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Rhys Lakewood
14 Nov 2011
Newport, Wales
First year, Ravenclaw
24,9 cm walnut wood and wampus cat hair
Physical Description: Lakewood’s appearance is often described as exactly like his father’s, a pale complexion and light freckles, dirty blond hair and steel grey eyes, with lanky limbs and broad shoulders. He’s a bit on the thinner side however, and is average height for his age.

Mental Description: A calm, outwardly charismatic boy with a non-existent temper and optimistic outlook on life. He’s trustworthy, and honestly a very bad liar, he’s often times the one that gets in trouble for telling the truth. He’s a bit of a cold individual to outsiders, lethargic sometimes, but strangers don’t know that.

Biography: Rhys descends from a family of jewelers, wixen who specialize in the creation of magical artifacts and jewelry, often embedding them with spells, runes and rituals. The Lakewoods are a family of five, Bartholomew Sr.; the father. Aurora Lakewood; the mother. Bartholomew Jr.; the eldest son, Rhys; the youngest son, and Columba Lakewood; the daughter. They are often hired by other pure-blood families to forge and create powerful protective jewelry for them, often seen in the shape of rings, earrings necklaces, bracelets and pendants. Rhys learned the craft as a beginner as a child alongside his older brother, carefully watching his father and uncle, masters of there craft, chisel away as they cut a beautiful sapphire gem into a silver ring, engraved with the name of another prominent Wizarding family on the band. His mother, Aurora Lakewood, a mediwitch at St. Mungo’s hospital often worked late hours into the night, and would encourage them to spend all there time with their father, but she held love for them, but she was often busy. So Rhys and Bartholomew Jr, were often pestered by there youngest sister, Columba to play exploding snap and collect chocolate frogs with her, their playground was the orchid just right outside their family home; a large decent away from the nearest muggle city; Newport. They would play all day, listening to the chimes of their father’s equipment hammering away at his newest projects in the shed, and the roars of their mother’s potions in the laboratory in the basement of their rather large ranch farm. The three siblings would often spend the rest of there days at the stables on the land, feeding the horses; five of them, two beautiful shires, a white friesian and two Dutch Warmbloods, and looking after the herd of sheep in the field right next to the stables. Rhys and Columba were essentially jealous of there eldest sibling getting there Hogwarts letters, but father reminded them that they all would get them someday, and they made the young children happy. So they spent there time, away from there eldest brother, doing everything fun to pass the time, like riding the horses, feeding the sheep, playing with the dogs, and watching their dearest father work, so that there eldest brother would come back home to a happy, cheerful loving family.

First Instance of Magic: Rhys was only a year younger than his older brother when the first instance of accidental magic occurred, it was a busy night at the family shop in Diagon Alley, his father and uncle were busy tending to customers when the young boy accidentally made a cabinet explode into pieces and scared the family cat.