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Layla Arellano
Stratford, England
First year, Ravenclaw
29,0 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
 She was born to Alyssa Arellano and Steven Smith on June 26th. Her life may have been dull with the motley food her grandparents gave her, but the day her mother told her about magic, it got her blood pumping. She couldn’t wait to test out her skills and abilities. 
 Her first magical event was when she first ride on a bike. She was pushed off, fast as a periginue falcon and was extremely excited to go on again. That was before she discovered the wonders of reading and read an extremely thick book. You might’ve thought her a Ravenclaw, but you could not know for sure until the sorting. 
 When she got her note from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, she was delighted, and her face went red as a ripening tomato when she thought of the boy that had helped her with getting on the bicycle. But that was in the past and this was in the present. She tore downstairs and showed her parents the note, jumping up and down as they read. Mother hugged daughter and the day was one of the best for Layla. That was, until she went to Hogwarts. 
 She has always liked stars and learning, and her favorite colour is blue. She speaks in a strong, posh British accent and loves animals.