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11 Dec 2019, 05:46
Open or Private
I hope this is the right place to put this, sorry if it's not!

In the forums, I see a little tan, faded looking tag on the different topics, that say "Open" or "Private". How do I add that to my own topic, so people know that it's open for anyone? I've been trying to figure it out, but I can't see the option for it.

Thank you in advance, to whoever is able to help me with this! ^_^

Make sense? Why?

11 Dec 2019, 06:05
Open or Private
Hello! You just do it like this

[open] [pv]

Just add those little brackets around it and it'll make a tag.

chill babe. we're all bad in someone's story.

11 Dec 2019, 13:53
Open or Private
Thank you very much ^_^

Make sense? Why?