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17 Mar 2021, 16:18
ー Arista Elderman | Hufflepuff ; First Year
I. Basics | II. Family & Relationships | III. Threads | IV.Trunk
Birth Certificate.

ーーNAMEー Arista Willow Elderman
ーーBIRTHDAYー 1 Jan. '09 (11.yo)
ーーSPECIESー Human
ーーETHNICITYー English-Indonesian
ーーBLOOD STATUSー Half-blood

Student Card.

ーーHOUSEー Hufflepuff
ーーYEAR LEVELー First Year
ーーDORMー Wenlock Lodge


33,5cm, chestnut wood and serpent horn
“Pliable, attracted by the naturally lucky wizards.”

ーーPATRONUSー Unknown
ーーBOGGARTー Her family attacking her
ーーERISEDー Being adored; confidence
ーーAMORTENTIAー Freshly baked bread
ーーPOLYJUICEー Sparkling clear; strawberry


ーーSUBJECTSー Potions & Flying
ーーANIMALSー Cats, Crups, Nifflers
ーーPAST TIMESー Strolling; window-shopping
ーーSECRETLY LIKESー Eavesdropping

[reducio]If she could have one wish granted, no doubt Arista would choose to eliminate this trait of hers in a heartbeat. Perhaps due to being coddled too much by her family (Arista being the youngest after all), she had never quite mastered two important life skills: failing and socializing.

The result: Arista ruminated countless what-ifs and worst case scenarios on a daily - even hourly - basis. She had breezed through life up until this point, so failing was never an option in her little mind. Worse still, she was utterly hopeless in small talks and pleasantries, largely because she always hid behind her older siblings' when these situations came up.[/reducio]

[reducio]Growing up as the youngest daughter of one of the most successful in Britain, it's no wonder that her family coddled her so. Her parents pampered her rotten and her older siblings always indulged her, so it was natural that Arista turned out a little spoiled.

Fortunately, this didn't manifest in an irritating bratty sort of way; no, Arista just mostly have a hard time adjusting should an unpleasantly uncomfortable situation arises, such as unclean toilets or needing to cook for yourself. [/reducio]

[reducio]Arista was raised well by a gracious set of parents, and so it was no surprise that she was generous with her smile and even more so when it comes to lending a hand. She genuinely cared for people, and sincerely wished for others' happiness - to the point where it might be more accurate to call this trait of hers "obsessive people-pleasing".

A self-proclaimed pacifist, Arista also pledged to never be involved in pointless fights - however, this was more attributed to her tendency to break into tears at the slightest bit of confrontation rather than a particularly strong stance on pacifism.

[reducio]Her naivete is probably one of the most renowned natures she has: Arista believes that you can achieve anything through hard work, that good and evil are two distinct forces that can be differentiated quite simply and easily, and that, more than anything, if you are kind, then everyone else would treat you with the utmost kindness as well.

Though several episodes have occurred that thoroughly challenged this outlook of life, Arista stubbornly clung to it as if her dear life depended on it. This is likely due to a combination of her innate obstinate, headstrong nature and the comfort of old beliefs, as well as her confidence that trusting in simple, good principles will not hurt anyone anyway.[/reducio]

[reducio]Despite being a nervous little wreck most times, Arista is surprisingly, strongly principled. She would stubbornly work to the point of near death to get what she wanted and keep her promises (not that it had happened yet, but she sincerely would).

It was also practically impossible to change her mind when she set her eyes on something. Upon reflection, Arista sometimes wondered if this temperament might be not so admirable, after all.[/reducio]


Her Mother's Daughter.
ーーArista has light olive skin, coming straight from her mother's slightly dark tones. Her eyes are dark brown and her long hair jet-black; evidently following her mother's "winning Asian" genes (or so Arum Elderman would jokingly declared, twinkling laugh reverberating through the living room; and Henry Elderman would smile in fond defeat at this, just glad that his wife was pleasantly amused and their
children healthy and well).


Her Father's Daughter.
ーーArista's eyebrows were very straightforwardly her father's, though, sitting above her eyes stubbornly, thick and unruly. She wished she had inherited her father's height instead, but alas, she had to make do with standing at four and a half foot tall ("And some inches," she would add. But everyone knew better, even Arista.)

Before Hogwarts.
Arista was the last child of three, born from the union of Arum and Henry Elderman. Arum was born to a big, poor family of witches and wizards - the second child out of seven. Upon graduation and a brief stint as a dragon handler, she packed her bags and migrated to the UK, where she met and fell in love with the very much non-magical, fairly wealthy Henry.

They had been married for six months when Arum, rather cheerily and nonchalantly, broke the news to her husband about the world of witchcraft and wizardry. She thought her husband took it relatively well; Henry, on the other hand, thought a trip to the ER could hardly be classified as "relatively well", but he digressed (for what else was he supposed to do? He was madly in love with her).

Henry, heir to the seventh largest construction producer in the UK, only had one grievance when it came to magic: that his children might grow up in a world where the Elderman prestige and money meant nothing. Arum had simply laughed at this, claiming that if the children she bore really were hers, they’d have no need for excessive wealth to survive.


Arista's mother had thought that perhaps they had to send their children to her native magic school abroad, but a snowy owl delivering the children's letters to Hogwarts had put an end to that. Amara, the oldest, was sorted in Gryffindor; while Hugo, the middle child, was a Ravenclaw. Arista knew that soon, her letter would arrive as well.

Until then, she lived comfortably in their family’s grand mansion, her every whim catered for by her doting and prosperous parents. Moreover, Arista’s relatively large age gap with the other children meant that there were rarely quarrels between them at all; indeed, Amara and Hugo Elderman stepped into the roles of protective siblings quite easily, gently teaching their sweet little sister of life at Hogwarts and showing tricks they learned in class.

So, overall: a happy childhood. And yet, the excessive coddling and fairy-tale elementary years had turned her into the hesitant, risk-averse girl that she was today. By the time her family had realized it was probably partly their fault, the owl due to deliver Arista's Hogwarts acceptance letter had arrived.


Arista knew her father had hoped one of his kids might succeed him in taking over the family business of construction and steel, but she sensed that he knew metal and bricks did not sound appealing next to dragons and hexes. Still, she admired how he still tried to take the kids to his office and tour the plant. She thought that's the least anyone could do, really. To try and hope for the best.


First Instance of Magic.
While Amara and Hugo's first burst of magic had been a little more refined (Amara had spontaneously levitated a set of China that was about to shatter and Hugo had made his favorite toy soldier multiply), Arista's was a little... messy.

She had eaten one too many strawberries and her mother had decided enough was enough and took the fruits away from her. Naturally, little Arista thought this was unjust, and, as kids were apt to do, proceeded to bawl her tiny eyes out. In that moment, the berries in her mother's hand and inside the container shook violently and burst out in tiny little explosions.

It took the whole afternoon for the Eldermans to clean up their strawberry-covered living room, and poor Arum even had to magic the red-pinkish stain on their brand new white sofa (a wedding pressent from Henry's parents) away, lest it stayed there forever and risked the wrath of her mother in law.
Last edited by Arista Elderman on 30 Mar 2021, 09:45, edited 8 times in total.

ーAlways free to interact! Please send Owls if you have thread ideas.

17 Mar 2021, 16:20
ー Arista Elderman | Hufflepuff ; First Year
I. Basics | II. Family & Relationships | III. Threads | IV.Trunk

ーーNAMEー Arum Magdalene Elderman
ーーSTATUSー Witch
ーーETHNICITYー Indonesian
ーーBLOOD STATUSー Wizard-born
ーーOCCUPATIONー Homemaker
ーーEDUCATIONー Indonesian Magic School


ーーNAMEー Henry Jacob Elderman
ーーSTATUSー Muggle
ーーETHNICITYー English
ーーBLOOD STATUSー Muggle-born
ーーOCCUPATIONー CEO of Elderman Inc.
ーーEDUCATIONー Leeds Business School

Oldest Sister.

ーーNAMEー Amara Grace Elderman
ーーAGEー 16y.o.
ーーSTATUSー Witch
ーーETHNICITYー English-Indonesian
ーーBLOOD STATUSー Half-blood

( Student Card. )

ーーHOUSEー Gryffindor
ーーYEAR LEVELー Sixth Year

Middle Brother.

ーーNAMEー Hugo William Elderman
ーーAGEー 14y.o.
ーーSTATUSー Wizard
ーーETHNICITYー English-Indonesian
ーーBLOOD STATUSー Half-blood

( Student Card. )

ーーHOUSEー Ravenclaw
ーーYEAR LEVELー Fourth Year

Last edited by Arista Elderman on 30 Mar 2021, 20:03, edited 5 times in total.

ーAlways free to interact! Please send Owls if you have thread ideas.

17 Mar 2021, 16:21
ー Arista Elderman | Hufflepuff ; First Year
I. Basics | II. Family & Relationships | III. Threads | IV.Trunk
( Coming Soon! )
Last edited by Arista Elderman on 17 Mar 2021, 19:11, edited 4 times in total.

ーAlways free to interact! Please send Owls if you have thread ideas.