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Asa Ikari
01 May 2013
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
30,4 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
She has brown hair and hazel eyes. She is tall and slim. As well as that, her traits also include pretty, determined, ambitious, smart, hard working, kind, funny, and popular. Is a pure blood and wants to make her strict family proud, but is not concerned about much of a wizard someone is. Some of her background includes that when she was younger, her parents, who were very successful always told her that she had to be the best and encouraged her to study hard when she goes to Hogwarts. She is determined to make her parents proud. She had many friends and would always stay with them and have fun. She also has two older sisters and they would always tease her and make her angry. The first time she accidentally used magic was when she was so mad at her sisters, she accidently set the rug on fire. That was when she had first used her magic by accident. Loves her family and wants to make them proud, so she works as hard as she can. Studies very hard, but atill at beginner level. She hopes to get a good job and be successful when she grows up. Loves her friends as well and tries very hard to protects them, although kind and warm-hearted she can sometimes get very angry and aggressive. She is also very adventurous and curious, along with being brave. Although she doesn't always show it, she will do anything to protect the people that she cares about.

The edits have been made.