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erin mortiboys
coventry, England
First year, Slytherin
23,7 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
hello i'm Erin ,
I am a pure-blood . My parents relationship was only a friendship and an arranged marriage . I was always an outgoing person trying to prove people wrong; well that was before my mother died during a break in at our manor it only happend because she was at the wrong place and the wrong time. Father and I took her death to the extreams I'd even lost my god-father because of it.

Anyway back to me and not that depressing time in my life, after that i became more sly and cautious because i didn't want to get caught like her.

My father works selling dark artifacts in knock-turn alley but he is always careful as he has me , and whats the harm of a bit of bribery it never hurt anyone that I cared about.

I do hope i end up in Slytherin like my father as i want to be just like him : strong, ambitious also i like the fact that he can keep his mask on all day long.

I was born in Coventry,England on the 29th of may 2004 at 19:46. Apparntley I was meant to be born in august the 28th. But alas i came early. In addition to that i had to be in st mungos for 3 months . I was 9 months old when i said "dada"
it took another 4 months to get me to say "mama". I first did my accidental magic at 3 as my mother was trying me to get me to wear a pink dress to which i refused and set the dress alight. That memory often came up and the balls we have to attend on my behalf i think it is utterly embarrassing! And yet they still bring it up at every ball year after year ; you would think it would be boring now but apparently it get funnier and funnier.

My parents meet and became best friends they meet on the train. Even though they were in diffrent houses and war with one an other they still stayed close. I just hope ill meet someone like that.