduced by 2.
    • For any Jinx, Hex, or Curse (refer to our Spell List), after a successful Wisdom Check and potential Auto-Fail Checks, another d20 is rolled. If the result is 15-20, the spell rebounds on the caster, who then takes the full effect.
    • This rebound chance cannot be prevented by the Perfectionist ability.
    4. Veela Hair: This wand is more powerful against one selected target (+2 Acc, +20% damage) and less powerful against everyone else (-2 Acc, -20% damage).
    • When sending in their first action, the wand owner can select one person in the duel to be the grudge target. For the duration of the duel, they will receive +2 Accuracy and +20% damage for any spells intended to target the grudge target, and -2 Accuracy and -20% damage for any spells intended to target anyone else.
    • When influenced by Alluring, the intended target changes, so the damage and Accuracy will depend on the new target. In case of critical miss or critical failure, the intended target stays the same, so the damage and Accuracy will depend on the original target.
    • If the wand owner does not define a grudge target, it will be set to the first person the wand owner defines as the target of a damaging or debuffing spell.
    5. Kneazle Whisker: Cannot critically fail spells intended to aid allies.
    • Support or Utility spells intended to help the wand owner's ally cannot critically fail.
    • The wand owner does not count as their own ally.
    6. Dittany Stalk: +10% Healing, buffs are stronger (+1)
    • This wand makes healing spells 10% stronger. This stacks additively with other percentile healing buffs such as from Healing Sage.
    • Example: Reparifors cast with 10 AP, Healing Sage, and the Dittany Stalk core would heal by 50 + 5 x 10 + (30% + 10%) = 100 + (30 + 10) = 140 HP.
    • For any buffing spells cast with this wand, the buff gets stronger by 1 stat point.
    • Example: Serenate would give +2 +1 = +3 to AP for its duration.
    7. Kelpie Hair Jinxes +1 crit success and crit failure range and +10% damage
    • Jinxes (refer to our Duelling Spell List) cast with this wand have +1 chance to critically fail and succeed. They also do 10% more damage (applied to spell damage and not the effects damage).
    • This stacks additively with the reduced damage from Terrible Presence, so if someone casts a jinx with this wand while affected by Terrible Presence, the buff and debuff would cancel each other out.
    8. Thestral Tail Hair
    • Not applicable.
    9. Coral: Advantage on Counter Spells
    • When casting a Counter spell (refer to our Duelling Spell List), two Wisdom Checks will be performed, and the higher one will be used for the spell.
    • Some spells are only Counter spells in some cases (such as Ventus directed at Nebulus, Flipendo directed at Bullarum Immortalem, or similar). For these spells, the second Wisdom Check is performed only when used as a Counter (so when targeting an effect), and not when used to attack a player.
    10. Thunderbird Tail Feather: +2 AP, Eva, Acc while below 30% max health
    • Once the wand owner drops below 30% of their maximum HP, they gain +2 on their Evasion, Arcane Power, and Accuracy rolls.
    • If the wand owner is healed above this threshold, they lose these boni.
    • The change goes into effect the round after they fell below/were healed to or above their 30% health.
    • Example: A player has 600 HP. When they take enough damage to be at 179 or less HP, they gain +2 Eva, AP, Acc starting from the next round. When they have 180 or more HP, these boni do not apply.
    11. Wampus Cat Hair: 5% Auto-Fail chance for opponents
    • Opponents get an Auto-Fail chance before their Wisdom Check to see whether they auto-failed to cast the spell.
    • A d20 is rolled, and the spell fails if it ends on a 20.
    • This stacks additively with other Auto-Fail chances (e.g. from Unsettling Aura), except for Auto-Fail Counters.
    • Example: If someone is affected by Unsettling Aura and this wand, they have a 15% Auto-Fail chance. A d20 would be rolled and the spell fails on 18-20.
    • This does not stack if multiple Wampus Cat Hair wands are present. This cannot break the 20% cap on Auto-Fail chances. See Auto-Fail.
    12. White River Monster Spine: +1 Acc, -2 WDC for all Charms
    • When casting a Charm (see Duelling Spells) with this wand, the spell's WDC is decreased by 2 and the caster receives +1 on their Accuracy roll.
    13. Rougarou Hair: 10% bleeding effect from damage done with dark spells, additional target on crit success dark spells, -10% damage with non-dark spells
    • When a Jinx, Hex, or Curse performed with this wand does damage, the target will suffer 10% of this damage as bleeding damage for the next 4 rounds.
    • If the target is hit by another Jinx, Hex, or Curse from a Rougarou Hair wand during that duration, the bleeding effect is replaced by the new one.
    • The bleeding effect can be countered by Ferula.
    • On critical success cast of a Jinx, Hex, or Curse, the user can target a second, additional player. This additional target has to be defined when sending in their actions.
    • All spells performed with this wand except Jinxes, Hexes, or Curses do 10% less damage. This stacks additively with other effects that make spells do less damage (e.g. Terrible Presence).
    14. Horned Serpent Horn: 5% auto-dodge chance
    • When a spell was successfully cast at the wand owner, a 1d20 roll is performed prior to Accuracy vs Evasion roll to determine whether the spell will be auto-dodged (roll 20). The Accuracy vs Evasion roll will not be needed in case of success.
    • This stacks additively with other auto-dodge chances but cannot break the 20% cap on auto-dodge. See Auto-Dodge.
    15. Snallygaster Heartstring: +1 Acc when ally's health is low
    • When an ally is at < 50% of their maximum HP, the wand owner gains a stacking +1 to their Accuracy for spells cast with the wand.
    • When one such ally is healed back to 50% or more of their maximum HP, the +1 buff is lost.
    • You do not count as your own ally. Once you define someone as the target of a spell detrimental to them, they cannot count as your ally.
    • Stacks to a maximum of +5 accuracy. (Mostly relevant for unofficial duels.)
    16. Jackalope Antler: Heal others up to 10% over their maximum HP
    • Healing spells cast with this wand can heal the target to 10% over their natural maximum HP.
    • If someone is already at 110% of their maximum HP (e.g. due to Paragon of Health), the wand cannot heal them further than this, but can heal them back up to 110% after they have taken damage.
    17. Basilisk Horn: +1 Acc, +10% damage to non-purebloods, cannot buff, heal, or support a non-pureblood if wielded by a pureblood; Hexes and Curses cannot critically fail if wielded by a non-pureblood.
    If wand holder is a pureblood:
    • This wand has +1 accuracy and does 10% more damage (if the spell does damage) to wizards that are not purebloods (applied to spell damage and not the effects damage).
    • This stacks additively with the reduced damage from Terrible Presence, so if this buff applies and the caster is affected by Terrible Presence, the buff and debuff would cancel each other out.
    • This wand cannot heal, be used to buff or cast a counter-spell that favors a non-pureblood.
    • When influenced by Alluring, the intended target changes, so the damage and Accuracy will depend on the new target. In case of critical miss or critical failure, the intended target stays the same, so the damage will depend on the original target. Auto-splits are not intentional so will not profit from the Accuracy or damage buff.
    If wand holder is not a pureblood:
    • Hexes and Curses cast with this wand cannot critically fail (see Duelling Spells).
    18. Curupira Hair: 10% spell redirection chance, 10% auto-hit, +1 critical success and failure range
    • After a successful Wisdom Check for a spell cast with this wand, there is a 10% (1d20, success on 19-20) chance that the wand will change target to a random duellist, excluding the original target and the caster. This is performed after potential Alluring rolls.
    • When a spell is successfully cast with this wand, a 1d20 roll is performed prior to Accuracy vs Evasion roll to determine whether the spell auto-hits (roll 19-20). The Accuracy vs Evasion roll will not be needed in case of success.
    • This stacks additively with other auto-hit chances but cannot break the 20% cap on auto-hit. See Auto-Hit
    • Spells performed with this wand have +1 critical success range and +1 critical failure range.
    19. Troll Whisker +1 Acc, +2 Eva after a Curse is cast
    • When a Curse (see Duelling Spells is cast in the duel, the owner of this wand gains +1 to their accuracy and +2 to their evasion for the next 3 rounds.
    • If another Curse is cast in the meantime, the duration is replaced with the new one.

14 Mar 2023, 15:56
Broom Racing System
Brooms in Broom Racing
Broom Racing requires a broom. A broom can be purchased in Diagon Alley in the Quality Quidditch Shop. For newer students that cannot afford a broom, during school-sanctioned race events they may use a school broom. The school brooms are a far-cry from the powerhouses their peers have purchased however, so buying a broom is highly recommended! Some of these brooms may have a different effect in Quidditch - only the racing-specific effects are listed here.
No Prerequisite
School Broom
Description: Wobbly and Rickety, you will get the job done on this broom, however it is not nearly as nimble as any broom that one can purchase.
Speed: Top Speed is 3
Cleansweep 2
Description: Broomstick created in 1934, it has not aged well and looks pretty dangerous.
Stats: +1 accuracy
Speed: Top Speed is 4
Shooting Star
Description: Racing broom made since 1950 : most affordable and perfect for beginners!
Stats: +1 evasion; +1 stamina
Speed: Top Speed is 5, however when you reach a speed of 5 there is a 10% chance that you will auto miss (with anything requiring an accuracy roll) and you will be auto-hit (with anything requiring a dodge roll). May attach a compass.
Cleansweep 3
Description: Broom which came out in 1937. Quite wrinkled, but still flies apparently.
Stats: +1 accuracy, +1 evasion
Speed: Top Speed is 4
Comet 140
Description: Cleansweep One's competitor, its braking system hasn't aged.
Stats: +1 accuracy, +1 wisdom
Speed: Top Speed is 4
Cleansweep 5
Description: Pretty old broomstick, not really recommended for a safe flight.
Stats: +1 accuracy, +1 evasion, +1 stamina
Speed: Top Speed is 4
Nimbus 1000
Description: Racing broom available on the market in 1967, it combines the Oakshaft 79's sturdiness with the Cleansweeps maneuverability.
Stats: +1 accuracy, +1 strength, +1 stamina
Speed: Top Speed is 6, however when you reach a speed of 5 there is a 10% chance that you will auto miss (with anything requiring an accuracy roll) and you will be auto-hit (with anything requiring a dodge roll) and at a speed of 6 this increases to a 20% chance that you will auto miss (with anything requiring an accuracy roll) and you will be auto-hit (with anything requiring a dodge roll).
Effect: None in racing. May attach a compass.
Cleansweep 6
Description: Resistant racing broom but rather slow.
Stats: +2 accuracy
Speed: Top Speed is 6, however when you reach a speed of 5 there is a 10% chance that you will auto miss (with anything requiring an accuracy roll) and you will be auto-hit (with anything requiring a dodge roll) and at a speed of 6 this increases to a 20% chance that you will auto miss (with anything requiring an accuracy roll) and you will be auto-hit (with anything requiring a dodge roll).
Comet 180
Description: Rival of the Cleansweep Two and Three, it's better aged than the others.
Stats: +2 accuracy, +1 evasion, +1 stamina
Speed: Top Speed is 5
Effect: May attach a compass.
Nimbus 1001
Description: Racing broom which made the Nimbus famous.
Stats: + 2 wisdom, +2 strength, + 1 evasion
Speed: Top Speed is 6, however when you reach a speed of 5 there is a 5% chance that you will auto miss (with anything requiring an accuracy roll) and you will be auto-hit (with anything requiring a dodge roll) and at a speed of 6 this increases to a 10% chance that you will auto miss (with anything requiring an accuracy roll) and you will be auto-hit (with anything requiring a dodge roll).
Blatchin' Birch
Speed: Top Speed is 4
Description: Pretty to look at, slim in the trunk and delicate in the branches, it seems like it has just been plucked from the earth. It tends to be generous with its splinters though.
Effect: Has an increased capacity. Can carry 4 people.
Nimbus 1500
Description: Efficient racing broom although slower nowadays.
Speed: Top Speed is 5.
Effect: When Racing with this broom, you can declare an intended move called Slow Down that reduces your maximum speed by 1 to give you a re-roll (at advantage) against an obstacle you hit. Yes, this is an action declared at the start of your round prior to any rolls where IF you are hit by a something or run into something that you get a second roll. If that roll is successful or not, your speed is still reduced by 1.
Comet 260
Description: A popular model in the late 80's, still efficient today.
Stats: +1 accuracy
Speed: Top Speed is 5
Effect: You take 10% less damage from all attacks that successfully hit you.
Description: Product made by Gladys Boothby, this broom flies higher than any other ones.
Prerequisite: This is a twink broom, meaning that you have means of earning more money or someone with disposable income has likely given this to you if you are before your 4th year.
Stats: +3 to two separate stats of choice.
Speed: Top Speed is 5.
Effect: You have exceptional dodge. +10% chance to auto-dodge an attack.
Silver Arrow
Description: Handmade by Leonard Jewkes and can reach speeds of 68 mph.
This is a twink broom, meaning that you have means of earning more money or someone with disposable income has likely given this to you if you are before your 5th year.
Stats: +3 to every stat
Speed: Top Speed is 5
Autumn Cruise
Description: There's nothing that hits as heavy as old oak. This bulky oak tree with leaves that seem stuck in autumn, often leaves a sparse path of fiery hued leaves in its wake but the canopy always appears magically full. A fork of branches serves as an oversized steering handle while a small seat has been hollowed out in the trunk.
Prerequisites: This is considered a twink broom.
Stats: +2 to all stats besides evasion.
Speed: Top Speed is 5.
Effect: Has an increased capacity. Can carry 5 people. If the driver has the savior ability and they use the Return to Broom action, they can return two people in a round rather than just one.

Description: The greatest broom available on the market : unmatched in terms of speed as well as maneuverability.
Prerequisite: This is a twink broom, meaning that you have means of earning more money or someone with disposable income has likely given this to you if you are before your 7th year.
Stats: +4 to a single stat of choice. Must be declared at the start of the game.
Speed: Top Speed is 5.
Ability: None in Racing.
Prerequisite: 2nd Year
Nimbus 1700
Prerequisite: 2nd year or later
Description: Fast and tough racing broom.
Stats: +2 accuracy, +1 evasion, +1 wisdom, +1 strength
Speed: Top Speed is 6, however when you reach a speed of 6 this increases to a 10% chance that you will auto miss (with anything requiring an accuracy roll) and you will be auto-hit (with anything requiring a dodge roll).
Effect: None in racing. May attatch a compass.
Description: Created by Ellerby and Spudmore in 1952, it is fast but not so much hardy.
Prerequisite: 2nd year or later
Stats: +2 strength, +2 evasion, +2 wisdom
Speed: Top Speed is 5
Description: Racing broom made by Ellerby and Spudmore in 1940; very resistant but rather slow.
Prerequisite: 2nd year or later.
Speed: Top Speed is 5.
Effect: When Racing with this broom, you can declare an intended move called Slow Down that reduces your maximum speed by 1 to give you a re-roll (at advantage) against an obstacle you hit. Yes, this is an action declared at the start of your round prior to any rolls where IF you are hit by a something or run into something that you get a second roll. If that roll is successful or not, your speed is still reduced by 1.
Prerequisite: 3rd Year
Cleansweep 1
Description: Available on the market in 1926, this Cleansweep has gained great intrinsic value as an antique broom.
Prerequisite: 3rd year or later
Stats: +2 accuracy, +2 wisdom
Speed: Top Speed is 5.
Effect: None in Racing.
Cleansweep 7
Description: Quality broomstick and Nimbus 2000's competitor in the 90's.
Prerequisite: 3rd year or later
Stats: +2 accuracy, +2 strength
Speed: Top Speed is 5
Effect: None in Racing.
Twigger 90
Description: Ideal for travels, it is equipped with an alarm whistle and a flying assistance system.
Prerequisite: 3rd year or later.
Stats: +2 accuracy, +2 evasion
Speed: Top Speed is 5.
Effect: May attatch a compass
Description: Family-friendly broom : very reliable and equipped with an anti-theft device. Rather slow.
Prerequisite: 3rd year or later.
Stats: +2 to two separate stats of choice. Must be declared at the start of the game.
Speed: Top Speed is 5.
Effect: Has an increased capacity. Can carry 3 people.
Prerequisite: 4th Year
Nimbus 2000
Description: Very famous in the 90's, this broom is renown for its speed.
Prerequisite: 4th year or later.
Stats: +2 to three separate stats of choice. Must be declared at the start of the game.
Speed: Top Speed is 5.
Effect: Immune to the effects of the ability Broken Broomshaft. +1 critical chance.
Nimbus 2001
Description: Nimbus 2000's big brother, this broomstick is elegant and aerodynamic.
Prerequisite: 4th year or later.
Stats: +3 to two separate stats of choice. Must be declared at the start of the game.
Speed: Top Speed is 5.
Effect: Counters the ability Foulplay. If a player performs a cheat action you can forgo your action for that round automatically (must state a desire to not do this if you do not want to give up your action) and notice the cheating action performed by a member (or multiple members) of the opposite team. +1 critical chance. May attach a compass.
Comet 290
Description: Cleansweep 11's rival, its acceleration is a bit less efficient.
Prerequisite: 4th year or later.
Stats: +3 to two separate stats of choice. Must be declared at the start of the game.
Speed: Top Speed is 5.
Effect: +1 critical chance. May attach a compass.
Prerequisite: 5th Year
Cleansweep 11
Description: The latest Cleansweep pride, which can accelerate from 0 to 62 mph in ten seconds.
Prerequisite: 5th year or later
Stats: +1 to every stat
Speed: Top Speed is 5
Effect: Has an increased capacity. Can carry 3 people. If the driver has the savior ability and they use the Return to Broom action, they can return two people in a round rather than just one.
Effect: None in racing. May attatch a compass.
Prerequisite: 6th Year
Pine Chopper

Description: This slender Scots Pine would make a fine Christmas Tree but this tree was modified with purpose. A metallic framed seat complete with windshield and stirrups has been added at the back serving as the tree's counterweight. This sturdy, reliable tree will definitely get the job done.
Prerequisite: 6th year or later
Stats: +3 to all stats
Speed: Top Speed is 6, however when you reach a speed of 6 this increases to a 10% chance that you will auto miss (with anything requiring an accuracy roll) and you will be auto-hit (with anything requiring a dodge roll).
Ability: Immune to Broken Broomshaft. Has an increased capacity. Can carry 4 people. If the driver has the saviour ability and they use the Return to Broom action, they can return two people in a round rather than just one. May attach a compass.
Description: Japanese team's broom during the 2014 World Cup.
Prerequisite: 6th year or later
Stats: +3 to all stats
Speed: Top Speed is 5
Effect: May attach a compass. None in Racing.
Description: Racing broom used by the Brazilian team during the 2014 World Cup.
Prerequisite: 6th year or later.
Stats: +3 to all stats.
Speed: Top Speed is 6, however when you reach a speed of 6 there is a 10% chance that you will auto miss (with anything requiring an accuracy roll) and you will be auto-hit (with anything requiring a dodge roll).
Effect: Special Action
Enganação. This literally means "cheat" and is a basically the art of sleight of hand for Brazilian Quiddich players. When a Quiddich player attempts to use the "cheat" action where they attempt to cast a spell while in a game, they succeed once per game automatically. Must declare alongside cheat action. All subsequent attempts to cheat have a 10% automatic "not noticed by the spectators" effect.
May attach a compass
Starsweeper XXI

Description: Racing broom, notably used by the USA team during the Quidditch World Cup.
Prerequisite: 6th year or later.
Stats: +3 to all stats.
Speed: Top Speed is 6, however when you reach a speed of 6 there is a 10% chance that you will auto miss (with anything requiring an accuracy roll) and you will be auto-hit (with anything requiring a dodge roll).
Ability: Special Action
Speed-Dodge: Once every 3 rounds, the user auto-dodges an attack. Declare in your action post when using. This would not interrupt your actual intended move. If an opponent has an auto-hit ability or skill, if that goes off then roll the attack and dodge as per normal.
May attach a compass
Oakshaft 79

Description: Antique broom, created in 1879 and used during the first Atlantic crossing back in 1939.
Prerequisite: 6th year or later
Stats: +4 to 2 stats of choice. They must be declared at the start of the game.
Speed: Top Speed is 5.
Ability: Has an increased capacity. Can carry 3 people. May attach a compass.