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30 Jan 2021, 14:16
Valentines Dinner

Name: Galton Lansdale
Year: 3rd
Gender of Character: Boy
Gender Seeking: I want to be the one seeking
Crush: my opponents

Galton may think this is for a game of hide and seek
30 Jan 2021, 22:37
Valentines Dinner
Name: Scott Alexander
Year: Fourth
Gender of Character: Male
Gender Seeking: Any
Crush: N/A, an iNPC
Signed up as moral support for Alan Vanes, does not realise the romance of it all yet.

The biggest thing you can say is 'elephant'
Stamina: 10 | Evasion: 7 | Strength: 11 | Wisdom: 8 | Arcane Power: 6 | Accuracy: 8
31 Jan 2021, 22:04
Valentines Dinner
Name: "Elaine Pendrast"
Year: "N/A - Adult"
Gender of Character: "Female"
Gender Seeking: "Male, I believe"
Crush: "N/A"
Note: Elaine has given me permission to sign her up for this OOC (whether or not this was given IC is up to her. Either way, Hjørdis has totally signed her up IC but whether or not Elaine knows that is up to her too). This form will have been filled in IC with Hjørdis using what she knows.

Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects, and discovering other people's weaknesses.
STA: 15 | EVA: 9 | STR: 2 | WIS: 20 | AP: 10 | ACC: 14
Sixth Sense | Evasive Maneuvers | Perfectionist | Poison Resistance
31 Jan 2021, 22:16
Valentines Dinner
Name: "Glen Pope"
Year: "4th"
Gender of Character: "Male? what does that matter?"
Gender Seeking: "??? how is that relevant?"
Crush: "What crush? I don't plan on crushing the food."
OOC Note: Glen just signed up for free (special) food and has completely tuned out/missed what the event's about. The "..." things are what he put down IC. (If there's too many people, please discard him signing up.)

Without love, it cannot be seen. ~ うみねこのなく頃に
Stamina: 10 | Evasion: 14 | Strength: 7 | Wisdom: 11 | Arcane Power: 5 | Accuracy: 8
Keen Eye | Fearless | Spell Spread | Advanced Casting | Impartial
31 Jan 2021, 22:26
Valentines Dinner
Name: "Marcus Iwasaki"
Year: "N/A - Adult"
Gender of Character: "Male"
Gender Seeking: "Female, I believe"
Crush: "N/A"
Note: Marcus gave me permission to sign him up for this if another professor is needed for matching purposes. If it's not needed, please feel free to ignore this as he IC will prefer not to attend. He's just OOC offering if it makes matching easier at all. If this happens then assume Nora filled it out IC with what she knows (whether Marcus knows it was her, if he was tricked into it or doesn't know etc, is all up to him).

Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects, and discovering other people's weaknesses.
STA: 15 | EVA: 9 | STR: 2 | WIS: 20 | AP: 10 | ACC: 14
Sixth Sense | Evasive Maneuvers | Perfectionist | Poison Resistance
31 Jan 2021, 23:06
Valentines Dinner
In several cases a crush was written on a slip of paper by one student only to have their crush write their paramour's name. A sweet sentiment, that each had the other in their heart even if they had not yet found the courage to share this truth. Of course, in other cases friends or even half of the partnership would write their names on both slips and toss them into the cauldron. Those unseen tethers that bound two hearts together were being meddled with. The cauldron would bubble and spit, while not sentient, there was a universal law being broken.
1. Elena Jangleton -- Lamik Fillestar
2. Aspen Summers -- Hiram Kantor
3. Katrina Walker -- Adonis Thorn
4. Haley Rose -- Simon Kincaid
5. Kara Capricorn -- Cassandra Ironwoods
6. Ami Procoppio -- Breana Oliveire
7. Callista Lovis -- Annie Morgan
8. Katniss Bang -- Verner Llf
9. Elias Weare -- Thomas Baines
10. Willow Anderson -- Astrea Soleil Neptune
11. Katie Palsorette -- Siobhán Moore
Some pairings would work out, if only because there was a binary option -- the claim that both felt affection for the other. In some cases that they were even going steady. Then there were others, who had admirers, perhaps even admitted one another, but there was an outside third party that was interested in at least one of the potentially happy members of a couple.
12. Kazuo Shimada -- Percival Rainwood [Third wheel: Michael Miller -- Percy Rainwood]
13. Jack Burnett -- Flash Holmwood [Third wheel: Opeila Winters -- Flash Holmwood]
14. Henry Knight -- Alexa Mackenzie [Third wheel: Henry Llewellyn -- Henry Knight]
15. Natalie Mock -- Eliza Corrids [Third wheel: Candace Rovin Dykstra -- Natalie Mock]
16. Rafael D'Spacito -- Lydia Cooper [Third wheel: Jackson "Jeremy" Valentine -- Rafael D'Spacito] [Fourth wheel: Katherine Labrouder -- Rafael D'Spacito] [Fifth wheel: Martyna 'Tina' Romero -- Rafael D'Spacito]
17. Maya Galim -- Aleksander Ostrowski [Third wheel: Robyn Finley -- Maya "Babe" Galim]
18. Elaine Pendrast -- Leonardo Chiadovini [Third wheel: Marcus Iwasaki -- Elaine Pendrast]
19. Thomas Lestrange -- Jack "Ya Boi" Warren [Third wheel: Maria Dee -- Thomas LeStrange]
20. May Moonstar -- Heinrich Bezuidenhout [Third wheel: Valencia Deathstout -- Heinrich Bezuidenhout]
21. Reid Kovacs -- Delilah Stewart [Third wheel: Phaedra Stavrou -- Reid Kovacs, maybe Del too]
22. Serena Towers -- Glen Pope [Third wheel: Amadea Campbell -- the both of them] [Fourth wheel: Rosalie Rutherford -- Glen Pope]
Some left vague notions -- a boy... a girl... let fate decide who because there was nobody in their heart or at the very least nobody that actually signed up. Of course there was a problem, there were by a grand margin more girls than boys. That was just how it was at this school, perhaps the wizarding gene is X-Y associated.
23. Zykeal Lane -- Taylor Haywood [Third wheel: Anastasia Beckett -- Zykeal Lane] [Fourth wheel: Paige Chase -- Zykeal Lane] [Fifth wheel: Aly Salinger -- Zykeal Lane]
24. Allister-Jameson "AJ" MacAllister -- Bloom Silverton [Third wheel: Everly Charlton] [Fourth wheel: Lindsey Springhall -- Allister-Jameson "AJ" MacAllister]
25. Jacob Hawthorne -- Jess Malters [Third wheel: Elisabeth Erner -- Jacob Hawthorne] [Fourth wheel: Callie Jensen -- the both of them don't look bad]
26. Piérre Luigi Marchonné - Piper Clark [Third wheel: Lavinia Cloven -- Piérre Luigi Marchonné] [Fourth wheel: Akari Kato -- Piérre Luigi Marchonné]
27. Jacob Harman -- Evelyn Decipio [Third wheel: Galton Lansdale -- the both of them] [Fourth wheel: Calanthe Choi -- Jacob Harman] [Fifth wheel: Gia I. Adelard -- Galton Lansdale]
28. Scott Alexander -- Logan Baird [Third wheel: Griseldis Edelhardt - Scott Alexander] [Fourth wheel: [Bailey Glade -- Scott Alexander]
29. Dealla Prince -- Santario Martin
30. Andrew Parra -- Stanley Buttons
30. Alan Vanes -- Serena Bowen [Third wheel: Wren Caster -- both of them are kinda cute...] [Fourth wheel: Jennifer King - Alan 'hot buns' Vanes] [Fifth wheel: Grace Ivanka Yu -- Alan Vanes]
31. Thea Knott -- Scarlett Aden [Third wheel: Autumn Ivy -- both of them are pretty hot]
There was one more left. They worked together. They both had a common interest in terms of love (Andrew Vance). Perhaps a love match can still be made.
32. Tyranni Whitethron -- Dan Palmer [Third wheel: Søren Silverwood -- both of them]
A malfunction perhaps, some of these pairs look absolutely terrible. The cauldron would spit out the pairings. Some where not pairs, but rather groups. In some cases pairs could not be determined. Some, well many young men would find themselves faced with a small grouping of expectant or hesitant young women. In a setting of third wheels and unlikely pairings, we know one thing for certain. While the sorting hat might never be wrong, the same could not be said for the cauldron.

Look in the Astro area for thread starters over the next hour.

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.