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Amanda Carmose
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
23,8 cm aspen wood and snallygaster heartstring
Amanda Jane Carmose is the second born child of Arlene Prince. Physically speaking, Amanda looks like her muggle father, with a small and slender build, green eyes and  unruly brown hair. 

Her mother, Arlene Prince (pure blood, Second cousin to Eileen Prince), has been married three times, and has three children with each of her former husbands- Iris, Amanda and Arthur. Amanda's biological father, Joshua Carmose (muggle),  also has three children with his wife- Jason, Soren and Lisa.  Both sides of the family are well off-  Arlene was a St. Mungo's Healer and Walter is a wealthy businessman. Joshua and his wife Emma are both doctors. Amanda is the only child so far to display any sign of magical ability, so her relationships with her siblings are a bit estranged.

Up until the recent death of her mother, Amanda has been living happily with her mother, step-father Walter, and half-brother Arthur, while her biological father lives across the pond in America. As the profile picture suggests, Amanda is very studious and intelligent, and would much prefer a small group of close friends to a very large one. She is quite but self-assured for the most part and prefers a gentle hand, but since the death of her mother has been dealing with outbursts of anger and panic attacks, possibly due to the circumstances in which her mother died...

Amanda does have some rudimentary exposure to magic as her mother was a witch. Since her mother passed, Amanda has used magic to feel close to her mother, who she was very close to.