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Driscoll Graeme
Galway, Ireland
First year, Ravenclaw
28,4 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair

Driscoll Graeme was born to his mother and father, two seemingly ordinary muggles in Galway, Ireland. Everything had gone smoothly when he was a baby but things started to change when he entered his childhood. Strange things often happened around him, things he could never truly explain. Lights would turn on by themselves, doors shut behind him without a single touch, although the strangest thing by far was when the school bus caught fire. Of course that's a story for another time. Soon enough when he turned eleven his letter was delivered by a staff member at Hogwarts. He and his family were understandably confused, but were convinced he would at least have a good time. Such begins his first year at Hogwarts.

Driscoll himself is a bit of a strange boy, being more nocturnal than most. He's a bit scatterbrained, often writing things down on sticky notes to keep himself from forgetting anything important and he's never without a book to read. He hates mess and disorganization and anywhere he stays is often in better shape than before. He tries to keep himself polite but often ends up saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. There is one thing he is good at however, and that is writing. When he puts words to a page they come together fluidly, almost the opposite of his speaking capabilities. He is by no means an expert and has only written a few mini stories that hardly anyone has seen, but he dreams of being an author. His favorite genre of books are romances and he wants to write one that could make people cry and fall in love themselves. He too hopes to find himself a true love, and he hopes he'll be able to write about the beauty of it when it finally does happen.