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Shahira Nyx
25 Jan 2012
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
32,3 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: An average skinny 11-year-old girl with long luscious copper hair. Slightly taller than her siblings, 5 feet tall. Loves to put hair into braids and flowers into it. Her favourite colour is emerald green as it is the same colour as her eyes. Freckles all over her face are just like the stars constellation in the night sky.

Mental Description: She loves walking to the beach as it eases her mind. She loves nature and reading books about everything and anything. She loves her siblings but sometimes she thinks they are too rowdy and mischievous.

Biography: Middle child of pureblooded family Nyx. Has two older brothers,(Sage & Sebastian) and two younger brothers(Steven & Stephan). Her parents, Spencer & Maurice, are currently owners of a magical bakery. Despite being from a pureblood family line, their family is rather neutral with muggles. Although Shahira is the only girl among her siblings, she is taught that a girl can do anything and everything when she puts her soul into it. When her younger siblings were born, her family moved to Singapore for new job opportunities but later moved back to London 3 years ago.

First Instance of Magic: Accidentally burst the balloon during her 10th birthday infront of her family members. Shocking to Shahira as she thought she would not be able to do magic as her older siblings had shown signs of magic much earlier.