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1 Sep 2019, 17:13
Ilvermorny NPC  iNPC Registry 

This is a thread that is used to submit applications and updates for iNPCs in Ilvermorny.
You can find an up-to-date roster for this school here: viewtopic.php?t=17010 If you notice anything that is inaccurate, reach out to an admin (a Head of House, the Deputy Headmaster or the Headmaster).
Restrictions to Creating an iNPC:
  1. Ilvermorny has very few half-bloods, but they have many purebloods, wizard borns and muggle borns. You cannot create an Ilvermorny iNPC that is a halfblood.
  2. Any iNPC that you create needs to be the same year as you are presently.
  3. Any iNPC that you create must be fully human.
Application for iNPCs:
Name: Nothing from the sacred 28, no plagiarizing names from other fandoms.
School: Ilvermorny
Year: Must be the same year as you are presently.
Status: Muggleborn, Halfblood, Wizardborn, Pureblood
Appearance: Please give a short description (at least 2 sentences) about what they look like and provide an avatar or a banner that shows their physical appearance. This picture or avatar is what you would be using in your posts where you are posting as your iNPC to clearly indicate that you are posting as your NPC not your PC.
Personality: Please give a brief description (at least 2 sentences) about their personality. If their personality is that they are a 'crazy person' or some sort of psychopath with a long list of disorders... please make a new personality because it will not be accepted. We do expect the personality to be something that can interface with other players and if they do have a mental or a physical handicap that it is done by a well-informed writer that will do so respectfully.
History: We are looking for at least 200 words describing their history. This is their life, their family. Their upbringing. This is separate from their personality and their appearance. This is not their ambitions or aspirations, this is the story of their life and the story of their life being reduced to a mere few hundred words should not be able to give their life justice. We want a well-thought out character. Please remember, they do not have awesome special powers that nobody else has. We do need a few sentences on their first magic as well.
Is your character a Broom Racer? This applies if you are any of the four schools. Players with an already created NPC from can state that their iNPC is a broom racer. Your sport choice (broom racing, quidditch, dueling) for your NPC can be the same as your PC. This is a binary YES/NO.
Is your character a Quidditch Player? This applies if you are any of the four schools. Players with an already created NPC from can state that their iNPC is a quidditch player. Your sport choice (broom racing, quidditch, dueling) for your NPC can be the same as your PC. This is a binary YES/NO.
Is your character a Duelist? This applies if you are any of the four schools. Players with an already created NPC from can state that their iNPC is a duellist. Your sport choice (broom racing, quidditch, dueling) for your NPC can be the same as your PC. This is a binary YES/NO.
Stats: They should add up to what you can have for your year if you were human. So if you have a Veela player character, your NPC does get the full stats you would have had if you were human. Wins from games (quidditch, broom racing, dueling) by your player character or NPC are also applied to your other account.
Abilities: To be accepted they must be written out fully and approved. This is a full application.
Application for iNPC Updates:
NPC Name:
Link: link to NPC page
Year: list the year your NPC should be
Stats: if you're updating stats, please put your stats here
Abilities: if you're applying for a new ability, please add that here
Extracurricular: include if they are a duellist/quidditch player/broom racer or none
Content Changes: Any updates to history/personality/etc will go here. Please provide detail on what exactly is changing and why.
Trunk Coding: please place here any special coding you want for your trunk. keep it simple
Note: You do not need to apply for aestethic changes of your character post, you can update that at your leisure.

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

12 Jun 2024, 17:41
Ilvermorny NPC  iNPC Registry 
NPC Name: Andrew Lycan
Link: here
Year: Going into Sixth
Stamina: 14
Evasion: 9
Strength: 16
Wisdom: 5
Arcane Power: 14
Accuracy: 7
Total points: 65 (+5 due to dueling wins (x, x, x, x, x)
Fifth Year Ability- Wandmaker
Are you a wandmaker? No, not at all but someone in your life is or was. You have either come upon some big money and acquired a very particular wand or you have been gifted a wand, perhaps from a distant family member. You have a new wand, one that truly has chosen you. Or perhaps the wand that you first came across in Ollivander's has bonded with you deeply. Regardless of the reasoning, the link that you have with your wand is much stronger than that of a typical wizard.

Restriction: None

Effect: You get a new wand, this will be updated on your profile by an administrator (please contact a Head of House or the Headmaster once this ability has been approved) one and only one time with this ability. You cannot purchase this ability more than once and get multiple wands or derive the beneficial effect of more than one wand.

Wood Flavor/Effects:
Flavor: Users of this wand when casting spells tend to instill less terror and more trust in their allies that right will be done by them. Enemies do not share this sentiment.

Core Flavor/Effects:
Flavor: When their owner is passionate about something, the spells that successfully go off tend to be more dramatic. There is often audible explosions, brighter lights, whooshing sound effects. This is an example of this core's characteristic flamboyance.

• Dragon Like Power: +3 to arcane power when casting spells with this wand.
• Accident Prone: 5% chance that the intended spell will rebound on the caster. Non-targeted spells such as counters, healing, and some utility spells that have no target or are self-targeting cannot rebound. This is not prevented by the Perfectionist ability.
Ever since his parents had been taken to Azkaban, Drew was determined to prove their innocence. His father worked for law enforcement, for goodness' sake- how could he do something so horrible to end up in Azkaban?

The only helpful thing that he was able to find was his father's journal, which he felt guilty reading. Thankfully, and helping him feel less guilty, it rarely had emotional entries- most were related to his job, or projects, or notes he jotted down. But in reading the many entries of the journal, he had just gotten to a part where his father mentioned "the box." According to the entries, the box was a gift from Drew's grandfather- his mother's father. It was long, narrow, and black, with golden accents and no information on how to open it.

Drew found this box intriguing, and scanned the journal for any mentions of it. Even if it didn't have anything to do with the search for his parents, it was interesting nevertheless.

Spell after spell, through all his father's research, and even potions on occasion, Alexander Lycan could not find out how to open the box.

Drew sat back in his seat. The box had to be in here somewhere. He put the journal down on the desk, and with the description in mind, started looking in all the drawers of his father's desk. He tried to leave everything where he found it, but if his father ever sat in this desk again, he would definitely know that Drew had gone through it- the blonde was not a careful or dainty type.

And then, he found it. It had to be the same box- it fit the description perfectly. A black wooden box with golden accents, long and narrow. Drew placed it on the desk, looking at it.

He squinted at the box. "What are you?" he asked.

Then, the box opened, the top half peeling back as if on hinges.

"That's your grandfather's wand," he heard a voice say.

Drew jumped, turning in his chair to see his grandmother. His relationship with his grandmother was slightly tense ever since she had kept from him that his parents were in Azkaban, but he refused to dwell on it too much, especially since he was so engrossed in his search for his parents. "What?" he asked.

She entered the room, standing next to him as they both looked at the box. She was right- a wand lay within the box. "It used to be your grandfather's. It was in his will to your father after he died, but Alexander could never figure out how to open it. How did you do it?" she asked, in awe.

"I... I didn't. I just found it and put it down."

"English Oak and Romanian Longhorn Dragon Heartstring," Lucianna said. "Twelve inches, and flexible. He had it personally made for him. English Oak favors the strong, loyal and courageous. It chooses casters with intuition and an affinity with creatures and plants. It must have chosen... you."

The wand did chose him. He picked it up, analyzing it.

English Oak favored the strong, brave, and loyal. Drew was strong, not only physically, but in his emotional capacity. He always stood up for a friend, even if it got him in trouble. Even his first instance of magic was protecting a friend from a bully. He was brave, almost to a fault, often diving headfirst into things, even when they were dangerous. (There were numerous times when broom racing that he probably should have slowed down to get past an obstacle, but was convinced he could get through. It probably wasn't the best idea at the time, but it definitely proved his bravery.) And though he never was the best at school, Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures were two of his favorite classes. He always thought it was because they were more hands-on classes than lecture classes, but now that he thought about it, he probably did have an affinity for the natural world. Not to mention his bond with his dog, Buddy.

As for Dragon Heartstring, which favored powerful wizards, Drew supposed this suited him much more than any other wand core. Unicorn Tail Hair wands were consistent, and Phoenix Feather wands produced a variety of spells, but Dragon Heartstring focused more on power. Drew, always more prone to large and impressive spells rather than complicated and specific ones, he cared much more about power than variety or consistency. That may have also been why he chose broom racing rather than dueling or Quidditch- dueling took too much variety of spells and consistency, and Quidditch had too many rules. He would much rather just get on a broom and use his strength and power. Romanian Longhorns were bold and stubborn, and those traits were reflected in Drew. Like his search for his parents, he refused to give up on anything he put his mind to, even if it meant doing horrendous things like researching.

It was longer for a wand, though not an absurd length. This also was appropriate for Drew- shorter wands favored the refined, and longer wands preferred the flamboyant and dramatic. Loving to joke around with his friends, over-exaggerating most situations for humor, and enjoying flamboyant shows of arcane power and strength, a longer wand made more sense for Drew. Perhaps more length held more power, as opposed to more concentrated power, or perhaps this was just one of the mysterious qualities of wands, but it felt good as he turned it over in his hand. The length made it the perfect length in his hand- as he held it, the balance point was perfect.

Though it didn't bend in his hand, it wasn't solid either- he would describe it as flexible. Drew tried to be a friendly and open-minded person, never wanting to be so set in his ways that he missed out or was seen as cruel, but he could also be quite stubborn when it came to things that he was determined about. So he supposed even the nature of flexibility of the wood suited him- not too bendy to be a doormat, not too rigid to never admit he was wrong.

"Well? Give it a swish," Drew's grandmother encouraged.

Drew glanced to her, and then back to the wand. "Maybe you should stand back a little?"

She did step back, though she didn't look scared in the slightest. Seeing as the wand had already seemed to have chosen him by allowing the enchanted box to open, she must have doubted that anything crazy would have happened by testing the wand out.

He gave it a swish, and the entire room seemed to light up from the wand, making a low humming sound. He even felt his feet lifting off the ground slightly. As the wand's reaction died down, he turned to his grandmother. "I suppose that means it did choose me. But... why didn't it open itself to my father? He's strong, and brave, and loyal, and everything you said."

His grandmother shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure. But as a very wise wizard once said, the wand chooses the wizard. You may keep it, if you like. Just be careful- it is quite powerful, and you may have bigger results than you originally hope for."

Drew nodded. "Thank you," he said, sitting back down in the office chair of his father, and admiring his new wand.

Word Count: 1244

Length: 12 inches/30.48cm (Word Count: 103)
Flexibility: Flexible (Word Count: 73)
Wood: English Oak (Word Count: 157)
Core: Dragon Heartstring - Romanian Longhorn (Word Count: 110)

OOC Note: His parents are not truly in Azkaban, this is just what he has been led to believe. The words included in the word count for each component of the wand are underlined.

Extracurricular: Broom Racer (not a change)
Content Changes: n/a
Trunk Coding: doesn't truly matter, the ability can just be left consistent with the others.