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Gwendolyn Cole
Isles of Scilly, England
First year, Hufflepuff
28,3 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather

Gwendolyn, who simply goes by Gwen, was born on January 22nd. For most of her life, she was raised in an orphanage, as her true parents didn't have to money to take care of her at the time. The only thing she has to remember her parents is her father's old pocket watch. Although she was never adopted by anyone who came looking for a potential child, she was fairly happy with her life. She was surrounded by people she knew quite well, and grew close to a girl around her age named Emma. These two girls were inseparable, as they would do everything together, from eating next to one another, all the way to running off on their own to hang out, even if it was against the rules. These two were so close, the couples who came into the orphanage to adopt a child usually assumed that they were sisters.  

Eventually, Gwen started to have moments of oddities that were a clear sign of her being a witch. These occasional events would absolutely scare her to death, as she was seen as a trouble maker because of this. She never meant any harm to anyone, but most people would stay away from her, seeing her as someone who was danger prone. She was given a saving grace, however, when she received her letter of acceptance from Hogwarts, as it began to explain why there were so many unfortunate events happening to her. It shocked her that she was a witch this whole time, but here was a bigger opportunity that she wanted to take advantage of. Seeing the opportunity to figure out how to fix her problems of being "danger prone", she set off to go to Hogwarts to try and make things right.


Gwen is mostly known for her timidness and slight levels of emotional instability. She is able to go from happy to sad or even angry on a dime, but, no matter how her emotions turn, she is always a little reserved and maybe even a little shy. She's very imaginative, creative, and opportunistic as well. She has a tendency to take nothing, and make something out of it.

Gwen enjoys many different things, but she has a special place in her heart for the ocean. She loves swimming, and has a deep fascination for the variety of animals that can be found underwater, especially whales and dolphins. Gwen also loves to read, though she dosen't like it if she has to read for school work. She would rather read a fantasy book and let her imagination run wild instead of read a book that is forced upon her.

However, Gwen also has stuff she hates. She can't stand bitter food at all, and has a hard time getting along with people who try to force their ideas onto her. She has her own agenda, and plans to follow it. She also has a bit of an issue when it comes to people having high expectations for her, as she puts a ton of pressure on herself to meet them, and tends to beat herself up when she fails.