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28 Oct 2020, 23:18
Nicholas McCowan - Fourth Year - Gryffindor
House: Gryffindor
School Year: Fourth
Age: Fourteen (29 April 2009)
Height: 5'9"
Build: Brawny
Blood Status: Wizard-born
Hometown: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Wand: 24.9cm chestnut wood with a phoenix feather core
Patronus: Not Applicable

First Year
Nicholas stands tall for his age and has the lanky build to match. He is all gangly limbs, his arms and legs both appear almost too long for his torso. However, his frame betrays the beginnings of subtle musculature, particularly around his legs and shoulders. To contrast, his forearms and chest retain their youthful lack of definition. Further, his tall and skinny figure is more than evident in the lack of fat across his body, most notably in the notable bones present along his ribcage and his joints. To anyone with but a basic knowledge of a child's development, it is evident that he is going through a growth's spurt and his frame has grown before the rest of his body could match. In spite of this, his flesh has shown the beginnings of catching up to his earlier growth, and given time it is clear that his relatively disproportionate shape will settle.

In spite of his growth spurt, it is clear that he possesses the genes that lean naturally toward a build that is both tall and gaunt. Naturally, Nicholas possesses the angular facial features to match, with surprisingly prominent cheekbones and a jawline that appears almost cut out of stone. His cheeks themselves, similarly, are relatively sunken, and his bone structure as a whole is relatively prominent. His brow naturally leans into a prominent furrow, although it is softened by his still evident baby fat, lest his face be all harsh angles and lines.

In terms of colouration, Nicholas’s skin is ivory, and a pale tone at that, barring his cheeks of peach that flare with such colour. Similar rosy tones can be witnessed both upon his brow and his forearms, where the sun has kissed his otherwise alabaster skin. As if in contrast, his hair is a dark chocolate, and thick and wavy in its texture. It is loose and almost messy in style, with a distinct lack of care, allowing it to flop over his face and eyes in lazy styles. During the course of his schooling, he has allowed it to grow even more unkempt, with long portions now also running down the back of his neck. Surprisingly thick eyebrows of the same colour frame brown-almost-black eyes, his pupils almost blending into his irises.

Generally, Nicholas is prone to the fashion sense of an eleven-year old boy, that is to say none-at-all. With the exception of his personal preference toward plaid shirts and thick boots, he tends to lean toward casual clothing that is comfortable and easily manoeuvrable.

Second Year
The growth spurt that started at the beginning of Nicholas's first year not only continued throughout the year, but seemed to find increased vigor both during the schooling term as well as in the following summer. The boy, who had always been tall for his age, now is noticeably so, and there is a comfortable distance between him and many of his second year classmates in terms of height. However, his build has finally begun to catch up to his rapid growth, and the overly skinny and bony appearance that he had during his first year has finally begun to fade. He is still lanky, but obvious musculature covers his shoulders and chest, his neck in particular beginning to show evident thickening and obvious tendons. His limbs, as well, whilst still almost too long for his body are beginning to fall into more normal parameters. These too now show the tell-tale signs of growing and hardening muscle.

However, whilst his torso and the rest of his body may be beginning to show more evidence of flesh, his face has gone in much the opposite direction. Baby fat that had adorned his cheeks is beginning to shed, revealing prominent cheekbones. This, in combination with his already strong jawline and bony brow, sees his face become even more rigid and gaunt. The most apt descriptors for his face are often more suited for describing harsh angles than the often soft appearance of children.

Nicholas's skin remains ivory, with undertones that lean more toward pink than any other colour. This is most evident in the parts of his body that are tanned, rosy colouration having taken slightly more of a hold over his face than they did in his first year. But much of his skin, particularly that around his neck and ears, is obscured by an ever growing mop of thick chocolate hair. Knotted curls fall over his fringe and continuously grow closer to his neck, the wavy texture of his hair having grown more messy with the large amount of growth. Even darker shades of brown can be witnessed in his eyes and eyebrows, both approaching near black in their colouration, so much so that his pupils are occasionally lost to his irises.

Similarly to his lack of care for his hair, Nicholas's fashion sense has further deteriorated as he has taken more control over it. Unlike the easy styles his parents chose out for him during his younger years, Nicholas has opted to do most of his shopping at second-hand and discount stores, and has begun to appear more and more muggle-like in his choices of clothing, albeit a muggle well behind the times in terms of both fashion and technology. Faded jeans and well-worn shirts and boots have become his general style, although a mishmash of whatever he can find is most often seen upon his person during nights in the common room.

Third Year
Stubbornness begets dedication and glory seeking begets desire, through application of both, Nicholas has grown ever stronger in his transition into his third year. The tangible goal of broom racing greatness has provided him with purpose for physical training, and he has taken to it with more gusto than he could ever muster for his studies. Perfectionism may have failed him in spell-casting but that same single-minded dedication to greatness has seen his body steadily transform. His seemingly never-ending growth spurt has continued, but for the first time his musculature seems to be keeping pace with the growth and development of his height. He has grown brawny and broad-shouldered, with prominent veins and tendons running the length of his neck and his arms. A lot of said muscle-development, however, remains primarily concentrated in his upper body, and to a lesser extent his legs. The result is that his torso still remains somewhat boyish when compared to the remainder of his appearance which is anything but.

For the most part, said appearance is wild. His dark-brown, near black, hair has only grown longer and more unkempt, frequently knotting and constantly in a state of being pushed back behind his ears lest it fall over his eyes. Both his arms and face have become sun-darkened, a sharp contrast to his naturally pale skin, and more than a callouses have developed on his hands, untreated out of pride and laziness. Chocolate eyes sit beneath thick eyebrows and above sharp cheekbones, the angular nature of his face harsh and near-perpetually frowning. He stands tall, but more frequently lounges, masquerading his height, at least while seated.

His sense of fashion remains ever-constant, flannel and denim, more often than not Nicholas appears as a throwback to some long-forgotten era of 90s grunge, albeit one that saw the appeal of sandals and other such lazy footwear. He more often than not wears a uniform whilst on the castle grounds, not bothering to change after classes, although the manner in which he wears his dress robes is slovenly and certainly not within the standards expected of him. When in free dress, not a single piece of clothing he owns is without wrinkles, and more than a few are too big or too small for him. Ankles are often shown beneath old jeans, whilst the thick flannel jackets over-shirts he so often wears obscure his hands.

First Year
Nicholas is painfully aloof, and distant in almost all social scenarios. Whilst he is not anti-social, he is more than content to be alone. In spite of this, he possesses an easy charisma, and a tendency to speak somewhat eloquently and with overly-floral touches. Also noticeably, Nicholas possesses the beginnings of a painfully large ego, one that he manages to keep in check from conversation but not from his own private musings.

As such, he is a perfectionist, and is prone to bouts of anger at the smallest mistake. Such mistakes are often small in nature but cascade into a cold rage within the boy. Even in areas where he possesses no such natural talent, Nicholas expects greatness from himself. Even minor failings on his part will lead to a spiral within the boy that will more often than not have him withdraw entirely from a social scenario and begin the process of mentally chastising himself. When is in the midst of one of these tantrums, it is entirely common for him to lash and out and snap at those who would attempt to speak to or console him.

These sparks of perfectionism and anger are symptomatic of a greater drive. Nicholas's raw determination is insurmountable, and the boy's desire to push himself and to achieve is overwhelming. He has little regard for what obstacles may get in his way, be they people or otherwise, and more likely than not will smash through them with little delicacy nor tact.

Yet, he is not a truly angry nor spiteful individual and, in truth, is almost incapable of bringing harm to others willfully. He merely fails to take into account other's feelings before acting. As far as Nicholas is concerned, his number one concern remains himself, and he possesses quite the selfish streak.

Second Year
Nicholas remains aloof and rather socially inept, often failing to grasp social cues or understanding when it's appropriate to speak. However, this distance has begun to adapt and evolve in two directions. The first is a general breaking down of barriers and an increased confidence in his ability to interact with his peers, leading to him often choosing to engage with others where a year prior he would be hesitant to broach discussion. He is still more than content to remain by himself and doesn't necessarily require constant social interaction to be happy, but he has certainly become more prone to bouts of loneliness. The second way in which his asocial tendencies have adapted is in a general sense of mistrust of authority, Nicholas is apprehensive when dealing with professors or with prefects, and is far more comfortable in scenarios where the social playing field is level. Where dealing with student leaders, a pointed exception being sports captains, Nicholas is prone to becoming exceedingly guarded and defensive.

This, in part, has been driven by his growing thoughts about the needlessness of rules and the systems that govern the school. Whilst he understands the need to operate within said frameworks and their importance, he has also begun to prod and poke for ways to abuse and skirt the rules for his own personal benefit. This in part is due to his ever-growing ego being constantly challenged by trials, trepidations and failures during the course of his schooling. Nicholas entered Hogwarts expecting to be special, and instead found himself met with loss upon loss and a noted lack of success. Naturally, in order to fight for and to achieve the glory he so craves, he has begun to look toward less than normal means.

For that glory, Nicholas remains a staunch perfectionist and entirely determined to prove himself both brave and worthy of success. That determination has begun to manifest itself more and more as recklessness, and bouts of rage and fury have become more common. His self-loathing has only increased over the course of the year, and he often results to taking out feelings of inadequacy on others lest he burn himself up from the inside.

Yet, when he is not in one of his many foul moods, he remains quite affable and kind. Nicholas is in many ways a creature of two natures, apparently shy and jovial, or reckless and angry. Where he falls on that spectrum depends on the particular storm of emotions that may have taken him that day, and how well he has managed in his endeavours up and until that point. Continued failure leads more and more toward the latter.

Third Year
Anger is Nicholas's primary driving force and motivator, the fuel that burns deep within him and pushes him to do better, and to be greater. Whether it be anger at himself, the school, his rivals, or his family, he has learned to channel most of his emotions into the perpetual fire of frustration and self-doubt that pushes him ever onwards. Outwardly, this is more than evident, and a temper like a firebrand and face that perpetually rests somewhere between grumpy and discontent have become his two most prominent features.

That said, he is more than capable of quieting the fire that developed from his youthful icy rages, and focusing himself on the task at hand and the needs and desires of others. He has grown more extroverted, and more outwardly friendly, even if said friendliness evaporates more quickly than ever. Nicholas is mercurial by nature, his moods fluctuating beyond his own control or comprehension. All he knows is that he is regularly angry, and that is usually not his fault.

That said, competition and banter have proven healthy outlets for the seemingly never-ending torrent of rage, and the desire to fight and prove himself burn brighter than any self-loathing. When on the field, all that remains is joy and adrenaline, the steadily building current of worries washing away in the face of the task ahead.

When he has set his mind to something, stubbornness begets him to act and to continue to act, and there is very little that can be done to change his mind, be it in regard to people or the right thing to do. Of course, the right thing often requires more underhanded tactics, and in his mind, the end almost always justifies the means. If he is required to dirty himself in order to better himself and those he cares about, he won't hesitate, and only a modicum of guilt will remain after the fact.

His love for others has grown, even as his anger has, and in turn the former has fueled the latter. Childhood memories and interactions have left Nicholas with a foul opinion of purebloods, and he openly despises much of the old guard and thought processes behind blood purity, to the point of near-bigotry against purebloods themselves, regardless of their own affiliations.

Last edited by Nicholas McCowan on 17 Dec 2023, 01:32, edited 31 times in total.

Vae Victis| Speech: #5C2B2B
I am best reached through discord

28 Oct 2020, 23:18
Nicholas McCowan - Fourth Year - Gryffindor
The McCowans are an old wizarding family, but by no means pureblooded. The records are murky, as to when mages intermingled with the Ulster-Scots clan is entirely lost to time. More so than that, it is equally clear that the family cared little for rules against marriage with muggles. Lachlan McCowan grew up in troubles Belfast, although the issues with the mundane barely registered to the young wizard. It was when he met his muggleborn wife, Siobhan, also from the same city during his attendance at Hogwarts that he even vaguely became aware of what had been occurring in his ancestral homeland.

Yet that was all ancient history to young Nicholas, born in Northern Ireland in much more peaceful times. By all means, his history has been entirely uneventful. The eldest of four, with two younger brothers and a younger sister, in a painfully average wizarding family, there is naught to tell that would bring much query to his life. His youth has been filled with games of broomless quidditch with his brothers and father, and elaborate games of fantasy and pretend.

He was five when Nicholas first demonstrated surefire signs of magic, ironically these signs were exactly that, fire. The boy was enraged when his younger brother stole his toy, after all, that was his and he had no right. In but a second, but the bear lit up into flame and burned the younger boy. Fortunately, their mother was there to quickly dowse the flame and attend to the two crying lads, but it was clear that the gift of magic had been passed down to the next generation.

Life after Nicholas first displayed his accidental use of magic barely changed, although his parents were sure to keep an eye on him lest his tantrums spiral into further dangerous displays, yet none did. Attendance at Hogwarts was all but a given, and the letter came as no surprise. When he did finally arrive and was sorted into Gryffindor that fateful autumn evening, he was more shocked than anyone else. Yet, opportunity awaits.

First Year
Last edited by Nicholas McCowan on 31 Dec 2021, 01:37, edited 3 times in total.

Vae Victis| Speech: #5C2B2B
I am best reached through discord

28 Oct 2020, 23:19
Nicholas McCowan - Fourth Year - Gryffindor

McCowan is a distinguished name, of old wizarding stock, but of even older blood. Unlike many magical families, both prominent and lesser-known, the McCowans trace their ancestry back to muggle founders and it is with great pride that they name themselves the descendants of those non-magical founders. Whilst the exact origins of the family, and when they first intermingled with wizard kind are unknown, it is believed that they were originally a prominent noble clan in the Scottish Lowlands. Warriors and servants to royalty, the clan found themselves in good standing amongst their peers, even if their name was by no means worthy of the annals of history. Rather, it seemed fate held a different fate for the sons of Cowan, for a surprisingly high number of marriages occurred between the members of the clan and the local magical community. The result was the modern splinter branch of the wizarding McCowans, a family both proud of their non-magical heritage and fiercely haughty about their noble lineage. From whence they went from there it is unclear, but it is known that they splintered further, a cadet lineage settling with the Plantations in Ulster.

The main line in Scotland fizzled out not long after, their attempts at playing at pureblooded wizards seeing said blood dry up. But the McCowans of Ireland took an alternate route, thriving through yet more marriages to muggles and muggleborn wizards and witches. The thickness of wizarding blood was not the concern of the family's patriarchs, rather, it was the spread of it. So it is that the McCowans will never be a pureblood family, their family tree is wholly unknown and flickered with more muggle blood than most half-bloods, but they remain fierce in their devotion to wizarding traditions.
Father - Lachlan McCowan
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Age: 37
Hometown: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Blood Status: Wizardborn
Mother - Siobhan McCowan
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Age: 35
Hometown: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Travis McCowan, 10
Reuben McCowan, 9
Elsie McCowan, 7

Heavily WIP - focusing on PVs and multi-interactions to start with

Falentra Black - Slytherin - Fifth Year
Her reputation paints her as fierce and dangerous, by all accounts its well earned. Yet, she's surprisingly approachable and her lessons are certainly meritous.

Marshal Mozor - Gryffindor - Second Year
More golden retriever than man, but he can break down walls and is surprisingly adept at chess.

Evelynn Decipio - Gryffindor - Third Year
A rivalry in the making? If constant attempts at one-ups-manship in truth or dare games continue, it seems the natural conclusion to the few scant interactions.

Aurora Ranvier - Ravenclaw - Second Year
She is a force of negative energy and everything she touches breaks or becomes covered in slugs. Her hatred makes no sense, but neither does she.
Last edited by Nicholas McCowan on 8 Aug 2021, 03:09, edited 5 times in total.

Vae Victis| Speech: #5C2B2B
I am best reached through discord

28 Oct 2020, 23:31
Nicholas McCowan - Fourth Year - Gryffindor
Statistics & Abilities

Stamina: 15+2
Evasion: 6
Strength: 15
Wisdom: 6
Arcane Power: 4
Accuracy: 9
+5 from Broom Racing Wins (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Spells Acquired
Dancing-Feet Spell • Tarantallegra - Charms 1
Mending Charm • Reparo - Charms 1
Levitation Charm • Wingardium Leviosa - Charms 2
Wand-Lighting Charm • Lumos - Charms 3
Wand-Extinguishing Charm • Nox - Charms 3
Locking Charm • Colloportus - Charms 4
Unlocking Charm • Alohomora - Charms 4
Umbrella Spell • Pluvia Velo - Charms 5
Whistle to Watch • Tunc Sibilus - Transfiguration 1
Snail to Teapot • Choclea Bibe - Transfiguration 2
Glass to Sand • Quarzicum - Transfiguration 2
Sauce-Making Spell • Condimentum - Transfiguration 3
Matchbox Transformation Spell • Flintifors - Transfiguration 4
Matchstick to Needle • Conmutocus - Transfiguration 4
Untransfiguration • Reparifarge - Transfiguration 5
Green Sparks Charm • Verdimillious - DADA 1
Red Spark Charm • Periculum - DADA 1
Curse of the Bogies • Mucus ad Nauseam - DADA 2
Knockback Jinx • Flipendo - DADA 3
Smokescreen Spell • Fumos - DADA 4
Eyeglass Repair Charm • Oculus Reparo - HoM 1
Sneezing Hex • Steleus - HoM 2
Bubble-Producing Charm • Bullarum Immortalem - HoM 3
Scouring Charm • Scourgify - HoM 3
Passage Opening Charm • Dissendium - HoM 4
Mice to Snuffboxes • Muspyxis - HoM 5
Opening Charm • Aberto - Astronomy 1
Take Root • Anathema Daphnis - Astronomy 2
Shooting Spell • Jaculor - Astronomy 3
Snowflake-Creating Spell • Nix Facitur - Astronomy 4
Bewitched Snowballs • Nive Percutio - Astronomy 5
Fire-Making Spell • Incendio - Herbology 2
Extinguishing Charm • Extinguo - Herbology 3
Four-Point Spell • Point Me - Flying 3
Knife to Paper Airplane • Cultrofors - DADA 5
Severing Charm • Diffindo
Softening Charm • Spongify
Packing Charm • Pack
Tickling Charm • Rictusempra
General Counter-Spell • Finite Incantatem - Charms 1
Freezing Charm • Immobulus - Charms 2
Revealing Charm • Revelio - Charms 3
Illegibility Charm • Illegibilus - Charms 3
Slowing Charm • Arresto Momentum - Charms 4
Engorgement Charm • Engorgio - Charms 5
Shrinking Charm • Reducio - Charms 5
Avifors Spell • Avifors - Transfiguration 1
Purple Firecrackers-Conjuration Charm • Violaceous - Transfiguration 2
Color-Changing Charm • Colorvaria - Transfiguration 3
Clothing Color-Changing Charm • Multicorfors - Transfiguration 3
Hair Color-Changing Charm • Crinus Muto - Transfiguration 3
Squiggle Quill Spell • Vermiculafors - Transfiguration 4
Gluing Spell • Epoximise - Transfiguration 5
Hardening Charm • Duro - Transfiguration 5
Blindfolding Spell • Obscuro - DADA 1
Tongue-Tying Spell • Mimblewimble - DADA 2
Disarming Charm • Expelliarmus - DADA 3
Bluebell Flames • Caeruleus Inflamarae - DADA 4
Cascading Jinx • Ingens Explosiones - Astronomy 1
Hot-Air Charm • Aer Calidus - Astronomy 2
Sun-Light Charm • Lumos Solem - Astronomy 3
Weather-modifying Charm • Metelojinx - Astronomy 4
Weather-modifying Countercharm • Meteolojinx Recanto - Astronomy 4
Weather-modifying Charm Variant • Meteolojinx - Astronomy 5
Atmospheric Charm • Caelum Muto - Astronomy 5
Blue Sparks Charm • Caerulimillious - Astronomy 5
Fire-Making Spell • Incendio Duo - Herbology 1
Slug-Vomiting Charm • Slugulus Eructo - Herbology 1
Flower-Conjuring Spell • Orchideous - Herbology 3
Slippery Jinx • Lubricus - Flying 1
Fiery Script Charm • Flagrate - HoM 1
Stairs-into-Slide Charm • Glisseo - HoM 2
Paper Mending Charm • Papyrus Reparo - HoM 3
Reviving Spell • Rennervate - HoM 4
Hive-conjuring spell • Cutem Uro - HoM 5
Flask-conjuration spell • Potiri Putine - HoM 5
Ascension Spell • Alarte Ascendare
Descension Spell • Descendo
Bandaging Charm • Ferula - Charms 1
Wind Jinx • Ventus - Charms 2
Wand-Lighting Charm Duo • Lumos Duo - Charms 3
Radiant Wand-Lighting Charm • Lumos Maxima - Charms 3
Summoning Charm • Accio - Charms 4
Banishing Charm • Depulso - Charms 4
Singing Jinx • Cantis - Charms 5
Healing Charm • Reparifors - Transfiguration 1
Guinea Fowl to Guinea Pig • Avum Porcus - Transfiguration 2
Porcupine [or Hedgehog] to Pincushion • Hystrifors - Transfiguration 2
Teapot to Gerbil • Jerbollam - Transfiguration 3
Teapot to Rat • Ratollam - Transfiguration 3
Teapot to Ferret • Migaleollam - Transfiguration 3
Teapot to Tortoise • Terachelys - Transfiguration 3
Teacup to Tortoise • Tazachelys - Transfiguration 3
Tail-Growing Hex • Cauda Incrementum - Transfiguration 4
Fish Transformation Spell • Piscifors - Transfiguration 5
Fish to Flower • Piscimutatio - Transfiguration 5
Teddy Bear to Spider • Arachmutatio - Transfiguration 5
Boggart-Banishing Spell • Riddikulus - DADA 1
Revulsion Jinx • Relashio - DADA 2
Snake Summons Spell • Serpensortia - DADA 3
Snake-Vanishing Spell • Vipera Evanesca - DADA 3
Full Body-Bind Curse • Petrificus Totalus - DADA 4
Hovering Charm • Sublevo Brevis - Astronomy 1
Freezing Spell • Glacius - Astronomy 2
Knee-Reversal Hex • Retro Genibus - Astronomy 3
Rotation Charm • Circumrota - Astronomy 4
Window Shattering Spell • Finestra - Astronomy 5
Spider Conjuration Spell • Arachnos - CoMC 2
Hair Thickening Charm • Crassus - CoMC 3
Owl to Opera Glasses • Speculafors - CoMC 4
Water-Heating Spell • Aqua Fervens - Divination 1
Cracker Jinx • Nec Divinos Crepitus - Divination 2
Cheering Charm • Serenate - Divination 3
Bravery Charm • Animosus - Divination 4
Sealant Charm • Consigno - Divination 5
Jelly-Brain Jinx • Wibbli Cogitatus • Runes 1
Twitchy Ears Hex • Trementes Aures • Runes 3
Gripping Charm • Inhaeresco - Flying 1
Hurling Hex • Iacta - Flying 2
Vinegar to Wine • Acetum Reverto - HoM 1
Litterbox to Wildebeest • Arcacas Invacca - HoM 2
Water Repelling Charm • Impervius - HoM 3
Leg-growing Charm • Concalo Crura - HoM 4
Desk into Pig Spell • Corpus Porcus - HoM 5
Potions Known
Cure for Boils (First Lesson)
Herbicide Potion (First Lesson)
Forgetfulness Potion (First Lesson)
Antidote to Common Poisons (Second Lesson)
Antidote to Uncommon Poisons (Second Lesson)
Bruise Removal Paste (Third Lesson)
Burn Healing Paste (Third Lesson)
Babbling Beverage (Fourth Lesson)
Confusing Concoction (Fourth Lesson)
Dizziness Draught (Fourth Lesson)
Muffling Draught (Fifth Lesson)
Dogbreath Potion (Fifth Lesson)
Pompion Potion (Herbology Second Lesson)
Drowsiness Draught (First Lesson)
Sleeping Draught (First Lesson)
Murtlap Essence (Second Lesson)
Pepperup Potion (Second Lesson)
Anti-Paralysis-Potion (Third Lesson)
Black-Fire-Potion (Third Lesson)
Deflating Draught (Fourth Lesson)
Swelling Solution (Fourth Lesson)
Calming Draught (Fifth Lesson)
Gregory’s Unctuous Unction (Fifth Lesson)
Grand Pepperup Potion (First Lesson)
Mandrake Restorative Draught (Second Lesson)
Revive Potion (Second Lesson)
Befuddlement Draught (Third Lesson)
Laugh Inducing Potion (Third Lesson)
Bulgeye Potion (Fourth Lesson)
Fire Breathing Potion (Fourth Lesson)
Memory Potion (Fifth Lesson)
Scintillation Solution (Fifth Lesson)
Madam's Glossy Silver Polish (CoMC First Lesson)
Pet Tonic (CoMC Fifth Lesson)

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

4 Jul 2021, 02:14
Nicholas McCowan - Fourth Year - Gryffindor
Report Card
Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic
Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic
Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic
Care of Magical Creatures
Study of Ancient Runes
Last edited by Nicholas McCowan on 12 Feb 2024, 10:13, edited 2 times in total.

Vae Victis| Speech: #5C2B2B
I am best reached through discord

20 Aug 2021, 03:55
Nicholas McCowan - Fourth Year - Gryffindor
By the hyper-talented Aurora Ranvier
Also by the hyper-talented Aurora Ranvier

Vae Victis| Speech: #5C2B2B
I am best reached through discord