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Dahlia Breslin
London, England
First year, Slytherin
32,1 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair

Born into a wealthy muggle family, from the beginning of her life Dahlia Fester Breslin had access to everything that she could ever want. Her mother was Felicia Breslin, the reigning queen and CEO of a hopelessly expensive fashion empire. Her father was Herbert Breslin who, while not nearly as famous as his wife, was a very accomplished surgeon who had dedicated his life to saving others. They both loved their precious little girl with all their hearts, spoiling her constantly from the day that she was born. The only issue was her older brother by two years, Ash.

Day after day, it always felt like a competition between the two of them. They were always butting heads over something, whether it be grades, athletics, games, or whatever other silly little thing one felt they were better at. It always seemed like one of them had something to prove; like letting the other win meant that they just hadn't been good enough. Their parents had always encouraged this "sibling rivalry" between them, dangling rewards overhead like it was a measure of their worth.

The worst had been when their mother agreed, Ash had a better gasp of the technically aspects of drawing. To Dahlia, who had always adored the world of fashion her mother lived in and longed to create something special of her own, this was like an icy dagger right through her heart. The final straw. The edges of her brother's drawing started to smoke and smolder as if from the very heat of her glare, causing a panic in their family lounge.

Two days later, an owl arrived at the Breslin family home. It seemed that magic was quite real, and their daughter was a witch.

This new information was... strange. Exhilarating. Wonderful. Confusing. There was a whole world of possibilities opening up in front of her, and plenty of fantastically impossible things that only she could do. Ash could never top her at this! But maybe he didn't have to.

At first her parents has seemed thrilled for her, and all too encouraging for her to perfect her magical skills as well as her mundane. However as days went by, they seemed more... distant. They smiled blankly and talked to her as if following a script, no longer as doting. They didn't even push her to compete with Ash, something they would never miss an opportunity to do before. They wanted her to succeed, they wanted her to be the best, but now she was something different. She could never be family like they were before, not really. Not when she had magic under her skin and an invitation to a world they could never understand. With every passing day, her parents became more and more distant. The only one who was really there for her was her brother, but things had always been strained between her and Ash.

That's how she ended up at Diagon Alley alone, searching for her school supplies and hopelessly out of her depth. An eleven year old kid, sheltered and bratty, never having gone a day where money was an issue. Now she's been shoved into a new world she doesn't understand, barely a handful of wizarding currency to get her through the supplies list.

She'll do what she always does: keep her head high, don't let them see you flinch, and knock down anyone who thinks they can make you a fool. Wizarding fashion design is probably more interesting than her mother's muggle works anyway.