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Irene Jennings
Wizard born
Camden Town, England
First year, Ravenclaw
25,6 cm alder wood and snallygaster heartstring
Born into an elite family, Irene is always taken care of and always has her family's servants accompanying her in place of her parents who return home only once every few months. With her servants switching all the time due to her father's dissatisfaction on their service, she was afraid to get attached to someone as it was in her mindset that they would always leave. This caused one of her biggest fears: isolation. With little people to rely on or talk to, she resorted to concentrating on the classes her parents put her in, in hopes of raising the 'perfect' child. The first sight of the letter from Hogwarts gave her hope of escaping from this nightmare. She is quite shy around strangers, and is especially uncomfortable around males, as she doesn't understand the way they think or how to handle them. When she interacts with someone, her emotions are displayed like an open book; she blushes so easily; she avoids eye contact when uncomfortable; she furrows her brows when suspecting; she frowns when sad, etc.

Irene has a heart-shaped face with soft cheeks, a small nose, and thin lips. She also has dimples on her cheeks. Her eyes are big and double-lided; her irises coloured brown, with adequately thick eyelashes. Her skin is slightly tanned with a tint of yellow. Her copper brown hair is cut short, and she sometimes wears extensions, or ties them up.

Encyclopedia page: Irene Jennings, First year, Ravenclaw