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30 Jul 2021, 17:57
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
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Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Ability: Blindvision

Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Avery has very acute hearing thanks to his intensive practice of music and his love of practicing music in the dark, where he felt he could focus more on his music. In turn, his familiarity with moving around in the dark has given him the Blindvision ability.

He grew up around music: While pregnant, his mother would often play Mozart, as that was often thought to increase mental acuity while a fetus was developing during pregnancy. As a Classical musician herself, she would often take Avery to various concerts where he played with the children of other musicians. From a young age, he could distinguish pieces by scale and tempo, and developed very sensitive hearing that would later contribute to his ability to navigate in the dark. When he's concentrating hard on his part in orchestra with his eyes closed, he can hear every squeak or mistake that his orchestra mates are playing (shudder).

The young boy would often stay up late at night to practice violin to complete his daily allotted hours for practice. This practice would often take place after completing homework and focusing on other studies during the day. In the dark, he found that he was more attuned to his music, and better able to concentrate on the movements of his fingers on the violin, the movement of his bow, and better commit the movements to muscle memory with his intensive focus. As such, he would often practice music this way and spent much of his time in the dark, causing him to be accustomed to moving around and operating in the dark, even while pacing around a dark room while playing the violin.

His ability to know where things are in the dark has been a blessing and a curse, though somehow it only seems to work best when his eyes are purposefully closed or when he is surrounded by darkness. His vision impairs his Blindvision ability (as I understand that it only works in the dark and when he's not supposed to be able to see something). However, his Blindvision ability does not enable him to sense things that are outside his physical field of vision, of course, since it only enhances the senses that are within the scope of possible vision.

With these heightened auditory senses enhanced by the dimming of his vision, he is thus able to distinguish between reality and illusion and navigate in the dark.

Word count: 405

STATUS: Approved
Blindvision is not a superpower that gives you the ability to sense waves. Best example for that is Toph from Avatar, the ability does not work like the bending of Toph. Blindvision in our lore is simply a better adaption to darkness. That you possibly played in caves a lot, in the dungeons or that you in general never liked the sun and played rather during rainy days.

AVERY UPDATE: I've edited out the sensing of waves. It is only his musician's acute hearing that helps him navigate in the dark now, and his familiarity with darkness since he practices music in the dark.
Last edited by Avery Chen on 17 Aug 2021, 15:49, edited 3 times in total.
30 Jul 2021, 19:58
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: click here
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Prodigal Charms Learner
Describe why this fits your character:

After several months of depression that were caused by the accident that led to Hildegard's disabilities, the girl had lost the ability to run and play outside like the other kids.
Her parents worried about their daughter tried to get her some hobbies in order for her to have fun and be able to play like kids should do.
It was hard, her father tried to take her to the nearest quidditch matches but that did not seem to interest her much.
After several attempts however they got her to take interest in duelling, every time she could assist to a duel they let her do so.
One hobby led to another and she was now interested in charms and spell, she was reading about it days and nights using magazines and books, she even got her hand on "Book of Spells" from Miranda Goshawk which she read before coming to Hogwarts. She often played "casting spell" at that time.

Because of the Laws of the Wizarding world she was not able to learn charms and actually practice before being at Hogwarts however Hildegard practiced everything she was allowed to.
Wand movement, spelling of incantation, concentration, every step of casting a spell to the point that she was certain that if she was allowed to she would succeed any basic charms like Lumos or Wingardium Leviosa.

At age 10 she already knew by heart the incantation, and movements of the charms that were the most basics.
It did not mean she could use them, but she was sure she could all she needed was a real wand, and to be allowed to at least try.
She even had her own list of favorite charms, like the mending charm she loved it because she thought it was the most useful charm of them all, and the Memory Charm which believed should become a unforgivable curse.
And a list of the ones she was not really fund of, like Alohomora which she believed would be only useful when dealing with muggle's locks. Or the Dancing Feet Spell which she consider to be for wizards who really had nothing else to do of their days.

All those years of her being restricted to try to cast a spell led Miss Schneider to want to learn charms ahead of what her current year would want to teach her, learn to actually cast them that is.

Word Count: 401
Stamina: 4
Evasion: 0
Strength: 4
Wisdom: 10
Arcane Power: 10
Accuracy: 7
STATUS: Approved

Stamina: 4 Evasion: 0 Strength: 4 Wisdom: 10
Arcane Power: 10 Accuracy: 7 Prodigal charm learner
31 Jul 2021, 17:01
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to ency | portkey
Name of ability | Perfectionist (year 2 ability slot)
Describe why this fits your character |
Lucia wouldn't really call herself a perfectionist.

Sure, she could get stuck endlessly on tiny things and sometimes didn't get the big picture, but that didn't make her a perfectionist, right? Sometimes she did completely the opposite, like with her Transfiguration homework when she had to do some kind of maths equation she didn't understand, at which point she would just put down any random number she thought looked right. It was a different story in some other subjects, though. If she got stuck on a question in Astronomy, she would stay there while everyone else moved on. Sure, she might never finish the paper and beat herself up about it afterwards, but at least she got that one really annoying question right.

When she was little, Lucia's mother, Ebony, would sometimes set aside colouring books for her daughters to complete. Two-year-old Willow would scribble and drool over the paper before getting bored and crawling off to do her own thing, seven-year-old Briar would methodically fill in the paint-by-numbers, and eight-year-old Lucia... well. She would spend far too long making sure that every line was drawn in the correct direction, that the edges were never coloured over, that everything was perfect. Even if this was all ruined after she proudly scribbled her 'signature' across the bottom.

Upon the start of her second year at Hogwarts, she was encouraged by Briar to sign up for the Hufflepuff duelling team, and after a few days of consideration and constant overthinking she was finally convinced by the fact that her two best friends had signed up. What followed became more than a game to Lucia. It was a sport, and though it looked barbaric on the outside and, even after a year's worth of practise and matches, Lucia still flinched every time she really hurt someone, she had grown to like it. This, however, lead to a bit of an obsession with getting spells right.

She focused all her attention on Charms. The spells she learnt in Charms tended to be the ones which Lucia used most in duels, so it was those which Lucia was anxious to really get good at. She spent hours upon hours practising, using up far too much of her spare time in the duelling club room, and probably driving her partner Logan mad with her constant requests for practise. Finally, by the time her third year came around, she was spent, but at least one good thing had come of her time spent practising: she was certain that her spells were so good that they would never backfire upon her. She and her wand had been through a lot together now, and though Lucia hesitated to use the word perfect she was definitely better.

But Lucia still wouldn't call herself a perfectionist.

Obsession didn't mean perfectionism. Right?
470 words
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[quote][center][size=100][i]Lately, I've been, I've been loosing sleep[/i][/size][/quote][img]/files/ab404607d81db063.png[/img][quote][center][size=100][i]Dreaming about the things that we could be[/i][/size][/quote][quote][b]STAMINA[/b] Eight
[b]EVASION[/b] Eight
[b]STRENGTH[/b] Four
[b]WISDOM[/b] Nine
[b]ACCURACY[/b] Seven[/quote][quote][center][size=100][i]But baby, I've been, I've been praying hard[/i][/size][/quote][quote][right]Part-Veela [url=][b][color=#463e2e]SPECIES[/color][/b][/url]
Alluring [url=][b][color=#463e2e]ONE[/color][/b][/url]
Perfectionist [url=][b][color=#463e2e]TWO[/color][/b][/url]
Scream [url=][b][color=#463e2e]THREE[/color][/b][/url]
Ability [b]FOUR[/b]
Ability [b]FIVE[/b]
Ability [b]SIX[/b]
Ability [b]SEVEN[/b]
Ability [b]ADULT[/b][/right][/quote][quote][center][size=100][i]So no more counting dollars[/i][/size][/quote][quote][b]AER CALIDUS[/b] Hot-Air Charm
[b]ALARTE ASCENDARE[/b] Ascension Spell
[b]ALOHOMORA[/b] Unlocking Charm
[b]ARRESTO MOMENTUM[/b] Slowing Charm
[b]AVIFORS[/b] Bird Transfiguration
[b]CAELUM MUTO[/b] Atmospheric Charm
[b]CAERULEUS INFLAMARAE[/b] Bluebell Flames
[b]CAERULIMILLIOUS[/b] Blue Sparks Charm
[b]CHOCLEA BIBE[/b] Snail To Teapot
[b]COLLOPORTUS[/b] Locking Charm
[b]COLORVARIA[/b] Colour-Changing Charm
[b]CONDIMENTUM[/b] Sauce-Making Spell
[b]CONMUTOCUS[/b] Matchstick To Needle
[b]CRINUS MUTO[/b] Hair Colour-Changing Charm
[b]DESCENDIO[/b] Descension Spell
[b]DIFFINDO[/b] Severing Charm
[b]DURO[/b] Hardening Charm
[b]ENGORGIO[/b] Engorgement Charm
[b]EPOXIMISE[/b] Glueing Spell
[b]EXPELLIARMUS[/b] Disarming Charm
[b]EXTINGUO[/b] Extinguishing Charm
[b]FINITE INCANTATEM[/b] General Counter-Spell
[b]FLINTIFORS[/b] Matchbox Transformation Spell
[b]FLIPENDO[/b] Knockback Jinx
[b]FUMOS[/b] Smokescreen Spell
[b]ILLEGIBILUS[/b] Illegibility Charm
[b]IMMOBULUS[/b] Freezing Charm
[b]INCENDIO DUO[/b] Fire-Making Spell
[b]INCENDIO[/b] Fire-Making Spell
[b]LUBRICUS[/b] Slippery-Jinx
[b]LUMOS SOLEM[/b] Sunlight Charm
[b]LUMOS[/b] Wand-Lighting Charm
[b]METELOJINX[/b] Weather-Modifying Charm
[b]METEOLOJINX[/b] Weather-Modifying Charm Varient
[b]METEOLOJINX RECANTO[/b] Weather-Modifying Countercharm
[b]MIMBLEWIMBLE[/b] Tongue-Tying Spell
[b]MUCUS AD NAUSEAM[/b] Curse Of The Bogies
[b]MULTICORFORS[/b] Clothing Colour-Changing Charm
[b]NIX FACITUR[/b] Snowflake-Creating Spell
[b]NOX[/b] Wand-Extinguishing Charm
[b]OBSCURO[/b] Blindfolding Spell
[b]ORCHIDEOUS[/b] Flower-Conjuring Spell
[b]PACK[/b] Packing Charm
[b]PAPYRUS REPARO[/b] Paper Mending Charm
[b]PERICULUM[/b] Red Sparks Charm
[b]PLUVIA VELO[/b] Umbrella Spell
[b]POINT ME[/b] Four-Point Spell
[b]REDUCIO[/b] Shrinking Charm
[b]REPARIFARGE[/b] Untransfiguration
[b]REPARO[/b] Mending Charm
[b]REVELIO[/b] Revealing Charm
[b]RICTUMSEMPRA[/b] Tickling Charm
[b]SCOURGIFY[/b] Cleaning Charm
[b]SLUGULUS ERUCTO[/b] Slug-Vomiting Charm
[b]SPONGIFY[/b] Softening Charm
[b]TARANTALLEGRA[/b] Dancing-Feet Spell
[b]TUNC SIBILUS[/b] Whistle To Watch
[b]VERDIMILLIOUS[/b] Green Sparks Charm
[b]VERMICULAFORS[/b] Squiggle Quill Spell
[b]VIOLACEOUS[/b] Purple Firecrackers-Conjuration Charm
[b]WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA[/b] Levitating Charm[/quote][quote][center][size=100][i]We'll be counting stars[/i][/size][/quote][quote][right][b]ANTI-PARALYSIS-POTION
VALERIAN SPRIGS[/b][/right][/quote][quote][center][size=100][i]Counting Stars • OneRepublic[/i][/size][/quote]
STATUS: Approved

encycassie heather
breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, breathe out
Part-Veela • Alluring • Perfectionist • Scream • Sta 9 • Eva 9 • Stre 4 • Wis 10 • Arc 8 • Acc 9
1 Aug 2021, 18:44
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Link
Ability: Impartial
Describe why this fits your character:
Growing up with the privilege of being able to convince his father to go wherever he wanted, Matthew had a particular interest in art galleries. He’d spend hours wandering through a forest of countless paintings, stopping to stare and really take in the fine details of each work. He found his mind had a knack for analyzing components in the paintings despite the fact that he was still a child - while he didn’t really have any idea of how to use it, his talent of memorizing the exact shades of colours and patterns of craquelure made it possible to picture the paintings in vivid detail later on.

As such, he developed a rather strange view of beautiful things. He can appreciate beauty as ‘something that looks nice as a whole,’ but his mind inevitably starts picking apart the components of what make up a beautiful thing. The shade of pink on the mouth, the ocean gleam of the eyes, the burnished copper of the skin… When he sees anything (whether painting or in real life) that one would consider attractive, he’s imagining what he could use to recreate it on canvas.

Even though he’s at the tender age of eleven where he isn’t attracted to anyone and doesn’t start tripping over his words at the sight of someone pretty, this isn’t likely to change later on. Beauty is something to be appreciated and studied but not something to go ga-ga over. This goes especially for someone like a Veela or one of those classic beauties that people love to rave about. To him, they look like something exactly out of a piece of art because many artists are always vying to capture conventionally attractive humans or creatures.

Further undercutting any chance that anyone might be able to use their looks to throw him off is Matthew’s attitude in and of itself. He doesn’t want to be roped into loving someone beautiful, deciding that he wants to be with them for the rest of his life, then have them die and shadow a part of himself the way a part of his father was shadowed when his mother died. Good looks can be used to hurt, or at least something deep inside his psyche believes that. That unconscious fear may have something to do with why he developed his strange view of art (analytical over emotional) in the first place, but if it is then he has no idea, and if someone were to ever point out that this is more psychological than everyday pragmatism he’d probably laugh at them.

WC: 429
STATUS: Approved

First, give them what they want. Then, take what you want.
STA 5 | EVA 7 | STR 1 | WIS 10 | ARC P 4 | ACC 8
1 Aug 2021, 19:16
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to Encyclopedia: Click
Name of Ability You Are Applying For: Sixth Sense
Stats (Does Not Really Matter, Gaining Ability Not Race/Rare Talent):
Stamina: 5 | Evasion: 7 | Strength: 2 | Wisdom: 4 | Arcane: 6 | Accuracy: 6
Why This Fits My Character (717 Words)
Wren was special. There was no doubt about it. From the moment she discovered she was a witch, everyone knew that the girl was a little unusual. Well, that's what everyone thought at least. Wren was always a little secretive, and there were some things she refused to share. For one thing, she didn't actually mind having company. Sure she could come across as a cold loner sometimes, but truth be told she only started doing that to please her parents. Windgazers were not meant to rely on other people.
Another thing no one knew was that, unlike most people, she didn't care much for sweets. If people judged her for being a loner, what would they think of that? It wasn't that she disliked all sugary desserts, chocolate chip cookies were something she'd never been able to deny, but in general they weren't her favorite.
To anyone else, these seemed like odd secrets to keep. After all, why raise people's suspicions when you really didn't have things to hide? Of course it always went back to how peculiar she was. But what they didn't know was her final and deepest secret. On top of being a Parselmouth, Wren always seemed to know when someone was around or approaching her. It was one of the few things that she'd always been aware of, long before her first experience with magic and talking to snakes.
She had first truly recognized it as a special ability when she was almost 5 years old. Up until then, she'd assumed that everyone was that sensitive to people around then. One day after playing at the park, Wren and her brother were walking back to their house. It wasn't far, but the trip was long enough for her to notice something was off. Wren had never known how to describe what it was like when she sensed things from far away. She didn’t always have to see or hear things to know they were there. She just… knew. And this time, her instincts were practically yelling at her to get away. There was definitely something wrong here.
"We should go." Wren told her brother, taking his hand and trying to pull him faster down the path.
"What are you talking about? There's no hurry."
"Yes there is. Come on."
"Wren, what's the matter? It's a beautiful day. Why rush home like this?” By now the alarms in her head were so prominent it almost hurt. She knew they were being watched, and who knew what would happen if they didn’t get out now.
"Can't you feel it?"
"Feel what? Are you alright?"
Wren didn't answer. She was busy trying to locate the source of her discomfort, but there was nothing except for trees and sky as far as the eye could see. Her brother still seemed to be oblivious to the danger, but the feeling was only increasing. And after another minute of waiting, she finally couldn't stand it any longer.
"Race you back to our house!" she yelled, praying her brother would follow. Wind flung back her hair and she felt like she'd never run so fast in her life. In less than a minute, she had reached their house and flung open the door. Her breath was coming in ragged pants, but she calmed down when she saw her brother break through the trees.
"Hey, what was that about?" he asked, clearly concerned for his little sister. Wren didn't respond right away, waiting to see if the feeling had gone away yet.
"Nothing." she said quickly before racing off to her room. Her senses had settled down, alerting her that the danger had passed, but now other things were pestering her. Had he really not known how close they were to potential danger? It was such a strong feeling, anyone would notice it. Maybe he was just tired and wasn't thinking, she thought, but truthfully she knew what it actually was. It really was unnatural to be able to notice things like that, but it wasn't a horrible ability to have. It was like a sixth sense.
No matter how many years passed, Wren never forgot that day. She never did learn what had been laying in wait for them, but she was okay not getting another opportunity to see.
Note: I already have the parselmouth talent. This is my second year ability.
STATUS: Approved

"The bird who dares to fall is the bird who learns to fly."
3 Aug 2021, 06:13
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to Encyclopedia Levi Drakos
Name of Ability You Are Applying For Charmer
Describe Why This Fits Your Character (WC: 807/400)
If Levi’s mouth was sewn shut, lips superglued together, vocal cords torn out, and facial expressions ignored for safe measure, he’d already have been charming, surely. The most enamoring cardboard cut-out you ever did meet, with fervid chestnut hair and hazel eyes as though the world’s many marvelous forests were fashioned within them, taken directly from his irises. He was candescent, ablaze with a sort of raw artistry seen in those early years of life, the promise of a handsome young man to bloom from a lifeless bulb. However, that wasn’t the case; the enchanting child could indeed talk and abused that tongue far too harshly during his first year at Hogwarts. And sadly, he just wasn’t quite pretty enough for the obnoxious behavior to be but a bitter aftertaste.

There were several instances in his first year that pointed toward a boy who couldn’t control his impulses, the rapacious yearning to talk his way into the hearts of those made of steel and wrapped in hot wire. The time he went rampant trying to justify himself over spilled ink, causing the blackness to spread even further than it initially had, prepared to submerse him. Perhaps the one where he bothered a girl just trying to score some house points by making cookies that probably appalled her. Worst of all, when he met the rustic boy that came to (understandably) detest him so intensely that he decided to ruin his life. All because Levi didn’t know when to stop flicking his crowbar and grinding his teeth.

He, of course, didn’t recognize this as exactly a flaw or some sort of character defect. Solely an area for slight improvement in the name of family, so that his corporality would engulf others rather than burn his skin own away to nothingness. He would fill their lungs rather than the dark grey clouds of his charred pneuma and dignity, rather than the ash that rendered them breathless, the remnants of a man that would never be. But he would now; it was with this end goal in mind that the Regimen was crafted, a practice the majority of others were born with. The beginning of learning the basics of human interaction.

His parents were no help. While Evander was a man of folksy allure, his pacific charisma was dulled by years spent under the influence of Kat, who spoke softly and carried a big stick, yet also did so in three syllable words and sharp intakes of breath so to spit her manifesto in thirty seconds flat. Thus, it was a private process, the welding of a perfect halfway point between the untampered personalities of his parents. Spending nights reading through a thesaurus but avoiding any phrases he’d have to define by more than context clues. Molding his vocabulary into a fond sestina. Staring into the mirror and nurturing an affable demeanor, though sporting prouder posture than his father could claim.

Each night, as dusk began to consume the day and his parents began to disappear behind closed doors, the boy would sneak into the bathroom, wherever they were. At home, on vacation. His reflection was elated to see him, grinning in the nature of a true narcissist, and only refining his ego by starting to actually flirt with himself. No jokes here. Resting his head on one fist and cocking it slightly to the right, a visitor may here a whispered “what cookin’ good lookin?” followed by some gutted grunt upon finding that did absolutely nothing to enhance his charm. In fact, it was actually quite creepy, but eventually, a process was defined, through both the methods of flippant reflection wooing, very dependable online research, and experience with the trophies of the real world.

Step 1: Introduce yourself. (“Drakos. Levi Drakos.”) Step 2: Establish a connection. (“Do I know you from somewhere?”) Step 3: Drop a line. (“On second thought, probably not, I’d most certainly remember someone like you.”) Step 4, perhaps the one to reign above the others as a gleaming diamond: Know when to stop talking.

Levi isn’t enticed by the promise of long-lasting connections or romance, nor by the ups and downs of friendship and the droll adventures that has to offer. Instead, he did this for him, to increase his own likelihood at collecting not friends, not allies, not partners, so much as rewards. Shiny golden trophies armed with a blunt weapon willing to fight for him should it come down to Levi versus the world. It was this thirst, this basic need no different from water and shelter, that lead to the nightly rehearsals, the gradually increasing screen hours and the shopping for a new wardrobe (although the pineapple button up will be clawed from his cold dead hands). The smoother words, the downright lack thereof. It was this, that lead to the charm.
STATUS: Approved

One may smile, and smile, and be a villain. | #125947
Sta: 7 | Eva: 8 | Str: 4 | Wis: 6 | AP: 5 | Acc: 6
Metamorph | Charmer
3 Aug 2021, 07:39
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Encyclopedia thread: Here
Ability: Prodigal Defense Against the Dark Arts Learner
Since the age of six Liana has been grudgingly groomed by her father to be the heir to the ancient (even if somewhat forgotten) and proudly pureblood House Kerr. It hurt Marcus Kerr to know that if he doesn't father another child on a pure-blooded witch, his family name will have to be carried on by his illegitimate half-blood daughter. To conceal the magical ineptitude Liana's mixed, ''weakened'' blood could cause, her father hired tutors to educate her in various magical subjects. One of the private teachers was a Durmstrang graduate Lev Blavatsky, whose task was to introduce Liana to the darker aspects of magic.

Blavatsky's tutelage was by far the harshest of everyone who had ever educated Liana, but it was also the most effective; for, even though slightest mistakes in her recital of learned material would cause the girl to be angrily told-off in half-English half-Russian tirade about laziness and lack of discipline, the practical demonstrations of some of the spells would leave her excited and motivated to one day master them as well. The Durmstrang alumnus was by no means teacher material, but he was a skillful, powerful magician who carried out his spells with a certain dignified flair, causing his pupil to feel inspired, if also frightened.

The girl studied hard, endeavoring to one day be as proficient in everything magical as her tutors were; not only to please her father - a task nigh impossible - but because she enjoyed learning about magic. Lev Blavatsky having worked her the hardest, once in Hogwarts Liana showed an especially high aptitude for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, most of its material being already more or less familiar to the girl. She quickly read through the The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection textbook, and found that a lot of the material was already known to her from the private lessons at home. In fact, the textbook only scratched the surface of the vast knowledge Liana's tutor had imparted on her - the spells he had performed for her observation had been much more complex and darker than, for instance, the Knockback Jinx or the Smokescreen Spell. Certain advanced curses Liana had been taught of were not even part of Hogwarts curriculum at all.

It took some practice for Liana to master the casting of spells, jinxes and hexes - for theory and observation is one thing, while the actual activity is quite another - but she did it with relative ease, the main concepts and wand movements already being known to her. The ease with which the girl learned most of the Defense Against the Dark Arts study material left her with extra free time, of which she happily boasted to her father. Instead of simply praising his daughter, however, he promptly suggested that Liana should spend this time learning the next year's curriculum. There was not much choice but to oblige.

485 words
STATUS: Approved

Tarja Akimovna Blavatsky || Kerr & Co. Banner Boutique
Prodigal DADA || Stamina: 5 | Evasion: 5 | Strength: 1 | Wisdom: 9 | Arcane Power: 6 | Accuracy: 9
4 Aug 2021, 06:37
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here I'm planning to do update on my ency soon, I just need the ability to be accepted and I will send a request for update, sorry if my trunk rn is not the right format ;;
Name of Ability that you Are Applying for: Comprehend Languages
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
As the eldest daughter of the family and a pure-blood, it was practically impossible for Luna not to attend multiple kinds of balls and meet various types of people. By various types of people, Luna meant various types of races. There were humans, one had all the features that she also had and speak in a normal common language. She was taken back by the metamorphmagus abruptly changing their appearance while speaking, or by how tall a half-giant could be. Despite knowing what they were able to do, it was unpreventable to be surprised by their abilities. However, among all the different races she had encountered, the people who could make an impression on her all shared the same feature, which was their race. They were all veela or had veela blood in them, whether it's halved, two-thirds, or more.

Luna could not help but admit that Veelas were attractive, even though the violet-haired girl would not pin her eyes on them every time she could spot one, she could not say anything negative in terms of their appearances. They shared that same feature, blond hair, but the features on their faces all just yelled for people to look at them.

However, what she meant by attractive here, was not their faces but their personality. Not only showing their attractiveness, but they also were able to show off their knowledge. Luna had a thirst for knowledge, which was why the young child decided to find a way to approach the Veelas.

After a month of being in this dilemma, the second-eldest child had made her decision. Maybe in the future, she might regret wasting her time on this, but Luna had made up her mind. She was going to study and attempt to understand their language, to appear closer to them, and to show that she was worthy to be given the knowledge.

It was not easy in the beginning, Luna could find books pretty much serve as dictionaries for the Veela's languages, but that did not mean she could fluently speak it.

Soon after, Luna started writing a letter to a Veela that she had communicated before in a ball. They soon became closer and closer, and the Veela was finally open to teaching her the language.

After three years of being in Hogwarts and spending her time, Luna mastered her skill, she was able to use the Veela language perfectly without any problem and she was also able to understand when someone starts using the language to her.

-420 words
Status: Approved

Just because I said you were bad does not mean that I am mean. It shows that I am honest.
5 Aug 2021, 19:11
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Application for Calypso's Year One Ability

Ency: *boop*

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Perfectionist

Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Calypso has always been quite hard on herself to do things right.
Whether it be schoolwork, learning a new hobby, or making a dish in the kitchen, she is careful and precise in her actions. Because of this, she tends to learn very quickly, and when paired with her love of books and learning, this trait makes her quite the force to be reckoned with when it comes to witchcraft.

If you were to ask the girl if there was a particular cause of this perfectionism, she would probably say that she had always been this way, it was just who she was. Or perhaps she would reply that it was a product of being raised by her mother, a high-achieving alumni of Ravenclaw who works in local government. And while both of those things are true, another large factor is her elder sister, Anastasia. Ana graduated from Hogwarts with flying colors, and went into potion-making to find cures for dangerous wizarding diseases. Unfortunately, the bright-futured witch accidentally created a powerful poison while conducting her work, and passed away from it not long after. Cal and her big sister were always very close, and Ana was never too busy to show her sister a thing or two when it came to magic. This helped Calypso learn certain spells before she started Hogwarts, but that's a different story. Because of her deftness, Cal is often the one friends and classmates come to for help with homework, or a particularly tricky jinx.

However, as any perfectionist would tell you, this trait has just as many down- as it does upsides. It is not uncommon for Cal to stay up nearly all night trying to get a project just right. As you can imagine, this is frustrating and stressful, especially when she's on her seventh attempt at an essay or drawing, or her third hour of trying to perfect a difficult spell. Little mistakes get to Calypso. To combat this, she just works harder. It can be exhausting. And since she has this image of herself as a hard-working, diligent overachiever, Cal believes that if she is anything less than perfect she will be letting herself and everyone around her down, and that her very identity will be compromised.

Recently, she is trying to realize that these are impossible standards. When she puts her tireless work style and precise manner of spell-casting and potion-making to work, Calypso is capable of great things.

Word Count: 409/400
STATUS: Approved

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be
insane by those who could not hear the music."
6 Aug 2021, 12:46
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here!
Name of Ability You Are Applying for: Fearless
Describe why this fits your character: (WC 403):

The majority of Lucas' life revolved around his dependency on his imagination. Growing up with a busy father didn't really give him much of a choice and when school came around, it only got bigger. Unlike the other kids in his school, Lucas was the one showing off the lizard or dead bird he found out in the playground. When it came to a bug being discovered in class, Lucas was always voluntarily taking it outside. He watched horror films during October on TV when his father came home too late, exploring the woods to try and find abandoned houses and other cryptic areas. Walking home had become a normal routine, making his sense of direction sharp. He knew street names and store locations by the time he graduated Elementary.

When he was given an allowance, Lucas had spent his time eating at fast food places and exploring random stores. The things he experienced during his time were one of the most interesting, Lucas would say. Sometimes he would see someone storm in the restaurant and shout at their significant other for cheating. Other times he would watch as a car made the wrong turn, causing another to slam into it. Seeing the explosive reactions, hearing the loud noises, and seeing the impact of it all was always interesting. Never scary. Lucas had no problem simply observing on the sidelines as people came up with a solution to the current problem at hand. All he saw in situations like this were experiences he could learn from.

With his highly adventurous and bold spirit, it's unusual for him to be scared of anything when all he wants to do is see everything. He wants to make his tiny existence in this huge world to mean something. To explore and meet all kinds of creatures and people, to try new foods and do things he's never done before-- he wants to do it all. Having fear would restrict him from all of that, so he settled on having none at all. Things discovered and invented so far were by people who had no fear, but complete faith in their curiosity and beliefs. Lucas wants to be like that one day, so if he ever reaches the stage where he gains wrinkles and white hair, he'll be able to say "I've had a fulfilling life, maybe someone out there will get inspired to do the same."

STATUS: Approved
Mod edit: Not yet in Index, I locked the trunk until Registration looks over the ency

"Do more than just exist."