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Aria Woods
13 Jun 2012
Galway, Ireland
First year, Slytherin
27,4 cm aspen wood and phoenix feather
Aria has beautiful long brown hair that cascades over her frail shoulders. Her eyes are a stunning emerald green, which she takes great pride in. Aria is a bit taller than other girls her age. Indeed, she measures 150 centimeters ! However, her weight is average as she weighs 31 kilograms.

The young girl is studious, attentive, and kind to her friends. She loves to laugh and play pranks on other children. She is also shy, reserved, and introverted at first glance. The brunette also has a strong character: she is stubborn, meticulous, talkative, and cunning. Without meaning to, Aria can be hurtful in her words or actions.

Aria was born in a Muggle hospital in Galway on June 13, 2012. My father, Alexandre, is a Muggle, but my mother, Claire, is a witch. Unfortunately, she is an only child, but they have two pets at home: a dog, Nirko, a Hungarian Vizsla, and her mother's owl named Aeris.

With her parents, she spent every weekend playing hide-and-seek and doing her homework in the family home with their pets. And yes, her parents, not being sure she would become a witch, enrolled her in a Muggle school where she made a few friends.

Her father is a dentist and runs his own dental practice, while her mother runs a shop for magical pet food! Her parents are very loving towards her, and they often visited Aria's grandparents. When her parents were not available on weekends, the brunette always went to her grandparents' house, sometimes on her father's side, sometimes on her mother's side.

At 9 years old, her first magical incident occurred. Aria had just broken her favorite toy and couldn't control her emotions, causing a slight tremor that made a few objects fall throughout the house.

When she was at her wizard grandparents' house, around 3 or 4 years old, Aria made her grandmother's eyebrows grow long. But nothing serious, with a flick of a magic wand, her grandmother's eyebrows were back to normal.