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30 Jun 2021, 23:11
Werner Schmeikl  Durmstrang 
Name: Werner Schmeikl

School: Durmstrang

Year: 1st year

Blood Status: Pure-Blood


A small, rather elfish boy with white hair, icy blue eyes, and pale skin. He has a thin face, a pretty average nose, and perfect eyebrows. He is very thin and short for his age, and has small hands and feet. Although he's ten, he looks about eight, maybe even younger.

Personality: A quiet, shy, 'soft' boy who loves bird-watching. He is very patient and has a shy smile. He prefers to be alone when he can and likes classical music. Werner is the kind to just simply 'take it', and never tries to fight back or stand up for himself. He's timid, but is protective of his close family and friends.

History: Werner grew up in a boisterous, large family (6 children- not including him). His mother loved children- his father did not. His father, Jax Schmeikl, preferred to stay away from home for the majority of the year, but took a liking to Werner and taught him how a lot of Muggle contraptions and magical contraptions worked. The nine of them lived alright until Werner turned eight- they sank into poverty. Jax couldn't take it anymore with all of the annoying children, took the oldest child, Jax Jr., and the second younger girl, Liesel, and left, leaving Werner's mother, Paula, to provide for the rest of the children on her own.
Werner, now, was the oldest child in the family. He helped out as much as he could, scavenging food, earning money, and watching out for his younger siblings. Life was hard, but they just managed to struggle through.
Werner would go around town, dragging two younger brothers along with him to search for food along the streets and collect what money they could. He taught them what his father had taught him (or tried to), and together, they spend their time outside the house.
Then, Werner received the letter from Durmstrang. His whole family (minus the father and the two siblings that left) was overjoyed (sad too, on behalf of his mother), and they bade him farewell as he left for the school.

First Instance of Magic: His sister had found something in the trash can.
"Werner- look! What's that?" She had yelled.
"I'm not going in there. Can't you smell that?" He was disgusted by the fumes of cow poop mingled with other rotten smells. This was by far the smelliest trash can ever.
"No, but look- I think it's a wad of money, what about you?"
"I said I'm not getting it out."
"Wait- that's not money. I think that's a book." Just then- the something started moving. Like a bullet, it shot out of the can, magically, bouncing off the alley wall, landing at Werner's feet.
It wasn't money.
It wasn't a book, either.

Their eyesight must've been terrible, for it was cow poop.

Hence, his first instance of magic was being able to retrieve cow poop from a soiled trash can without touching anything.

Is your character a Broom Racer? No.

Is your character a Quidditch Player? No.

Stats: |Sta: 5 |Eva: 5 |Str: 5 |Wis: 9 |Arc:7 |Acc: 4|

Abilities: None.

viva la vida

30 Jun 2021, 23:11
Werner Schmeikl  Durmstrang 
Is your character a Broom Racer? No.

Is your character a Quidditch Player? No.

Stats: |Sta: 5 |Eva: 5 |Str: 5 |Wis: 9 |Arc:7 |Acc: 4|

Abilities: None.

Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects, and discovering other people's weaknesses.
STA: 15 | EVA: 9 | STR: 2 | WIS: 20 | AP: 10 | ACC: 14
Sixth Sense | Evasive Maneuvers | Perfectionist | Poison Resistance