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11 Jan 2023, 00:17
What would happen to a student if they got detention and chose to skip it?

11 Jan 2023, 00:18
OoC that person won't be able to make or join a new thread.

Having eyes, but not seeing beauty; having ears, but not hearing music; having minds, but not perceiving truth; having hearts that are never moved and therefore never set on fire - these are the things to fear.

11 Jan 2023, 00:21
Marius is right. You would not be allowed to join any threads before completing detention. What has happened before though is that two students attacked the younger prefect- this would logically get you into more trouble though.

Opeila | Theodore | Raffle
Head of Index | Prefect | Duelling Co-Captain
Sta-10 | Eva-11 | Str-4 | Wis-11 | Arc-9 | Acc-14

11 Jan 2023, 00:24
I know the OOC consequence, but what would the IC consequence be?

Edit: The reason why I’m asking is because it’s relavent to a thread I’m in and I couldn’t find the answer myself.

11 Jan 2023, 08:44
We don't have anything specifically written about that. However, if your character is unable to join any other threads, they would IC likely just be grounded from fun activities until they do. So their detention would be do nothing but go to class, eat and sleep I guess? If there were balls or club events etc, they would ic miss out etc.

Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects, and discovering other people's weaknesses.
STA: 15 | EVA: 9 | STR: 2 | WIS: 20 | AP: 10 | ACC: 14
Sixth Sense | Evasive Maneuvers | Perfectionist | Poison Resistance