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Ruth Morrison
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
34,7 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Three Years Ago...

Ruth Morrison lived a typical life in London, England. She didn't grow up in the best of conditions, but also not in the worst. Her mother and father were hard working adults who had a standard 9-5 job, five days a week. Ruth was the youngest of three and while her parents worked, she relied on her older brothers to take care of her. Not that she liked it, they could be downright nasty at times. But all in all, Ruth lived a normal, boring life that any child could live. Until her parents met their tragic end.

As soon as the funeral was over, they were placed in the nearest Children's home. Ruth became closer to her siblings, relying on them heavily for the support and love that their parents could no longer provide. At least until they got adopted. Ruth's adoptive parents, Jared-Dean and Anthony were nothing like her old ones. They were extremely odd. They always had on strange clothing and never a solid work schedule, as it was always changing and unpredictable. The house Ruth and her brothers moved into was a chaotic mess that always seemed organized. It was just so strange, she had never seen anyone live that way in her life. But as the months passed, she easily got accustomed to it. She never understood why her adoptive parents had such a peculiar lifestyle. Things got even stranger on one fateful evening.

On rare occasions, Ruth is left in the household alone. Sometimes her family's schedules align too where they all have work or errands to run at the same time. While she was at home long after school ended, she noticed a strange object lying on the coffee table. It looked like someone had taken a stick and carved into it. When she picked it up, hot white sparks erupted from the tip of it before flying out of her hand, across the room. She never told her adoptive parents nor her siblings of the strange event. Whatever had happened with the stick, she was confused and scared of. But the day Ruth got her letter to Hogwarts, that alone, explained everything.