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Lucille Freyman
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
26,3 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Lucille is a half English-half Indonesian girl that has never met her parents. She lived with her English muggle grandparents her entire life and was pleasantly surprised by her invitation to Hogwarts. She always felt a bit stranger than her muggle friends, having accidentally caused several levitation related incidents in her neighborhood including literally making it rain cats and dogs (they all landed on their feet). At first her grandparents didn't want Lucille anyway near the wizarding world, but with enough letters they finally gave in and let her attend Hogwarts.

Lucille is a bit of an airhead, making it hard for her to concentrate on studies but much more likely to know the average number of warts on a garden toad's back (she counted and calculated the numbers herself). She never had many friends, excluding non-human friends, so she often comes off as ridiculous, childish and unrealistic. Lucille is rather adventurous, exploring everything she can, much to the disapproval of her grandparents who want her to concentrate on her studies. The attitude of Lucille's grandparents likely fueled her adventurous fervor further, causing her to sometimes spend her nights sleeping under the stars. Lucille always found her way home, even when she wandered to other cities. 

She heard rumors of her mother's whereabouts through eavesdropping on conversations around her community, luckily not understanding a majority of what people said. Her grandparents are very tight lipped about where her parents went.