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Raine Jenkins
Rye, England
First year, Hufflepuff
30,9 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
Encyclopedia Link for Raine

Raine is a young, half-blooded witch. Her mother is a purebred witch while her father is a muggle. In her years before receiving her letter to Hogwarts, she enjoyed helping her mother in their private greenhouse. She loves plants and flowers and watching them blossom from little seeds. She also loves to read muggle books and learn how they like to depict magical folk.

Raine's family home is built in front of a large forest where she would often go exploring in after school or on the weekends when she was not reading or helping her mother in their garden.  Because her father was born a muggle and he was raised on a farm with tons of animals, he made sure that Raine experienced the love of an animal the way that he did. Her family had two dogs, and three cats as well as some chickens for farm fresh eggs. Raine never liked helping her parents with the chickens but sometimes she'd be forced to help them clean out their cages or gather up the eggs in the mornings.

Raine didn't have a lot of friends, and children often made fun of her because of her red hair and her interests. Because of this she tended to keep to herself and not even try to make friends because it always ended in disappointment.

On the day Raine received her letter to Hogwarts, she was relieved and excited that she would be attending the school. She had high hopes that her life would change once she started school and had the chance to make new friends who knew nothing about her.