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5 Jun 2021, 17:29
Colette Simmons | Librarian
Full Name: Colette Roberta Friday Simmons
House: She went to Durmstrang.
Age: 26
Wand: 29,9 cm alder wood and dragon heartstring
Patronus: Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus)
Species: Human-Parselmouth

"Books were safer than people anyway.” - N. Gaiman
Parselmouth| Sta: 15| Evas: 12 |Str: 7 |Wis: 12 | Arc Power: 6 | Acc: 13

5 Jun 2021, 17:31
Colette Simmons | Librarian
Colette Roberta Friday Simmons was born to Robert Simmons and Isla Lachapelle on the afternoon of the 3rd of November in 1994. The couple, two pure bloods married through an arrangement made by their parents had, a lukewarm relationship, if one was strictly speaking. Robert treated his wife wonderfully and Isla was… nice to her husband.

Colette’s natural hair is orange but dyed black, a stark contrast from her pale skin. She has been known to dye it between blond and with the occasional green as well. This on top of her lean frame made her resemble a character from a Tim Burton movie. Her clothing often matches her mood, dark and sometimes harsh, with the occasional pastel colors and dresses out of habit.

To friends, her father and her siblings, she is known as Bobbie.

Her mother came from a once-prominent family that had since lost its footing in the social strata of the magical elite. Still chasing after the need to be part of that circle, Isla tried to instill all the ways of social etiquette in her daughter, making sure Colette spent her days learning to act like a lady. Young Colette was taught how to sew, cook, play piano, and whatever else her mother insisted she learn. All this in hopes that she would eventually find a good match in another pureblood from a good family. Arranged, of course, there was no other way to do it in Isla’s opinion.

Her father did things differently. He wanted Colette to grow and learn and become who she wanted to be, so she could lead a better life, or at least one where she could make her own choices. He could not go against Isla’s wishes, (the man was much too timid for that), but he could provide her with a different experience. The more grounded of her parents, he spent his time teaching her all he knew. Their afternoons were spent trudging the forest around their home, playing chess, and reading books “a lady should not be reading” as her mother said. With him, her days were filled with muddied shoes, new knowledge, and the joy of being free. These moments were Colette’s favorites because she felt there was nothing expected of her.

As she grew older, she continued to hold a spark of resentment for all the things she had to be to please her mother. Eventually, this grew into a constant need to break free of all these constraints. Robert always said she was like the sea, she could not be contained easily. Her first time doing magic, for example, happened when was 7. Her mother told her had just told her that she wasn’t allowed to go out to play but had to finished her needle work instead. Needless to say, this upset her greatly. In a fit of anger, she turned the window of their drawing room into ice and then shattered it. As her mother stared in shock, she ran out of the door to tell her father.

The start of her magic also meant the start of her rebellious streak. She learned how to sneak away undetected, picking locks and climbing down trees and the trellis outside her room. It drove her parents crazy (Isla in particular). Meanwhile, Robert secretly supported her standing up to her mother. Her antics always gave the poor man a heart attack, but he could never stay too mad at her.


Her schooling years were… interesting.

She was not a terrible student by any means, but there was always some sort of consistent misdemeanor or violation of the rules that the teachers could only take so much of. Durmstrang, her father believed, suited her well, even if Isla insisted she go to Beauxbatons. Eventually she realized if she sent her there the trouble Colette would cause would sully her reputation. Not only was he an alumna, but she was sure that her posh friends would also send their daughters there. There was no way she would let her “unruly” daughter ruin the image she had tried so hard to build.

So, she went to Durmstrang. (Colette often jokes that her mother must have been ecstatic to send her to a mountain where no one could hear about Isla’s “little troublemaker”). Apart from her hijinks, she did fairly well, with a slight aptitude for the Dark Arts, although Colette was not particularly interested in them.


Unruly perhaps wasn’t the best term to describe her, but she was definitely not the warmest person. In her schooling years, she mostly kept to herself, with a few good friends and some acquaintances in between. Sometimes she would get mixed in with a few trouble makers, start (and participate in) a few fights, wander around past curfew, and quite a few other instances that have warranted a visit to the headmaster and a spectacular howler from her mother.

Given, Colette wasn’t all bad. She was not one to pick on others, nor would she hurt others out of malice or enjoyment. It just didn’t sit well with her. Cheating was not something she enjoyed either. Her past involved a lot of misdemeanor bordering petty crime, but she tried to be honorable. When she left school, she moved as far from home as she could, all the way to America. By this time she’d had 2 siblings already, and she would send them letters and postcards, and other treats and trinkets, but she had no intention of ever coming home. There, she lived her life as she wanted to. She still got into trouble, nearly having a few run-ins with the muggle authorities and even the magical ones once or twice. But she was happy and free. No one was there to tell her what she could and couldn’t do, and she could live by her own rules.

But this would not last long.

Her father passed away when she was only 20, and it wasn’t long before her mother found someone else to marry. He had an ailing heart for the longest time, and by then it was no shock to anyone. Isla’s new husband wasn’t too keen on having children, so she left them in Colette’s care as they went frolicking about the French countryside. Knowing her mother, the Colette knew she would have to step up to take care of them. They were old enough by then to be in school, but they still need someone to be there for them.

So, she cleaned her act up. No more mischief that could get in trouble with authority, no more reckless living. She went back home to Cotswolds, took custody of her siblings, and found honest, decent work to support them. They have been in her care ever since. It was the scariest thing she’s ever had to do, and often she doubts herself, especially because of her past behavior. But nevertheless, she tried her best to be a good sister. It was what her father would have wanted, and she would be damned if she let her mother ruin the life of her siblings. After years of avoiding home, she owed them that much.

"Books were safer than people anyway.” - N. Gaiman
Parselmouth| Sta: 15| Evas: 12 |Str: 7 |Wis: 12 | Arc Power: 6 | Acc: 13

5 Jun 2021, 18:01
Colette Simmons | Librarian
Statistics, Abilities, & Items

Talent: Parselmouth
Abilitites: (To come soon)
Stats: Stamina: 15| Evasion: 12 |Strength: 7 |Wisdom: 12 | Arcane Power: 6 | Accuracy: 13
Spells Acquired

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Potions Known

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