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Jacqueline Lewis
Cardiff, Wales
First year, Gryffindor
31,0 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Jacqueline F. Lewis

General Information:
First name: Jacqueline
Middle name: Fiona
Last name: Lewis
Gender: Female
Age: Eleven years
Birthday: 22nd of April
Nationality: Netherlander
Blood Status: Muggle-born
“The greatest pain of love is loving someone you can never have.”
Height: 137 centimeters
Weight: 34.5 kilograms
Hair length: Long
Hair style: Wavy to straight
Hair color: Dirty blonde
Complexion: Clear
“I wish I could just ask you what you think.”
Parents: Edith Lewis Moyer (deceased) and Patrick Lewis
Siblings: None
Extended family: Does not communicate with
Friends: None at Hogwarts
A few close ones from back home
“You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.”

Jacqueline is a very charming girl and is very mature for her age. She had to grow up fast after her mother died in giving birth to her and as her father became a drunk. If one was to look closely, he or she would be able to see the grief and sadness in her eyes; however, she hides is very well. On the outside Jacqueline is a very happy girl and always has a smile on her face. She prefers to go by her full name of Jacqueline because that is the name her mother gave her. Only those truly close to her can call her by a nickname.

The girl enjoys sunny days with slight breeze. These, in her opinion, are the perfect days for adventure and enjoying the outside world, but she would prefer if the scary insects left her alone, she hates bugs. For that reason, rainy days are her favorite. These days soothe her soul. Jacqueline absolutely loves the sound of the rain drops hitting the rooves and the windows, it brings her peace and is extremely relaxing.

In addition to her various likes, she likes making people happy even if it makes for her own discomfort. Some might view this as a weakness, but others may think that it is a strength. Jacqueline views it as both, she knows that she can be gullible at time, but she also knows that this quality makes her a very likable person. The reason she strives to make everyone happy is because she does not want anyone to feel any sort of pain she has. Growing up in such a sad childhood has made her strong-willed and she wants to use that to help everyone.

As mentioned before, Jacqueline very much dislikes bugs. She is also not a big fan of chocolate, but loves butterbeer. She hates bullies, yet has a difficult standing up to them. Because she easily trusts people many people have pretended to be her friend, when in fact they just want her homework (she is very intelligent). As a result, she can’t always recognize them, some may be her friend. This also comes from her desire to make everyone joyful.
“Every day might not be good, but there is good in every day.”
Jacqueline Fiona Lewis had not known her mother very well, as she had died in child birth. The only memories she had of her were through old photographs. As a result, she grew up with a loving father who dearly missed his wife. However, over the years her loving father became a drunken father, for Jackie reminded him of the love he had lost. She looked just like her mother and seeing his dead wife every die ironically made him depressed and only miss her more.

Jacqueline discovered her powers a little late. At the age of nine is when her powers were first noticeable to her. Though there were a few strange occurrences before that, but she had chosen to ignore those. However, there was no worry amongst her father about her being a Squib because he knew nothing about that. Her father barely noticed the change within her as he was usually drunk and sometimes even forgot the next day. Though, she had barely little control of her powers, most people just dubbed her as strange and left it at that. Jacqueline believed them, but couldn't help but feel that she was special in some way. It wasn't until her letter that everything made sense.

Soon enough, both her and her father lost so much money from his drinking and newfound gambling addiction they became extremely poor. Luckily, when young Jacqueline turned eleven there was a letter inviting her to Hogwarts. It turned out she was a witch. Because of this she could leave her father, so that he could get back up on his feet, which he promised to do. He loved his little girl so much and she loved him too. Hopefully, by the end of the school year he would have conquered his various addictions.

Jacqueline had no siblings, she had been her mother's first and only child. Sometimes she struggled with the fact that she had killed her mother. It also seemed like she had inadvertently caused her father's addiction. Through the years, however, people have told her that it wasn't her fault, which was hard to believe, but she did come to terms with the death and addiction when she was eight.

Even though this girl has had a lot of heartbreak, she almost always has a smile on her face. She has made it her job to make others happy, to have the happiness she hasn't had. Jacqueline is strong willed and believes no one is ever out of reach. Through her struggles she has become a remarkable girl.
“Who am I to you?”