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Alric Dahl
14 Apr 2012
Camden Town, England
First year, Gryffindor
29,2 cm blackthorn wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description:
An average eleven year old with no particularly distinguishing features, Alric keeps his hair in a messy curl of brown that falls over his green eyes, usually with a deadpan expression. He's on the short end for his age, a fact that will always bother him somewhat.

Mental Description:
An observant, quiet nature that hides a mischievous streak, Alric seems the sort to never act recklessly at first — until you meet him, that is, and realize that his ability to understand a decision would be dumb doesn't dampen his need to proceed with it.

Alric enjoys seeking out the loopholes of all rules, seeing what happens when the red button gets pressed. But he is equally likely to be found watching his classmates from a comfortable spot like an old man reminiscing his youth.

Despite his status as a half-blood, Alric has never met his father, Haytham Dahl. The man was a magizoologist with an intense passion for all magical creatures, but sadly passed away in an incident in Romania while studying dragons a few months before Alric was born.

His mother, Alyssa Dahl, ensured he was brought up with a mix of both her deceased partner's culture and her own, with visits to Haytham’s gravesite and family state for Alric's grandparents to bond with their grandson.

It was a good life, even if Alric would always be curious about his dad (something that might develop into an interest in magical creatures of his own). Between muggle school—because his mom insisted on it—and summer visits with his grandparents, Alric got the best of both worlds and never lacked friends, despite his more introspective and serious nature at times.

First Instance of Magic:

Thankfully, it happened during one of his visits to his grandparents, when Alric was around four years old. Both his mom and grandma were too busy discussing something or other to pay attention to Alric, who was intently staring at the toy flying broom his grandpa gifted him earlier that day. As it was out of reach, rather than cry or make a noise, Alric attempted to reach for it by stacking a chair on top of another, only to end up stumbling back.

Instead of falling on his head, though, he gently landed back on the floor at a very slow, easy pace.