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Erin Roon
Cork, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
29,6 cm willow wood and phoenix feather

Erin was born in in Cork, Ireland to the Roon family under rather questionable circumstances. Her mother was a muggle, and her husband was a wizard. He was already ridiculed by his family for marrying a muggle, but having a child with her was the last straw. They cut ties with her father and forbade him from using their last name. So he took her mothers last name and they lived in relative obscurity. That was until Erin was about two years old, when a strange man appeared at their home. He revealed himself to be Erin's actual father, shocking her father. Her mother tearfully revealed that she had an affair before he was excommunicated from his family because she couldn't deal with his family's constant harassment. While confused and angry, Erin's father understood. Erin's biological father and her adoptive father talked for a while, and he eventually learned that her biological father was a muggle. Her biological father wanted to be a part of Erin's life, but he also didn't want to disrupt the family. They agreed that he could visit Erin once a week, under the pretense that he was her uncle. So Erin grew up happily, although she did live in a lass than classy household. Growing up in a rather poor area meant that she learned how to fend for herself. She was quite street smart at he age of 8. Her "uncle" visited her whenever he could, in fact he was the first one to realize her potential magic. Once he realized this, he told her adoptive father and he started to help her hone her magic. He had trouble teaching her how to use magic elegantly due to her upbringing, Erin instead using cheap tricks and incorporating street fighting into it. This unique way of using magic brought attention from Hogwarts, and at 11 she received an invitation to attend the school. Her parents wouldn't be able to afford her going there on their own, but her "uncle" owned a bank and was a very wealthy man. He paid all of her expenses and sent her to Hogwarts with a rather large allotment of money. Her parents had tried to keep her knowledge of magic to a minimum for years, but now she was going to experience it all on her own.

For an 11 year old girl, Erin is rather short, standing at a measley 4"0. She makes up for it with a more lean/athletic build, mostly because of her years spent getting into fights and playing soccer with cans. She has short, wavy red hair that reaches down to the top of her neck. She doesnt comb it out very often so some of it is matted and frizzy. Her eyes glow a bright crimson red and she has light freckles on her cheeks. On her right hand there is a scar from a girl biting onto her hand during a fight. She usually has a rather angry look on her face and her stare is quite frightening if seen from up close.

Due to years of growing up in the "streets", Erin has developed a sort of no-nonsense attitude. She is very fierce and generally fearless, especially when someone insults her height. Shes extremely cautious around strangers, always ready for the unexpected, but will calm down if she realizes the person is of no immediate threat. If she considers you a friend she'll generally be very sarcastic and a little rude, but she makes up for it with undying loyalty. She will protect those close to her as best she can, but the consequences are grave if someone does not reciprocate her loyalty. All of this and her stature make her a difficult person to befriend, but once you do, you've earned one for life.
