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23 Aug 2022, 19:55
Potion System
This thread contains all you need to know about the Potion system. For further questions, feel free to reach out to Méabh Regan.

Information on how to use your Prodigal Potions Learner ability can be found separately here.

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

23 Aug 2022, 19:55
Potion System
1. Acquiring Potions
Potions can be acquired by brewing. Brewing a potion will give you 1-4 instances of that potion to use, the exact number depends on the potion and can be found under Potions Recipes & Brewing Information. The number of potions you can brew per school year is limited to 4. This count resets after graduation in July.

To brew a potion, you must:
  1. Have learned the potion and have it in your Trunk post.
  2. Fill out the Potion Brewing Form, which includes:
    1. A link to your trunk
    2. The potion you want to brew
    3. A list of the ingredients needed to brew the potion (recipes can be found under Potions Recipes & Brewing Information)
    4. A RP of at least 200 words describing your character brewing the potion. This must be done from the perspective of your PC, not your iNPC.
  3. Send the ingredients required for the potion to the Game Master account. Potion ingredients can be bought in a variety of stores around the site, you can find a full list with locations in the Ingredients Masterlist. You only need 1 of each required ingredient, regardless of what the recipe calls for (eg. a recipe requiring "2 toadstools" only requires you to submit 1 of the owned object called "toadstool.") Water is always assumed to be available, you don't need to buy or send it.
After staff have processed and checked your application, they will send the acquired potion as an item to you for use.

23 Aug 2022, 19:56
Potion System
2. Using Potions
The Potion System makes use of’s item system. Potions are tangible items that you can use from your inventory. You do not need to denote these items in your encyclopaedia trunk, but you do need to physically possess them.

For using your potions in RP, we differentiate between two cases: Unmoderated threads and moderated threads.
In unmoderated threads (such as private or most open threads), having a potion as an item in your inventory will provide you with an unlimited number of uses of this potion. This means that you can RP your character using any potion in your inventory without further action. Please do so within reason: for example, owning one instance of Felix Felicis should not mean that you write your character being under its influence in every thread; it is a very rare potion. If staff notices you RPing in a way that conflicts with lore, you will be asked to change your post. Also note that the potion needs to be in your trunk for the entire duration of the thread, as moderation staff may check your inventory for it at any time. You cannot give a potion away while you have ongoing threads of you using it.
In moderated threads, such as balls, duels, broom races, or other official events, using a potion will consume that potion, limiting you to the number of potions you have in your inventory. For this purpose, please send your potion to the thread’s moderator with a comment of which post you use it in ([Thread name], [Page number], [Post number on that page]), so they can check your use of the potion. The moderator will forward the potion to the Game Master account with a comment of where and by who it is used ([Thread name], [Page number], [Post number], [Name of who used it]).
For the avoidance of any and all doubt, unofficial duels and other events organised outside of official events, where participants pre-emptively agree to use the systems as set out for moderated threads, are unmoderated events and make use of the unmoderated rules for potions.

Please note that the requirement to ‘lock in’ your trunk when entering a moderated thread also applies to potions. You will be required to declare those potions that are presently in your inventory in your opening post in the thread, much as you do with your statistics, or broom racers and quidditch players have to declare the broom that they are using. The moderator of the thread will check your objects to ensure that those potions you have declared are in your possession.

Refer to each specific thread for possible rules and contact the thread’s moderator in case of questions.

23 Aug 2022, 19:56
Potion System
3. Potion Mechanics
In private or group threads, same as with spells, you are free to handle potions as you like with consent of your thread partner(s). You are not required to use any rolls, but are free to if you and your partner wish.

In moderated situations, which rolls apply will depend on the categories named below. Please note that for balls and similar events, this is largely dependent on the situation and up to the moderator’s discretion. For exact rules on how potions are handled in duelling and broom racing, please refer to the Duelling System and Broom Racing Rules.
3.1 Effects
Generally, potion effects are divided into three main categories: Mental, Physical, or Environmental, depending on what they affect.
  • Mental potions affect the mind of the person the potion is used on
  • Physical potions affect the body of the person the potion is used on
  • Environmental potions are meant to affect the environment
Potion effects can be found under Potions Recipes & Brewing Information.
When affected by a potion, each character has a natural Resistance to any negative potion’s effects. They will get to perform a Resistance check, and if successful, will suffer only a reduced effect. This check is performed based on an average of the character’s Stamina and Strength stat ((STA + STR)/2) added to a d20 roll.

The DCs for potions vary based on the sport, please refer to the Duelling System or Broom Racing Rules as relevant.

Otherwise, the following framework can be used as a basis: DC = Applier's ARC + 12. Moderators have discretion as to whether to use this DC or to otherwise alter it to fit the relevant scenario.

Note that characters with the ability Poison Resistance get advantage on their Resistance Check, which means that the check is performed twice and the better result is chosen. Note that when the attack is performed by a character with the ability Potion Mastery, all victims suffer disadvantage on their Resistance Check, which means that the check is performed twice and the worse result is chosen. If a character with Poison Resistance is attacked by a character with Potion Mastery, those two effects cancel out and one singular Resistance Check is performed as usual.
3.2 Delivery method
Potions can also be categorised by their delivery method: Ingestion, Contact, and Gaseous. You can find each potion’s delivery method under Potions Recipes & Brewing Information.
  • Ingestion means that the potion needs to be consumed to affect someone
  • Contact means that the potion can be applied externally, such as salves, or by splashing it onto someone
  • Gaseous delivery means that the potion will turn into gas or emit fumes when exposed to air, and anyone breathing it in will be under its effect.
The following provides a rough framework of how potion delivery rolls can be handled, however, these are just guidelines and may be changed or handled differently if the moderator finds it necessary.

For potions that need to be consumed, there are several options:
  • It is drunk willingly. This will mostly be the case for potions that give the drinker a buff or have another positive effect. No rolls are necessary, unless the moderator decides that there is a chance to fumble the potion, as there are some potions for which skin contact is very dangerous.
  • A player tries to slip someone a potion without being noticed, e.g. by dosing their food or drinks. This requires the action to go unnoticed, and can be handled by an opposed check: The player performing the action gets an Accuracy check, while the victim gets a Wisdom check. If the Wisdom result is higher, the victim notices the attempt and can react accordingly, otherwise the attempt is successful and the victim remains oblivious.
    This is affected by the abilities Cat’s Grace (+2 on the Accuracy Check) and Sixth Sense (+2 on the Wisdom Check).
  • It is administered by force. This can be handled by an opposed check: First Accuracy vs Evasion to see if the attacker manages to grab the victim, and then an opposed Strength check to see if they manage to hold the victim and force them to ingest the potion.
  • For potions with positive effects (such as salves and similar), no rolls are necessary, unless the victim actively tries to dodge the attempt.
  • For potions with negative effects, the attack can be handled with an opposed check of the attacker’s Accuracy vs the victim’s Evasion to determine whether the potion hits.

These potions affect an area around the target. Anyone in the area can attempt to make it out of the cloud with an Evasion check, if successful, they will get automatic success on their Resistance Check and suffer reduced effects. If unsuccessful, a Resistance Check is performed as usual. The DC for this check would depend on the situation, for example:
  • In a small room or crowded hallway: DC 30 (extremely hard)
  • In a hallway with only a few people or a large, crowded space: DC 25 (hard)
  • In a large room, somewhat crowded space or average room: DC 20 (moderate)
  • In a large, not crowded space or in a crowd outside: DC 15 (easy)
  • Outside on solid ground with only a few people: DC 10 (very easy)

23 Aug 2022, 19:59
Potion System
4. Potion Recipes & Brewing Information
Alihotsy Draught
Induces mirth and causes uncontrollable laughter.

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion/Gaseous
Ingredients: Standard Size 4 Cauldron, Sponge, 1 bunch Alihotsy Leaves, 1 bottle of Gigglewater, 1 pinch Horseradish Powder, 1 Palomino Horsehair, 1 full Wartcap, 3 blooms of Galanthus Nivalis

Bring 1 bottle of Gigglewater to simmer in a size 4 cauldron over a medium heat.
Coarsely chop Alihotsy Leaves and add to water.
Steep for 10 minutes.
Add 1 pinch Horseradish Powder to the cauldron.
Add 1 Palomino Horsehair to the cauldron.
Allow mixture to simmer over a low heat for five minutes.
The mixture should turn blue, if the mixture fails to turn blue then not enough horseradish was added. Discard and start again.
Allow mixture to cool.
Add a full Wartcap to the still warm mixture.
Add three blooms of Galanthus Nivalis to the still warm mixture.
Allow the mixture to reach room temperature.
The blue should darken slightly as it cools.
The potion should remain thin, if the mixture becomes syrupy then the potion failed to take. Discard immediately.
Wave wand over the cauldron once.
Use a clean sponge to collect the potion. The solid remnants are considered to be the leavings and should be discarded.
Squeeze with clean hands the fluid from a sponge into a potion bottle.
Stopper the bottle immediately and save for later use.
Take care to not inhale the fumes.
Makes the drinker fall in love with the first person they see

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 2 measures of Pearl Dust, 9 strands of Granian Hair, 3 sprigs of Lavender, 7 sprigs of Mint, 4 Alihotsy Leaves, 1 Peacock Feather, 1 bottle of Wine (Preferably Chablis, although other types of wine will work as well), 12 Belladonna berries


Part 1
Crush 12 Belladonna berries with the flat of your blade to extract the juice
Pour Belladonna Juice into mortar and set skins and flesh aside
Roughly chop 3 sprigs of Lavender and add to mortar
Crush Lavender and Belladonna Juice until they form a paste
Scrape paste into a copper cauldron preheated to a medium heat
Once the mixture is fragrant, pour 1/3 bottle of Wine into the cauldron
Stir thrice clockwise
Allow to simmer for 17 minutes

Part 2
Meanwhile, in a separate pewter cauldron, pour another 1/3 bottle of Wine
Add 1 measure of Pearl Dust to the pewter cauldron
Stir three times counter-clockwise
Allow to simmer for 14 minutes

Part 3
Returning to the copper cauldron, the potion should be simmering and a pale pink
Add 9 strands of Granian Hair to the cauldron
Leave to simmer for a further 22 minutes

Part 4
Pour final 1/3 bottle of Wine into the pewter cauldron
Rip leaves from the sprigs of Mint and add to the cauldron
Stir seven times counterclockwise, then twice clockwise
Leave to simmer for a further 18 minutes

Part 5
Once a cauldron finishes simmering, remove from the heat
When both cauldrons are finished, pour contents of pewter cauldron into copper cauldron
Return copper cauldron to medium heat
Add 4 whole Alihotsy Leaves to the cauldron
Add skins and flesh from belladonna to the cauldron and stir twice counter-clockwise
Cover and allow to brew for 45 minutes
Raise heat to high
Add Peacock Feather
Once liquid begins to bubble, remove from the heat
Whilst the liquid is still warm, add the final 1 measure of Pearl Dust
Alternating stirring clockwise and counter-clockwise until the Dust is incorporated and the combined mixture takes on the colour of Mother of Pearl
Wwave wand to complete the potion
Angel’s Trumpet Draught
An uncommon poison that induces a series of potent effects including dryness of mouth, thirst, photophobia, confusion, aggression and hallucination that progressively worsen until the drinker suffers a seizure.

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Recipe: Restricted
Its fumes undo paralysis caused by spells

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical
Delivery: Gaseous
Ingredients: 2 Fluid Ounces of Syrup of Hellebore, 6 Ounces of Stewed Mandrake, 1 Piece of Unicorn Horn, 4 Fluid Ounces of Moondew, 12 Fluid Ounces of Honeywater

Fill medium-sized cauldron with purified water, heat to a low simmer
Chop a stewed mandrake into small cubes
Measure 2 fluid ounces of Syrup of Hellebore and add to cauldron
Measure 6 ounces of the chopped mandrake and add to cauldron
Slowly stir for 30 seconds to combine the ingredients
Place over medium flame and heat for 2 minutes until mixture begins to bubble
Pulverise a piece of Unicorn Horn in the mortar
Add 1 tablespoon of the pulverized horn into cauldron
Stir 4 times, clockwise
Add 4 fluid ounces of Moondew to cauldron
Wait for the resulting thick clouds of steam to dissipate
Slowly pour 12 fluid ounces of honey water into cauldron while steadily stirring clockwise until all has been added
Wave wand to stabilize and leave to boil for 35-60 minutes until the mixture thickens to resemble a dark amber honey
Wave wand again
Take off the fire, cool, and pour into vials
Antidote to Common Poisons
Cures the drinker from the effects of all poisons except those specified as ‘uncommon’ or rarer.

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 1 Bezoar, 2 Measures of Standard Ingredient, 1 piece of Unicorn Horn, 2 Mistletoe Berries

Add 1 Bezoar to mortar
Crush into a very fine powder
Add 4 measures of the crushed Bezoar to the cauldron
Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to the cauldron
Heat to a medium temperature for 5 seconds
Wave your wand and leave to brew for 30-40 minutes
Add 1 pinch of unicorn horn to your cauldron
Stir 2 times, clockwise
Add 2 mistletoe berries to your cauldron
Stir 2 times, anti-clockwise
Wave your wand to complete the potion
Antidote to Uncommon Poisons
Cures the drinker from the effects of all poisons specified as ‘uncommon’.

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 2 Fire Seeds, 3 Chizpurfle Carapaces, 2 Billywig Stings, 3 Measures of Powdered Graphorn Horn

Add 2 Fire Seeds to mortar
Roughly crush the seed to break it into pieces
Add pieces to your cauldron
Split open 3 Chizpurfle carapaces and add to your cauldron
Stir 5 times, counter-clockwise
Add 2 Billywig Stings to mortar
Crush into a fine powder
Add powder to cauldron
Stir 2 times, clockwise
Wave your wand
Set to low heat and leave to brew for 40-60 minutes
Add 3 measures of powdered graphorn horn to cauldron
Boil on high heat for 20 seconds
Take cauldron off the flame
Stir 3 times, clockwise
Wave your wand to complete the potion
Antidote to Veritaserum
Counters the effects of Veritaserum

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 6 fl. oz. of Snake Oil, 10 fl. oz. of Morning Dew, 3 Leeches, 2 Dragon Claws, 7 fl. oz. of Armadillo Bile, 1 pinch Cinnamon, 1 Erumpent Tail, 1 measure of Powdered Octopus


Part 1
In a glass bowl combine 6 fl. oz. of Snake Oil with 10 fl. oz of Morning Dew and whisk thoroughly then set aside
Thinly slice 3 Leeches lengthways into even strips
In a cauldron set over a low heat, add Leeches and allow to cook until pungent
Slowly pour Snake Oil and Morning Dew mixutre into cauldron over the course of 2 minutes 45 seconds, stirring once clockwise every 15 seconds
Once all the liquid has been poured, stir slowly counter-clockwise once for each time stirred clockwise during pouring (11 times)
Sprinkle pinch of Cinnamon over the top and leave for 70 minutes
Wave wand over potion
Allow to cool

Part 2
In a separate cauldron heated to a low-medium heat, pour 7 fl. oz of Armadillo Bile
Add 1 measure of Powdered Octopus
Stir 21 times counter-clockwise until Powdered Octopus has been incorporated
Leave to brew for 20 minutes
While brewing, skin the Erumpent Tail
Once 20 minutes have passed, add Erumpent Tail
Wave wand over the potion
Slowly pour in potion from the other cauldron
Raise heat to high and bring to the boil
Once boiling reduce, to a low simmer for 5 minutes
Remove from the heat and wave wand over the potion to complete
Asklepion Ambrosia
Also known as the golden potion, this draught cures dark curses and quarantines even the most evil of magicks.

Doses per Brew: 1
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: Size 4 cauldron, Size 5 cauldron, Pliers, 12 fl. oz. of Salamander Blood, 1 Bezoar, 1 Unicorn Horn, 1 bunch of Betony, 2 drops Essence of Dittany, 4 Centaury Leaves, 1 Dragon Liver, 1 teaspoon of Giant Purple Toad Warts, 6 fl. oz. of Doxy Venom, 3 fl. oz. Acromantula Venom, 2 Venomous Tentacula Leaves, 2 drops Wormwood Essence, 4 flowers of Hemlock, 1 Gryphon Feather, Blood


Part 1:
Add 6 fl. oz. of Doxy Venom and 3 fl. oz. of Acromantula Venom to size 4 cauldron, unheated
Add 2 drops of Wormwood Essence
Wave wand over liquid
Raise heat to medium
Wait 90 seconds, then stir once clockwise, ensuring the spoon touches all sides of the cauldron
Wait a further 30 seconds
Drop 2 Venomous Tentacula Leaves into the potion
Wait for leaves to sink to the bottom of the liquid
Raise heat to high
Stir counterclockwise 16 times
Allow to cook for 8 minutes
Remove from heat
Add 4 Hemlock Flowers
Wave wand over mixture
Cover cauldron and leave to ferment until the witching hour of the 6th day post brewing

Part 2
Add 12 fl. oz. of Salamander Blood to a Size 5 Pewter Cauldron
Raise heat to high and bring to the boil
Once the first bubble has popped, immediately reduce heat back to a low simmer
Drop Bezoar into cauldron from a foot above, allowing blood to splash out of the cauldron
Allow Bezoar to sit submerged for 18 minutes
In the meanwhile, add 1 Unicorn Horn and 21 Betony petals to a mortar and crush into a fine powder
Using pliers, withdraw Bezoar
Add 3 generous pinches of Unicorn Horn and Betony Powder to the cauldron
Raise to a medium heat and stir five times, alternating clockwise and counterclockwise, counting three heartbeats between each rotation
Allow to simmer for a further 3 minutes
Add 2 drops of Essence of Dittany
Count to eighteen
Add 4 Centaury Leaves, uncut and unripped
Take Dragon Liver in both hands and hold above pewter cauldron
Wring Dragon Liver roughly, squeezing blood and bile into the cauldron
Set Dragon Liver aside
Raise heat slightly to a low-medium
As the solution begins to bubble, withdraw Bezoar using pliers
Add 1 teaspoon of Giant Purple Toad Warts
Stir thrice counterclockwise
Allow to simmer for 22 seconds
Add fermented mixture as brewed in Part 1
Reduce heat back to low
Leave to brew for 21 minutes
Wave wand over the top of the potion
Above the cauldron, slice your hand open with a bronze blade, ensuring that the cut is deep enough to cause blood to drip regularly
Grip the Gryphon Feather tightly until blood flow increases and drips down the feather
Allow for eleven drops of blood to fall from the Feather into the Cauldron
Discard Feather
Wave wand over the potion to complete
Potion cannot be stored in vials, rather, as you make use of the potion serve directly from the pot, and chant the final enchantment over the brew as you do so
Storage can be effected in the cauldron itself, keep in a cool, dark and damp place
Babbling Beverage
Renders the affected party unable to form a coherent sentence

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion/Contact
Ingredients: 1 Dried Poppy Head, 2 Valerian Sprigs, 3 Aconite Blossoms, 1 Unicorn Hair, 1 Sprig of Dittany

In a mortar, crush one dried poppy head into a powder
Add to cauldron
Add 2 Valerian Sprigs to cauldron
Stir 3 times, counter-clockwise
While wearing protective gloves, add 3 aconite blossoms to cauldron
Wave your wand
Leave to brew for 30 minutes
Add one Unicorn Hair to cauldron to neutralise the poison of the cauldron’s contents
Stir 3 times, clockwise
Add 1 sprig of dittany to cauldron
Stir 5 times, counter-clockwise
Wave your wand to complete the potion
Baneberry Potion
Causes a wasting illness where the user suffers from weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and mild delirium.

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion/Contact for reduced effect
OOC lasts for the duration of a thread, IC this takes a few days to recover from.

Ingredients: 3 Angel’s Trumpet flowers, 4 pieces of Butterscotch, 2 fl.oz. Camphirated spirit, 1 measure of Devil’s snare, 3 Dragonflies, 2 measures of Fanged Geranium, 2 Flitterby moths

Put the cauldron on medium heat
Melt the butterscotch without letting it burn
Pour in the Camphirated spirit
Immediately turn heat to low
Put on your protective gloves
Rip the Angel’s Trumpet into coarse pieces and let them fall into the cauldron
Stir twice counterclockwise
Chop the devil’s snare and fanged geranium into fine pieces
Add to the mixture
Turn heat to medium
Add the dragonflies and Flitterby moths to your mortar, grind into a coarse powder
Sprinkle the powder into the cauldron
Stir four times clockwise
Wave wand to complete
Baruffio's Brain Elixir
A very inconsistent mental potion. While it had the chance to exceed the wit-sharpening potion’s effects, it is most commonly entirely useless, and sometimes toxic.

Doses per Brew: 4
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 3 Frog Brains, 2 Bouncing Bulbs, 1 Bursting Mushroom, 4 Runespoor Eggs, 1 Dragon Claw, 2 measures of Standard Ingredient

Preheat cauldron to a medium-high heat
Add Dragon Claw to mortar and pestle and crush into a rough powder
Add Dragon Claw Powder to cauldron
Separate Runespoor Egg yolks and whites
Add Runespoor Egg Yolks to cauldron, set whites aside
Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to cauldron
Stir thrice clockwise
Leave to brew for 15-20 minutes
Thinly slice Bouncing Bulbs
Thinly slice Bursting Mushroom
Add Frog Brains to mortar and pestle and crush into a paste
Add 1/2 of remaining Runespoor Egg whites to mortar and fold gently into Frog Brain Paste, ensure that the two components remain somewhat separated
Once 20 minutes have passed, add Bouncing Bulbs, Bursting Mushroom and Frog Brain Paste to Cauldron
Stir nine times clockwise
Leave to brew for 20-25 minutes
Wave wand to complete the potion
Beautification Potion
Somehow the drinker is more attractive, their skin maybe more glowing, their smile brighter, their hair more luscious.

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 6 Fairy Wings, 12 fl. oz. of Morning Dew, 1 Rose, 2 fl. oz. of Snake Oil, 1 lock of Unicorn Hair, 2 measures of Powdered Ginger


Grind the wings of three fairies and add to cauldron.
Stir slowly, and then add morning dew.
Stir vigorously, then heat the mixture.
Find a single fresh rose. Pluck seven petals and add to cauldron.
Over the course of 1 minute, slowly drop 2 fl. oz. of Snake Oil into the cauldron
Add a lock of unicorn hair and stir vigorously.
Add powdered ginger root and then heat.
Lastly, wave your wand over the cauldron to finish the potion
Befuddlement Draught
Causes the effected to become confused, agitated and reckless.

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion/Contact
Ingredients: 4 fluid ounces of water, 2 Mistletoe Berries, 2 Sprigs of Skurvy glass, 1 Sprig of Lovage, 1 Sprig of Sneezewort, 3 Measures of Standard Ingredient

In a mortar, grind the Skurvy grass, Lovage, and Sneezewort into a fine powder
Set aside for later
Crush two Mistletoe Berries with the flat side of a blade and add to cauldron
Set to medium heat and wait for 30 seconds
Add the 4 fluid ounces of water to the cauldron
Set to high heat
Stir 3 times, clockwise
Set heat to low
While stirring 5 times, anti-clockwise, slowly add the mixture of herbs you ground earlier
Wave your wand over the cauldron and leave to brew for 45-60 minutes
Grind 3 measures of Standard Ingredient into a coarse powder and add to cauldron
Stir once, clockwise
Then stir again 3 times, slowly, anti-clockwise, while waving your wand over the cauldron
Turn off the heat and allow to settle for 20 minutes
Wave your wand over the cauldron to finish the potion
Black Fire Potion
Renders the drinker immune to fire.

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 3 Sprigs of Mint, 2 Bursting Mushrooms, 1 Fluid Ounce of Salamander Blood, 2 Dried Wartcaps

Add 3 sprigs of mint into mortar
Crush into paste
Add 1 teaspoon of the paste into cauldron
Slice 2 Bursting Mushrooms and add to cauldron
Stir 3 times, clockwise
Wave wand and leave to brew on high heat for 10 minutes
Lower heat to a slight simmer
Add 1 fluid ounce of Salamander Blood to cauldron
Stir 8 times, counter-clockwise
Add 2 dried Wartcaps into mortar and crush into a fine powder
Add all of the powder into cauldron
Without stirring, leave on low heat for 20 seconds
Immediately turn off heat
Stir 7 times, clockwise
Wave wand and pour into vials while hot (wear protective gloves if needed)
Blood Replenishing Potion
Replenishes the drinker’s lost blood

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 12 fluid ounces of Honeywater, 3 Dittany Leaves, 2 Fairy Wings, 2 Valerian Roots, 2 Flower Heads


In a cauldron, bring 12 fl. Oz. of Honeywater to a light simmer
Meanwhile, add 3 Dittany Leaves to a mortar and crush them into paste
Add the paste to cauldron
Stir 4 times, clockwise
Add 2 Fairy Wings to the same mortar that you crushed the Dittany Leaves in
Pulverize the Fairy Wings and allow them to incorporate the Dittany residue
Add the pulver to the cauldron
Wave your wand over the cauldron
Leave to brew for 60 - 90 minutes
Turn off the heat and stir 5 times, clockwise
Allow the potion to settle for 30 seconds, then heat on medium flame
Dice 2 Valerian Roots and add them to the cauldron
Leave to brew for 10 minutes
Add 2 Flower heads to the cauldron
Stir 3 times, anti-clockwise
Wave your wand over the cauldron to complete the potion
Blood Root Poison
A very strong, uncommon poison. Causes discomfort and burning with skin contact and upon ingestion leads to vomiting and the eventual loss of consciousness

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion/Contact
Recipe: Restricted
Bruise Removal Paste
A salve that heals and soothes damage caused by blunt impact

Doses per Brew: 4
Category: Physical
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: 3 Murtlap Tentacles, 1 Jar of Honey, 2 Measures of Bubotuber Pus, 6 Seashells, 2 Measures of Flobberworm Mucus

Put cauldron on medium flame
Heat on medium flame for 10 minutes
Add 3 Murtlap Tentacles to cauldron
Add 1 jar of honey to cauldron
Stir 5 times, clockwise
Take potion off the fire
Add 2 fluid ounces of Bubotuber Pus
Stir 3 times, counter-clockwise
Put cauldron back onto fire
Wave your wand
On low heat, let the potion simmer for 60 minutes
Crush 6 shells (sea shells) into a fine powder
Add 3 pinches of the powder to the cauldron
Add 2 measures of Flobberworm Mucus to cauldron
Heat while occasionally stirring clockwise until potion has reached a thick paste-like consistency
Wave your wand
Turn off heat and allow the paste to cool within the cauldron
Fill into an airtight jar
Bulgeye Potion
The drinker’s eyes will grow to twice their size. Primarily used for aesthetic purposes.

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 12 fl. Oz. water, 2 Eel Eyes, 2 Beetles’ Black Eyes, 2 Sprigs of Lovage, 2 Horned Slugs, 2 Measures of Standard Ingredient

Fill a medium-sized cauldron with 12 fluid ounces of water
Turn the heat to high and bring the water to a boil
Into the boiling water, add 2 Eel Eyes and 2 Beetles’ Black Eyes
Reduce to medium heat
Stir 2 times, anti-clockwise
In a mortar, grind 2 sprigs of Lovage to a fine powder and add to cauldron
Stir 2 times, clockwise
Add 2 Horned Slugs
Stir 2 times, clockwise
Wave your wand and leave to brew for 60 minutes
In a mortar, grind 2 measures of Standard Ingredient into a very fine powder
Slowly sprinkle the powder into the cauldron so it rests on the surface of the unfinished potion
Leave the potion to sit for 10 minutes until the powder has sunk to the bottom of the cauldron
Stir 8 times, counter-clockwise, to completely incorporate the powder into the potion
Wave your wand to complete the potion
Burn Healing Paste
A salve that heals and soothes damage caused by burns

Doses per Brew: 4
Category: Physical
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: 3 Murtlap Tentacles, 4 spoonfuls of crushed Seaweed, 1 Jar of Honey, 2 Measures of Flobberworm Mucus, 1 Sprig of Dittany

Add 3 Murtlap Tentacles to cauldron
Chop seaweed into small pieces
Add seaweed to mortar and crush to a paste
Add more seaweed as required until you have 4 spoonfuls and add to cauldron
Stir 3 times, clockwise
Set to high heat
Wave your wand
Leave to brew for 25-40 minutes
Turn off heat completely
Add 1 jar of honey to cauldron
Stir 2 times, clockwise
On low heat, let the potion sit for 10 seconds
Add 2 measures of Flobberworm Mucus to cauldron
Heat while occasionally stirring clockwise until potion has reached a thick paste-like consistency
Turn off heat
Add a singular sprig of dittany to the cauldron
Once it has dissipated, wave your wand over the finished paste
Fill into an airtight jar
Calming Draught
An emergency healing potion that calms someone down after they’ve experienced shock, trauma, or suffered from an emotional outburst.

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
4 Sprigs of dried Lavender, 3 Chamomile Petals, 1 Crocodile Heart, 3 Sprigs of Peppermint, 2 Measures of Standard Ingredient, 1 Poppy Head

In a large mortar, crush 4 sprigs of lavender and 3 Chamomile Petals into a very fine powder
Add 4 measures of the powder to the cauldron
Dice 1 Crocodile Heart and add to cauldron
Stir once and heat on high heat for 60 seconds
Lower to medium heat
Grind 3 Sprigs of Peppermint into a medium-fine powder
Add to cauldron
Stir 5 times, anti-clockwise
Wave your wand
Leaves to brew for 50 - 85 minutes
Reduce to low heat
Add 2 Measures of Standard Ingredient
Stir 3 times, clockwise
Crush 1 dried poppy head in the mortar, grind to a coarse powder
Add to cauldron
Boil on high heat for 40 seconds, then turn off heat entirely
Stir 3 times, clockwise
Wave your wand to complete the potion
Chelidonium Miniscula
Lets the user see through the eyes of another person for five minutes.

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Usage notes:
Before ingesting, the user must dip an item belonging to the target into the potion, swallow it, and announce the true name of the target out loud.

After ingesting, the user can see a single location (similar to scrying) for a brief period of time (5 minutes) by looking through the eyes of a chosen target. This can be countered in a similar manner to Legilimency. The effect is obvious to other observers since the eyes take on a yellow glow (that would glow in the dark) for the duration of effect.

This effect is mostly RP and requires OOC consent (and cooperation) of the target.
Ingredients: 1 measure of Boomslang skin, a spoonful of African red pepper, Billywig stings, 2 Bouncing bulbs, 2 measures of Cranberry extract, 1 Daisy, 2 fl.oz. Ethanol


In a cold cauldron, pour in the ethanol and add the Billywig stings. Let them steep for at least an hour.
In the meantime, use your mortar and pestle to crush the African red pepper into a fine powder, then mix with the cranberry extract
Turn the heat on low
Add the pepper cranberry mixture to the cauldron
Let simmer for 12 minutes
Cut the boomslang skin and bouncing bulbs into fine strips
Sprinkle the strips into the cauldron while stirring counterclockwise seven times with your left hand.
Turn the heat to high and bring the potion to a boi
Remove the petals off the daisy and let them fall into the potion one by one
Turn off the heat
Wave your wand to finish the potion and bottle while hot
Clot Clearing Potion
Dissolves blood clots in the body of the drinker

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 8 fl. oz. Murtlap essence, 7 Boom berries, 2 measures of frog spawn, 1 measure of Boomslang skin, 2 sprigs of peppermint, 1 piece of ginger, 2 fl. oz. Castor oil, 5 drops of Ginkgo extract

Preheat Murtlap essence to medium
Crush the Boom berris into a smooth pulp
Mix berry pulp with frog spawn in a wooden bowl, set aside
Finely chop Boomslang skin and peppermint leaves
Add Boomslang skin and peppermint to the cauldron
Stir four times clockwise
Leave to simmer for 39 minutes
Finely dice ginger root, then proceed to crush it into a paste
Add 1 measure of ginger paste to the cauldron
Raise heat to high
Slowly stir counterclockwise until potion starts boiling
Add the frog spawn and boom berry mixture while stirring quickly counterclockwise
Reduce heat to low
Stir thrice clockwise
Wait for about 45 minutes until the potion has a light grey colour
Raise heat to medium high
Once potion starts simmering, slowly pour in castor oil while stirring rapidly clockwise
Take off of heat
Add ginkgo extract
Stir twice clockwise. Potion should have a clear silver colour.
Wave wand to complete
Keep in a cool dark place for at least a week before using

Clot Clearing Potion should be kept in tinted vials as light exposure lessens its potency.
Confusing Concoction
Causes a heightened sense of paranoia in the affected person, making it difficult to tell friend from foe

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion/Contact
Ingredients: 3 Sprigs of Skurvy Grass, 2 Sprigs of Lovage, 2 Measures of Standard Ingredient, 2 Sprigs of Sneezewort, 1 Sprig of Fluxweed

Chop 3 sprigs of Skurvy Grass into small pieces
Add 2 measures into cauldron
In a mortar, grind 2 sprigs of Lovage into a paste
Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient into mortar and combine with the Lovage-paste
Add the contents of the mortar into cauldron
Stir 5 times, clockwise
Wave your wand and leave to brew for 15-30 minutes
Heat to 250 for 30 seconds before lowering back to a medium heat
Pull one Sprig of Sneezewort into rough pieces and add to cauldron
Stir once, anti-clockwise
Grind 1 sprig of Fluxweed into paste using the mortar and add to cauldron
Leave to brew for 5 minutes
Wave your wand over the cauldron to complete the potion
Cough Potion
Soothes irritation in the throat and suppresses coughing.

Doses per Brew: 4
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: Pot with lid, Pliers, 10 fl oz. of Armadillo (bile), 10 fl. oz. of Firewhiskey, 5 fl. oz. of Honey, 2 sprigs of Mint, 1 Bezoar

Preheat pot to low
Add 5 fl oz. of Armadillo Bile and 5 fl. oz of Firewhiskey to pot
Stir 16 times clockwise
Leave to heat for 10 minutes
Roughly chop 2 sprigs of mint and add to pot
Add 5 fl. oz of Honey, 5 fl. oz. of Armadillo Bile and 5 fl. oz. of Firewhiskey to pot
Cover pot with lid and leave to brew for 135 minutes
Remove lid and submerge Bezoar in pot for 2 minutes
Remove Bezoar
Wave wand over potion to complete
Cranberry Cleaner
Clears internal infection and speeds up the healing process

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: Standard Size 1 Cauldron, 1 silver knife, 3 sprigs of dittany, 2 sprigs of mint, 3 measures of Flobberworm mucus, 6 fl. oz. water, 7 spines of lionfish, 3 measures of cranberry extract, 15 Boom berries, 5 drops of moondew


Finely chop Dittany leaves and mint
Mix the chopped plant leaves with 1 measure of Flobberworm mucus
Leave to steep for 33 minutes
In the meantime, heat the water on high heat until it boils
Crush spines of lionfish into a fine powder
Slowly stir the powder into the boiling water using 8-shaped motions
Reduce heat to medium
Add cranberry extract, stir clockwise until fully dissolved
Cut Boom berries into quarters using a sharp silver knife
Add Boom berry pieces to the cauldron
Wave wand over potion
Leave to simmer until the dittany mint mucus mixture is ready
Reduce heat to medium-low
Slowly stir in the prepared mixture, counterclockwise. Potion should give off light purple steam.
Add the remaining flobberworm mucus
Raise heat to high and bring potion to a boil
Wait for 12 minutes
Remove cauldron from heat
Add the moondew, waiting 3 breaths between each drop
Stir thrice, clockwise. Potion should have a crimson colour
Wave wand to complete
Cure for Boils
Clears boils and blemishes of both magical and mundane natures

Doses per Brew: 4
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 6 Snake Fangs, 4 Horned Slugs, 2 Porcupine Quills

Add 6 snake fangs to mortar
Crush into fine powder
Add 4 measures of the crushed fangs to cauldron
Heat to 250 for 10 seconds
Wave wand and leave to brew for 33-45 minutes
Add 4 horned slugs to cauldron
Take cauldron off fire
Add 2 porcupine quills to cauldron
Stir 5 times, clockwise
Wave your wand to complete the potion
Deflating Draught
Deflates an object or creature, be they being or beast, who has been magically swollen to a size greater than they’re supposed to be

Doses per Brew: 4
Category: Physical
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: 2 Measures of Honey, 3 Peppermint Leaves, 1 Shrivelfig, 1 bundle of Fluxweed (3 sprigs), 2 measures of Scarab Beetles

Add 2 measures of honey to the cauldron and place on a low heat.
Add 3 Peppermint leaves.
Allow to simmer on a low heat for 15 minutes
Finely dice 1 Shrivelfig.
Add 1 measure of diced Shrivelfig to the cauldron.
Stir clockwise until the Shrivelfig is completely dissolved
Add 1 bundle of Fluxweed to the cauldron
Stir 3 times, anti-clockwise
In a mortar, add 2 measures of Scarab Beetles and crush into a paste
Add the paste to the cauldron
Allow to simmer for an additional 19 minutes.
Wave your wand to complete the potion
Devil’s Sticky Balm
Cures and prevents dermal infections

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: 1 branch of Devil’s Walking Stick, 20 fl. oz. honeywater, 2 Jewelweed blossoms, 5 leaves of dried nettle, 7 Boom berries, 2 measures of Bubotuber pus, 1 measure of balm

Note: This potion is stirred using the branch of Devil’s Walking Stick. Do not remove the thorns from the branch, and do not prick yourself, as it will foul the potion.


Separate the honeywater into 13 fl. oz. and 7 fl. oz.
Set cauldron on medium-high heat, pour in 13 fl. oz. of honeywater
Bring to a simmer
Crush Jewelweed blossoms and dried nettle leaves into a paste using your mortar and pestle
Stir the simmering honeywater twice clockwise
Add the jewelweed and nettle paste
Stir thrice counterclockwise
Raise heat to high and bring the potion to a boil
Crush the boomberries above the cauldron one by one so the juice drips in, stirring twice clockwise between each berry
Reduce heat to low
Add the remaining honeywater
Wait for 26 minutes. Potion should have a dark orange colour.
Stir slowly counterclockwise, then steadily pour in the Bubotuber pus while stirring. If the potion turns blue, you are pouring too fast!
Raise heat to medium. Leave to simmer for 13 minutes. Potion should darken to a red.
Add balm
Stir three times counterclockwise in a spiralling pattern
Wait for 13 minutes. Potion should thicken into a spreadable balm.
Remove from heat and wave wand over the potion to complete
Dizziness Draught
Causes the affected person to feel light-headed and lose their sense of balance

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion/Contact
Ingredients: 3 Measures of Firewhiskey, 4 Woodlice, 2 Sprigs of Skurvy Grass, 2 Spider Legs

Add 3 measures of Firewhiskey to the cauldron
Bring cauldron to the boil for 30 seconds
Reduce to low heat
In a mortar grind 4 Woodlice into a powder
Add 2 sprigs of Skurvy Grass to mortar and combine with Woodlice powder into a paste
Add the contents of the mortar into the cauldron
Stir 3 times clockwise
Wave your wand and leave to brew for 35-40 minutes
Chop 2 Spider Legs into small pieces
Add chopped Spider Legs to cauldron
Stir 4 times counter-clockwise
Raise heat to medium and leave to brew for 5 minutes
Wave your wand over the cauldron to complete the potion
Dogbreath Potion
Turns every breath of the drinker to flame

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 3 Fluid Ounces of Fire Whiskey, 3 Bat Spleens, 1 Fire Seed, 1 Valerian Root

Additional note: This potion does not require a fire

Add 10 fluid ounces of water to the cold cauldron
Chop 3 Bat Spleens and add to the cauldron
Stir once, clockwise
While wearing protective gloves, add one Fire Seed to the cauldron
Wait for 5 minutes while the Fire Seed brings the cauldron to a boil
Stir once, clockwise
Pour 3 fluid ounces of Fire Whiskey into a ladle and slowly incorporate into the potion
(The use of a ladle serves to prevent the potion from accidentally burning the Brewer)
Stir slowly, clockwise, until the surface of the Potion begins to burn with a blue flame
Immediately remove the ladle
Wave your wand over the cauldron
Allow the potion to burn for 120 seconds
Meanwhile, chop 1 Valerian Root into fine cubes
Add the diced root to the cauldron
Stir 2 times, anti-clockwise (the potion should have stopped burning at this point)
Wave your wand over the cauldron to complete the potion
A pest-control potion that stuns doxies, allowing them to be removed from the gardens or drapes that they have infested.

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Environmental
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: 3 measures of Frogspawn, 5 Daisies, 2 measures of Doxy Venom, 2 Flying Seahorses, 4 sprigs of Lavender, 4 Seashells, 2 sprigs of Valerian


Pre-heat cauldron to low
Rip 5 stems of Daisies, 2 sprigs of Valerian, 4 sprigs of Lavender by hand into uneven segments, then mix thoroughly together then set aside
Add 3 measures of Frogspawn to mortar and crush into a thick paste
Using bare hands, fold Frogspawn paste together with the ripped herbs then add to the cauldron
Allow to simmer for 16 minutes
Add 4 Seashells to mortar and crush into a medium-fine powder
Add Seashell Powder to the cauldron
Add 2 Flying Seahorses
Allow to simmer for a further 40 minutes
Once the mixture has grown fragrant and begun to smoke, add 2 measures of Doxy Venom
Immediately remove from the flame
Wave wand to complete potion and transfer to vials
Dr. Ubbly’s Oblivious Unction
Fades non-magical scars. It will help treat other magical scars, but won’t fade them fully. Rather effective on scars caused by thoughts.

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: Standard Size 4 Cauldron, 36 Puffer Fish Eyes, 1 Crocodile Heart, 3 Runespoor Eggs, Water


Fill the Cauldron to approximately half-capacity with water and pre-heat to a low heat
Once the water is simmering, using the pliers, submerge the Crocodile Heart in the cauldron for 7 minutes then remove and set aside
Add Pufferfish Eyes to the Cauldron
Leave to simmer for sixty minutes
Temper the Runespoor Eggs
Once tempered, add Runespoor Egg mixture to Cauldron
Stir 3 times clockwise
Wave wand over the Cauldron to complete the potion
Draught of Living Death
Puts the drinker into a death-like state of slumber

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical/Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: Standard size 5 cauldron, 12 Sopophorous Beans, 250 fl. oz. water, 5 oz. African Sea Salt, 40 fl. oz. of essence of wormwood, 3 Valerian Roots, 150 fl. oz. of Powdered Root of Asphodel


Cut up the Sopophorous bean
Pour in 250 fl.oz. of water and add 5 oz. of African Sea Salt to the beaker. Set the beaker aside after all the water has been added. Be very careful not to shake or move the beaker now.
Leave the water and salt to rest for five minutes.
Slowly pour all the water into the cauldron.
With your left hand use the graduated cylinder to obtain 40 fl.oz. of essence of wormwood.
With your right hand hold the cauldron at a slight angle and pour ten drops (20 fl.oz.) of essence of wormwood.
Now with your left hand hold the cauldron at a slightly different angle and pour another ten drops of wormwood essence.
Chop three Valerian roots into small squared pieces. After cutting place it in a beaker with water. Leave it to settle for five minutes. Your potion should now be resembling a smooth blackcurrant-coloured liquid.
Carefully pour the Sopophorous bean's juice into the cauldron
Add seven drops of the reduced liquid from the beaker; make sure there are no traces or fragments of Valerian root.
Stir the potion ten times clockwise; your potion should now be turning a light shade of lilac.
With your right hand stir the potion counterclockwise until the potion turns as clear as water; every stir should take approximately two and a half seconds.
Slowly put in seven square pieces of Valerian root.
Stir the potion ten times counterclockwise.
Add one hundred and fifty fl.oz. of Powdered Root of Asphodel.
Hold the cauldron with your right hand; with your left hand gently stir the potion ten times counterclockwise and eight times clockwise.
Leave the potion to settle for two and a half minutes.
Add one small piece of Valerian root.
Your potion should turn to a pale pink colour; the preparation is now complete.
Draught of Peace
The drinker feels a sense of calm and connection with themselves and their own thoughts

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 2 Moonstones, 1 Unicorn Horn, 6 Porcupine Quills, 3 Valerian Roots


Part 1
Add 2 Moonstones to the mortar and crush into a fine powder. You should have 2 measures of Powder total, if you do not, crush a third Moonstone. Set aside and clean mortar
In the mortar, crush 1 Unicorn Horn to a smooth powder. Set aside and clean mortar.
Add 6 Porcupine Quills to the mortar and crush to a rough powder. Set aside.
Finely dice 3 Valerian Roots into approximately half-inch cubes

Part 2
Add 1/4 measure of Moonstone Powder to a standard size 2 cauldron medium heat
Stir once counterclockwise
Add Porcupine Powder to the cauldron
Stir twice times clockwise
Add 1/4 measure of Powdered Unicorn Horn to cauldron
Add 1 5/24 measure of Moonstone Powder to the cauldron
Stir twice counterclockwise
Add 3/4 measure of Powdered Unicorn Horn to cauldron
Stir once clockwise
Add 1/8 measure of Moonstone Powder to cauldron
Stir once counterclockwise
Add Valerian Roots to cauldron
Stir four times clockwise
Add 2/3 measure of Moonstone Powder to cauldron
Stir three times counterclockwise
Reduce heat to low and allow to simmer for seven minutes
Wave wand to complete
Drowsiness Draught
Those who smell the fumes because incredibly tired, slowing their motor functions and inhibiting their ability to focus

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Mental
Delivery: Gaseous
Ingredients: 1 Measures of Grounded Bdellium, 1 Measures of Grounded Chamomile, 3 Measures of Standard Ingredient, 2 Valerian Sprigs

Add 1 Bdellium spoonful to the mortar
Ground into a sticky measure and add to cauldron
Add 1 Chamomile leaf to the mortar
Crush into a fine powder using the pestle
Add 1 measure of Chamomile into the cauldron
Heat for 25 seconds, medium heat
Let cool for five seconds and add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient
Reheat to medium heat
Wave your wand
Let brew for 60 minutes (standard school cauldron)
Add 1 measure of Standard Ingredient
Heat on highest temperature for two minutes
Add 2 Valerian sprigs to cauldron
Stir three times counter-clockwise
Stir one time clockwise
Wave wand and complete potion
Elixir to Induce Euphoria
Induces euphoria and happiness in the drinker, common side effects are singing and excessive nose-tweaking

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: Standard Size 4 Cauldron, 1 Shrivelfig, 1 ounce Porcupine quills, 1 sprig of Peppermint to counteract side-effects, 1 Sopophorous bean, 1 tablespoon of Essence of Wormwood

Using a Standard Size 4 Cauldron
Add Shrivelfig
Add Porcupine quills
Stir four times anti-clockwise
Add a sprig of Peppermint to counteract side-effects
Add 3Sopophorous beans
Add 1 tablespoon of Essence of Wormwood
Stir six times anti-clockwise
Wave wand to complete
Erumpent Potion
A potion that explodes when the vial is shattered

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Enviromental
Delivery: Gaseous
Ingredients: 1 Erumpent Horn, 2 measures of Erumpent Horn Exploding Fluid, 2 tablespoons of Sulphur, 3 measures of Flobberworm Mucus, 4 tablespoons of African Sea Salt

Note: This recipe makes use of a pre-drained Erumpent Horn. Handling of an active Erumpent Horn is extremely dangerous and should not be undertaken unless you are trained in such. Still, it is best practice to treat any Erumpent Horn as dangerous.

Pre-heat cauldron to a very low heat
Using a very sharp knife slice off approximately 4 oz. of Erumpent Horn
Set the remainder of the Horn aside in a safe place for future use
Add the Erumpent Horn Sliver to the mortar and grind into a fine dust
Add 2 measures of Erumpent Horn Exploding Fluid and 3 measure of Flobberworm Mucus to cauldron concurrently. Do not stir
Add the Horn Dust
Allow to simmer for 5 minutes
Wave wand over the potion
Leave to brew for a further 35 minutes
Wave wand over the potion once more
Whilst brewing, clean mortar thoroughly of Horn Dust residue
Add African Sea Salt and Sulphur to mortar and crush into dust
Add a sprinkle of the Salt and Sulphur Mixture to your glass vials, approximately a pinky's worth in each
Once the potion has brewed, transfer to vials one at a time. Immediately upon transfer to a vial, wave wand over the vial, cork and set aside.
Store chilled.
Essence of Dittany
Speeds up the healing process of severe open wounds, slows the bleeding and begins the process of closing the gash

Doses per Brew: 4
Category: Physical
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: 1 fluid ounce of Dittany Extract, 2 Shrake Spines, 10 fluid ounces of Water, 3 tablespoons of Flobberworm Mucus, 3 measures of Standard Ingredient, 2 Dittany Leaves


Add Dittany Extract to cold cauldron
In a mortar, carefully crush Shrake Spines into a coarse powder
Add the Shrake Spines to the cauldron
Set temperature to high heat
Wave wand over cauldron and leave to brew for 10-25 minutes
Once most of the liquid has evaporated, lower the heat to medium and add 10 fl. Oz. of water (tapwater or aguamenti) to the cauldron
Stir 3 times, anti-clockwise
Add 3 tablespoons of Flobberworm Mucus
Stir 5 times, anti-clockwise
Add 3 measures of Standard Ingredient
Stir once, clockwise
Turn off the heat and add 2 Dittany leaves to the cauldron
Once the Dittany Leaves have sunk to the bottom, wave your wand over the cauldron to complete your potion
Essence of Insanity
Temporarily renders the drinker utterly mad

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Recipe: Restricted
Exstimulo Potion
Grants the drinker an immense boost to their arcane power

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 1 Standard size 2 cauldron, 2 whole bitterroots, 7 fl. oz. water, 3 sprigs of thyme, 1 strand of Granian hair, 1 fl. oz. Re’em blood, 4 snowdrops, vinegar to taste


Thinly slice the bitterroots
Preheat cauldron to medium-high heat
Add sliced bitterroot into the cauldron
Sear the bitterroot slices, stirring occasionally, until they have a toasty brown colour
Pour in water
Add thyme
Let boil for 17 minutes
Reduce heat to low
Let mixture cool slightly while plaiting the Granian hair into a thin braid
Add the braid to the cauldron
Raise heat to medium and bring the potion to a simmer
Wait for 33 minutes
Take off of heat
Slowly stir in the Re’em blood. Potion should be an ultramarine blue colour at this point
Return to medium heat
Remove the Granian hair braid
Slowly add 24 snowdrop petals one by one, waiting 30 seconds between each. With each petal, the potion’s colour lightens a little more.
Stir clockwise until the petals have fully dissolved. The potion should have a sky blue colour.
Season with vinegar to taste
Take off of heat
Wave wand to complete the potion
Fatiguing Infusion
The fumes from this potion cause extreme fatigue, resulting in lethargy, dulled reflexes and slowed thinking

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical/Mental
Delivery: Gaseous
Ingredients: 2 dried Poppyheads, 4 Woodlice, 2 Sprigs of Lavender, 1 Sprig of Mint, 1 Sprig of Dittany, 2 Leaping Toadstools

Crush the 2 dried Poppyheads in a mortar to a fine powder
Add to cauldron and put on low flame
Stir 3 times, anti-clockwise
Carefully slice 2 Leaping Toadstools into quarters and add to cauldron
Allow to sit for 2 minutes
Wave your wand over the cauldron
Increase to high heat and leave to boil for 15-20 minutes
Crush 4 woodlice under the flat of a blade and add to cauldron
Stir 2 times, anti-clockwise
In a mortar, crush 2 sprigs of lavender, 1 sprig of mint, and 1 sprig of dittany into a very fine powder
While stirring slowly, clockwise, incorporate the powder into the unfinished potion
Don’t stir more than 10 times!
Lower heat to medium and leave to boil for 35 minutes
Turn off the heat
Stir 3 times, clockwise
Wave your wand over the cauldron to complete the potion
Felix Felicis
Liquid luck, the drinker just can't seem to fail.

Doses per Brew: 1
Category: Physical/Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Recipe: Restricted
Fire Breathing Potion
The drinker can willfully turn their breath into fire, and utilise it with more precision than someone who uses Dogbreath Potion

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 2 Sprigs Peppermint, 1 Fire Seed, 1 Ginger, 1 jar of honey, 4 sprigs of lavender, 1 tablespoon of Flobberworm Mucus

While wearing gloves, add 2 sprigs of Peppermint and 1 Fire Seed to the cauldron
Brew on low heat for about 60 minutes until incorporated
Chop the ginger root into pieces and add to mortar
Grind the ginger until it’s a smooth paste
Add paste to the cauldron
Stir 5 times, anti-clockwise
Heat to medium temperature
Slowly add 1 jar of honey
Stir 5 times, clockwise
Wave wand and wait for 10 - 25 minutes
Crush 4 sprigs of lavender in the mortar and add to cauldron
Add 1 tablespoon of Flobberworm Mucus to thicken the potion
Stir 3 times, anti-clockwise
Turn off the heat
Wave your wand to complete the potion
Floating Potion
Anyone or anything splashed with this potion will float four feet off the ground, they cannot control their movement and are at the mercy of the wind

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: 4 Bat Spleens, 12 Fairy Wings, 1 Peacock Feather, 2 Griffin Claw, 1 measure Saltpeter, 6 fl. oz. of Water


Add 2 Griffin Claws to a mortar
Crush thoroughly until the Claws are reduced to a super fine powder
Transfer the Claw Powder to a bowl
Add 1 measure of Saltpeter to the bowl
Gently fold together the powders until they are thoroughly intermixed and combined
Heat a cauldron of 6 fl. oz. of water to a high heat
Once the water is heated through, add the mixture of Saltpeter and Griffin Claw Powder
Stir with a Peacock feather until the powder has dissolved
Reduce heat to low and allow the temperature of the mixture to reduce
Meanwhile, score 4 Bat Spleens
Once the water has reduced to a low temperature, add the Bat Spleens to the mixture
Stir four times clockwise with the Peacock Feather
Add 6 pairs of Fairy Wings to the mixture
Place Peacock Feather in the cauldron with the potion and allow to simmer for 44 minutes
Remove Peacock Feather
Wave wand to complete and transfer to vials
Forgetfulness Potion
Causes a degree of memory loss in the drinker

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 2 Drops of Lethe River Water, 2 Valerian Sprigs, 2 Measures of Standard Ingredient, 4 Mistletoe Berries

Add 2 drops of Lethe River Water to your cauldron
Gently heat for 20 seconds
Add 2 Valerian sprigs to your cauldron
Stir 3 times, clockwise
Wave your wand
Leave to brew and return in 45-60 minutes
Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to the mortar
Add 4 mistletoe berries to the mortar
Crush into a medium-fine powder using the pestle
Add 2 pinches of the crushed mixture to your cauldron
Stir 5 times, anti-clockwise
Wave your wand to complete the potion
Garish Pink Poison
A blended poison that causes a severe delirium. It got the name 'garish' from the flights of fancy suffered by drinkers who dress garishly and insist on others doing the same

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion/Contact for reduced effect
Ingredients: Copper cauldron, 3 sprigs of Aconite, 7 drops of Acromantula venom, 13 Belladonna berries, 2 Cherries, 5 drops of Doxy venom, ½ measure of Moonseed seeds, 2 fl.oz. of Syrup of Hellebore


Prepare three separate cauldrons

First cauldron:
Finely chop the aconite
Set the cauldron on medium heat
Add the chopped aconite
Let the doxy venom drip into the cauldron, waiting exactly 22 seconds between each drop.
Stir twice clockwise and once counterclockwise
Wave your wand

Second cauldron:
Remove the pits of the cherries
In a mortar, add the cherry pits and moonseed seeds
Crush into a rough powder
Empty the mortar into a cold cauldron
Add three drops of acromantula venom
Stir twice counterclockwise
Add one drop of acromantula venom
Stir thrice clockwise
Add the remaining three drops of acromantula venom
Wave your wand

Third cauldron:
Add the cherries and belladonna berries to a clean cauldron
Crush the cherries and belladonna into a pulp
Set a cauldron on medium heat
Add the syrup of hellebore.
While continuously stirring counterclockwise, add the pulp
Turn off the heat and wave your wand

Set a copper cauldron on low heat
Add half of the content of the first cauldron
Add the entire content of the second cauldron
Add a third of the content of the third cauldron
Add the remaining content of the first cauldron
Add the remaining content of the third cauldron
Stir twice clockwise
Wave your wand to complete
Garroting Gas
The colourless, odourless gas of this potion will quickly lead to suffocation and unconsciousness

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Environmental
Delivery: Gaseous
Ingredients: 11 fl. oz of Alcohol (Ethanol), 5 measures of Dragon Dung, 1 measure of Nettle (dried), 1 measure of Saltpeter, 3 Flowers Heads, 2 cauldrons (size 2 or larger)

Bring an empty cauldron to a high heat
Add 5 measures of Dragon Dung to the cauldron
Press the Dragon Dung against the sides of the cauldron so that it sticks
Cook Dragon Dung in the cauldron for 2 minutes, or until it burns to the side of the cauldron and is fragrant
Reduce heat to low
Add 11 fl. oz of Ethanol and leave to simmer for 12 minutes
While the cauldron simmers, slice 3 Flower Heads finely
Once the Ethanol has simmered for 12 minutes, add 1 measure of Dried Nettle and the Sliced Flower Heads to the Cauldron
Stir thrice clockwise
Stir twice counter-clockwise
Stir once clockwise
Leave to simmer for 18 minutes
Once simmered, empty and strain the liquid into the second cauldron. Ensure that the second cauldron is not on any heat and that no Dung residue transfers
Leave to cool for 10-15 minutes
Once slightly cooled, prepare to add Saltpeter (NOTE: Once the Saltpeter is added, you will have approximately 90 seconds before the Garroting Gas is produced by the potion, all of the liquid must be vialled in this time)
Add Saltpeter to cauldron
Wave wand over the potion to complete
Immediately transfer to vials and seal with airtight corks.
Girding Potion
Provides the drinker with an energy boost and a sense of 'freshness'

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 2 Fairy Wings, 4 measures of Doxy Eggs, 5 Dragonfly Thoraxes, 5 Flying Seahorses


Add 2 Fairy Wings to the cauldron
Once the potion turns turquoise, add 1 measure of Doxy Eggs
Whilst the potion changes colours, toast the dragonfly thoraxes over a medium-high heat until lightly browned
Once the potion turns pink, add 1 Dragonfly Thorax to the cauldron
Once the potion turns orange, add 1 Flying Seahorse
Once the potion turns turquoise, add 1 Dragonfly Thorax
If the potion fails to deepen to purple add another Dragonfly Thorax
Once the potion turns purple, add 3 measures of Doxy Eggs
Let the potion simmer for 2 minutes
Add 1 Dragonfly Thorax
If the potion fails to turn blue, add another Dragonfly Thorax
Once the potion turns blue, add 3 Flying Seahorses
Once the potion turns green, wave wand to complete the potion
Leave to cool
Grand Pepperup Potion
Upon consuming the potion, the user is cured of both magical and non-magical flu-like illnesses. This does have the side effect of steam coming from their ears

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 1 Pepperup Potion, 1 Octopus Tentacle, 1 Mandrake, 1 Wartcap, 2 Measures of dried Boomslang Skin

Using a Standard Size III Cauldron
Add 1 Pepperup Potion to the cauldron and place on medium heat.
Add 1 Octopus Tentacle to the cauldron.
Wave your wand over the cauldron.
Allow to simmer for 7 minutes.
Step 2
Wearing your protective earmuffs, pull the Mandrake from the pot and place on the table.
Once the Mandrake is no longer crying and had gone dormant, slice the Mandrake finely with a knife.
Add the sliced Mandrake root to the cauldron.
Add 1 pinch of Wartcap to the cauldron.
Add 2 measures of dried Boomslang Skin to the cauldron.
Wave your wand over the cauldron to complete.
Gregory's Unctuous Unction
The drinker will believe whoever gives them this potion is their best friend

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 2 Sprigs of Peppermint, 3 Flower Heads, 1 measure of Pearl Dust, 2 measures of Powdered Moonstone, 4 Eel Eyes

Grind 2 sprigs of Peppermint and 3 dried Flower Heads to a powder
Add 1 measure of Pearl Dust to the mortar
Combine and grind the ingredients until you have a very fine powder
Slowly add the powdered mixture to the cauldron while stirring clockwise
Once everything is added, stir once, anti-clockwise
Set to low heat
Wave your wand over the cauldron
Leave to brew for 8 - 12 hours
Returning to the cauldron, increase the heat to a medium flame
Stir once, clockwise to agitate the settled liquid
Add 2 measures of Powdered Moonstone
Stir 3 times, clockwise
Leave to brew for 30 - 45 minutes
Add 4 Eel Eyes to the cauldron
Increase to high heat
Boil for 60 seconds, then turn heat to low
Stir 2 times, slowly, anti-clockwise
Wave your wand to complete the potion
Hate Potion
Reveals the worst habits of a particular person to the drinker

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Instructions: Standard Size 3 Cauldron, 11 fl. oz. of Dragon Blood, 5 fl. oz. of Alcohol (Ethanol), 4 fl. oz. of Explosive Fluid, 5 Rat Spleens, 3 tablespoons of Acromantula Venom, 2 measures of Doxy Eggs

Part 1
Approximately 3 months prior to brewing, bury Doxy Eggs and allow to rot

Part 2
Pour 11 fl. oz. of Dragon Blood into a cauldron preheated to high
Add 3 tablespoons of Acromantula Venom to cauldron
Stir six times clockwise
Leave to cook for 8 minutes
Slice Rat Spleens along the middle, leaving approximately a hair's breadth of connecting tissue. Ensure that the Spleens are not sliced in half, they must remain thinly connected.
Pour 5 fl. oz. of Alcohol into the cauldron
Add Rat Spleens to the cauldron
Stir six times counterclockwise
Leave to cook for 9 minutes 45 seconds
Reduce heat to low
Pour 4 fl. oz. of Explosive Fluid to the cauldron
Crush the Rotten Doxy Eggs with the side of your blade and add to cauldron
Leave to simmer for 17 minutes
Wave wand over cauldron
Dispense into vials and allow to ferment for 18-21 days
Herbicide Potion
Used in gardening to kill weeds

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Environmental
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: 4 Spines of Lionfish, 2 Measures of Standard Ingredient, 2 Measures of Horklump Juice, 2 “Blobs” of Flobberworm Mucus

Add 4 spines of lionfish to the mortar
Crush into a rough powder using the pestle
Add 2 measurements of Standard Ingredient to the mortar
Crush into a rough powder
Add 3 measures of the crushed mixture to your cauldron
Wave your wand
Leave to brew and return in 45/51/60 minutes (depending on your cauldron)
Part 2
Add 2 measures of Horklump juice to your cauldron
Heat to a medium temperature for 10 seconds
Add 2 blobs of Flobberworm mucus to your cauldron while it's still on the heat
Stir 4 times, clockwise
Wave your wand to complete the potion
Hiccoughing Potion
The drinker of this potion will break into a fit of hiccoughs

Doses per Brew: 4
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 1 measure of Doxy Eggs, 1 measure of Powdered Octopus, 5 fl. oz. of Vinegar, 5 fl. oz. of Firewhiskey, 1 Sloth Brain


Heat cauldron to low-medium heat
Add 1 measure of Doxy Eggs to mortar and crush into a thick paste
Slowly add 1 measure of Powdered Octopus to mortar and fold into paste
Add Doxy Egg and Powdered Octopus mixture to cauldron
Add 5 fl. oz. of Vinegar and 5 fl. oz. of Firewhiskey to cauldron
Stir twice clockwise
Stir twice anti-clockwise
Leave to brew for 45 minutes
Add Sloth Brain to Cauldron
Reduce heat to low
Leave to brew for a further 20 minutes
Wave wand to complete the potion
Invigoration Draught
Provides a surge of energy and helps fight off the need to sleep. Popular with students before exams

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: Pot with lid, 1 bunch of Scurvy Grass, 1 Sprig of Peppermint, 1 Mandrake, 1 tablespoon of Essence of Wormwood, 1 Bottle of Honeywater, 1 tablespoon of Vervain Infusion, 4 Billywig Stings


Pre-heat cauldron to a medium heat
In a separate pot with lid, fill 2/3 of the way full with water and bring to the boil
Wearing your protective earmuffs, pull the mandrake from the pot and place it on the table.
Once the Mandrake is no longer crying, submerge in boiling water
Leave to boil for 20-30 minutes, or until flesh is soft
Add 1 Bottle of Honeywater to cauldron
Roughly chop Scurvy Grass and Peppermint and add to cauldron
Stir four times clockwise
Wave wand over potion
Leave to brew for 15-20 minutes
Once Mandrake has been boiled, slice into small chunks, the flesh of the plant should crumble as you do so. If not, return to the boil until softer
Add Sliced Mandrake to the cauldron
Add tablespoon of Essence of Wormwood
Reduce heat to low and leave to brew for 90 minutes
Stir twice counter-clockwise
Add tablespoon of Vervain Infusion and 4 Billywig Stings
Stir twice clockwise
Leave to brew for a further 45-65 minutes or until the smell of the vapours becomes overpowering
Wave wand to complete the potion
Invisibility Potion
One second you're there, the next you're gone. You're like a ghost, invisible to the naked eye

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion/Contact
Ingredients: Standard Size 4 Cauldron, 6 Cherries, 1 Chicken (whole), Spider Legs (as required for 2 measures of ground Spider Legs), 3 measures of Beetle’s Black Eyes, 1 drop of Essence of Demiguise, Sponge

Boil the chicken in the cauldron for 3 hours.
Use a sponge to remove the water.
Conserve the chicken water collected in the sponge, you may need several.
Remove the chicken remains from the cauldron.
With a clean knife chop 6 cherries into coarse pieces.
Slide chopped cherries into the cauldron.
Return the chicken water from the sponge to the cauldron by wringing the sponges dry.
Stir thrice clockwise
Allow to simmer on a low heat until the potion turns purple.
Using a mortar and pestle, grind spider legs into a fine powder.
Place 2 measures of ground spider legs into the cauldron.
Stir once clockwise.
Add in 3 measures of beetle eyes.
The mixture should become bubbly.
A drop of tincture of demiguise.
Allow to simmer for 12 minutes.
The potion should turn silver in color.
Wave wand over the mixture to finish the potion.
Jawbind Potion
The victim can't open or move their mouth to speak. They can still make weird noises, though.

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Delivery: Gaseous
Ingredients: 5 oz. Salt, 2 oz. Pearl Dust, 4 tails Gillyweed, 10 fl. oz. Onion Juice, 3 Spines of Lionfish, 3 Spider Legs


Fill pot two third full with water and raise to high heat
Add 5 oz. of Salt to pot
Add 2 oz. of Pearl Dust to pot
Cut 4 tails of Gillyweed in two
Once pot has boiled add Gillyweed to the pot and allow to cook for 20 minutes
While Gillyweed is cooking, add 10 fl. oz. of Onion Juice to cauldron
Set cauldron to a low heat
Add 3 Spines of Lionfish
Add 3 Spider Legs
Allow to brew until Gillyweed has cooked
Once Gillyweed has cooked strain, and transfer the cooked Tails to the cauldron
Stir twice clockwise
Leave to brew for a further 40 minutes
Wave wand to complete the potion
Laugh Inducing Potion
Causes the drinker to laugh and giggle uncontrollably

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 4 fluid ounces of water, 3 alihotsy leaves, 2 Billywig stings, 1 Knarl quill

Add 4 fluid ounces of water to your cauldron
Finely chop your alihotsy leaves and add them to the water
Set heat to medium
Stir 4 times, clockwise. Be careful to stir slowly as to not damage the leaves’ properties.
Snigger at the potion
Grind up your Billywig stings into a rough powder using the mortar and add them to the cauldron
Stir 2 times, anti-clockwise
Add one Knarl quill to the cauldron
Set heat to high.
Stir 5 times in quick succession, clockwise
Giggle at the potion
Set heat to low.
Laugh loudly and uncontrollably
Stir 3 times, anti-clockwise
Finally, wave your wand over the cauldron to finish the potion.
Love Potion Antidote
Undoes the effects of love potions

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 10 fl. oz. of Salamander Blood, 1 Unicorn Horn, 2 Graphorn Horn, 2 tablespoons of Frogspawn, 2 Sloth Brains, 1 dash of Syrup of Hellebore


In a mortar, add 1 Unicorn Horn and 2 Graphorn Horns
Crush Horns into a fine powder
Score 2 Sloth Brains
Using a standard cauldron, heated to a medium-low heat, sear the sloth brains until browned
Add 10 fl. oz. of Salamander Blood to the cauldron
Stir slowly clockwise with your left hand
Meanwhile, with your right hand slowly pour in the Horn Powder and continue to stir until incorporated into the liquid
Wave wand over potion
Leave to brew for 60 minutes
Add 2 tablespoons of Frogspawn to cauldron
Add 1 dash of Syrup of Hellebore to cauldron
Lower heat to low
Leave to brew for a further 30 minutes
Wave wand to complete potion
Madam Glossy's Silver Polish
This potion's sole purpose is to polish silver

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Environmental
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: 3 Streeler Shells, 1 measure of Silver Powder, 6 fl. oz. of Neem Oil, 1 Bone, Essence of Wormwood


Wearing protective gloves, crush 3 Streeler Shells into a fine powder in a mortar
Add 1 measure of Silver Powder to mortar and combine with the Streeler Shell Powder
Add combined mixture to cauldron pre-heated to medium
Add 6 fl. oz. of Neem Oil to cauldron
Allow to brew for 28-36 minutes
While brewing, crush Bone into a fine powder
Once the mixture is ready, add Bone Powder to cauldron
Add 2 drops of Essence of Wormwood
Stir thrice counterclockwise
Reduce heat to low and leave to brew for a further 23 minutes
Wave wand to complete potion
Malevolent Mixture
A potion that makes the drinker violently ill and fatigued, making them barely able to move or think

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical/Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Recipe: Restricted
Mandrake Restorative Draught
Reverses petrification caused by particularly dark creatures and curses, as well as less fantastical means of magical petrification

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: 1 Fully Matured Mandrake, 2 Sprigs of Lavender, 3 measures of chopped Fluxweed, Dragon Liver, 12 fluid ounces of Moondew, Essence of Wormwood, Murtlap Tentacles, 3 measures of Standard Ingredient

Add 12 fluid ounces of Moondew extract to cauldron
Heat to a simmer
Add 7 ounces of diced, raw Mandrake into cauldron
Add 3 measures of Standard Ingredient into cauldron
Wave wand and allow to simmer for 30 - 90 minutes (gold 30 minutes, copper 60, pewter 90 minutes)
Once the mandrake is fully stewed, add 3 measures of finely chopped fluxweed into cauldron
Add 2 sprigs of lavender
Stir 3 times, counter-clockwise
Stir once, clockwise
Chop 1 ounce of dragon liver into small pieces and add to cauldron
Set to high heat and allow to boil for 2-4 hours (depending on cauldron) until all ingredients are fully dissolved
Add 1 fluid ounce of Essence of Wormwood into cauldron to stabilize
Quickly add 3 Murtlap Tentacles into cauldron
Stir 5 times, clockwise
Leave to brew for 10 - 30 minutes on low heat
Wave wand over cauldron
Fill into crystal vials
Manegro Potion
Makes hair that it comes in contact with grow rapidly

Doses per Brew: 4
Category: Physical
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: Pot with cover, 3 strands of the Potioneer’s hair, 1 tablespoon of Gomas Barbadensis gum, 5 strands of Asian Dragon Hair, 4 Strands of Puffskein Hair, 6 strands of Demiguise Hair, 6 Caterpillars, 16 fl. oz. of water, 5 oz. of Butterscotch, Vinegar


In a pot heated to low, melt5 oz. of Butterscotch
Add 5 strands of Asian Dragon Hair, 4 strands of Puffskein Hair and 6 strands of Demiguise Hair to the pot
Add Vinegar to taste
Add splash of water
Stir Hair vigorously, until caramelised and brown
Once the Caramelised Hair is fragrant, add 8 fl. oz. of water
Cover and leave to stew for 30 minutes
While the hair is stewing, slice the heads off the Caterpillars in preparation
Once stewed, remove lid and add 1 tablespoon of Gomas Barbadensis gum
With one hand stir slowly clockwise, no more than seventeen times, but no less than thirteen
With the other, slowly pour in another 8 fl. oz. of water
Once the last drop of water has finished being poured, immediately stop stirring
Add headless Caterpillars to the pot
Cover again and leave to stew for a further 35 minutes
Once stewed, pluck three hairs from your own head and add to the potion
Wave wand to complete
Memory Potion
Allows for the drinker near perfect recollection of their memories

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 8 fluid ounces of purified water, 1 Joberknoll Feather, 5 ounces of a Stewed Mandrake, 3 Sprigs of Sage, 3 Sprigs of Snow Drops

In a cauldron, bring 8 fluid ounces of purified water to a boil
Add 1 Joberknoll Feather to the cauldron
Stir 3 times, anti-clockwise
Leave to brew on high heat for 30 minutes
Meanwhile, stew a mature Mandrake and chop it
Once 30 minutes are up, lower the heat to medium
Add 5 ounces of the stewed Mandrake to the cauldron
Stir 5 times, clockwise
Leave to brew for an additional 30 minutes
Add 3 sprigs of dried Sage to a mortar and grind it to a medium-fine powder
Add to cauldron while slowly stirring 4 times, clockwise
Finely chop 3 sprigs of Galanthus Nivalis and add to cauldron
Turn heat to high
Wave your wand over the cauldron
Leave to brew for 60 minutes
After time is up, turn off heat
Stir 5 times, anti-clockwise
Wave your wand over the cauldron to finish the potion
Moon Seed Poison
Greatly drains the drinker's magical ability, leaving them almost magically inert

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Recipe: Restricted
Mopsus Potion
Grants the drinker telekinetic powers

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Recipe: Restricted
Muffling Draught
Those who inhale its fumes become unable to speak

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Delivery: Gaseous
Ingredients: 4 Drops of Lethe River Water, 2 Bat Spleens, 2 Eel Eyes, 3 Leeches

Add 4 drops of Lethe River Water to the cauldron
Finely dice 2 Bat Spleens and add to cauldron
Stir 2 times, clockwise
Set on high heat and leave to brew for 10 minutes
Reduce heat to a low simmer
Add 2 Eel eyes to the cauldron
Stir 2 times, anti-clockwise
Add 3 leeches to the mortar and grind into a sticky paste
Add 3 spoonfuls of the paste to the cauldron
Stir 5 times, anti-clockwise
Set on medium heat and leave to brew for 15 - 45 minutes
Wave your wand over the cauldron to complete the potion
Murtlap Essence
A basic healing salve that is used to treat minor cuts and abrasions with both analgesic effects and healing effects. It will not prevent scarring but it will reduce the appearance of scars.

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: 3 Measures of Honey, 1 Measure of Dried Nettles, 12 Murtlap Tentacles, 1 Graphorn Horn

In a cold cauldron, pour 3 measures of Honey
Bring heat to a low simmer
Add 1 measure of dried nettles to the cauldron
Stir gently clockwise, 3 times
Add 12 coarsely chopped Murtlap Tentacles to the cauldron
Allow to simmer for 25 minutes
Grind 1 Graphorn Horn
Add 1 measure of the ground horn to the cauldron
Stir once, anti-clockwise
Allow to simmer for another 10 minutes
Wave your wand over the mixture
Bottle and cork the hot liquid immediately

Note: This potion will be good to use in minimum of 3 weeks, but can last up to 3 years
Noxious Poison
Creates poisonous cloud that will diminish all physical and mental capacities of anyone breathing it in. Can be countered by blowing it away with the wind jinx, which will alleviate the effect immediately.

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical/Mental
Delivery: Gaseous
Ingredients: 5 Spider legs, 5 fl.oz. Armadillo bile, 3 measures of Dragon dung


Scrape the hair off the spider legs with a silver knife
Set the cauldron on low heat
Pour in the armadillo bile
Bring to a simmer
Add the dragon dung
Stir twice clockwise and once counterclockwise, repeat twice
Turn heat to high, bring to a boil
Sprinkle in the spider leg hair
Stir three times counterclockwise
Wave your wand
Bottle the steam into clear crystal vials, carefully dispose of the remnants once all the liquid has dissipated
Oculus Potion
Using the potion will restore eyesight and serves as a direct counter for the Conjunctivitis Curse.

Doses per Brew: 4
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: Essence of Wormwood, 2 Stewed Mandrake, 1 Unicorn Horn, 1 tablespoon Unidentified Blue Powder


Preheat cauldron to low
Shake Essence of Wormwood vigorously then add drops to the cauldron until the potion turns green
Stir eight time clockwise
Add Unicorn Horn to mortar and crush into a fine powder
Add 1 measure of Ground Unicorn Horn to cauldron
Allow the Ground Unicorn Horn to settle at the bottom of the cauldron. The liquid should change colour to red
Leave to brew for 16 minutes, colour should further lighten to yellow
Add one teaspoon of Unidentified Blue Powder
Add 2 drops of Essence of Wormwood
Alternate stirring clockwise and counterclockwise until potion turns pink
Leave to brew for a further 6 minutes, potion should change colour to orange
Meanwhile, thinly slice the Stewed Mandrake in preparation
Once the 6 minutes have passed, add half of the sliced Stewed Mandrake to the cauldron
Add 1 measure of Ground Unicorn Horn
Leave to brew for a further 9 minutes
Raise heat to high until the potion deepens in colour to purple
Stir once clockwise
Add the remainder of the Sliced Stewed Mandrake
Return heat to low and stir counterclockwise at a consistent pace for 2 minutes
Wave wand to complete the potion
Pepperup Potion
Upon consuming this potion, the user is cured of most minor non-magical illnesses such as the common cold or influenza. Steam will emit from the drinker's ears.

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 3 Measures of Honey, 1 Horn of Bicorn, 3 Murtlap Tentacles, 1 Drop of Murtlap Essence, 1 Graphorn Horn, 1 Sliced Mandrake Root, 1 Measure of Limpet, 1 Pinch of Hemlock, 2 Measures of Dried Nettles

Using a Standard Size III cauldron.
Add 3 measures of honey to the cauldron and place on a medium heat
Add 1 full horn of bicorn into the cauldron
Allow the cauldron to remain on the heat for 7 minutes
Wave your wand over the cauldron
Add 3 Murtlap Tentacles to the cauldron
Add 1 drop of Murtlap essence
Steam should come off the mixture in a cloud of smoke with you adding the Murtlap Essence
Add 1 Graphorn Horn to the cauldron
Allow the cauldron to remain on the heat for another 7 minutes
Wave your wand over the cauldron
Wearing your protective earmuffs, pull the Mandrake from the pot and place it on the table
Once the Mandrake is no longer crying, slice the Mandrake finely with a knife
Add the sliced mandrake root to the cauldron
Add 1 measure of Limpet to the cauldron
Add 1 pinch of Hemlock to the cauldron
Add 2 measures of Dried Nettles to the cauldron
Wave your wand over the cauldron to complete the potion
Pet Tonic
Heals the ailments of pets, both magical and non-magical alike.

Doses per Brew: 4
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 12 Aloe Vera leaves, 3 bunches of Murtlap Tentacles, 8 fl. oz. of Salamander Blood, 1 bunch of Scurvy Grass, 1 handful of dried Nettles


Slice a dozen Aloe Vera Leaves lengthwise, allowing for the gel to slowly seep out
Place the sliced Aloe Vera into a cauldron pre-heated to medium
Pour 8 fl. oz. of Salamander Blood over the Aloe Vera, ensuring that the fall of the liquid is in a clockwise motion
Whilst the Blood settles over the Aloe Vera, add 1 handful of dried Nettles to the cauldron
Leave unattended for 2 minutes
Meanwhile, chop 3 bunches of Murtlap Tentacles into small chunks
Add the chopped Murtlap Tentacles and 1 whole bunch of Scurvy Grass to cauldron
Allow to simmer for a further 46 minutes, interspersing with singular clockwise stirs every 2 minutes
Wave wand to complete potion then transfer to vials
Polyjuice Potion
Allows the drinker to turn into someone else, provided that the DNA of that particular someone has been imbibed during the brewing process.

Doses per Brew: 1
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Recipe: Restricted
Pompion Potion
Turns the drinker's head into a pumpkin.

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 2 Flitterby Moths, 4 Bouncing Bulbs, 4 Foxglove Flowers


Heat standard size 2 cauldron to high
Add Flitterby Moths to mortar and crush into a pulp
Add Flitterby Moth Pulp to cauldron and stir clockwise until the mixture turns green, this should take approximately 2 minutes
Squash Bouncing Bulbs with flat of your knife then add to mortar and crush
Add crushed Bouncing Bulbs to cauldron
Stir mixture counterclockwise until it changes colour to red, this should take approximately 3 minutes
Thinly slice Foxgloves and add to cauldron
Stir slowly clockwise for 1 minute
Leave to simmer until it turns orange, this should take a further 6-8 minutes
Remove from heat and wave wand to complete potion
Potion for Dreamless Sleep
Induces drowsiness and will prevent the consumer from having dreams.

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: Pot with lid, Standard size 2 cauldron, 1 bunch of Sage, 1 Snake, 4 strands of Unicorn Hair, 3 Rose Petals, 1 bottle of Wine, 2 Billywig Stings


Butcher the snake
Cut off the head of the snake
Defang the snake head and set the 2 Snake Fangs aside
Make an incision along the centre of the snake's belly and strip off the skin
Remove the guts of the snake
Thoroughly wash the snake meat in cool water
Preheat Pot to a medium-to-high heat
Thinly slice the snake into small chunks
Add Snake Meat to Pot and cook until browned and fragrant
Empty wine bottle into Pot
Wait for Potion to bubble slightly, then lower heat to a low-to-medium heat
Add 4 Unicorn Hairs to pot
Stir twice clockwise
Cover with lid and leave to simmer for 20 minutes
While simmering, roughly chop Sage
Once simmered for 20 minutes, add Sage to pot
Cover again with lid and leave to simmer for a further 10 minutes
Once simmered for 10 minutes, remove pot from heat
Heat cauldron to a medium heat while pot cools
Carefully strain potion into cauldron, ensuring that no pieces of snake meat are transferred
Add 2 Billywig Stings and 2 Snake Fangs to cauldron
Stir thrice counter-clockwise
Wave wand over potion
Leave to brew for exactly 17 minutes (if left for too long, potion is unusable and you must discard)
Add rose petals to cauldron
Turn off heat and wait for petals to submerge fully, do not assist this process by stirring
Wave wand to complete the potion
Regerminating Potion
A few drops of the potions are sufficient to regerminate any plant. A herbological essential!

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Environmental
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: 13 Leeches, Chinese Chomping Cabbage, 4 lb. of Dragon Dung, 2 bunches of Jewelweed, 2 bunches of Seaweed, 2 bunches of Sage, 1 Unicorn Horn


Prepare 1 baker's dozen of Leeches by removing their heads and slicing them in half lengthwise
Add the Leeches to a cauldron pre-heated to a medium heat
Quarter 4 Chomping Cabbages and add to cauldron
Allow to brew for 18 minutes
Whilst brewing, roughly rip 2 bunches each of Jewelweed, Seaweed and Sage, ensuring that pieces are asymmetrical and of varying sizes
Once 18 minutes have passed, add the ripped herbs to the cauldron
Allow to brew for a further 60 minutes
Add 1 Unicorn Horn to mortar and crush into a rough powder
Once the mixture has finished brewing, remove from heat and allow to cool
Add 4 lb of Dragon Drung and Unicorn Horn Powder to cauldron
Mix thoroughly through using your bare hands, ensuring that all components are combined
Return cauldron to a low heat and allow to cook for a further 90-110 minutes
Wave wand to complete and transfer to vials
A potion that heals ruptured and damaged organ tissue

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 3 fl. oz. Essence of Dittany, 7 rose petals, 3 sprigs of lavender, 1 bone, 3 measures of honey, 2 fairy wings, 8 scruples of Fluxweed, 1 fl. oz. moondew


Part 1:
Preheat Essence of Dittany to low
Add rose petals and lavender
Leave for 1 hour
Raise heat to high, bring to a boil
Wave wand over potion
Remove from heat, potion should have an opaque lavender colour
Leave for two days

Part 2:
Remove rose petals and lavender from potion
Heat potion until it starts to simmer
Break the bone into two pieces
Add bone pieces to cauldron
Add honey while stirring clockwise 14 times
Leave to simmer for 40 minutes
Wave wand over potion
Remove from heat, potion should be dark green
Leave for two days

Part 3:
Preheat potion to high
Crush the fairy wings and dried fluxweed into a powder
Add powder to the cauldron
Stir 4 times counterclockwise
Let boil for 5 minutes. Potion colour should lighten to white
Remove bone pieces
Reduce heat to low
Stir in the moondew, potion should turn clear and transparent like water
Take off of heat
Wave wand to complete
Replenishing Potion
The potion that replenishes and duplicates liquids it comes in contact with

Doses per Brew: 4
Category: Environmental
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: Copper Cauldron, 4 bunches of Knotgrass, 7 fl. oz. of Lethe River Water, 4 tablespoons of Honey, 6 fl. oz. of Moondew, 2 measures of Standard Ingredient, Vervain Infusion


Add 6 fl. oz. of Moondew and 7 fl. oz. of Lethe Water to an unheated copper cauldron
Add 4 tablespoons of honey
Stir thoroughly and rapidly until the honey dissolves into the liquid, ensuring that no amount spills over the sides of the cauldron
Turn heat to low and allow to sit until the liquid begins to bubble
Add 2 measures of standard ingredient to the cauldron
Allow to sit without stirring for 77 minutes
Meanwhile, roughly chop 4 bunches of Knotgrass
Once the 77 minutes have passed, add the bunches of Knotgrass to the cauldron
Stir four times clockwise, halting every 15 seconds
Allow to simmer for a further 13 minutes
Wave wand over cauldron and remove from heat
Once the liquid has cooled to room temperature, add 3 drops of Vervain Infusion
Wave wand to complete the potion and transfer to vials
Restoration Potion
Undoes the effects of the last potion or spell used on a person or object

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Environmental
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: 10 oz. of Stewed Mandrake, 4 drops of Essence of Wormwood, 20 fl. oz. of Morning Dew, 3 Streeler Shells, 1 bunch of Daisy Roots, 1 fl. oz of Neem Oil


Preheat cauldron to a medium-high heat
Add 20 fl. oz. of Morning Dew to cauldron and bring to the boil
While the Morning Dew is heating, dice the Stewed Mandrake into half-inch cubes
Once boiled, add Stewed Mandrake cubes to cauldron
Reduce to medium-heat
Allow to brew for 3 minutes
While brewing, roughly chop Daisy Roots
Once 3 minutes have passed, add Daisy Roots to cauldron
Leave to brew for 33-44 minutes
Add Streeler Shells to mortar and crush into a fine powder
Add 1 fl oz of Neem Oil to the mortar and fold into a paste
Add Streeler Shell Paste to cauldron
Stir clockwise slowly until powder incorporates
Wave wand over cauldron and remove from heat
Allow to cool to room temperature
Add 4 drops of Wormwood Essence to potion to finalise
Revive Potion
Brings an unconscious person back to consciousness

Doses per Brew: 4
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 3 Murtlap Tentacles, 3 Spines of Lionfish, 2 Measures of Salt, 5 drops of Essence of Wormwood, 1 Sprig of Dittany


Fill cauldron with purified water
Chop 3 Murtlap Tentacles and add to cauldron
Allow to simmer for 5 minutes
Meanwhile, grind 3 spines of lionfish into coarse powder
Add to cauldron
Add 2 measures of salt to cauldron
Stir 3 times, clockwise
Add 5 drops of Essence of Wormwood to cauldron
Add 1 sprig of Dittany to cauldron
Stir 5 times, counter-clockwise
Wave wand over cauldron
Fill into vials
Scintillation Solution
Upon ingestion causes the drinker to sharpen their 'wit' and become prone to being sarcastic and increasing their skill in banter

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 1 Leaping Toadstool, 3 Frog Brains, 1 fl. Oz. Armadillo Bile, 1 Ginger, 4 Chamomile Petals

Finely dice one Leaping Toadstool (taking care that none of the pieces fall off the table as they sometimes continue to move) and add it to the cauldron
Place on a medium flame
Leave to simmer for 20 minutes
Meanwhile, mince 3 Frog Brains and put them to the side for later use
Add one fluid ounce of Armadillo Bile to the cauldron
Turn off the heat
Stir 5 times, clockwise
Leave to sit for an additional 10 minutes, then turn the heat back on to medium
Add the minced Frog Brains to the cauldron
Stir 3 times, anti-clockwise
Leave to brew for 20 minutes
Finely chop a ginger root and grind it to a paste in a mortar
Add 3 tablespoons of the paste to the cauldron
Stir once, clockwise
Set to high heat and leave to boil for 5 minutes
Turn off the heat
Add 4 whole, undamaged Chamomile Petals to the cauldron and wait for them to incorporate
Wave your wand over the cauldron to complete the potion
Store only in crystal vials (as glass might react poorly with the Armadillo Bile)
Shrinking Solution
Causes drinker to shrink in size

Doses per Brew: 4
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: Standard Size 4 Cauldron, 3 Shrivelfigs, 1 bunch of Daisy Roots, 6 Caterpillars, 1 bottle of Leech Juice, 4 Rat Spleens

Slice 6 Caterpillars, set 1 aside
Add 5 Sliced Caterpillars to Cauldron
Heat till the potion turns red.
Peel 3 Shrivelfigs
Shake the peeled Shrivelfig until it is ready (this is extra important, as if one tries to add it before it is ready the potion may emit noxious green gases).
Add peeled Shrivelfig until the potion turns yellow.
Heat potion until it turns turquoise.
Heat potion until it turns purple.
Add four rat spleens to the cauldron.
Crush daisy roots in mortar and pestle and then add to cauldron until potion turns green.
Add five drops of Leech Juice to cauldron
Add more of the Shrivelfig, this time till it turns pink.
Add one sliced caterpillar.
Heat mixture until it turns green.
Wave wand over potion to complete.
Heals broken bones and, in severe cases, can even cause entirely disappeared bones to regrow. Although, the latter will render the patient bedridden for a while. The effects of the potion are near universally painful.

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 3 fl. Oz. Ethanol, 1 Bitterroot, 1 Fanged Geranium, 4 measures of Standard Ingredient, 2 bunches of Daisy Roots, 8 Beetles' Black Eyes, 2 Sprigs of Jewelweed, 1 pair of Fairy Wings

Add 3 liquid ounces of ethanol to a cold cauldron
Dice one Bitterroot and add to the cauldron
Crush one Fanged Geranium under the flat side of a knife, then chop into small cubes
Add 2 measures of the Geranium-cubes to the cauldron
Heat on a medium flame
Stir once, clockwise
Add 4 measures of Standard Ingredient to the mortar
Add 2 bunches of Daisy root to the mortar
Grind both ingredients to a powder
Add 4 measures of the powder to the cauldron
Wave your wand and leave to brew for at least 12-16 hours
Add 8 Beetles' Black Eyes to the reduced liquid
Stir 3 times, clockwise
Add 2 sprigs of Jewelweed to the cauldron
Turn off heat and allow to sit until the next full moon
Leave under the light of the full moon to mature (if the moon is covered by clouds and the potion cannot mature, the entire process must be started over)
On the next morning, add a singular pair of Fairy Wings to the cauldron
Stir 4 times, anti-clockwise
Wave your wand to finish the potion
Leave to fully mature for at least 3 weeks
Sleeping Draught
Upon ingestion this potion will make the drinker incredibly tired and ultimately causes them to fall asleep.

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical/Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 4 Sprigs of Lavender, 6 Measures of Standard Ingredient, 2 “Blobs” of Flobberworm Mucus, 4 Valerian Sprigs, 1 head of Gillyweed

Add 4 sprigs of Lavender to the mortar
Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to the mortar
Crush into a creamy paste using the pestle
Add 2 blobs of Flobberworm Mucus to your cauldron
Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to your cauldron
Gently heat for 30 seconds
Add 3 measures of the crushed mixture to your cauldron
Wave your wand
Leave to brew and return in 70 minutes (standard school cauldron)
Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to your cauldron
Heat on a high temperature for 1 minute
Add 4 Valerian Sprigs to your cauldron
Stir 7 times, clockwise
Tear Gillyweed head roughly and add to your cauldron
Stir 3 times, counter-clockwise
Allow to boil for 30 seconds
Wave your wand to complete the potion
Snuffling Potion
The user's sense of smell improves greatly

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical
Delivery: Gaseous
Ingredients: 7 Limpets, 2 Knarl Quills, 16 Porcupine Quill, Syrup of Hellebore, Water


Fill a standard cauldron to halfway with water
Heat the cauldron to boiling
Shell 7 Limpets
Add the flesh of the Limpets to the Water
Add the shells to a mortar and crush into a fine powder
Add 16 Porcupine Quills and 2 Knarl Quills to the mortar
Crush the Quills together with the shells until all ingredients have been reduced to a fine powder
Allow for the Limpets to cook in the water for 21 minutes
Reduce heat to medium
Add the Powder to the cauldron
Stir once clockwise
Stir twice counter clockwise
Allow to brew for a further 12 minutes
Remove from heat and allow to cool
Add 4 drops of Syrup of Hellebore
Wave wand to finalise potion
Transfer to vials
Star Grass Salve
A calming balm that soothes sores and wounds

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: Standard size 2 cauldron, copper cauldron, 4 bushels of star grass, 2 measures of balm, 2 aloe vera leaves, 2 handfuls of rose petals, 2 Centaury leaves, 2 measures of flobberworm mucus, cinnamon, 1 bunch of Seaweed, 2 sprigs of lavender, 3 sprigs of peppermint, 4 mistletoe berries


Part 1:
Grind the star grass into a smooth paste
Mix balm and star grass paste in the standard size 2 cauldron
Set cauldron on low heat
Leave to steep for 15 minutes
Remove gel from aloe vera leaves (avoiding the yellow aloe latex)
Add the aloe vera gel to the cauldron
Stir 7 times clockwise
Line the copper cauldron with rose petals
Pour in the potion
Wave wand over potion
Leave to ferment for 7 days

Part 2:
Move potion to standard size 2 cauldron, removing the rose petals
Preheat to medium-low
Finely chop centaury leaves, lavender sprigs, seaweed, and peppermint leaves
Add chopped herbs to cauldron
Stir 7 times counterclockwise
Stir in flobberworm mucus
Crush Mistletoe berries with flat of knive
Scrape juice and flesh into the cauldron and stir to incorporate
Remove from heat
Add a pinch of cinnamon
Stir thrice clockwise
Wave wand to complete
Starry Sky Solution
The potion will cause a dark fog to fill a room, accompanied by a lot of little lights, giving the impression of a galaxy. Best used indoors.

Doses per Brew: 4
Category: Environmental
Delivery: Gaseous
Ingredients: 1 bunch of Star Grass, 3 stems of Snow Drops, 3 Roses, 8 fl. oz. of Wine, 1 measure of Silver Powder, 8 fl. oz. of Dragon Blood, 2 measures of Unidentified Blue Powder


Remove the petals from 3 Roses
In a cauldron heated to a medium-low heat, add 8 fl. oz. of Wine and 8 fl. oz. of Dragon Blood
Stir thrice clockwise
Add 1 measure of Silver Powder
Add 2 measures of Unidentified Blue Powder
Stir six times clockwise
Allow to simmer for 2 minutes
Add Rose Petals to the cauldron and allow to sit for 5 minutes
Whilst simmering, roughly chop 1 bunch of Star Grass
Once the cauldron has finished simmering, add the Star Grass
Stir thrice counter-clockwise
Allow to simmer for a further 13 minutes
Add 4 whole Snow Drop stems to the cauldron
Reduce heat to low
Allow to brew for 33 minutes
Wave wand to complete then transfer to vials
Allow to mature for 2-3 weeks, or until the liquid begins to resemble the night's sky
Strengthening Solution
Provides the drinker with increased strength

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: Copper Cauldron, 8 fl. oz. salt water, ginger, 1 Griffin claw, 6 fl. oz. pomegranate juice, 2 fingers’ length Erumpent tail, 1 measure of frog spawn, 1 fl. oz. Salamander blood, three drops of moondew


First Part:
Finely dice ginger root and crush with the flat of your knife into a paste
Pour salt water into the cauldron
Bring to a boil on high heat
Add two measures of ginger paste
Turn heat to medium
Let simmer for 5 minutes
Use mortar and pestle to grind Griffin claw to a fine powder
Slowly sift powdered Griffin claw into the cauldron. The potion should give off silvery steam.
Stir slowly clockwise until the powder has dissolved
Let simmer for 12 minutes until the potion has a clear turquoise colour
Take off of heat.

Let mature for 2-4 days.

Second Part:
Pre-heat potion to medium heat
Pour in pomegranate juice
Let simmer for 7 minutes
Cut Erumpent tail into four pieces, lengthwise. Tie a simple knot into each of them.
Raise heat to high
When potion starts boiling, add Erumpent tail pieces and frog spawn
Reduce heat to medium
Stir twice clockwise, wait a minute, stir thrice anticlockwise, wait a minute, repeat three times
Reduce heat to low
Remove Erumpent tail and frog intestines
Slowly pour in salamander blood
Stir carefully clockwise
Add drops of moondew, waiting three breaths between each drop. Colour should darken from turquoise to teal.
Take off of heat
Wave wand to complete
Swelling Solution
When coming in contact with this potion, any creature, person or object grows and expands in size to a near-ludicrous degree. Being under its effect is described as a quite unpleasant feeling.

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: 2 Scoops of Dried Nettles, 3 Pufferfish Eyes, Water, 1 Bat Spleen

Add 2 scoops of dried nettles to the mortar
Add 3 puffer-fish eyes to the mortar
Crush into a medium-fine powder
Add 2 measures of the crushed mix to your cauldron
Add two tablespoons of water to the powder in the cauldron and mix them together
Heat on a medium temperature for 20 minutes
Add some more water to the cauldron and stir the mixture carefully
Wave your wand
Leave to brew and return in 45 - 60 minutes
Add 1 bat spleen to the cauldron
Stir 4 times, anti-clockwise
Heat to low for 30 seconds
Wave your wand to complete the potion
Leave for 10-12 days to ferment
Turbo Farts Potion
Causes the drinker to fart relentlessly to the displeasure of anyone around them.

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical
Delivery: Gaseous
Ingredients: 2 measures of Unidentified Blue Powder, 2 Troll Whiskers, 4 Sopophorus Beans, 2 bunches of Peppermint, 8 fl. oz. of Horklump Juice, 3 Bursting Mushrooms


Add 8 fl. oz. of Horklump Juice to an unheated cauldron
Add 2 measures of Unidentified Blue Powder to the cauldron
Stir slowly for one minute and ten seconds, until the powder is partially dissolved, then raise heat to low-medium
Continue to stir for a further two minutes until the powder has fully dissolved
Raise heat to medium-high
Roughly chop two bunches of Peppermint and add to cauldron
Allow to simmer for twelve minutes
Meanwhile, add 4 Sopophorous Beans to mortar and crush into a thick paste
Crush 3 Bursting Mushrooms with the flat of your blade
Once the cauldron has finished simmering, add the Bean Paste and crushed Mushrooms to the cauldron
Stir thrice counter-clockwise
Reduce heat to low and cover cauldron
Leave to stew for a further 30 minutes
Wave wand to complete
Transfer to crystal vials (NB: ensure that mouth and nose are covered at this point to avoid inhalation)
Venomous Tentacula Juice
Health aide that bolster's ones stamina and strength. Side note: Will turn the user purple for a few weeks.

Doses per Brew: 4
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 2 oz. Dragon liver, 4 espresso spoons of Honey, 2 teaspoons of Essence of Wormwood, 3 sprigs of Common rue, 1 tablespoon of Cranberry extract, two leaves of Venomous tentacula


Finely mince the dragon liver
Set the cauldron on low heat
Use a steel espresso spoon to add 4 spoonfuls of honey to the cauldron
Stir once clockwise
Turn up the heat to medium
Remove the heads of the common rue
Add the stems to the mixture
Use a silver teaspoon to add 2 spoonfuls of essence of wormwood to the cauldron
Stir twice counterclockwise
Perform the following steps in quick succession, within 30 seconds if possible, but not slower than 60 seconds:
Turn up the heat to high
Put on your protective gloves
Tear the venomous tentacula leaves into rough pieces
Sprinkle the pieces into the cauldron
Use a golden tablespoon to add 1 spoonful of cranberry extract to the cauldron
Stir once clockwise
Turn off the heat
Let the common rue heads fall into the cauldron
Wait until they have sunk to the bottom
Wave your wand to complete the potion
You can only tell the truth

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Recipe: Restricted
Vitamix Potion
Gives the drinker a huge surge of energy, sharpening their reflexes and making them move and think quicker

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 1 Copper Cauldron, 1 and 1/2 measure of Standard Ingredient, 3 drops of Essence of Wormwood, 2 heads of Asphodel Root, 3 sprigs of dried Aconite, 1 Melting Rock, Pliers, 3 measures of Armadillo Bile


Preheat a copper cauldron on a medium heat.
Using a mortar and pestle, add 1 and 1/2 measure of standard ingredient and three drops of essence of wormwood then crush into a thick paste.
Add the wormwood into the cauldron.
Heat until the potion turns grey.
Finely dice Asphodel Root.
Add the Asphodel Root into the cauldron.
Heat until the potion turns red.
Add dried Aconite until the potion turns orange.
Add one melting rock.
Heat the potion until it turns turquoise.
Remove the melting rock with the pliers.
Heat the potion until it turns back to red.
Add three measures of Armadillo Bile.
Volubilis Potion
This potion alters the voice and can also be used to restore a lost voice

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 1 Dog Tongue, 1 bottle of Wine, 1 cup of Wood-lice, 4 Palomino Horse Hairs, 2 cups of Cherries, 3 Flying Seahorses


Pre-heat cauldron to medium
Pour 1/2 bottle of Wine into the cauldron
Pit 2 cups of Cherries
Discards the cherry pits and add the flesh of the fruits to the mortar
Crush into a thick paste
Add 4 Palomino Horse Hairs to the mortar
Mix the hair into the Cherry Paste
Add the Hair and Cherry Paste to the cauldron
Stir four times clockwise
Leave to brew for 20 minutes
Meanwhile, dice Dog's Tongue
Once 20 minutes have passed add the diced Dog's Tongue to the cauldron
Stir once clockwise
Add 1 cup of Wood-lice
Add 1/4 bottle of Wine to cauldron
Stir five times counter-clockwise
Raise heat to medium-high and allow to brew for a further 24 minutes
Over the course of the next six minutes, stir clockwise every four heartbeats
Whilst stirring, slowly transfer the remainder of the bottle of Wine to the cauldron
Allow to simmer for 90 seconds
Add 3 Flying Seahorses to the cauldron
Lower heat to low
Allow to brew for a final 3 minutes
Wave wand to complete potion and transfer to vials
Weakness Potion
The fumes from this potion will cause a reduction of both physical and mental strength, with the affect person's capacities becoming reduced in both

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical
Delivery: Gaseous
Ingredients: 1 piece/branch of Devil’s Snare, 4 dried Poppyheads, 1 jar of Honey, 2 Horned Slugs, 2 Beetles' Black Eyes, 3 Sprigs of Lavender

In a brightly lit room (as a safety precaution), chop 1 branch of Devil’s Snare into even cubes
Add 2 ounces of it into the cauldron
On medium heat, leave to boil for 45-60 minutes
Reduce to low heat
In a mortar, grind 2 dried Poppyheads into a fine powder and add to cauldron
Grind 2 more Poppyheads to a coase powder. The pieces should still be around 1 to 2 mm large in diameter
Add the coarse powder to the cauldron
Slowly stir the mixture 3 times clockwise, then 5 times counter-clockwise
Add the contents of one jar of honey to the cauldron, stir once, clockwise and wave your wand over the cauldron
Leave to brew for 30 minutes
Add 2 Horned Slugs to the cauldron
Add 2 Beetles' Black Eyes to the cauldron
Stir 2 times, anti-clockwise
In a mortar, crush 3 sprigs of lavender to a fine powder
Turn off the heat and add the powder to the cauldron
Stir 2 times, clockwise
Wave your wand over the cauldron to complete the potion
A potent poison that near-instantly weeds. It is also exceptionally painful to those stupid enough to ingest it, and will cause violent convulsions and seizures.

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical/Environmental
Delivery: Ingestion/Contact
Recipe: Restricted
Wideye Potion
Awakens the drinker from magically induced sleep, and is the only known cure to the Draught of Living Death.

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical/Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: Copper Cauldron, 6 Snake Fangs, 4 measures of Standard Ingredient, 6 Billywig Stings, 2 sprigs of Aconite, 4 Horned Slugs


Add 6 Snake fangs to the mortar
Add 4 measures of Standard Ingredient to the mortar
Add 6 Dried Billywig Stings to your cauldron
Heat on a medium temperature for 30 seconds
Finally crush the ingredients that are n the mortar
Add 4 measures of the crushed ingredients to your cauldron
Stir 3 times, clockwise
Halve Horned Slugs and add to caludron
Leave to brew for 11 minutes
Wave your wand
Leave to brew and return in 8 hours
Add 2 sprigs of Aconite to your cauldron
Stir 3 times, anti-clockwise
Wave your wand to complete the potion
Wiggenweld Potion
A remedy that awakens people from both magical and mundane sleep.

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Physical/Mental
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: Standard Size 3 Cauldron, 16 fl. oz of Horklump Juice, 10 Spines of Lionfish, 1 measure of Honey, 5 Boom Berries , 2 measures of Flobberworm Mucus


Preheat potion to low
Add 4 fl. oz. of Horklump Juice and stir slowly clockwise until colour lightens to a pale red
Raise heat to low-medium
Add a further 4 fl. oz. of Horklump Juiceand stir slowly clockwise until colour lightens to orange
Raise heat to medium
Add a further 4 fl. oz. of Horklump Juice and stir slowly clockwise until colour lightens to yellow
Raise heat to medium-high
Add the final 4 fl. oz of Horklump Juice and stir slowly clockwise until colour changes to pink
Leave to simmer for 7 minutes
Add five spines of lionfish to the cauldron
Reduce heat to medium and leave to simmer for 12 minutes
In the meantime, crush 5 Boom Berries with the flat of your knife
Collect the juice and discard the skins and flesh of the Boom Berries
In a separate bowl, combine the Boom Berry Juice and Flobberworm Mucus. Whisk thoroughly until the ingredients are combined and frothy.
Once the 12 minutes have elapsed, slowly pour the Flobberworm Mucus and Boom Berry Juice mixture into the potion and stir slowly to combine, ensure you do not stir more than thrice
Wave wand over the potion
Reduce heat to low and leave to simmer for 30 minutes
Add 5 Spines of Lionfish and 1 measure of honey
Remove from heat and allow it to cool
Once at room temperature, wave wand over the potion to complete
Wit-Sharpening Potion
A potion that allows the drinker to think much more clearly and process information at an increased speed. While it is not the most potent potion, it is effective and non-dangerous.

Doses per Brew: 2
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Ingredients: 2 Ginger Roots (of uniform size), 24 Scarab Beetles, 1 Measure of Armadillo Bile, 3 Newt Spleens, 13 fl. oz. Water (aguamenti or tap water is sufficient)

Preheat cauldron to low heat
Peel and finely slice 2 Ginger Roots length-wise, ensure that each piece is approximately 1 inch long and 1/4 inch thick. Once sliced, set aside.
Add Scarab Beetles to mortar and pestle and grind into a very fine powder. Once ground, set Scarab Powder aside.
Finely score the Newt Spleens
Add Newt Spleens to cauldron
Seer for 2 minutes on each side
Add 6 fl oz. of water to cauldron
Let brew for 8-10 minutes
Add Ginger Root Slices in the equivalent of 1 Ginger Root to cauldron
Stir slowly clockwise until the potion takes a lime green colour
Add 1/2 measure of Armadillo Bile to cauldron
Stir slowly counter-clockwise until the potion takes a blue colour
Add the Scarab Powder to the cauldron
Add 4 fl. oz. of water to the cauldron
Stir slowly counter-clockwise until the potion turns red
Allow to simmer for 3 minutes
Add 1/4 measure of Armadillo Bile to the cauldron
Stir slowly counter-clockwise until the potion is yellow (Note: if the potion darkens to green, slowly add the 3 remaining fl. oz. of water to dilute until it returns to yellow, if it does not return to yellow after all 3 fl. oz. are added, discard potion)
Add the remaining Ginger Root Slices to the cauldron
Stir clockwise until the potion is lime green
Add 1/4 measure of Armadillo Bile
Stir counter-clockwise until the potion fades to a pearly white
Take potion off of heat
Wave wand to complete
Wolfsbane Potion
A miracle cure that allows werewolves to maintain their humanity while transformed.

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Mental
Delivery: Ingestion
Recipe: Restricted
Wound Cleaning Potion
Pouring this potion over a wound will clean out the wound, and will further get rid of blood-based poisons and other residues in the wound.

Doses per Brew: 3
Category: Physical
Delivery: Contact
Ingredients: 25 drops of Honey, 1 sprig of Dittany, 1 sprig of Dried nettles, 3 Leeches, 1 Ginger, 1 Unicorn Horn


Add 25 drops of honey to the cauldron
Heat on a small flame for 2 minutes
Meanwhile, add a sprig of Dittany to the mortar
Crush the leaves into a paste
Add a sprig of dried nettles to mortar and combine with the Dittany-paste
Add 5 spoonfuls of the paste to the cauldron
Set to high heat and leave to brew for 10-20 minutes
Add Unicorn Horn to mortar and crush into a medium-fine powder
Add powder to your cauldron
Take 3 leeches and crush under the flat side of a knife to extract liquid
Add 12 drops of the extracted liquid to the cauldron
Lower heat to a small flame
Finely chop a ginger root and add 3 spoonfuls to the cauldron
Leave to brew for precisely 5 minutes
Wave your wand to complete the potion

23 Aug 2022, 23:03
Potion System
5. Ingredients & Locations
Aconite - Apothecary Shop (1g, 1s, 1k)
Acromantula venom - Potions Storeroom (1g)
African red peppers - Apothecary Shop (12s, 7k)
African sea salt - Apothecary Shop (8g, 4s)
Alihotsy - Dogweed & Deathcap (3g)
Aloe vera - Dogweed & Deathcap (24k)
Angel's Trumpet - Sisyphe's Materials (3g, 15s, 22k)
Armadillo bile - Apothecary Shop (3g, 6s, 12k)
Arnica syrup - Sisyphe's Materials (8g, 11s, 4k)
Asphodel - Apothecary Shop (4s, 6k)
Balm - Dogweed & Deathcap (2g, 6s, 24k)
Bat spleens - Apothecary Shop (2g, 15s, 21k)
Bats Wings - Apothecary Shop (5s, 10k)
Bdellium - Apothecary Shop (7g, 11s, 3k)
Beetle's black eyes - Apothecary Shop (3g, 13k)
Beetles - Apothecary Shop (6s, 4k)
Belladonna - Dogweed & Deathcap (12s, 20k)
Betony - Dogweed & Deathcap (4s)
Bezoar - Apothecary Shop (5g)
Billywig stings - Apothecary Shop (2g, 16s, 1k)
Bitterroot - Apothecary Shop (4s)
Blood root - Sisyphe's Materials (8g)
Bone - Apothecary Shop (2g, 24k)
Boom berries - Dogweed & Deathcap (6s)
Boomslang skin - Apothecary Shop (6g, 14s)
Bouncing bulbs - Apothecary Shop (4g, 2s, 21k)
Bubotuber pus - Apothecary Shop (2g, 12s, 22k)
Bunch of Grapes - Apothecary Shop (1s)
Burnt Cake - Apothecary Shop (1s)
Bursting Mushrooms - Apothecary Shop (5g, 4s, 6k)
Butterscotch - Leaky Cauldron, At the Counter (24k)
Camphirated spirits - Sisyphe's Materials (1g, 6s, 10k)
Castor oil - Apothecary Shop (5s)
Caterpillars - Apothecary Shop (7g, 24k)
Centaury - Dogweed & Deathcap (4s)
Chamomile - Dogweed & Deathcap (3g, 7s, 22k)
Cherries - Dogweed & Deathcap (24k)
Chicken - Apothecary Shop (4s)
Chinese chomping cabbage - Potions Storeroom (9s, 17k)
Chizpurfle Carapace - Apothecary Shop ((5g, 14s, 21k)
Cinnamon - Dogweed & Deathcap (24k)
Common Rue - Dogweed & Deathcap (3g, 12s, 15k)
Cranberry extract - Leaky Cauldron, At the Counter (4s)
Crocodile heart - Apothecary Shop (7g, 3s, 12k)
Daisy - Dogweed & Deathcap (24k)
Devil's snare - Potions Storeroom (3g,15s,21k)
Devil's walking stick - Potions Storeroom (6g, 4s)
Dittany - Dogweed & Deathcap (2g, 15s, 15k)
Dog tongue - Sisyphe's Materials (3g, 11s, 8k)
Doxy eggs - Potions Storeroom (2g, 5s, 10k)
Doxy venom - Sisyphe's Materials (4g)
Dragon blood - Apothecary Shop (7g)
Dragon claw - Apothecary Shop (6g)
Dragon dung - Dogweed & Deathcap (8g, 13s, 6k)
Dragon liver - Apothecary Shop (14g)
Dragon Skin - Apothecary Shop (15g)
Dragonfly - Apothecary Shop (20k)
Dried nettles - Dogweed & Deathcap (3g, 5s, 14k)
Earthworm - Apothecary Shop (15k)
Eel eyes - Apothecary Shop (3g, 5s, 10k)
Egg collection - Sisyphe's Materials (24g)
Erumpent horn - Potions Storeroom (1g, 4s)
Erumpent tail - Potions Storeroom (3g, 4s)
Essence of the demiguise - Potions Storeroom (10g)
Essence of Wormwood - Apothecary Shop (6s, 4k)
Ethanol - Leaky Cauldron, At the Counter (3g, 22k)
Explosive fluid - Potions Storeroom (1g)
Fairy wings - Apothecary Shop (7g, 11s)
Fanged geranium - Potions Storeroom (4s)
Fire seed - Apothecary Shop (5g, 8s)
Firewhiskey - Leaky Cauldron, At the Counter (5g)
Flitterby moths - Apothecary Shop (10g)
Flobberworm mucus - Apothecary Shop (4g, 14s, 6k)
Flower heads - Dogweed & Deathcap (2g, 10k)
Fluxweed - Dogweed & Deathcap (3g, 5s, 10k)
Flying seahorse - Potions Storeroom (7g, 5s)
Foxglove - Dogweed & Deathcap (2g, 6s, 17k)
Frog brain - Apothecary Shop (16s, 20k)
Frogspawn - Apothecary Shop (5s, 10k)
Giant purple toad warts - Potions Storeroom (4s)
Gigglewater - Leaky Cauldron, At the Counter (6g, 4s)
Gillyweed - Dogweed & Deathcap (4g, 4s)
Ginger - Dogweed & Deathcap (24k)
Ginkgo extract - Dogweed & Deathcap (5g, 2s)
Gomas barbadensis gum - Apothecary Shop (2g, 4s)
Granian hair - Apothecary Shop (4s)
Graphorn horn - Apothecary Shop (4g, 12s, 6k)
Griffin claw - Potions Storeroom (8g)
Griffin feather - Potions Storeroom (2g, 4s)
Hair collection - Potions Storeroom (8g, 24k)
Hemlock - Dogweed & Deathcap (9s, 17k)
Holly Branch - Dogweed & Deathcap (5s)
Honey - Apothecary Shop (11s, 8k)
Horklump juice - Apothecary Shop (3s)
Horn of Bicorn - Apothecary Shop (15s)
Horned slugs - Apothecary Shop (6g, 6s, 6k)
Horseradish - Leaky Cauldron, At the Counter (24k)
Jewelweed - Dogweed & Deathcap (1g, 16s)
Joberknoll feather - Apothecary Shop (10g)
Knarl quill - Apothecary Shop (11g, 11s, 11k)
Knotgrass - Dogweed & Deathcap (3g, 6s, 7k)
Lacewings - Sisyphe's Materials (3g, 3s, 7k)
Lavender - Dogweed & Deathcap (1g, 16s, 10k)
Leaping toadstool - Apothecary Shop (8g, 4s, 6k)
Leeches - Apothecary Shop (1g, 2s, 2k)
Lethe river water - Apothecary Shop (4s, 7k)
Limpet - Apothecary Shop (9k)
Lovage - Dogweed & Deathcap (2g, 4s)
Mandrake - Apothecary Shop (2g)
Marine worm - Apothecary Shop (4s, 6k)
Melting rock - Apothecary Shop (11g, 11s, 11k)
Mercury - Sisyphe's Materials (8g, 10s, 20k)
Mint - Dogweed & Deathcap (2g, 2s, 24k)
Mistletoe berries - Apothecary Shop (1g, 15s, 15k)
Moon Seed - Sisyphe's Materials (8g, 12s)
Moondew - Apothecary Shop (6s, 4k)
Moonstone - Apothecary Shop (4g, 13s, 8k)
Morning dew - Apothecary Shop (4s)
Murtlap tentacles - Apothecary Shop (6g, 16s, 8k)
Neem oil - Apothecary Shop (10g, 4s)
Newt spleens - Potions Storeroom (7g, 4s)
Niffler's fancy - Potions Storeroom (6g, 12s, 22k)
Octopus - Apothecary Shop (2g, 14s, 14k)
Onion - Dogweed & Deathcap (24k)
Palomino horse hair - Apothecary Shop (1s, 1k)
Peacock feather - Apothecary Shop (4s)
Pearl dust - Apothecary Shop (5g, 16s)
Peppermint - Dogweed & Deathcap (2g, 13s, 13k)
Pidgeon - Sisyphe's Materials (24k)
Poison Ivy - Dogweed & Deathcap (5s, 10k)
Pomegranate juice - Leaky Cauldron, At the Counter (4s)
Poppy - Apothecary Shop (12s, 18k)
Porcupine quills - Apothecary Shop (3g, 3s, 4k)
Potato peelings - Apothecary Shop (1k)
Pufferfish - Apothecary Shop (10g, 5s, 10k)
Rat spleens - Apothecary Shop (4g, 4s)
Re'em blood - Potions Storeroom (11g, 15s, 21k)
Rose - Dogweed & Deathcap (4k)
Rose Oil - Sisyphe's Materials (9s)
Rose Thorns - Dogweed & Deathcap (2s, 7k)
Rotten fig - Apothecary Shop (10k)
Runespoor eggs - Apothecary Shop (1g)
Sage - Dogweed & Deathcap (24k)
Salamander blood - Apothecary Shop (7g)
Salt - Leaky Cauldron, At the Counter (24k)
Saltpeter - Apothecary Shop (24k)
Scarab beetles - Apothecary Shop (5g, 9s)
Scurvy grass - Dogweed & Deathcap (5g, 5s, 5k)
Seashells - Apothecary Shop (16s, 20k)
Seaweed - Dogweed & Deathcap (2g, 20k)
Shark's tooth - Apothecary Shop (3s, 11k)
Shrake spine - Apothecary Shop (10g)
Shrivelfig - Apothecary Shop (4g, 8s, 8k)
Silver powder - Apothecary Shop (2g, 15s, 8k)
Sloth brain - Potions Storeroom (4g, 6s, 4k)
Snake - Potions Storeroom (5g, 4s)
Snake fangs - Apothecary Shop (6g, 6s, 6k)
Snake oil - Apothecary Shop (3g, 24k)
Sneezewort - Dogweed & Deathcap (5g, 5s)
Snow drops - Dogweed & Deathcap (3g, 11s)
Sopoforous bean - Apothecary Shop (4g, 4s)
Spider legs - Apothecary Shop (3g, 5s, 15k)
Spines of lionfish - Apothecary Shop (5g, 5s, 10k)
Sponge - Apothecary Shop (1s, 18k)
Standard ingredient - Apothecary Shop (12s, 24k)
Star grass - Dogweed & Deathcap (4s)
Streeler shells - Potions Storeroom (4g, 4s)
Sulphur - Apothecary Shop (24k)
Syrup of Hellebore - Dogweed & Deathcap (4g)
Thyme - Dogweed & Deathcap (24k)
Troll whiskers - Sisyphe's Materials (15s, 20k)
Unicorn Blood - Sisyphe's Materials (100g)
Unicorn hair - Apothecary Shop (5g, 8s, 6k)
Unicorn horn - Apothecary Shop (18g, 13s)
Unidentified blue powder - Apothecary Shop (1g)
Unknown hair - Apothecary Shop (10k)
Valerian - Dogweed & Deathcap (3g, 8s)
Venomous tentacula - Sisyphe's Materials (5g)
Vervain infusion - Apothecary Shop (1g)
Vinegar - Leaky Cauldron, At the Counter (1g, 21k)
Wartcap - Apothecary Shop (4g, 8s, 20k)
Wine - Sisyphe's Materials (3g, 6s, 1k)
Wood-louse - Apothecary Shop (2g, 12s, 6k)