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Ana Freyas
13 May 2013
Waterford, Ireland
First year, Ravenclaw
27,3 cm hazel wood and unicorn hair
At first, Ana Freyas can appear quite cold and somewhat unapproachable. Her wavy brown hair compliment her blue/greyish eyes. Ana is not tall. She isn't too short either, but she will always try to wear shoes that make her a few centimeters taller. Ana like to be presentable at all time, but also loves to feel comfortable is what she wears, she will always showcase a style that is both polished and relaxed.

Ana is an ambitious and independant woman driven by her willpower to succeed as a wizard. Her ambition drives her to pursue her goals with confident and determination, whilst her independance reflects her ability to undertake challenges in her own terms. She has a very joyful and positive character and won't let anything nor anyone take her down.

Miss Freyas' life before joining Hogwarts was very 'standard'. She has two brothers, a big one and a little one; the big one is 3 years older than her and has been at Hogwarts for the past three year. They get a long as far as siblings go. They used to fight all day long but things calmed down when he left for Hogwarts, they actually enjoy each other's company. Her little brother is a two years younger than her. The both are inseparable and can be quite mischieveous when they're together. Outside her family, Ana has a very small circle of friends, she's like to hang out with them but would rather stay in and wander around in a forest on her own. Her friends and her are ery creative and do a lot of extracurriculum activities including painting, writing, dancing... They have fun together.

Ana's first encounter with magic however left her friends a little on the fence which created a bit of a change in Ana's behaviour - who started to withdraw herself from her friends or anyone. On a sunny day in the park, Ana, 8 years old, was playing hide and seek with her friends, in her hometown of Waterford, Irelandm just three blocks away from her house. It had been going on for hours at this point and everyone was getting a little tired. There were two people left to find, Moons and Ana. Ana has managed to climb a tree and hide in the middle of it. After Moons was found, Ana was the only one left to be found. After a couple of minutes, Ana is spotted on top of the tree she had climbed on to. Defeated, Ana comes down the tree and the 5 of them decide to run back to their parents - who were sat on the other side of the park.
As they run towards the spot where their parents were, Alice - another one of Ana's friends - deliberately pushes Ana out of her way. She trips and twist her wrist as she tries to catch herself. Everyone stares at Ana who seems to be in pain. Ana's mother - France, appears and asks what happens. Alice, who pushed Ana, denies any accusations which profoundly irritates Ana who starts sobbing out of anger. Ana shouts at her mother trying to explain to her what happens but France doesn't seem to believe her own daughter. Ana abruplty gets away from her mother, and looks daggers at Alice who starts laughing. Ana gets back up, slowly walks towards Alice - still laughing - and starts screeming. A gust of wind arises, a few leaves on the ground swirl upwards to surround Alice. Ana's rage sparks a lit of dispair in Alice's eyes. Ana demands the truth to Alice who refuses to submit to her friend. A single cloud appears in the sky just above Ana and Alice. Alice starts to panic as the leaves swirl around her entire body. Her panic gets the best of her; she admits having pushed Ana delierately. Ana's shoulders drop with a sigh out of relief; the leaves drop on the ground, the cloud clear out and the sun in back. No one moves. Ana smirks and turns around to walk away holding her wrist, still in pain from her fall.