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8 May 2020, 10:11
Leonard Oaksworth | Fourth Year | Slytherin
why should my character be mentally stable if i'm not - adelaide barlowe
Full Name: Leonard Wendell Oaksworth
House: Slytherin
Age: Fourteen
Wand: 31.9 cm, chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
School Year: Fourth
Patronus: N/A
Species: Human
History/Background Story:
Leonard was born on May 24th, 2008 to Norman Peter Oaksworth and Wilma Esther Oaksworth. He lived in London, England until he was five years old, as his father opted to take over the family bakery in Brighton, rather than stay in London as a muggle History teacher. They moved there with Leonard’s uncle and Norman’s brother, Wendell, who worked as a dragon keeper before moving back to Brighton to join his brother in the family business. There, they all worked together as a family, until Wendell and Norman had a terrible fight. To this day, Leonard hasn’t an inkling about what caused it.

Leonard was eight years old when this happened, and was already thinking of Wendell as a second father, somehow. He was the only person to ever get a goodbye from Wendell, which was a piece of parchment saying, ‘it’s not your fault’.

But, of course, that wasn’t enough. Leonard did believe it was his fault, that maybe it was that the cookies they made last week weren’t perfect circles, or that he put just an inch too much of tape on the present he wrapped last year for Christmas. And thus began the planning.

It wasn’t too obsessive, at first. Just making sure not to step on the cracks of pavement, making checklists for trips to the grocery. But as the months went by, it became a need, not a want. He planned for everything now, for friends and enemies, for hand motions and gestures, for vocal patterns and a script for every possible scenario he could imagine, from the sweets shop to making people hate him. It was all part of a plan.

The only thing is, Hogwarts is making his plan incredibly hard to follow, and his checklist impossible to tick. And maybe that’s a good thing.

Accidental Magic:
When Wendell left, it was a stressful time. Cases of accidental magic happened quite a few times, including the aforementioned incident that ended with Sean Murphy Jr. covered in insects, and a batch of dough that was never baked spontaneously combusting.
Last edited by Leonard Oaksworth on 8 Jul 2022, 04:14, edited 13 times in total.

much to the detriment of leonard oaksworth’s mental health...

8 May 2020, 10:20
Leonard Oaksworth | Fourth Year | Slytherin
Young rivalry - Althea Valeden ~ Elsewhere...
First Year

“Have a Nice Trip Miss” - Alexandria Hunt - Eleanor Meadow - Lindsey Springhall ~ Platform 9 3/4
Making An Enemy - Charles Simmons ~ Boy’s Dormitories (Slytherin)
A New Friend Among the Books - Lucille Williams ~ The Library
hiello friends - Lizzie Verdine - Lana Monet ~ Courtyard
Achilles and Hector - Charles Simmons ~ Corridors
Triangle of Hell - Lizzie Verdine - Charles Simmons ~ Courtyard
Overthinking - Alec Mason - Clifton Troublefield ~ Small Hall
Procrastinating - Alec Mason - Clifton Troublefield ~ Abandoned Toilets
Love and Friendship - Lindsey Springhall ~ Owlery
Abandoned? I don’t think so - Lindsey Springhall ~ Abandoned Toilets
First Time - Tristan Theramin ~ Common Room (Slytherin)
Down in the Dungeons - Cole Thomas - Henry Knight ~ Common Room (Slytherin)
Green Envy for the Red - Tsuki Nightwood - Ruby Slashexer ~ Library
Common Sense - Henry Knight ~ Common Room (Slytherin)
Dublin Summer Meet Up! - Flier ~ Small Hall
Wielding Magic - Opeila Winters ~ Classroom
Dancing - Tristan Theramin ~ Ballroom

First Year Summer
Dear, - Alec Mason - Clifton Troublefield ~ Letters
A Wizard’s Park (And Recreation) - Jack Burnett ~ Elsewhere...
Dublin Summer Meet-Up - Zykeal Lane - Dymphna Teague - Miranda Everest - Lizzie Callaghan - Henry Knight
First Meeting - Thomas Dubois ~ City of London
Literary Leos - Ruka Burnett-Tan ~ Flourish and Blotts
Second Year
The Quizmaster - Rose Morgan ~ Courtyard
Can a Guy Get Directions to Adventure? - Marshal Mozor ~ Corridors
The Wizarding Method - Robert Toukmond ~ Small Hall
Chaos Ensues - Marshal Mozor - Autumn Ivy - Lindsey Springhall ~ Corridors
Echoing Footsteps - Paisley Brown - Elizabeth Isaacs ~ Corridors
Picking Things Up - Alexander Crow ~ Small Hall
The Quizmaster - Rose Morgan ~ Courtyard
Debates and Debacles - Cade Darkbound ~ Library
The Fall Ball (Masquerade) - Event ~ Corridors
The Hunt - Event ~ Corridors
Simple Spells, Difficult People - Ross Stephens ~ Classroom
The Fear of What Could Be - Marshal Mozor ~ Corridors
Second Year Summer
The Overthinker Taming Dragon - Pet Thread / Solo ~ Magical Menagerie
Terribly Trying - Nicholas McCowan ~ Hogwarts Express
Third Year
Remember the First of September - Event ~ Slytherin Common Room
Meet and Greet - Open Thread ~ Courtyard
A Snake that Would Fly with Eagles - Colin McCoire ~ Owlery
Third Time's A Charm, They Say - Open Thread ~ Common Room
Logic, Legibility, & Striking Lack Thereof - Orla Finch ~ Library
Fireproof Trousers - Marshal Mozor ~ Dungeons
Freeze Tag - Alan Vanes, Logan Thomas, Colin McCoire, Logan Baird, Henry Knight, Shiawase Mamori, Sophia Nelson, Kim Sato, Ileen Knight, & Marius Brown ~ Grounds
Third Year Summer
The Wheels On the Train Go Round and Round - Lucia Fox & Kim Sato ~ Hogwarts Express
Peculiarity Percolating - Seven Corigault-Seto ~ London Quidditch Stadium
Eyebatch Pwnies - Haven Bohannon, June Selwyn, Maggie Hawkins, Ivy Bellamy, Evelynn Decipio, Seven Corigault-Seto, Nicholas McCowan, & Marshal Mozor ~ London Quidditch Stadium
Truth or Dare (Group Three) - Event ~ London Quidditch Stadium
Twirl the Flagon (Group Four) - Event ~ London Quidditch Stadium
Fourth Year
Make Each Other Less Alone, Together - June Selwyn & Seven Corigault-Seto ~ Hogwarts Express
The Manly Art of Knitting - Sasha Kane ~ Library
Last edited by Leonard Oaksworth on 17 Aug 2022, 06:10, edited 14 times in total.

much to the detriment of leonard oaksworth’s mental health...

8 May 2020, 10:23
Leonard Oaksworth | Fourth Year | Slytherin
Family: People He Wouldn’t Murder
Norman Peter Oaksworth: Father - I love him, alright, but would I like him if he weren't my dad? Probably not.
Wilma Esther Oaksworth: Mother - Understands me, loves me, also gave me all the Slytherin-themed clothing I could wish for. Not sure what she expects me to do with a green-silver skirt, though.
Wendell Benjamin Oaksworth: Uncle - I don't like talking about him, okay? None of anybody's business.
Isaac Oaksworth: Cousin - I miss him.
Jacob Oaksworth: Cousin - I miss him slightly less, he's the reason my apron got its first stain. Sure, aprons are supposed to be stained, but not mine. Still miss him.
Friends: People He’s Not Likely to Murder
-Alec Mason: Third Year, Gryffindor - An overthinker after my own heart with mischief making powers Dad would be jealous of. Generally pretty fun, but I've got the feeling we're growing apart. Note: How can I change that...?
-Marshal Mozor: Second Year, Gryffindor, Least Likely to be Murdered - I'm around eighty-four percent sure he's actually a golden retriever posing as a human, but further studies must be conducted. Unfortunately for me and whatever he thinks my flirting capabilities are, in these studies, I've grown rather attached.
-Clifton Troublefield: Second Year, Hufflepuff, Inactive - Co-founder of my brilliant pranking group, brilliant, if crazy, ideas as well. Hear he's off looking for something about his parents, so I'll probably never see him again, but it was fun while it lasted.
-Lindsey Springhall: Third Year, Hufflepuff - Nice, almost too nice, even. For now, she's escaped most suspicions, traded in for curiosity. I mean, an archer? Beauxbatons? And somehow managing to keep a level head throughout? Peculiar, but as I said, nice.
-Tristan Theramin: Third Year, Slytherin - A kindred spirit, a reclusive and cold soul that seems to have taken a liking to me. Whether I'll regret that, well, I'll find out later. For now, I need to know more.
-Robert Toukmond: Second Year, Ravenclaw - My partner in science and not-crime, another logic-oriented mind. Maybe I'll take him under my proverbial wing, teach him everything I know and hate about Hogwarts.
Enemies: People He’d Murder in a Heartbeat
-Charles Simmons: Second Year, Slytherin, Inactive - A crybaby, plain and simple. Haven't seen him in a while, so maybe I successfully rid this castle of the most unworthy. To anyone reading, you're welcome.
-Lizzie Verdine: Second Year, Ravenclaw - Priority Victim, Must Get Rid of As Soon As Possible Has Been Disposed Of - Betrayed me for that rat, Simmons. I reckon I scared her off too, good for me.
-Althea Valeden: Second Year, Hufflepuff - She stole my book, I decimated her verbally. One of the proudest moments of my childhood.
-Ruby Slashexer: First Year, Gryffindor - Never have I met such a foolish lion. In fact, an actual lion from the zoo could probably outwit this dolt.
-Maggie Hawkins: First Year, Slytherin - Cereal pisser.
Complicated: People He Would Only Severely Injure
-Hiram Kantor: First Year, Slytherin, Inactive - If he hadn't insulted my perfectly good spellcasting and I hadn't burned his hair, we probably would've gotten along well. Can't change the past, though. Whenever I see a lad with curly hair walking along the corridors, expect my wand to be at the ready.
-Cade Darkbound: Second Year, Ravenclaw - I wouldn't call him a friend or an enemy, more, a rival of intellectual sorts. I might've judged him too quick, sure, but not my fault his answers were more enigmatic than Sherlock Holmes.
-Percival Rainwood: Third Year, Slytherin - Dumped me in the lake, then asked me to team up and ruin Michael Miller's life. I took him up on the offer, of course, but I've got a feeling something bad is going to happen if I go within a 50 mile radius of him again.
-Michael Miller: Second Year, Slytherin, Inactive - I've got no idea how he made it into Slytherin. How has he even survived this long with that idiotic idealism? If he hadn't gotten me locked in with what has to be the worst dormitory ever, I'd probably pity him.
-Henry Knight: Second Year, Slytherin
Too Soon to Tell: People He Won’t Murder Just Yet
-Rosalie Rutherford: Second Year, Gryffindor - We were having a fairly good time, chatted a while when my Mum and Dad were off buying ice cream. That is, until my social ineptness had to ruin it. Who knows, maybe we'll meet again? I hope we do, she seems sane, more than I can say for most.
-Lucille Williams: Second Year, Ravenclaw, Inactive - We had an awkward first encounter, you could say, and an even more awkward second. Haven't heard from her since, probably scared her away with my me-ness.
-Jacob Hawthorn: Second Year, Ravenclaw, Inactive - Thought I was a ghost, soon found out I was, in fact, alive. Can't blame him though, Dad's always getting on my case about my nonexistent tan. He has potential to be a good candidate for expanding my research.
-Jack Burnett: Third Year, Slytherin - I look up to him, for lack of a more ego-saving term. I'd hope he considers me something of a friend, but chances are he doesn't value my life enough to keep me out of Snape Dormitory.
-Cole Thomas: First Year, Slytherin, Inactive - We had a good chat about creatures of myth, though I remember our first meeting for introducing me to that blathering boy Henry Knight more than anything else.
-Autumn Ivy: Third Year, Hufflepuff - I made disastrous attempts at 'asking her out', as the youth better known as Marshal Aldous Mozor say. She's taken pity on me for now, but I don't doubt that both of us would rather forget the incidents.
-Alan Vanes: Fifth Year, Gryffindor - Prefect. Lion. Duelling Captain. I'd avoid him at all costs if he wasn't pleasantly sensible and had an equally pleasant cat.
-Akari Kato: Second Year, Gryffindor - Fairly nice but in possession of a volatile friend. Last I heard, she's playing Quidditch for her house.
-Katherine Labrouder: Second Year, Gryffindor - The volatile friend in question. Seems to take herself more seriously than she should, and I'm glad to be the pot calling the kettle black.
Last edited by Leonard Oaksworth on 21 May 2022, 15:19, edited 20 times in total.

much to the detriment of leonard oaksworth’s mental health...

22 Dec 2020, 08:02
Leonard Oaksworth | Fourth Year | Slytherin
-Well, you'll see
-Classical Mythology
-Fire, the sound of it crackling and the sight of it consuming
-Sherlock Holmes
-Sour sweets
-Flour rising in the air
-The library
-The sound of pens scrawling against paper
-Clever practical jokes
-Marine life
-Bodies of water
-His father's sense of humor, for the most part
-Noisy people
-Most people, really
-Arrogance with no ability to match
-Direct lying
-Unplanned pranks
-Any other person's visual tics (tapping of feet, fidgeting with buttons, etc.)
-Ignoring measurements in recipes (see: that dolt Owen)
Last edited by Leonard Oaksworth on 16 Aug 2022, 06:22, edited 5 times in total.

much to the detriment of leonard oaksworth’s mental health...

22 Dec 2020, 08:02
Leonard Oaksworth | Fourth Year | Slytherin
He stands at 5'3, though may appear shorter due to his favored posture of leaning over to read some heavy, dust-covered tome or taller due to a 90 degree spine being the backbone of social interaction.
He is scrawnier than most think he would be, being a child of two bakers, weighing in at ninety-four pounds.
He is of a pale tone, closer to white than peach. There aren't many notable marks aside from long-healed burn scars on his left arm, which is usually covered by the sleeves of a dress shirt.
His eyes are a dark shade accompanied by dark circles underneath betraying of his late night hobby of having an existential crisis, usually appearing to be a deep mix of brown and black. However, in some lighting conditions, the color could seem to be more of a dark grey-olive.
His hair matches his father's, a dark brown with slight curls. When he was younger the curls were more pronounced, though as he grew older and learned of the holy grail called hair gel, they've become more subtle.
His style would best be described as a mixture of business casual and precocious child, filled with dress shirts, ties, cardigans, vests, suits, and the occasional matching father-son t-shirts.

much to the detriment of leonard oaksworth’s mental health...