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Aida Mòrsgor-Ama Ellwood  Sixth year, Duellist, Ravenclaw 1 047 30 Mar 2020
Anthony Kingsmage  Second year, Duellist, Ravenclaw 125 22 Feb 2024
Ara Villa  Third year, Duellist, Slytherin 584 22 Jan 2023
Astrea Soleil Neptune  Seventh year, Duellist, Slytherin 472 4 May 2019
Axyen Dragonclaw  Third year, Duellist, Hufflepuff 328 5 Feb 2023
Bridget Collins  Seventh year, Duellist, Slytherin 1 743 16 May 2019
Cassian Clarke  Third year, Duellist, Ravenclaw 94 23 May 2023
Cassius Eden  Sixth year, Duelling Captain, Prefect of Ravenclaw 574 26 Jun 2020
Damion White  Sixth year, Duelling Co-Captain, Ravenclaw 7 009 9 Apr 2020
Draven Mirador  Third year, Duellist, Slytherin 1 129 18 Dec 2021
Elsa Veronica Bennett  Sixth year, Duellist, Gryffindor 223 13 Nov 2019
Emily Shephard  Second year, Duellist, Hufflepuff 4 127 4 Mar 2024
Emma Wynn  Fourth year, Duellist, Prefect of Hufflepuff 919 7 Feb 2022
EmmaLee LeDames  Third year, Duellist, Hufflepuff 1 855 22 Jun 2022
Ernest Baird  Second year, Duellist, Slytherin 173 15 Feb 2024
Estelle Nyx  Third year, Gryffindor 1 636 22 May 2023
Galton Lansdale  Seventh year, Duelling Co-Captain, Gryffindor 455 9 Jun 2019
Guinevere Russetwood  Fourth year, Duellist, Slytherin 604 23 Jun 2022
Hades Schweighöfer  Sixth year, Duellist, Hufflepuff 1 118 18 Apr 2020
Haime Yoon  Second year, Duellist, Ravenclaw 84 2 Jun 2024
Hanako Tone  Sixth year, Duellist, Slytherin 816 16 Jan 2020
Haven Bohannon  Sixth year, Duellist, Hufflepuff 183 5 Apr 2020
Jake Morris  Sixth year, Duelling Captain, Prefect of Hufflepuff 1 057 21 Jul 2019
Jessamine Hemlock  Second year, Duelling Co-Captain, Ravenclaw 56 7 Mar 2024
Julian Pritchard  Fifth year, Duelling Co-Captain, Hufflepuff 219 23 Jul 2020
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