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4 Mar 2021, 15:49
Joanie Cottril ► First Year ► Hufflepuff  wip 

"do you have any crimes that we can use to pass the time?"

Last edited by Joanie Cottrill on 4 Mar 2021, 16:13, edited 6 times in total.

i fell in love with my fate as it crushed me to death.

4 Mar 2021, 16:03
Joanie Cottril ► First Year ► Hufflepuff  wip 
biography / slightly important info

full name: Joanie Cottrill
gender: female
pronouns: she/her
age: 11
house: hufflepuff
school year: first
species: human
Her home life felt so simple, she was well loved and active, spending most of her days playing with her neighbors or sitting in her room to lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling, her imagination running around in circles.

Her father, while often busy, spent plenty of time with her while her mother was at her own job. Because she spent lots of time alone, she was able to explore around town, make friends - none of them ever stuck, they often treated her like she was weird, which got her caught up in a group with... weird kids. She was the youngest, everyone else has to be at least fifteen. They used her age and cute face to their advantage, egging her on to go into stores and steal, attempting to get her into bad habits and rough her up, but she never gave in and only stayed because she felt cool hanging around with them. Her parents never knew about them, or any of the things she did, but the feeling that she was cool and different quickly faded and she felt rotten - leaving her with no other option but to distance herself from them and keep herself inside all day. Though, sometimes, she would stick her head out her window and watch them walking down the street, whooping and hollering, being hooligans.
first instance of magic:
Her first instance of magic came from a moment of frustration, her mother shouting at her for having broken something precious to her.

"Just mend it!" Joanie plead, tears welling up in her eyes. "You're magic, aren't you!?"
"That's not the point, Joanie. You're- you're impossible, sometimes, you know that!? Can't do a single thing right!"

Joanie's face flushed with rage as her mom continued to rip her apart, her lips sealed to try and prevent to add fuel to the fire, but as she expected, it only made her angrier and angrier.

"You can't even do magic at this old age! Are you a squib like your grandfather, huh? Huh? Is that what this is?!"
"Will you shut UP?"

Silence rang after the sound of shattering plates followed Joanie's cry, the young girl sinking to her knees to hold her face in her hands, a sobbing mess. Her mother knew what she did, and quickly bent down to apologize and comfort her after the outburst, knowing the harm she could inflict on her kin by treating her the way she did.
physical appearance:
Joanie's hair is a regular, cool shade of brown, with her eyebrows matching the color and thickness. In the sun, however, it has a few highlights, as her mother's hair is the same way - she inherited many traits from her mom, including her upturned nose, and the freckles dotting over the bridge, spreading across her cheeks. Her lips are full, leaving her mouth agape sometimes whenever she spaces out. Her skin is light, her cheeks often dusting a warm red color, and on her chin, a small mole, though, not small enough to not be noticed. The only trait she has that belongs to her fathers is the blue eyes, kind, and curious.
Joanie is typically a very well-behaved girl, when around adults. She gets herself into trouble in various ways, mostly because she follows along with what her current group of friends does - and usually, her friends are off getting themselves caught doing stupid things. Her mind wanders constantly, whether it's about the future, or if it's about something that's caught her interest that she spends her whole day focusing on (she has undiagnosed ADHD - her father just thinks she's spacey and quirky.). While a mostly playful girl, she can be mean and overstep boundaries that she doesn't know are there - she can dish out, but cannot take, but being rude or mean isn't always in her nature, she's a sensitive soul.

i fell in love with my fate as it crushed me to death.

4 Mar 2021, 16:04
Joanie Cottril ► First Year ► Hufflepuff  wip 

idk i'll edit this when i figure out what to do lol

i fell in love with my fate as it crushed me to death.

4 Mar 2021, 16:05
Joanie Cottril ► First Year ► Hufflepuff  wip 
ongoing roleplays
archived/completed roleplays

i fell in love with my fate as it crushed me to death.

4 Mar 2021, 16:10
Joanie Cottril ► First Year ► Hufflepuff  wip 


i fell in love with my fate as it crushed me to death.

4 Mar 2021, 16:11
Joanie Cottril ► First Year ► Hufflepuff  wip 


i fell in love with my fate as it crushed me to death.