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7 Jul 2022, 23:24
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Terrible Presence

Describe why this fits your character:
Sienna had never been a cheery and extroverted girl. Instead, she had always been rather reserved and quiet, but she was kind to others. After the deaths of her father and sister, her personality changed drastically to the point she was cold and unfriendly to everyone who crossed her path at first. She didn’t want to let anyone in, and as a result of her insensitive personality, most everyone left her alone. There was something else however, that caused people to steer clear of the girl, a kind of aura that surrounds her. It was unclear to everyone just what it was that caused them all to stay away from her. No one could quite put their finger on it, all they knew was that there was just something not right about her.

It had never bothered Sienna that people tended to stay away from her, in fact she rather enjoyed it. There was only one point in her life in which she regretted this odd ability. That day she and her younger brother, Jack, we’re walking into the woods together. The two siblings were incredibly close. Sienna counted Jack as one of her only true friends in the world, and the two were inseparable.

Jack was giggling at something Sienna had said. It warmed her heart to hear him laugh, for he had been quiet and somber after the tragedy that had occurred within their family. He was laughing now though, and that was what mattered to Sienna. “Look!” he exclaimed suddenly, pointing upward at something. Turning her head towards the sky, she watched as a magpie flew through the trees above them. ”That’s lovely Jack,” she said to the little boy. He was gazing up at it in wonder.

Just then, two children of similar age to Jack appeared out of the trees. They seemed startled to see the two siblings ahead of them at first, but quickly got over their shock and started towards them.

”Hey!” One called when they got close enough to be heard. “I didn’t think anyone else came through this area of the woods, but it looks like I was mistaken. I’m Scarlet and this is my friend, Will. What’s your name?” the girl asked, speaking directly to Jack. It didn’t seem like she even noticed that Sienna was there, or perhaps she just didn’t want to acknowledge the closed off girl. She hadn’t missed them look at her and then quickly look away when they came to a stop in front of them, almost like they were frightened.

The two seemed friendly enough, and Jack seemed to have taken to them instantly, much to Sienna’s distaste. “I’m Jack and this is my sister Sienna!” he exclaimed happily.

The other two smiled at Jack. “Nice to meet you. You want to hang out for a while, maybe?” Jack started to agree, but Sienna quickly cut him off. ”I don’t think so.” Scarlet and Will looked up at Sienna like it was their first time seeing her. Scarlet’s eyes widened slightly and darted back and forth quickly while Will looked completely set on edge.

“Why not Sienna? I want to play with them,” Jack whined. “You know what, maybe some other time. I just remembered- we have to go,” Will said. He and Scarlet turned and walked quickly away without another word.

Jack looked up at his sister. “Sienna…” he started to whine. ”Jack if you want a playdate tell mum, and leave me out of it. You know I don’t do people. End of story.” He looked angry, but said nothing. The two siblings walked back home together in silence.

Word count: 607
STATUS: Approved
Terrible Presence is not a superpower. The beginning of the app is alright, but the cocky teenager would not magically be afraid of a child. You have a terrible presence because you act a certain way and make clear due to standard social behavior that you don't want to be around people.

Last edited by Sienna Lenoir on 15 Jul 2022, 22:09, edited 1 time in total.

STA 8 • EVA 8 • STR 1 • WIS 5 • ARC 4 • ACC 9
8 Jul 2022, 05:52
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
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Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Lycanthropy (Werewolf)

Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

There was only ever the one rule, as unyielding as iron and stern as a clenched fist: do not go into the backyard woods on the night of a full moon. Seven’s parents were both werewolves, had been before they met—they’d met not knowing and then fell in love with each other’s shared strangeness. The rule was—self-explanatory. They had to tell young Seven, eventually. Of their lycanthropy. The lycanthropy they had that Seven did not. And the rule—self explanatory, and they explained it anyway, and they made sure Seven knew.

Seven didn’t know this, but his parents could smell fear: a sharp tang manufactured in the palms and behind the ears, the odd glimmer of a constricted pupil.

And when they were explaining the Rule, they made sure Seven feared.

Seven was—seven. Odd. Odd, odd. (Seven’s name does not remind him of the Night, no matter how much you might think otherwise—) Seven was seven, and he’d given himself a—complex. Complex. Is that the right word? He’d sat in his wide and comfortable bedroom on the second floor and looked out the window and he’d—he’d been slowly convincing himself, then quickly, a bit like falling into water, the way time slows down as you breach the surface and submerge—he’d been convincing himself that there was something special about seeing the full moon, at night, while stranded in the woods. That there was nothing that could quite replicate it. The taboo-ness—it glitters.

Seven thought he was missing out. He thought, I only have this one life. I love the woods. I love the woods at night, I love the moon as it crests over the trees, and it itched at him, and he’d felt a sudden panic, like—if not now, when?

It didn’t really occur to him that he’d grow up and he’d have other opportunities to gaze at the full moon, maybe even from the woods if he was an intrepid and prepared adult. All he knew that night by the window was that—he had to do this.

Just this once. Then never again.

So Seven snuck out the front door. Not the window, yet—that would come After, when he gained strength and a willingness to scale up and down the scaffolding of physical risk—he was seven, and he fumbled with the key and picked the lock, and he stepped outside with sock feet onto the back porch and peeled off his socks and breathed in the cool night air. Craned his head back to admire the dim white pinpricks in the jet-blue night. His breaths came loud. His heart, hammering against the back of his ribs.

The moon, suspended there. Wide and bright as an eye.

He went barefoot, into the wet and dewy grass, into the woods.

It manifests as this: a scratch. Seven went into the woods and he came out with a long red scratch starting at the base of his right rib and traveling across his stomach and down to his left hip. Shallow. Non-debilitating.

But it’s not the scratch itself that matters—it’s what comes with it.

His parents did not know who was in the woods that night—the woods are long and expansive, a smaller limb of a larger forest, a woodland, well, that’s the reason they bought the house, because they love the woods too—but no, they don’t know who did it. This was back in America, and they were close with some neighbors who were werewolves but not many—and if it ever came through the grapevine who had ran a claw across their boy, they never told Seven.

(Seven never thinks about what he left behind in the woods, no, not ever—about how he could set it to song, a song that would go like this: a sturdy stick / with one end bloodied / a wolf with a punctured eye—)

It was just a scratch.

Seven thinks of himself, in a way, lucky.

Mother, father, child. All three, now. Tight as ever. Seven: drifting from his friends. Seven: formation and reformation. His mother would say: identity-building. His father: lucky it wasn’t worse.

Mannerisms and physical changes:

Earns the scar described. Since becoming a werewolf Seven is keener on the sensory environment of people and places: texture, smell, odd behaviors-- a mixture of the heightened sense of smell mentioned in the first-year werewolf details, and his learned perceptiveness to ensure survival in a society hostile to werewolves. He keeps his emotions closer to heart. Drinks wolfsbane for each full moon. Has become physically stronger and more willing to take physical risks. Isn’t open about being a werewolf, except to those he is very close to.

(total: 746 words)

Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system: This will serve as your change/update to your stats as well.


STATUS: Approved
You are the first in years to finally come up with the idea that they are part of a werewolf family to explain why the child encounters werewolves. Kudos for that, great app. The only thing missing is the explanation as to how the child got away from a werewolf attack. Please add a few sentences of that and owl Béatrice Lydursdattir once you are done.
Student not yet in Index. Trunk was locked
Last edited by Seven Corigault-Seto on 10 Jul 2022, 00:54, edited 3 times in total.
8 Jul 2022, 11:26
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
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Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for:

Year 1 Ability - Evasive Maneuvers
Year 2 Ability – Comprehend Languages - Mermish

Current Stats:

Stamina: 8
Evasion: 7
Strength: 4
Wisdom: 7
Accuracy: 7
Arcane Power: 7

Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Evasive Maneuvers
Word Count: 517/400


Emma had never thought of herself as particularly athletic, in fact she could be a bit of a klutz, especially with her nose in a book most of the time. She ran into quite a few things when she first started reading, not having developed the skills to be aware of her surroundings while also fully engulfed in a book. But over time, she learned to have that awareness, enough to mostly avoid large obstacles, including people. Because she frequently had a book in hand, and did not quite understand how to easily talk to people, she did face bullying in school, and soon developed a sort of what she called “spidey-sense”. Namely a shiver would occur in the back of her mind and she knew that she had to move right then and there. Most of the time she was successful, although occasionally she had been trapped in a room or tripped over her shoes in the haste to escape.

But once more she developed the necessary skills to avoid those who wished to bully her (and sometimes just people in general). Emma learned the best ways to slide through crowds to avoid detection, the best shortcuts and developed the necessary skills to weave and dodge. In her muggle school, the game of dodgeball was an excellent skill to learn the art of the weave and quick dodge. Emma was trapped with those who did not necessarily understand or like her (along with a few friends) but she could not depend on her friends to save her. Instead she learned how to be on the balls of her toes, constantly in motion, moving in and out of the people on her side, and the art of the quick dodge. After all, no one was going to throw the ball unless they thought they had you, so she had to wait until the ball was in motion with only seconds to move. Emma did try to translate these skills to actually catching the ball, so that she could get more people back in the game, but she just couldn’t get her hands up in time it seemed. Instead she stuck to the duck and weave, becoming famous for it. And this just gave something more for her peers to make fun of, calling her a coward and a weakling. Emma took the words to heart, but did her best to push it off as rude and small-minded people.

While Emma wouldn’t say she’s in full control of her body, she definitely has a better idea of how her body moves and things she can and cannot do. She will never be a marathon runner, or even like the ability but she can at least do quick sprints as necessary. She also strives to do a bit of yoga as she enjoys the calming effects, but also the stretching that occurs. It allows her to move her body in ways that she can use when dodging without potentially spraining or pulling anything, and to hopefully evolve her dodging skills so she can move in even more unexpected ways.

Comprehend Languages - Mermish
Word Count: 455/400


Emma had been nervous, and upset when she found out she was coming to Hogwarts and having to leave all of her friends behind. She had already grown comfortable in her current settings and to be ripped from that setting, and her family at the same time to attend a school where she had no previous knowledge about the world, or school she was entering caused Emma great anxiety. When she arrived, once she got over the anger of her parents forcing her to come, she needed to know exactly what type of world she had entered. Cue the library, where Emma found as many books as she could about the magical world to read in addition to her homework. The first week, she stumbled across a book of magical beings, and surprisingly was drawn to the savage drawing of mermaids.

They became her new obsession, and she found everything she possibly could about their behaviour and culture. She couldn’t say why such savage looking creatures drew her in, but maybe it was the comfort she found in water, and the alieness of them. They were so different from the mermaids depicted in the muggle world, and far from anger at yet another thing that had changed, she found it amazing that the muggle world could get it so wrong. Emma tried to work herself up to break the rules and enter the lake, although she knew it was highly unlikely that she’d be able to meet the mermaids, as they likely lived lower than she could reach merely holding her breath, but she couldn’t bring herself to even try.

Disappointed in herself, Emma threw herself into her obsession even further. One day, when she thought she had learned almost everything about these creatures, she found a book about their language. Emma was determined to understand and maybe even speak the language, even if she never came across a real mermaid. So that became her focus. She found all the books she could find on the language, which were too few in Emma’s mind, and eventually was able to track down a couple of recordings she could play on the gramophone that she had discovered in a room of Hogwarts. She did her best to replicate the sounds, and by the end of her first year, while she didn’t feel that she was fluent, she felt she could at least hold her own, and even better understand the language. She does wish that she could test her knowledge but isn’t sure when she would ever meet a mermaid. But still, every day she takes a small time to practice the sounds and occasionally re-listening to the recordings to make sure she doesn’t lose the knowledge.

STATUS: Approved
The first half of the Evasive Maneuvers app reads more like Sixth Sense and would not be approved like that since it is depicted as super power. The things relevant to Evasive Maneuvers is ok, which is why it was approved
8 Jul 2022, 20:25
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Hello! Please find below two abilities that I'd like to apply for Bloom Silverton. I do plan on applying for more in the future, but would like to really think them out and apply little at a time. Hopefully that is okay! :)

The following are my stats. I have posted two versions: the first is what they are now and the second is what they are planning to be once stats have been approved. Thank you so much!

Stats prior to approval: Stamina - 9| Evasion - 8| Strength - 7| Wisdom - 11| ArcPower - 10 | Accuracy - 11+1 from Broom Racing

Stats once approved for 6th year: Stamina - 10| Evasion - 10| Strength - 9| Wisdom - 11| ArcPower - 10 | Accuracy - 11 +1 from Broom Racing
Link to your encyclopedia thread: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=164
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Lovely Creature
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Bloom is a young girl who has ongoing hormones and matured feminine qualities that are blossoming. Her beauty is well-known within her school, and has been distracting her peers. One peer that she had been distracting was Ben Eckenrode, who happened to be her first boyfriend at Hogwarts within her first year at Hogwarts. Later on, it would become so that her lovely appearance would be attracted by the Hufflepuff Damphir, Howard White.

Bloom's features are not necessarily flawless, but they are well-put together to create such a creature that is lovely in its existence. She has straight and relaxed chestnut brown hair with chocolate brown eyes to match. Her heart shaped face is complimented by small featured eyes and nose, but a large cat-like smile. She is petite in nature but has been growing tall for her age, now being 5 foot 4. Her small hour-glass figure has been slowly coming in throughout her latest years and has finally been matured into the young woman she is.

Bloom's personality coincides with that of a lovely creature. She never wants to hurt others and will put others first before her. She did have a moment recently during the Spring 2022 Blossom Ball where she had finally put herself first and took initiative after a classmate that she had been crushing on for some time. Her flirtatious smile and openness causes Bloom to be lovely in nature and distracting to many who walk her way.

A lot of the flirtatiousness that Bloom acquires not only comes naturally, but is also taught by her older sister, Claire, who is now a Healer at a wizarding hospital. As Bloom was getting acquainted in Hogwarts during her former years, her sister would help her understand the world of boys and how to remain attractive at all times, which was silly at first but a talent to successfully acquire and maintain later. It was a skill her sister had and shared with Bloom (along with Bloom's younger sister, Bella, who is now a third year at Hogwarts).

In addition to appearance and personality, Bloom's name resembles the epitome of what lovely creature stands for. Her name, Bloom, represents the blossoming of beautiful flowers; flowers that can be challenging to tear ones glances away from. To blossom, or bloom, can mean to open into something lovely and unique. Bloom shares these qualities as she blossoms herself into her own person-- her own self-being-- and becomes a lovely creature.

Word count: 400 words

Link to your encyclopedia thread: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=164
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Muggle Condition
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Bloom is considered a half-blood by birth. Her mother, Ashley, is a muggle and her father, Adam, is a half-blood wizard. The Silverton family lives within a muggle community and while magic is discussed within the home, their home is primarily dominated by muggle ways.

Chores around the house are done manually rather than with magic. Although Bloom's older sister would rather have the house cleaned in an instant using magic, their mother is keen on teaching her daughters that while magic is important, it is vital that they know how to live in a muggle world if need be that they remain with that part of them.

The Silverton's main form of transportation is by car. They have one car for the family to all use and it is often used by the mother, as the father uses magic to transport himself to the Ministry for work. When getting to one destination to another within London, a car is what is primarily used by most to all family members. For example, in January 2022, Bloom was dropped off at the nearby mall to meet a friend with her father driving the car. If need be, they would also use means of transportation such as buses and planes.

Economically, Bloom's family are on the lower-middle class. They make enough to feel comfortable in their financial state. However, they do not have any means to own more than they already have. This is the reason as to why they have only one car and use public transportation. While magic can help with lessening the financial burden (for example not needing to buy gas for the car), Bloom's parents are adamant about being true to the muggle way of living as that is the life they had chosen for themselves and their family. While Bloom's father works as a mail superintendent in the Ministry of Magic, Bloom's mother is a housekeeper who often finds herself cleaning multiple homes a day for cash. Bloom, on occasions during the summer and other breaks, has helped her mother with her work and cleaned homes manually.

Growing up in the muggle world, Bloom has a grasp and understanding of muggle culture. She has knowledge about sports, entertainment, politics and more. She did, prior to Hogwarts, attend a muggle school for her preschool and elementary school years as well, which allows her to conditionally understand and belong in the muggle culture.

When it comes to battle, Bloom does not think of using spells or potions first. She is the type to fight using her muggle instincts such as arms and legs. For example, during the Fall Ball 2021, Bloom did not attack a slug using magic, but rather kicked the living crap out of the slug instead.

Word count: 460 words

STATUS: Approved
Pending on Lovely Creature
Mod edit: The app is fine, I just want to confirm that you want Lovely Creature as your Sixth Year ability? Be aware that you only can backdate abilities. You would not be able to explain any other ability to be there because you are now sixth year.
Response to status: I've updated the Lovely Creature on July 17th, ready for review. It will be a part of Bloom's first year ability.
Last edited by Bloom Silverton on 18 Jul 2022, 04:35, edited 2 times in total.

Stamina - 10| Evasion - 11| Strength - 10| Wisdom - 11| ArcPower - 10 | Accuracy - 11
8 Jul 2022, 20:26
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Tadaaaaaaaa!
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Prodigal Charms Learner
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
IC Date is sometime during winter break
Clair perched on the end of her sister's bed as Belle flipped through the Charms textbook, it was going to be Clair's Second year at Hogwarts, soon. She had wanted to be ahead of the class, so she had gone to her sister for help.

Belle had agreed and was now pulling out her books from when she had attended Hogwarts.
"I remember this lesson." Belle said, pointing at the book, it was open to a singing charm,
"It was highly entertaining when I first learned it, It gone boring after a while sadly."

Clair almost toppled off the end of Belle's bed trying to see the book.
"I want to learn it! If i knew that, then it would be sooooooooo cool." She grinned, "and all the other first years, soon to be second years would be jealous of me!" She flung her arm back dramatically , as she did so she fell off the bed. Belle laughed along with Clair.

After righting herself Clair pointed at the book, "will you teach me it?"
Belle sighed, "But I can't teach you, your not allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts."
"well I don't need to do the magic, I can still practice, and use a stick or something."
Belle rubbed her face, "Honestly Clair, you can be such a pain in the butt."
Clair grinned, "Does that mean yes? You'll teach me?"
Belle sighed again, "No."
Clair made a sound that was something like a groan, and a growl.
"FINE!!" Belle gave in, "I'll help you learn!"
Clair pumped her arms in the air "HAHA! And the great Clair wins again!" This time she flopped backwards onto Belle's bed.
Belle piled up a bunch of books, "But here is the deal, take it or leave it. I will supply you with the books and the things you need to learn, but I will not let you use magic in is house, and I will not be teaching you."
Clair frowned, "I-" she stopped, "Fine I'll take the deal."
This time it was Belle's smile, " And the great Belle wins again!"
Clair made a face, "Ok shoo, I want to start reading these books." She pointed at the stack of books.
"Oh, and one more term." Belle added, "you've got to wait until July First to start learning."

Clair groaned "Whattttt? Thats no fair."
Belle smirked, "a deal is a deal!" And then she left the room, leaving Clair to flip through the books on her own.
(wc 420)

STATUS: Approved

8 Jul 2022, 22:08
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: The Muggle Condition

Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Ever since Avery was a young muggle-born boy of approximately four years old, he had been training as a violinist. His sense of coordination would only improve from then onwards, as his musical practice required quick reaction times, precise movements, and high accuracy. Playing an instrument was a very physical task; the violin required utmost dexterity in his fingers, hands, arms, shoulders, and core.

In the Chen muggle household, there was certainly no privilege of magical musical instruments that could either play on their own, or aid in one’s own physical practice. Avery would spend at least an hour practicing his craft every weekday, and even longer on weekends with lessons. It would take countless hours to master a piece, and play them from muscle memory: quick double stops upon which his bow bounced, rapid 16th notes that may require speedy bow draws, and harmonies that required careful placement of fingers on the fingerboard and precise bow angles. His wrist would move quickly to accentuate each vibrato, and his hands would run up and down the fingerboard to reach both high and low notes.

It was when he tried out for quidditch that he found himself excelling in his ability to accurately block quaffles and make successful passes in the role of second string keeper. At home, he hadn’t had much opportunity to test his hand in sports, but upon arriving on the quidditch field at Hogwarts, he felt that he had found his calling. For an underclassman who hadn’t played quidditch prior to Hogwarts, he seemed to do quite well, accurately navigating the space in the air and timing his tosses and blocks with precision. Perhaps his skills in violin playing, which required so much physical precision and accuracy, had something to do with the way he was able to react quickly with practiced movements in quidditch. Perhaps it was his patience to conduct repetitive movements over and over again that helped him excel in quidditch practice, which was also a task that took hours of repetitive drills.

Either way, Avery Chen was a very hands-on boy. He liked jumping to reach things; he liked throwing and catching things; he liked playing muggle video games that required him to accurately control movements and perfectly time which buttons to push; he liked the fact that his own body could so skillfully play a delicate instrument with such precision and emotion. So, these traits helped him excel in his physical performance in sports and other physical activities.

(WC 416)

STATUS: Approved
9 Jul 2022, 00:47
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Link
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: The Muggle Condition

Describe why this fits your character:
Lavinia Cloven found herself well acquainted with muggles, more so than many of her peers. She wasn’t a muggle-born, but had attended multiple years of muggle school. Her mother was a muggle-born and believed that it was important for her kids to have an understanding of life without magic. For years Lavinia went to that school, and even assumed that it would be the gateway to her future. She believed that she was a squib since at the ripe old age of 10, no magic had surfaced within her.

The only type of magic she had back then was a deck of cards, slight of hand, and a dream, if that counted of course. Card tricks and muggle magic became her escape, because if she couldn’t be a witch she’d be a muggle magician. However, that involved her mastering the muggle way of almost everything.

Just months after her 10th birthday, her real magic surfaced, but she never lost her muggle roots. In her second year she performed her muggle magic at a student run talent show within Hogwarts. Lavinia loved how she was able to take a skill and continue to improve upon it even when it was almost useless. It was her hobby and it always made her happy to learn another trick and fool another individual. During the summer between her 3rd and 4th year, Lavinia spent days practicing and improving her muggle magic, which even helped develop her keen eye.

Besides muggle magic, Lavinia plays quidditch which admittedly uses some wizarding magic. However, the bludgers, the snitch, and the flying brooms were the extent of it. She was a chaser and the only magical part of that position was the broom. At least once a game, Lavinia would find herself using her body to knock other players off their broom, and as far as she knew, that wasn’t magical. Quidditch was the one place that she felt confident in herself, and that was because she knew exactly what she was doing. She was knocking people off of brooms and throwing a ball into a hoop, something that utilized her skills she learned as a little kid.

Due to the fact that she had grown thinking she was a squib, Lavinia didn’t use her wand much outside of the classroom. She’d carry it with her as a form of protection, but wouldn’t use it unless it was absolutely necessary. If an argument broke out or a fight at the ball, she’d actually prefer to settle the muggle way with fists. During the tragic forest trip last summer, she actually pulled Bloom by the arm out of the forest, no spells necessary. For Lavinia muggles are her counterparts in the world and she is completely happy to embrace everything about them. Even though she is now a witch, she never really stopped being that squib kid who was friends with muggles.
WC: 483
STATUS: Approved

Lavinia | Irina
| STA: 10 | EVA: 16 | STR: 7 | WIS: 8 | ARCP: 6 | ACC: 20 |
Foulplay, Interception, Evasive Maneuvers, Keen Eye, and Muggle Condition
“One day at a time”
10 Jul 2022, 04:53
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: ency
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Non- human enthusiast
Describe why this fits your character:
Violet grew up in a family where studying and education was one, if not the most important virtue, therefore it was etremely important for each and everyone one of the Carrington children to be educated to their fullest so they could be seen as ''impressive'' and ''intelligent''. With that came learning things that the norm would not typically be required to learn.

The parents mainly focused on the children's interest, in Violet's case, it was everything about the field of magical creatures. Those that were not considered human, creatures like goblins, dhampirs, werewolves. She could spend hours in her family's or the Hogwarts library reading books about magical creatures, their anatomy, their powers, even small things like their habitat and environment, or the kind of food they consumed, all of this she chose to learn so that she could impress everyone, including her family with her knowledge.

Well that was at first. Later on, the slytherin started to grow a more genuine interest in them. She was still trying to impress everyone around her, however this time she was enjoying that task more and more. She told her feelings for magical creatures to her father, who was impressed by this and since he had quite a lot of knowledge about them himself, he started sending her letters every week, long letters about small interesting things he could find in books about dhampirs, veelas, goblins, parselmouths, metamorphomagi and many other magical beings.

On her second year, Violet could not stop talking to her friends (which was basically just her pet frog) about how excited she was about learning about magical creatures in COMC in her third year. Violet had bought all the books and was also paying even more attention and effort than usual in Defense Against the Dark Arts, taking notes about small details that were not really necessary but were yet etremely fascinating for her.

In the end of her second year, with the information Violet had gathered in notebooks, she decided to make diary - no, more like a journal. Yes, a journal where she stored all her information in an organized and orderly way in which she could find easily, because, who knows? In her imagination she would, one day, find a magical creature and would need to open her journal in a hurry, might as well make it easy to search? However second year Violet wouldn't have known that this small token which showed how much dedication she was using on her research would later on be with her at all timeswhenever and wherever she was.

WC: 430
STATUS: Approved

11 Jul 2022, 16:52
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
encyclopedia link. can be found here

name of ability being applied for. lovely creature

stamina. 9
evasion. 11
strength. 4
wisdom. 10
arcane power. 7
accuracy. 10

describe why this fits your character. OOG, this app has come about because I changed Aly's FC. IG, here goes:
All of the beauty in Aly Salinger's life of fourteen years had always been found in her flowers.

The curly-haired soon-to-be-fourth-year could never be found without at least one blossom or two on her person, whether they be woven into her hair, tucked in her bag, or clasped in her hand, ready to be given to someone else in the hopes of making their day a little more bright. As for Aly herself, she supposed that she had always been cute, in the way that everyone in her class was cute - a round porcelain face covered in hundreds (maybe even thousands) of freckles, her father's green eyes and brown ringlets of curls, a smile that was more so happy than beautiful. Her boyfriend, Aaron, thought that she was pretty - he'd said so, on more than one occasion.

But Aly wasn't the kind of girl people stopped to stare at in the halls. She wasn't drop-dead gorgeous, handsome, lovely, perfect.

She had her flaws, just like everyone else. Her smile was lopsided, and too wide when excited. Her face, round. The freckles peppering her skin made her look perpetually younger than she really was, and with age came acne, mixing into her freckles like little red versions. Her curls sometimes lay too flat or puffed up too frizzy. Nobody was always beautiful - especially from a family where beauty took the backseat when compared to good grades and athleticism. Aly's mother Hesper had always, always laughed in the face of vanity, impressing upon her daughter the importance of being smart and sporty instead of "vapid" and "vain." She could wear heels and makeup when she was older. Much, much older. For now, school came first.

But with the tail end of Aly's third year came the typical teenage-girl desire to be more, to want more. She had, somehow, convinced her mother Hesper to send her a pair of low heels for the Midspring Festival, and she'd then worn them again on her birthday; she had started to care more about her appearance, especially when going to meet up with Aaron for dates. Aly wanted to live up to this image of her that he had seen at the Festival - pink and flowery and beautiful - and if that meant she was vain, so be it.

The real change, however, happened over the summer. Aly's secret relationship with Aaron was discovered, and a furious Hesper - enraged that her daughter had disobeyed her direct order to stay away from boys in order to focus on school and Quidditch - sent Aly away to live with her cousin, Jessica Alluring, and her family. Of course, that family included Durmstrang student Charles Alluring - her age, but a year ahead of her in school due to Durmstrang's different rules about when students began their education. Going through his own alienation from the high-society pureblood ways of his family, Charles' own fixation on beauty and makeup was exactly what Aly needed to complete the last phase of her transformation from cute, albeit somewhat homely, third-year to a fourth-year that people would stare at in the halls. They quickly bonded, learning from and sharing with each other.

Her emerald eyes brightened further with shimmery shadow and a thin flick of eyeliner. Her smile accentuated with a natural, pinkish-red lipstick. Her freckles paled, albeit still visible, under some light powder and blush. Not needing makeup, her face became slightly less round over the summer - that was just the way of growing up. It was all quite natural, in no way excessive, though Hesper certainly wouldn't feel that way; but Aly... oh, she was thrilled. She still looked like herself, mostly... it wasn't like she was an entirely different person or anything!

Finally, though, she was lovely. And with outer beauty, her inner beauty could only shine through more.

Word Count: 636
Permission of Aaron mention was given by his player. Storyline with Charles Alluring (Henry Knight NPC) is ongoing; permission was also given.
preferred coding. here is the coding for the entire ability section of my trunk!

Code: Select all

[size=110][b][u]the abilities.[/u][/b][/size]
[i]charmer.[/i] [url=]x[/url]
[i]keeper's catch.[/i] [url=]x[/url]
[i]paragon of health.[/i] [url=]x[/url]
[i]lovely creature.[/i] [url=LINK TO THIS POST]x[/url]
Thank you!

STATUS: Approved

I was tame, I was gentle -
ency ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎ 'til the circus life made me mean ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎ iNPC
who's afraid of little old me?
12 Jul 2022, 02:43
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
LINK to Encyclopedia: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=10215#p151671

Ability: Wand Maker

Chestnut & Phoenix Feather Wand

Origin: Valentin Schnell gave Aida this wand in 2022, months after his guardian, Leonid Shaykhlislamov, gave it to him when he was hospitalized in April. Leonid gave it to the white seeker after hearing that chestnut was a good match for natural fliers, but in the end, the pairing was not to be. This ancient, very expensive wand (debited from the Schnell Estate’s vault) had been handed down through the generations, but it went to show that even a heap of coin paired with a dash of consideration was not a cure for Val’s dysfunctional relationship with magic. Valentin always had more than a little problem with finding a comfortable wand. Of all the wands he’d had to try out, this was the most unsuitable. Bulbous, gnarly, honey-brown… it just didn’t sit right with him. The way it wanted to cast was so languid and disharmonious that, once, he had yeeted it into a corner brazier out of discontent with being a wizard. Luckily, the wand survived. In its core, it was just waiting to rise from the ashes of unsuitable owners and find itself in the hands of its true chosen one. [191]

Chestnut Wood: Aida always knew they were born to work with beasts. It was the only thing that ever really made sense, and Magizoology in particular promised Aida to be a career that wasn’t fundamentally pointless. The white wix always had a way with creatures and usually felt more comfortable around non-humans than their own kind. When this wand found its wix, it bonded with Aida immediately because they both fundamentally were made to fight for the lives and freedom of beasties great and small. [83]

Phoenix Feather Core: The phoenix feather core in this wand, together with the character of its protective wood itself, did not appreciate Valentin’s rushed approach to casting. This wand had a mind of its own, which Val was expecting, but they had vastly different priorities. Aida, on the other hand, was happy to take the time the wand needed to refine the power and control behind its spells. Aida met the wand’s independent spirit as one would meet a friend, with the spirit that their diversity made them stronger together. Ultimately, while Aida and Valentin were both extremely stubborn creatures, it was only Aida who was stubborn about the same things as this wand. [111]

Wand Length: 10 inches (26.6 cm). Another reason Valentin hated this wand was that it was too damn short. The star seeker was dramatic and attention-seeking, lively and chaotic, bursting with dreams that clawed against the limits of what a boy could hope to accomplish in one lifetime. Aida, on the other hand, was comparatively meek and subdued. Certainly Aida would fight for what they believed in with a tenacity that would rival the erosion of stone by the tide… but in regards to most things, Aida just didn’t care. Aida had very select priorities, like Val, and they were both patient about accomplishing their goals. It's just that Aida didn't get flustered as dramatically. Certainly a heroic streak burned beneath Aida’s surface, but during times of peace, Aida was usually content enough to haunt the duelling piste or the library rather than go out of the way to cause trouble. [149]

Wand Flexibility: Whippy. Valentin hated how long the wand took to cast its spells partly because of how downright floppy it was. It swirled around luxuriously as if it needed to do an interpretive dance every time it needed to cast even a basic spell. Aida found this idiosyncrasy cute and charming, often playing with its sloshy, liquid style. It gave the wix a feeling of pizazz in magic that they had felt sorely lacking in their previous wand. The chaos it added to every maneuver was just fine by Aida, as they found it brought out the personality of its unpredictable phoenix feather core. [103]

STATUS: Approved

★ Valentin's Ency ☆ ☄ койрыклы йолдыз килә-ә ☄ ☽ Aida's Ency ☾