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Levi Ayers
Banstead, England
First year, Gryffindor
26,7 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
Levi was born to two loving wizards; his mother is a herbologist, his father - magizoologist, so it is natural that Levi has always spent a lot of time outside and in nature. Ayers family lives outside of the town, therefore Levi has never had a chance to make a long lasting friendship. Perhaps his personality added to it as well, as the boy is quiet and can appear shy, although really it just takes time for him to adapt. However, Levi makes great friends with whatever creatures and animals he finds. His father once joked that Levi understands various creatures better than he understands humans. Lack of friendships made the boy come up with various ways to entertain himself, such as, for example, he built a mini quidditch field in his backyard and while he cannot fly a broom yet, he runs around it, pretending to play in various positions and dreaming of one day playing in a real quidditch team. Levi is physically active and curious, often getting himself in troubles or almost getting hurt by his curiousity.

Levi is excited to go to Hogwarts, but also scared. He is unsure how finding friends will work, since he has never made any real friends before and he is worried he will not like the house he will be sorted into.