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13 Jul 2021, 15:01
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Obnoxiously Strong
Describe why this fits your character:
Nate had always been taller than the others his age, but not only taller, also broader. He had never been thin and it wasn't all due to the genes he and his brother had inherited from their father. His father is a tall, strong Russian man who passed on only the best of his genes to his two sons. Even as newborns, both sons had been above average in height and weight. But also since Nate was a child, he had always been athletic and fit. Often the two brothers would be with their father in the basement when he was working out in his little gym, playing with the light dumbbells and imitating their father, who would then show them how to do the exercises correctly. What started out with small weights and for fun for the sons had turned into a passion. To this day, the two lift weights, but in addition to weight training, there is another preference of the two brothers - boxing.

Ever since Nate first visited his big brother in training, he had fallen in love with the sport. He knew he wanted to do the same and follow in his brother's footsteps. The very next week he was also signed up in the club and since then he trained several times a week at the boxing club. His already existing strength had only increased through the training and soon he was able to participate in the first competitions thanks to his strength and his good technique. From then on, he trained from competition to competition, participating in championships and developing his skills. As strict as all this sounded to others, he did it out of conviction and fun. He knew he could quit at any time, but he didn't want to, it was his passion.

The athleticism was easy to see in the men of the Smirnov family and often Nate himself didn't even realize how strong he even was for his age. There was a click moment when he realized that he couldn't underestimate himself and needed to learn to control his strength. It was during Quidditch practice when he hit the Quaffle so hard that the broom it hit broke. He had watched the spectacle wide-eyed at the time and realized for the first time what strength he could actually wield. Of course, that didn't stop him from continuing to train and develop his strength, he just had to learn to control it.

Word Count: 410

STATUS: Denied

For the NPC ability update, please use the correct thread in the NPC area.

The only one who fear death are those with regrets
13 Jul 2021, 17:10
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Applied Ability: Beast Master (Cat)
Piérre had always loved animals, and he had loved his dearest silver bengal Figaro ever since the day he had first bought the little kitten.
The boy had gushed over his pet, one of his closest friends, spending all of his spare time with the tiny kitten as the kitten slowly grew into a cat. A lovely, polite, and above all; smart feline.

Bengals have been known to act more like dogs than their aloof feline comrades. This was something which compounded with Piérre's energetic, hyperactive side; a side which required a critter which could keep up with him. The boy ceaselessly trained the cat; sit, stay, heel, fetch, among other party tricks such as play dead, remember, follow, and hide.

A tiny jingle would be heard as Figaro trotted down the halls in the absence of his human brother; the golden collar merrily ringing away. A small leather parchment capsule would be attached to the choker of identification, a small addendum over the span of the last semester as the boy had been experimenting with something. The silver bengal was the equivalent of a man on a mission, for held with that parchment hold was a letter for a friend. Ah yes, the most convoluted way of passing notes in class; genius because it was a cat, and also ridiculous because it was a cat. Who needed an owl when one could have an eager and unusually intelligent cat on hand?

But sometimes... neither Figaro nor Piérre would be seen by the student body. Remember how 'hide' had been one of the several party tricks that Piérre had taught his fur baby? Yes, well let us say that Piérre's curiosity sometimes went beyond that of his ability to set aside time to investigate for himself.

Sometimes, Piérre needed a small trinket that he had seen around the area and either hadn't had time to snag or had been blocked by people and couldn't get close enough to get a good look at it.

Sometimes, the boy needed his little friend to squeeze into small crevasses and niches that the boy was slowly becoming too tall to squeeze into. Even the boy had to recognize when he was finally growing up and managing to somehow breach the 5'3" mark.

Sometimes Piérre just needed his little Angel to keep an eye on people. A quality which had slowly begun to surface as the boy had slowly began to sink into the bowels of the school to stay close to a friend which needed him. A friend that he couldn't leave yet. Not for a while still.

He would need his cat's eyes and ears above ground. He was still in classes for hands on learning when it was required (in order to avoid possible detention), quiet and in the background, but unless he had to be there, it could be argued that the boy was willing to play hooky, his homework delivered by cat post to each teacher's desk.

Figaro, Godfather Piérre's dearest angel, was not bothered by these eccentricities. He was a happy little critter, eager and sure that his brother's actions had everything to do with something of greater importance. And, truth be told, as the feline matured and bonded deeper, Piérre love was reciprocated with Figaro's subtle, avid, and infinite desire to protect his boy with teeth and claws.

While not usually violent, Figaro would like to see anyone try to lay a hand on his brother. It would give the kitten a chance to test its teeth and claws.
601 words
STATUS: Approved
Please do NOT include the ability in your trunk on your own BEFORE it was approved. You can change the code if you do not like the placing after it has been added by staff.

iiiiiiiI'm a very dangerous man when I don't know what I'm doing.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ The 4th Doctor
| Piérre | Romeo | iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
| Chocco Froggos Shop! |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
14 Jul 2021, 04:25
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Noah
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Perfectionist and Healing Sage
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Noah was at home with his brothers for the summer when his acceptance letter came in. His siblings would keep picking on him just because that’s what they seemed to love doing. Meanwhile, Noah spent the day thinking about his wand and self consciously grabs a metal rod from the garage and waves it around. He meant for it to hit the bee hive. It missed the first three times. He ended up throwing the rod into his brothers bedroom where he sleeps as well. There was apparently an attraction that led them off. It was revealed by Barry that he used a deterring charm to keep it from killing his science project for his dual classes.
Noah growled in frustration because of all the times he thought he was doing good. Barry, being the good older brother, decided to paint Noah a target featuring Noah’s greatest enemy, his look-alike twin. Barry gave Noah several weapons and trained him through the pain and struggles of missing. The target was a big help though. He hit the target over a three quarters of the hour. Noah went through a knife throwing practice ending it with ax throwing. He did better with wielding a knife though. So Barry grabbed his wand and handed it to Noah. He told him to cast some spells on that target then he is to practice on nonpainted targets. He used Flipendo and Incendio more often.
“FLIPENDO!” The boy yelled pointing his wand towards the ugly painting of his twin. He watched the board flip back, flipping into the woods nearby. Barry dragged the wood back to where it was and he stepped off to the side as Noah kept casting Flipendo more times. And each time, he got better. The board ended up flipping past several muggle houses a few acres past the woods. “INCENDIO!” Noah screamed at the top of his lungs, pointing his wand towards the board, cremating it into dust. Barry looked impressed, saying that Noah has achieved perfection. Noah wanted to have a little show that night so he could show everyone his new talent. “INCENDIO!” The boy screamed as his family walked outside to Noah shooting of fire at beehives. Barry looked angry but held his tongue around the dads. Noah turned towards Billy, his twin, and told him to pick something tiny and place it on his head. He picked up a shard of flint and placed it where his bangs would be. Noah shot fire at the tip of the flint and watched it fall off of Billy’s head without scorching him. He called up Wally and told him to get his wand. They took twenty steps apart from each other and turned and pulled out their wands. “FLIPENDO!” Noah bellowed as soon as Wally got to “FLI-“
Noah’s dads congratulated him for his perfection and Noah’s brothers watched Wally get up from the flip.

Healing Sage
Noah woke up. It has been a long year at Hogwarts. And yet, Noah enjoyed it tremendously. He just hated seeing someone as dorky as he was back at the muggle school get bullied or picked on. He had one of his wizard friends come over. Noah welcomed the friend into his small and cramped house. He knew it wasn’t much, but it was home. He grinned as his friend came into his room, well, the boys room, and sat on Theodore’s bunk. Why he was called Beaver was a bit of an inside joke between Noah, the friend, and Billy. Theodore came in, mad that he got caught for selling candy bars in school as a protest for the health food vending machines at the muggle school. Theodore grabbed Noah’s friend and wailed on him, each punch bringing a new bruise. Noah was angry, and so he punched Theodore back. Theodore easily overpowered Noah’s weakness and now Billy came after Theodore to try to pin him down. Punches were given and profanities shouted, until at last, Theodore stopped resisting. Billy and Theodore both looked at Noah and his friend. All three boys were bruised and cut up. Noah sighed.
At last, Noah thought of an idea. He could try to heal the pain and the outside wounds. He grabbed the Year Two Book of Spells from under Wally’s bed. He flipped through the book until he found two spells that could be useable. ‘Aer Calidus’ was to emit hot air and ‘Reducio’ was to shrink the target. Given his train of thought, he considered using the hot air to close the wound faster and using the shrinking charm to shrink the bruises until it can’t be seen anymore. He revealed his plan to the three boys who knew the consequences if the dads knew what happened. Theodore would be in a ton of trouble while Billy and Noah’s friend would be embarrassed out of their wits about participating in a fight. Noah would get in trouble for taking what wasn’t his and for letting his friend get hurt at their house.
Noah and the three boys stood up, their legs apart and their hands behind their heads. They let Noah grab his wand from the top bunk in the corner of the room and Noah cried out the incantation to the Hot Air charm, “Aer Califus,” and he waved his wand over each cuts on the boys. It took five minutes with their heat intensifying blast of air. Next Noah warmed up his voice and muttered, “Reducio,” on Theodore, who had twelve bruises around his chest and face. His face and chest was beginning to look extremely normal. Next, Billy had three huge bruises alongside his backside and Noah had to look away because he didn’t want to see the result and what was occurring. Granted, the bruises did go away, but Billy’s right buttock will never be the same again. And now, his friend. He did have some bruises on his face, but they were minor and very small. Noah muttered “Reducio” once again. The face was finally back to normal. Noah took a step back to see if there was any improvements to be done. No. No improvement. His friend claimed he was made to be a healer, to protect those like him.

Side Note: I did use two second year spells for the Healing Sage

STATUS: Approved

"NERDS!" (Ogre- Revenge of Nerds)
14 Jul 2021, 08:37
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities

Ability: Beast Master

It has been a year since Aida met Scheherazade the owl back in London. Like most relationships, theirs took time to develop into one of deep mutual trust. Aida always had a way with animals, having been raised on a ranch caring for animals in the wild backcountry of Scotland. Ever since coming to Hogwarts Aida has been a creature specialist. She helped with Morfran Griffith’s CoMC chores and joined the R.O.A.M. program before his sudden disappearance. She always defends and champions the cause of creatures, magical or not, as she has felt called to do since her earliest years. She even swore an oath of allegiance to the cause of imperiled animals the day she acquired control over her magical powers.

Aida wants to become a magizoologist who travels the world finding creatures illegally and cruelly kept in captivity, then restoring their health (as inspired by Griffith) and returning them to their native habitats. Aida also wants to defend the natural habitats of creatures so that they are never forced to lose their homes and enter conflicts with human and wizardkind.

While Aida is a good student, the topic she usually studies when not required to is magizoology or basic zoology. She has an extensive knowledge of species, and Aida has a gift for mentally taking on the perspective of creatures she encounters due to her extensive need for this growing up on the ranch and having to communicate with animals such as horses. Her first use of accidental magic even involved creating a calming effect for creatures around her during a conflict.

As for Scheherazade, she entered Aida’s life at a very chaotic time for the young mage. When everything around Aida was coming apart, Scheherazade (“ZaZa”) was one of the few points of stability for her. Aida has developed a deep distrust for humans, capable as they are of deception and manipulative power games at a level she has never known an animal to have. No matter how terrible the inner conflict in Aida, no matter how crazy she felt, she always maintained a connection with the animal world that soothed her. Even when she was in the jaws of a giant magical spider about to die, Aida thought it wasn’t such a bad way to go. She would rather die by deadly creature on an adventure than have to sit in a claustrophobic room for all her days.

Over the last year, Aida’s connection with Scheherazade has grown to the point that they both act as one for each other, as if the other’s needs were simply an extension of their own. With this little owl at least, Aida has developed a magical level of beast mastery.

STATUS: Approved

★ Valentin's Ency ☆ ☄ койрыклы йолдыз килә-ә ☄ ☽ Aida's Ency ☾
15 Jul 2021, 17:17
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: click!
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Healing Sage
Describe why this fits your character:
December of 2018
At a friends house

"No! Benny!"

Tina pulled away from the freezer, holding the ice lolly she'd been sucking on in her mouth without the additional aid of her hands. It wasn't the most appropriate snack for the middle of Winter, sure, but they were her favourite flavour and Nisha always had some in - Nisha, who'd just surprised her by shouting the name of her cat in a tone that couldn't mean anything good. Perhaps he'd tried to attack her fish again. Tina slammed the door shut so that the cold air rushed past her legs, rounding the corner to where her friend had just called from outside.

"What's wrong?" she asked, her voice muffled from the lolly. Nisha spanned her head around, clearly distressed, her eyes darting back and forth between Benny and Martyna. The ginger cat was lying on the frosty grass in a strange, slumped position, but looked completely innocent as far as Tina could tell. "He's not doing anything?"

"Exactly!" Nisha blurted out, tearing up. "I- I think he's hurt! Look!" She crouched down, attempting to drag the cat's upper body towards the open door. He growled and tried scratch her hand away, but his lower half didn't react to the movement at all. As if it wasn't clear by now, Nisha added tearfully- "He- he won't move his legs!"


Martyna softened, looking down at the helpless animal before her. Somehow, it was more heart-breaking to see an animal in need than a human: they were so small, unable to fix themselves or express what was wrong. Their doctors weren't even free. Nisha finally let out a strangled sob, looking at Tina with a desperate expression. Other people crying made Tina cry.

"Mum is gonna *hic* be so mad! I- I don't even know- *hic* how he did it!" Nisha covered her face with her hands. Benny was licking his legs and it made her feel uncomfortable. He probably didn't know what was wrong with him.

"No she won't! It will be fine..." Tina said, hugging Nisha close in a manner she hoped was comforting as tears ran down her cheeks. "We can put him in the cat basket for now, and then when she gets home we can take him to the vets." She didn't look at Benny, keeping her focus on consoling her friend until they were ready to head back inside and find what they needed to help the cat out.

The ice lolly lay forgotten on the grass outside. Nisha grabbed the cat basket from under the stairs. Meanwhile, Tina found the blanket which Benny slept on, slipping it inside with Nisha's teddy and a few Dreamies for him to snack on whilst he was in there. Hopefully the set up would be enough to keep him entertained, comfortable and smelling of his favourite owner. Then, once Nisha had washed her face and taken a deep breath, they ventured back outside hand in hand.

Benny put up some resistance as Tina shuffled him into the basket. She was less adept to dealing with a scratching kitty than Nisha was, but managed not to react when he cut her hand with his claws, knowing that it was for the better that she hold it together. She knew he was probably in a lot of pain, but this was for the best.

Soon enough, Benny was safely inside his basket and they could bring him into the living room where it was a lot warmer. Nisha poked her hands through the caged door, letting him rub his mouth against her fingers as she dabbed her blotchy cheeks with a tissue. When her mum was home, they'd go straight to the vets and get him checked out.

"You should be an animal doctor when you're older," she said wistfully, looking back at Tina through her hair. She didn't say anything in response, nodding and keeping her lips pursed shut. Secretly, her mind wandered onto other things...

A magical animal doctor.
Word Count: 662
Stamina: 7
Evasion: 8
Strength: 4
Wisdom: 6
Arcane Power: 8
Accuracy: 7
STATUS: Approved

stamina. 7 evasion. 8 strength. 4 wisdom. 6 arc power. 8 accuracy. 7
muggle condition. healing sage.
CC: 73781E
15 Jul 2021, 18:06
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to Ency: text
Name of Ability: Binding Mark
Why it fits:
Loneliness was getting more prominent in Dale’s life, he used to really enjoy his alone time, but this was a bit more than alone time. Being away from school was taking a toll on the young boy. While he found it enjoyable at first, the free time was great, but boredom started to settle in slowly. And as his mother’s condition started to worsen the boredom turned into stress and worry, he spent hours reading books he didn’t really care about, the words on each page being more of a distraction then something he enjoyed. He exchanged letters with a few people, but it didn’t help much, he missed his friends, and as much as he hated admitting it he missed the mundane days spent in Hogwarts. He wished his friends had phones so it would be easier to talk to them or at the very least get a text every now and then, anything would be easier than writing a letter and then waiting in anticipation for days just for a reply. Dale took pity on those whose entire lives were spent communicating with letters, it was clearly the worst way to communicate.

Dale started to get tired of the regular way of communicating, wizards had magic for all sorts of things but they still had to use owls and letters as their main form of communication? So Dale started to search around, he asked his friends to send books to him from the library, things about telepathic communication and other methods, most were theoretical things involving floo, but there was one thing that caught his attention, A mark of binding. It would let seemingly infinite people telepathically communicate with each other, but there was one big catch. It was permanent, one person would mark other people and know where they were and talk to them at all times. Dale wondered what kind of person would create such a thing or what purposes some would need to know where someone was at all times … although he isn’t one to criticize this time because he learned how to do it all himself, just in case, it never hurts to accumulate knowledge. Well he knew what to do, he had lamented notecard with instructions a but he had yet to test it out yet… All he had to do now was to ask one of his friends, a willing friend at that.


Stamina: 10
Evasion: 5
Strength: 5
Wisdom: 17
ArcPower: 5
Accuracy: 5

STATUS: Approved

Stamina: 10 Evasion: 5 Strength: 5 Wisdom: 17 ArcPower: 5 Accuracy: 5

Lovely Creature|Calming Pressence|Statistically Relevant +2 Wis|Binding Mark|
16 Jul 2021, 10:12
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Isaac Lee
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Martial Artist
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

When he was nine years old, Isaac took his first beating. He had expected to be bruised a little, maybe shoved into a locker… Anything but this.

There was blood. So much blood. When he thought they were done with him, he realised that the gang was only getting started. They knew where to hurt him - how to hurt him without breaking any bones, without causing any damage that could get them into serious trouble.

That was until one of them got overzealous. He fell, straight into the drain. His leg caught onto a sharp piece of exposed pipe, and it erupted into a shower of crimson. As he lay in the murky waters, the dirt and gunk that people disposed into the drain began to enter his open wounds.

He was rushed off to a muggle hospital where he languished for a day. The anaesthetic relieved the pain, but it was the infection from the drainage that caused him to feel ill. He eventually suffered from a high fever and was transferred to St Mungo’s.

There, he was promptly treated and his body healed. Still, the event left wounds beneath the surface of his skin. Even if the miracles of magic could do away with his scarred tissue, there were those that lay even deeper. In his mind, in his heart.

The truth was that Isaac had sought the beating he received when he was nine. Not to the degree of intensity that he got, but he sought it anyway. He felt worthless, and he needed someone from school to reinforce his beliefs.

In the end, the beating only strengthened his resolve to become stronger. At first, his pursuit of mastery of martial arts was limited by his desire to learn magical forms of self defence. But as time passed, his growing fear of being a squib fed his passion for muggle self defence. If he was going to be a squib, he promised himself that he would be the most formidable squib ever, just like the heroes he had grown to revere from Chinese Folklore: Guan Yu and Zhao Zilong.

As with all things, regimental training and discipline could lead to a firm foundation for any skillset, and Isaac had time. Much of it. But in addition, he also had a knack for it. For his age, he was tall, and he had a tendency to build up muscles very quickly. He was stronger, and far more bold than most others his age. This allowed him to excel in mixed-martial arts tournaments where he employed his physicality to its fullest potential.

STATUS: Approved

Do NOT add the ability on your own to your trunk. Even if you are not yet accepted by Index, I have locked your trunk until Registration has approved your backstory. Also, be mindful of our site rating or PG13

Stam - 9 | Eva - 9 | Str - 8 | Wis - 0 | Arc -0 | Acc - 9
“Imagine a wizard who can’t cast spells. That’s me.”
The Martial Artist |
18 Jul 2021, 18:02
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Boop
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Cat's Grace
Describe why this fits your character:
The expedition down the dungeons had been a monumental one for Piper Clark. Excitedly, she had raced recklessly into the freezing darkness along with the other students, full of fantasies of being the first to find the source of the mysterious sounds. Instead, it had only taken a few minutes for her to blunder into an enclosed room, tracking the elusive Selim Faust, and be attacked by vicious rats. The bloodthirsty vermin had done some damage, mainly attacking Piper's feet and giving her a solid chance of rabies, in spite of her failed spell efforts.

What had been most humiliating, however, was the amount of people running in to her rescue. The first-year had been reduced to tears, hiding behind others and being incapable of even the smallest tasks. Her lack of stealth and competence had cost her her pride.

In the days following the incident, the Slytherin kept her distance from the dungeons, and made a promise to herself that she would greatly improve her stealth skills. Less talking and more observance would get her much further, particularly in the House of Slytherin. It certainly would have served well in the dungeons. This new resolve lasted perhaps five minutes, of course, before Piper realized that she would need to get some practice in before being truly good at staying quiet and blending into the shadows.

To gain this conditioning, Piper indulged in some exercises that many may find unnecessary and perhaps even detrimental to the end goal - however, she had no mentor of any sort. She began to wear darker clothing and put her hair down more. When the girl walked through the many echoing corridors of Hogwarts, she practiced moving through the shadowy corners and walking quietly. Her extravagant beginning efforts, of course, earned her some confused stares and wary eyes, but practice made improvement quickly. By the time she had made it home for the summer, she was able to sneak up on and surprise several people.

Piper had not made quite a habit of talking to people over the year...but when she did talk, it was about herself. Or something she was interested in. In this case, she decided it was time to listen to others for a change - not because other people were interesting, obviously, but because perhaps she could pick up interesting information. Piper was rewarded with some lengthy babbling about things she knew nothing about, but also with rumors.

In the Slytherin common room, students hiding in the shadows was no rarity, but by mimicking them Piper had been able to stand in the most strategic spots to hear rumors. For instance, she heard upper years speaking about the traumatic Blossom Ball of the previous year. All of this knowledge contributed to her wide mental store of information, which one never knew would come in handy.

Small attention to detail, such as body posture when speaking, tone of voice, and eye contact, taught Piper much about a person. She practiced analyzing different people by how they stood and spoke, and their achievements, and was soon able to accurately read how others presented themselves. Of course, if they demonstrated the smallest amount of criticism towards Piper, she would still be quick to the defensive, but at least she could root out which people may be dangerous and which may serve as useful allies in the future.
WC: 562
STATUS: Approved, bar anything about Selims, because I can't be sure this has anything to do with Selims unapproved dungeon adventures. But since this is irrelevant for the overall app, the app is fine.

Piper Clark (color=#4040FF)
"I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't."
18 Jul 2021, 22:35
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Encylopedia: here

Name of Ability: Spell Spread

Describe why this fits your character:

Breathe in, breathe out.
Breathe in, breathe out.

There are two target dummies standing next to each other

The dummies *can* potentially be taken out with one large enough spell

Breathe in, breathe out.

Alexander began to focus on the sensation that he always had when casting a spell. That sensation of *something* gathering at the edge of your senses. Some kind of force that you can not truly comprehend, but is a part of your innermost breathing. As essential to you as breathing. But instead of calmly letting that energy flow through the conduit, put extra force behind it. Push the spell to it’s limit.

Alexander made a quick swirl and shouted “FLIPENDO !!!!” He felt the energy gathering in his wand, fraying at it’s edges. Yet Alexander pushed further, being determined to make his spell is powerful as possible. So finally when the words left his mouth the spell was released.

And Alexander was thrown back 10 feet. Slamming and scraping across the ground.

One step, a long delay, and another. Alexander stood up again. Hearing his own rapid breathing, the burning sensation in his lungs. Then he let out a half grunt/laugh before taking one more step and finally stabilizing himself.

It seemed that he had gone *beyond* what was intended to overpower a spell. He had seen people overpower their spells before during duels, but generally they tended to come out better than this. So the logical hypothesis was that the energy build-up had been too great, resulting in an immediate explosion of force upon release.

Another step was taken and Alexander clenched his right hand. He walked towards his previous spot, an irregular rhythm resounding as he did so. One leg taking a step, another taking quite a bit longer to do so.

Regardless Alexander returned to his previous spot and carefully breathed in and out once more.
Then, he once more focused on the energy, the instinct inside of him. To find a balance, to push the spell to its edge but not beyond. Keep the spell functional but with a larger radius. It was hard.
Normally it already took a concerted effort to cast a spell, to get the variety of variables just right. Now another hard variable was added. Another factor to take into account when casting the spell, it remained difficult. But because it was difficult one should push for it.
So Alexander continued channelling the energy, trying to focus on the sensation of pushing the spell to the brink. He once more made the incantation and shouted “Flipendo !” He now saw how his spell burst forward from his wand, seeming larger.

With a grin on his face, Alexander also saw how the spell hit both of the dummies. This grin grew smaller as he saw they were both pushed back a little, not as large an effect as he had hoped. He would need to practice this ability more. But regardless, the basics was there and a lot of training (as well as a multitude of scrapes and bruises) had finally born fruit.

A good skill, for all the battles to come.

STATUS: Approved

Memory is all we are. Moments and feelings, captured in amber, strung on filaments of reason. Take a man’s memories and you take all of him. Chip away a memory at a time and you destroy him as surely as if you hammered nail after nail through his skull
20 Jul 2021, 03:12
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
link to ency. Here.
name of ability. Fearless.
describe why this fits your character.
first year
The Ashwood Family have never known fear. And they will continue doing so for as long as the family bloodline and its successors exists.

The family have come from a line of those not truly fearing the world around themselves, especially if it is in the pursuit of knowledge and chaotic disruption of the modern way of thinking. The Ashwoods were ever willing to travel to unknown, dangerous spaces for their strong work in herbology and potion mastery. And because of this, they have found and met various beings and other creatures that simply have something off about them. Their willingness of defying the norms have made them rather borderline, if not completely, criminal in the world of witches and wizards. Various members of the Ashwoods became known menaces to the societies they live in; for both muggle and the wizarding worlds. With some leading to heinous endings for each specific members.

The family bloodline has several members who would travel and accidentally (or even purposefully) discovering various beings such as werewolves and vampires in the midst of their work. In order to continue their work, Ashwoods would turn to attempting friendly interactions with the creatures in their surroundings. Eventually, the Ashwoods have found that the most pleasant social interactions they've had have come from those who aren't fully human, or at least don't act like a normal human to begin with.

And so forth, the Ashwoods have even begun accepting such beings inside their social circle. Because of this, if one wishes to come into an Ashwood's home, they should take care to not be surprised in meeting such beings, or at least when they feel their presences nearby.

Because of the lasting family history of socializing with various beings, Vale would end up as equally exposed to the uneasy presence that radiates off of random guests that would come so often into her family home. She have learned, and was raised, to even take kind regard to those who hold a terrible presence.

Unlike the various other high-class pureblood wizard families, the Ashwoods care little of one's hertiage. Oddly enough, they welcome anyone, including muggles and muggleborns, as a part of the Ashwood family if circumstances occur. Their high disregards for the social norms and acceptable behavior among the wizarding community have become their greatest, and also most fearful trait of the Ashwood family.

And while their friendly interactions with beings have granted them lack of fear of those considered 'different', the Ashwoods are also known to experiment among themselves for their work in herbology and potion mastery. This have ended up allowing most of the bloodline to become immune to some effects, such as various fear-inducing potions. Vale would end up becoming one of the family members who end up obtaining this immunity from birth due to experimentation involving potions.
WC. 475
[Race: Human]
Stamina | 5
Evasion | 7
Strength | 4
Wisdom | 7
Arcane Power | 6
Accuracy | 6
STATUS: Approved, character not in the index yet

「 ・Fearless・Components・Terrible Presence」