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Kade Windsor
cardiff, Wales
First year, Slytherin
30,0 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Stout and with short floppy brown hair and green-grey eyes (though by firelight they look whiskey) Kade Windsor is new to England, having never left his hometown of Cardiff. He planned to be a photographer as an adult, but his plans may be shifting. Being born the son of two muggles who haven't an inkling of magic, his transition into the world of magic is going to be rocky --he can tell. he is horribly nervous, he misses his family, and he doesn't have a clue where platform 9 3/4 could possibly be in the slightest. his bag is too heavy, his kitten is purring in his pocket and he's going to have an anxiety attack, goodness where is his medicine? deep breaths, remember what miss Delaney told you. in 2 3 4 out 2 3 4. As Ingenue sits in his pocket he scratches her tiny head, and smiles, he loves cats very much, he found the poor girl in a box on the way to the station purring like a motorboat, he simply couldn't leave her, and he remembered that the letter mentioned that he needed a pet, A familiar they'd called it. and what even was this materials list? He didn't know what half of these things even meant, let alone where or how to get them.