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Alya Briar
Wizard born
07 Jun 2012
Ipswich, England
First year, Gryffindor
32,9 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
(I share IP with Damion White and Argento Perceval-Phelan as I am her cousin.)

Physical Description:

Alya is 5 feet tall, athletic girl with dirty-blonde hair that bleaches itself to golden in the summer and pale brown skin that refuses to tan. She has a quick and easy smile and a voice that only recently stopped warbling. She’s recently been going through a few growth spurts thanks to an early puberty and has been quite surprised by her voice becoming a bit deeper than it used to be a few months ago.

Mental Description:

Alya has always been outgoing. Growing around a lot of friends she’s always found it easy to talk to new people and get them to like her. She has a bit of a competitive streak to her as well and loves playing sports, particularly football. She enjoys magic as well and is very curious about the extent of her abilities, although she gets bored quite easily with theory classes and would much rather be doing something than reading about it. She’s also very fond of flowers and enjoys gardening. When it comes to friend groups, she adopts a sort of protective older sibling role and frequently thinks of herself as the one who’s got to look out for the others. In return though, she has grown a bit vain and expects a bit of hero worship.


Alya is a mixed race wizard. Her mother comes from Russia and her father was born in Ipswich. Her home life involved going to a muggle school in Ipswich and learning about magic from her parents while she was at home. She has a good relationship with her parents but spent most of her time at home with friends.

Alya grew up running around the streets and fields and forests of Ipswich with her friends, both magical and muggle alike-although she made sure to be excessively normal around the muggle ones. With them she went fishing around the many ponds and bogs, catching all sorts of unnamed frogs and bugs, and exploring around abandoned caves a bit out of Ipswich. She played quite a bit of football with her muggle friends. She also helped her mother with the gardening and has a quite a collection of plants.

First Instance of Magic:

Alya’s first instance of wandless magic was at age 6 when she was in her garden. She had been waiting for some plants to go from being buds to flowers for almost a week at that point and she got very angry at them. She started shouting and pointing at them and then suddenly all the buds burst into flames, with little fiery butterflies fluttering around them. When the flames subsided the buds had blossomed into fully grown flowers, with a slight difference. Their petals were constantly wreathed with fire, even though they didn’t burn away.